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J does, but APL does not
Perl 6 (Raku) has fractions default
J does? example?
oh why is it r?
makes sense
in flax, 13 secs ago, by PyGamer0
ok i want to add fractions to flax
@GingerIndustries how's rickblock doing? gonna make an anti-rickblock website now
@WheatWizard how should i specify the open ended thing?
should i put the tag? etc
I'll edit it in if you want.
sure yea i trust you :+1:
@mathcat i've put it in my long list of Things to Do Later
@thejonymyster lol
OK now let me introduce a new datatype for flax which was stolen from J, flaxions, err I mean fractions.
@WheatWizard ahh that's much more elegant than how i'd have phrased it. thank you lol
@thejonymyster you should name some of your questions after your songs
@Razetime now that is something that will not leave my mind for quite some time. Thanks
"euclid's sweetheart" sounds like a sweet question name
(i am listening to it)
one sec internet is shit
damn that could own
also ty for listening to my music im glad i plugged that lfkdsjg
i am a sucker for indie music
what exactly is indie?
google it
hes the guy who goes into the ancient ruins and grabs the treasure idol or whatever
with the whip n all that
jokes aside though i forget if indie is like
one of those genres thats really ill defined and super messy or if weve basically got it down packed by now
damn e was super popular bakc then. e fell off...
@Adám I used to, but they keep changing it
lol that poll is fine but seeing all the different breakdowns of the results was a little silly
howdy wolf of red street
any crazy news?
Yes, I won $1B from the lottery, bought a bunch of pet hippos, and they all ran away. So I'm left with the exact same amount of money and hippopotamus.
Rather unfortnuate, but these things do happen.
We're quickly approaching a consensus that fractional byte counts are allowed :D
this is a slippery slope. whats next. real bytecounts? complex bytecounts?
dah no
let's invent a new type of number
mathcat numbers
@thejonymyster Real byte counts are actually included in my answer as "fractional"
Since, e.g., on systems that use trits, you could easily end up with something like log_2(27) bits
ah right
@mathcat i tried this actually. i do not recommend it
twice actually!
that hard?
Fmbalbuena brought up complex byte counts, but I don't think we really have a way to score that lol
nah idk its probably worth it if you are better than me at math
Since a complex number of bytes isn't really possible afaik
@thejonymyster probably not
but I like maths :P
i think its worth trying lol i was just exaggerating
first i was trying to make numbers which behaved like rock paper scissors
where a (something) b (something) c (something a
(not necessarily A>B>C>A as one might think beucase i dont think it makes sense mathematically that way)
Modular arithmetic
yea but not that
so wait I'll read a paper on set theory
idk lol i have to work i cant talk much
i have a question regarding splay trees
given the allowance to splay either of the root's child nodes, can every node be reached in a finite number of steps
My next golfing language will have an implementation written in C, I'm thinking
What are some reasonable compression types for SSI to support? (keep in mind this is being made in C#)
@GingerIndustries I don't know SSI, what are the compression types?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Super Simple Installer, my latest project
it's a way to make installers for programs easily
I'd go with gzip and deflate
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I haven't heard of a "deflate" archive type
@GingerIndustries You need to make a tutorial for dumb people like me that explains a version of pyinstaller for dumb people
@WheatWizard i get the same answer as yesterday even if i use fractions
In computing, Deflate is a lossless data compression file format that uses a combination of LZSS and Huffman coding. It was designed by Phil Katz, for version 2 of his PKZIP archiving tool. Deflate was later specified in RFC 1951 (1996).Katz also designed the original algorithm used to construct Deflate streams. This algorithm was patented as U.S. Patent 5,051,745, and assigned to PKWARE, Inc. As stated in the RFC document, an algorithm producing Deflate files was widely thought to be implementable in a manner not covered by patents. This led to its widespread use – for example, in gzip compressed...
@mathcat I'm making a wiki that explains how to use SSI
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/10 + 1/15
something is wrong with my program
what is your problem your solving?
@BgilMidol yesterday's the same one
what is your code?
I'd go with lambda n:sum(1/x for x in range(1,x+1))
yesterday, by Wheat Wizard
CMC: What is the smallest egyptian fraction representation of 3? I can do it in 13 fractions.
@BgilMidol its long cause i need to solve that ^
solve that properly
nice question
hi i am back agaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
what's an egyptian fraction representation, is it a sum of unique 1/x s?
yes think so
@PyGamer0 is a program asked or just the smallest representation?
@mathcat just the smallest representation
@hyper-neutrino yes
does 2.95 count?
A: "Hello, World!"

