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They posted 5 mins after the close actually
@RedwolfPrograms is this a bug?
If you don't refresh, you can time travel and post an answer
wait how does that work
@Wasif shame it's not very golfed
It's a known caching isue
It is a good bug
Not really
@rak1507 it is a fast submission
good > fast
@user congrats yours is more awful
@Razetime You think that's awful? You haven't seen my tradfn yet :P
using variables in dfns is more of a crime than using a tradfn
kill it with fire
technically all the 2-/s are tradfns anyway
@Razetime How?
2-⍨/⊢ isn't
you use ⎕, silly
ah ok
You can use to make it an Agh train
Wow you memorized the train layout
when does Shatabdi express leave today
How many users know APL here (It seems everyone except me)
I pretend to
@Wasif everyone secretly does, don't let them fool you
@Razetime It can't leave because the Agh train burned the station down :P
@Wasif I know Jelly, which is fancy APL :P
@Wasif How many users know a programming language? Pretty much everyone
@user lol
and i don't know apl either
i know ppl, though although y'all don't.
Of course you do
welcome ophact
You wouldn't be on Code Golf if you didn't know any programming language at all
@ophact just go to the APL Orchard and ping @Adám
I know a programming language, but not A Programming Language. there's a difference.
@user it seems like a name of indian train
@Wasif I know, the question mark was for the message above it ("Wow you memorized the train layout")
@Wasif i wonder why
wait so apparently two people starred my message
is that how stars work? im not a chat expert
yes correct that's how stars work
You can star any message aside from your own by clicking the star symbol on the right end of a message
yes (just putting this out because I want to be ninja'd)
there, for example
Just don't spam the starboard
Please do, I want to use my RO powers :P Don't
You can cancel the star within a few minutes
@user exception: you can feel free to star all my messages
oh no
they are all of the highest quality
I will be cancelling these stars if they're still around in 15 mins
Good :D
i entered the room again and someone is trying to make it look like a night sky
Oh yeah, forgot you're the room owner @cairdcoinheringaahing
Oh i am late for network problems
whatever, back on topic...
@cairdcoinheringaahing ninja'd
@ophact Not the room owner :p
@ophact A room owner :P
@ophact not so fast
Nov 12 '15 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
@Wasif idk how the night sky where you live looks like, but here stars emit light and the background's dark :P
@hyper-neutrino ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was giving them a bit of time to mess around before stopping it :P
@hyper-neutrino 120 stars?!
Fair enough. I just got up so I guess they got unlucky :P
@user then we should call them blackholes, and change their shape to circle, i hope someone would write a userscript to do that
@hyper-neutrino The most starred message ever on chat :P
CGCC had 120 people willing to star that?
@user yeah I think it's probably still the most starred message across the entire SE+SO+MSE network
and by the way, has anyone solved the omer problem yet?
It got pinned and there used to be regular star spam/flag messages so we'd have 10k+ users popping in all the time, and starring it
That's just ridiculous
@ophact I do it manually, twice a day…
At least it's a good message to be "the most starred message" :P
how did you find the most starred message?
@Wasif Lots of counting
@Wasif Say something funny and make yours the most starred message :P
@Wasif It's been known that that's the most starred message for a while
i was expecting a technical answer
someone removed Redwolf's stars
but why
but not all of them
see all of them are removed
People can star and unstar as they wish
Within reason :P
Seriously, stop. It's not funny.
i feel ashamed of what i started...
I don't remember what you started
I read started -> starred :/
Starring is anonymous (even I cannot see that information) so consider that when you star spam you make the entire room look bad because I can't determine who so it could be anyone (other than the message author, of course) :P
All the more reason to :p
@hyper-neutrino he said started i think
@hyper-neutrino My elementary school teachers' solution to that would be kicking every user in the room, including the message author
I remember seeing a star spam occurrence where every message except for the spammers was starred
Like, really?
@Wasif I know, but I'm just saying in general, not addressing ophact here lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Or maybe someone made a sock to frame the supposed spammer /s
@user you love to see it
@cairdcoinheringaahing genius
I'm not actually sure what I can do about it. chat mod tools really suck, even after all these years
@user you would be able to see the sock in the list of users currently in the room though
Freeze the room and clear all stars
@hyper-neutrino Chat is kinda lagging behind the rest of the site
Frozen rooms can't have new stars IIRC
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Ambigious Chemical Formula Losing capital of a chemical formula, it may become ambigious: co can be both CO or Co. Given an input consisting of a-z0-9, check whether it's ambigious, unambigious, or impossible. Return 3 different values for them. Shortest code win. Examples: co - ambigious 2h8...

i don't think timing out even disables stars, so freezing would probably be the only way, yeah
@pxeger Oh right
@hyper-neutrino right, you can still star in timeout
CMQ: What is the probability of The nineteenth byte to get frozen in next 15 days?
Hopefully 0
@user nothing is impossible
Could someone please golf my primality test n=>[...Array(n-2)].every((_,i)=>n%(i+2)) [currently 40 bytes] it's demotivating when i see these challenges on primes and then i see a js answer shorter than just my primality test
Probably recursion but it scares me
scares you?
I'm not very good at golfing stuff with recursion
@ophact link to an example answer? it's possible that the prime checking logic is part of the program so it's not just like adding 40
after trying recursion I got f=(n,i=2)=>n-i<2?n%i:n%i&&f(n,i+1) for 34 bytes. but still looks suspiciously long?