bigyihsuanLexurgy, 23 bytes For a tool meant for handling strings, it's surprisingly lengthy to output any string longer than 1 or 2 characters without any input. a: *=>Hello\,\ World\!

I got 13
does 3.01 count?
@BgilMidol no
How about 3.0003968254?
I got exactly 3 in 13 fractions
I got 3.14...
I've got 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/8+1/9+1/10+1/12+1/15+1/20+1/72
1've got 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/10 + 1/12 + 1/15 + 1/18 + 1/120
Can I use multiplication
I've got 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9+1/15+1/18+1/40+1/42
@BgilMidol It's not really an Egyptian fraction then
does anyone golf in webassembly here?
(sorry I had 1/15 and 1/18 the wrong way around)
I've got 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8+1/9+1/12+1/18+1/42+1/120
maybe i am bad at programming
>:| when your school makes a special exception to block all urls that include mozilla.org anywhere in them, including e.g. https://web.archive.org/https://developer.mozilla.org/...
@Wezl-yizl |:<
when I downvote a question losing 1 rep then the question closes, I gain 1 rep, 0 total?
@emanresuA antifreeze
@Wezl-yizl oh, I read that as "allow all urls", so you could just do disallowedsite.com/?mozilla.org lol
but no that's worse
what's wrong with mozilla?
@pxeger firefox probably
idk maybe this is a horrible hack to block firefox
what's wrong with firefox?
but yeah I can use archive.is so their blocking isn't even complete it's just extremely inconvenient
@pxeger most likely the fact that it can be set to clear all history upon close or private mode
can't you disable that? I think Chrome can have Incognito mode disabled
@pxeger look idk man who knows what school admins think
@pxeger perhaps it's just easier for them to only allow chrome
ofc I don't actually know if the blocking is at all related to firefox
@PyGamer0 typing things into wolfram alpha and see what sticks
I have created the spec for SSI's config file format
should I put this on Meta somewhere?
No, it's a secret message from Tim
He hopes we'll tunnel him out from under SE headquarters
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Something tells me that I should be filing a bug report
Don't betray my boy Tim like that
Apr 22 '21 at 16:46, by Redwolf Programs
It's just a guy posting them by hand. His name's Tim.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani *unamused*
Yeah, I'd post it on MM
@taRadvylfsriksushilani okay, in progress
someone else did it already
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I got ninja'd by 20min
quick, take screenshots before it's gone!
i bet it's the intern's fault
@GingerIndustries reproduced
Maybe someone will get fired for this and Tim can be promoted out of the dungeon
hey look 3 rows of users
Not on my screen, yet
my screen is smaller ig
@GingerIndustries Someone beat you to it
@cairdcoinheringaahing I beat you to saying that they beat me to it
@Wezl-yizl don’t they simply stop you from downloading firefox?
Ah, but I linked to it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing >:(
CMC: Find the longest consecutive sequence of starred messages in this room
Although not consecutive, this conversation was pretty ridiculous
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Careful, SE might sue you for revealing classified info about SE Inc. HQ
@cairdcoinheringaahing don't worry, @mathcat will protect us with the Power of SE Nitro
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Where's the rep treasury?
@GingerIndustries Yes
Inside SE Inc, but the building's a black box since they decided to switch to functional programming
btw I'm making a short animation film about SE Nitro's powers
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_____ಠ
@mathcat oh boy are we in it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani "exicted" aren't we all?
m not saying anything
but it might take a while
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Preesyslie
I'm not a good video editor
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaMove the next greater number, with fewest fails to take everything Your task is to move the next greater number, with fewest fails to take everything Example: 1234 Can do like this >>> Because moves to right, the next number is greater than previous But 124 435 Is impossible so the fewest fail...

^ Any feedback?
@mathcat Last time I checked humans didn't support that in general, maybe a patch came out
TNB has:
* A language
* (upcoming) A feature film
* 6 (IIRC) replies to me in a row
@mathcat can we have a trailer?

5 pings in a row

Dec 2 '21 at 0:51, 13 seconds total – 5 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by Fmbalbuena

@GingerIndustries it's just a shrt film
I just finished the script and started
Someone star 5 pings in a row
short film vs shirt film who will win
shirt with a built-in light-emmiting screen or with a built-in projector and screen, who will win
for watching shirt films
First is better, second is cheaper
The cell connection at my school is so awful
Trying to upload some math homework from my phone
@taRadvylfsriksushilani maybe you need some mitochondria, I hear they're the powerhouse of the cell
More like some cytoplasm
^^ I think that was the Pun of the Day
^ pun of the day
tfw you can't upload your math homework because a couple hundred people are using the same cell tower to watch netflix lol
Q: Program compressor

l4m2Choose a language and write a program in the language that: Take a valid program of the language as input, Output a string(bytearray, etc.). It needn't be a valid program. Only finite valid inputs result in longer/same-length(in bytes) output. Different valid input, even if behave same, lead to ...

Never gonna give you up
I'm going to start work on RickBlocker at some point soon
I made one a while back, for chat only
It highlights every link I hover in gray, so even if it ever breaks, I can't go to click on a link without first realizing the protection is down
@taRadvylfsriksushilani cool
my system is essentially going to check the url of every request being made to figure out if it's a rickroll
it would basically be an adblocker for rickrolls
AntiRickBlock will come
@mathcat and how're you gonna do it?
not gonna tell
but, you know, on my level of js understanding.
@mathcat I... do not think that a website can mess with an extension
sure, they can detect extensions, but what're you gonna do? Load another rickroll?
you'll see (I know I sound very optimistic, but my plan isn't even half ready)
Q: Represent any integer with an expression that uses no digit besides '4'

Aos SidheFourward (Introduction) I have an unhealthy obsession with the number 4. I love it so much, in fact, that seeing any other digit is frustrating to me. I therefour wish to create a 'Fourier Transformation': a way to represent any integer value with an expression that uses only the digit 4. Fourmat...

why the hell is there a fee to make GOOGLE CHROME EXTENSIONS
but I think most of us use tampermonkey or that sort of thing
@mathcat sorry what
@GingerIndustries whaat
you have to pay $5 to register to make extensions
hi there
@GingerIndustries come on
@GingerIndustries here
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniInject arbitrary code into a compiler cops-and-robbers In this challenge, cops will invent a (likely simple) programming language, and write an interpreter, transpiler, or compiler that allows you to run it. Robbers will write a program in this language that manages to inject arbitrary code into...

@GingerIndustries To ensure people don't fill the app store with spam
A lot better than Apple's $100/mo or whatever
@taRadvylfsriksushilani true
@taRadvylfsriksushilani wait what
Oh, it's annual, but still
a little question
> If you sell an app priced at $0.99, your share will be about $69.3.
This must be incorrect lol
how up-to-date is the !@#%&*()_+ interpreter on tio
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Does it mean if you sell a certain number of copies of the app, but that's just not clearly specified, maybe?
No, obviously you just need to buy it once, and use the free $60 to but it 60 more times, and use that to buy it 3600 times more and
damn I'm gonna implement this myself someday
heehee, remember that assignment I had the other day where I had to watch a 12m video?
Well, I have three of them today. So, I'm playing all at once, each in one quarter of my screen :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani hackerman
CMQ: Ways to detect Rickrolls?
I just check for the rickroll video ID
@taRadvylfsriksushilani problem: reposts
Not a true rickroll
@taRadvylfsriksushilani mmmmmmm I think other people would disagree
You could block popular link shorteners and all YT links without a confirmation prompt
just never click any links :galaxybrain:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ah yes, just block YouTube
Well, do a confirm() first I mean
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That would grow real annoying real fast
Idk, YT links aren't super common on chat anyway
well rickrolls are nothing but annoying
so it just depends on which you find more annoying
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this extension is for everything, not just chat
No, I have a rickroll allergy
It's like bee stings
For most people they're painful, for others they kill you
Jan 7 at 15:51, by Redwolf Programs
You beat me to it, I was going to do a rickroll :p
@Wezl-yizl hmm
I will bring this up whenever you say something that could be taken as the slightest bit of disapproval of rickrolls
Rickrolls are awesome
I only dislike them ironically
ok fair
so for YT links I think we can pause the request, get the video ourselves, and check if it's a rickroll (somehow)
Rick be like. Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin...
@GingerIndustries check for key rickroll frames?
like the foot
or like, the first body shot
@thejonymyster that's a good idea that I have no clue how to do
@GingerIndustries You're auto-rickrolling your browser then :p
@GingerIndustries at any point if you look at the rick, you are rickrolled
@Wezl-yizl the extension is doing the request, you'll never see it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani thats the job of the browser, to act as a meat shield against rickrolls
@Wezl-yizl I disagree. If it's part of the link checking stuff, like when you click a link in google docs, it doesn't count
okay maybe the rick has to be moving
@Wezl-yizl in order for a rick roll to be valid the "rick" must be "rolling"
doesn't YT have a thing in the desc where it tells you what music is in the vid?
ah genius
(but alternative rickroll links and any edits to the video at all make the rickroll count for less rick roll points)
But what about silent film rickrolls?
this is hard ok???
@taRadvylfsriksushilani thats just a video of rick astley
i'm trying
they still count, but for much fewer rickroll points
what about the audio on a different video?
I've never been sneak-rickrolled before. Blocking the 4w4 thing and confirm()ing link shorteners has never given me up, let me down, or run around and deserted me yet
@taRadvylfsriksushilani >:|
rickroll points are redeemable here :P
a userscript that blocks any and all instances of never gonna give you up lyrics
such as CGCC :P
there's a "music in this video" thing! I knew it!
what is a golfed way to check that 0 <= x <= b where x, b are integers (in Python)
@thejonymyster * userscript **** blocks *** *** all instances ** ***** ***** **** *** ** lyrics
if x>=0 and x <= b: is the simple option
@Anush Doesn't Python have 0<=x<=b as valid syntax?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh!
silly me .. thanks
>:| just got a question wrong because I used x as a variable instead of t
CMC: Write JS code that, given a YouTube page in HTML, parses and returns the data in the "Music in this video" section if it exists
Problem: YT's HTML varies depending on your user agent, IIRC
@GingerIndustries vtc as unclear
my sanity is vanishing
"go damn" lol
me @ god
all I wanna do is find if a video has Never Gonna Give You Up in it
but I have been let down
youtube downloading and parsing and metadata extracting programs already exist
Probably just regex search for "music in this video" and "rick astley"
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is a stupid idea that will likely work
just check if "rick astley" occurs anywhere in the page
stupid as in smart
@Wezl-yizl "stupid" (adj): smart
Extension pseudocode:
if (url.isRickroll()) {
my version's gonna be better tho
oh i realized why the monospace font fix userscript was broken
it actually wasn't; the APL font userscript overrides everything (including the background color for some reason)
@GingerIndustries gonna test it on my AntiAntiRickroll
@mathcat you fool, I shall create an AntiAntiAntiRickroll
you forgot about my AntiAntiAntiAntiRickroll
@mathcat good thing I came prepared with an AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiRickroll
@GingerIndustries how about my AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiRickroll
@BgilMidol Seems like I'll have to use my AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiRickroll
Presenting the Ginger Industries AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAnti/(Anti)+Rickroll/rollRickrollAntiRickrolloll
@mathcat +("Anti" i)
ha mine's 5 bytes

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