Make a separate function g maybe
So that n isn't passed every time, just i
That can definitely be golfed, not sure how though
It just looks too long
@rak1507 my answer on "make it prime with the smallest suffix"
you might be able to move f= to header section though
and add the rest of code without function below
But if you need to call f it's not allowed
@ophact Maybe use i++ or ++i so you can just use &&f(n)?
@Wasif and maybe I should use tio more often
i++ returns i before incrementing right? i always get those mixed up
@hyper-neutrino can mods just change the names of tags?
@ophact yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing i don't believe that's a thing
pxeger ninja'd me
@ophact so arnaulds solution uses eval and recursion, common tricks
f=(n,i=n-1)=>n%i?f(n,i-1):!i maybe?
Probably not
idk js very well but it's worth just looking at good answers and you'll probably pick up tricks
but don't feel too demotivated, these people have been golfing for years
afaict tags don't have IDs, they're just identified by display name. i can use merge to retag all questions of one tag to another tag without bumping or showing anything in the edit log tho which basically does the same thing
@Lyxal look at my rep hehe
I'm thinking about the tag system for the blog
@RedwolfPrograms fails for 1
@RedwolfPrograms how does that one work? in my case calling it with 2, 3, 4 and 5 all give false. Looks good at first glance though. The problem with that is that you still check for n%i when i is 1
It fails for everything
Currently, we've got 4 posts tagged with , and it could be good to rename/retag them with and use for the actual blog posts
But it could probably be a basis for a good answer ¯\(._.)/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing +1
Well we can resize the primality functions as per the challenge requirment, like i did here codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/223564/…
@cairdcoinheringaahing i agree with this. when the blog starts remind me to do that (or i'll just do it later today)
i believe if i don't synonymize, the old tag is still usable
I didn't add n>1 check because input is never n<1
although with 4, it might be safer to just bump them all
Hmm that's a good point @Wasif
@hyper-neutrino Almost at 25 upvotes, the number of badges you're getting from this election is wild :P
The sandbox tells users to delete their post once it's put on the main site. But not many users seem to actually do that, it hides what could be useful information in the comments, and 10k+ users (who are disproportionately the ones who review sandbox posts) still have to see it (so it's no different to editing it down to a stub). Should we change this advice? (FWITW I think so)
@cairdcoinheringaahing that was the plan all along
@pxeger and here we see yet another problem occurring from us abusing SE features for our needs :P
@pxeger I think it's a good idea for users to delete their answers if they've <10k, and if you've got more, you're probably familiar enough with the sandbox to understand how it works so you can decide whether you want to or not
Been dead for 5 years, but still
oh yeah i remember seeing that
who operates the New Main Posts/etc bots?
It's an RSS feed
that makes a lot more sense
It's just a guy posting them by hand. His name's Tim.
IIRC Redwolf is setting up an RSS feed on their server using the same thing that the New Posts userscript uses to catch CGCC posts and if that goes well and meta discussions go through we could consider replacing our feeds with Redwolf's
He runs all the feeds.
All hail Tim
@RedwolfPrograms I thought it was Bob?
I was wondering how their posts sometimes get edited if a post is deleted or whatever, but I'm guessing mods can just edit bots' messages?
Or is Bob the dude who updates the New Posts page?
@pxeger yep, that's the only way they can change
@pxeger Mods can mod abuse edit anyone's message
Bob is the one who redirects you and rickrolls you. Don't be like Bob
I just got an 80% on an English assignment because it insists "him" is more correct than "they" to refer to a person in general
And they spent three months at the beginning of the year teaching about "diversity and inclusion" and can't even do it themselves
TIL all humans are male
CMQ: what glyph should I use for pairs in hashmaps/dictionaries in my language? :, ->, => |>, and :> are all taken. (ASCII only pls)
How about just to? That's what Kotlin does
what about just =
{a=b, c=d}
That looks confusing
Maybe ?? Like {a ? b, c ? d}
@pxeger :)
god no
@rak1507 wouldn't work in practice, unfortunately, because otherwise there's no way to distingusih between a block of statements and a dictionary display
Perhaps (:)
@pxeger ah
{a >------------> b; c >------------> d}
@RedwolfPrograms that would break precedent for the meaning of parens in my language
@Wezl I think we have a winner, thanks!
looks like kleisli composition
Get that category theory out of here
it should be space, like in lisp
If : is taken then your language is cursed
@pxeger ,: {a, b, c, d} :P
eww no
How about ::? ({a :: b, c :: d})
ooh yeah that's a good one
no :: is for type signatures clearly
@RedwolfPrograms : is used for type annotations, so again it would be impossible to distinguish between a block of statements and a dictionary display
@user that's the namespace resolution operator
@rak1507 Idris and Scala would like to have a word with you
I still like {a ? b, c ? d, e ? f, hotel ? trivago}
). you can identify these by where it would cause imbalanced brackets
@RedwolfPrograms disgusting
@hyper-neutrino vomits
{a -} b, c -} d}
looks like J
@hyper-neutrino amazing
imo you should use : and change whatever uses : atm
{ a# b, c # d} (get it?)
@pxeger What are the opening/closing characters?
: is the obvious choice
@RedwolfPrograms That's not bad
@user hashmap?
@cairdcoinheringaahing {}
@rak1507 :P
@pxeger { a -] b, c -] d}
poundmap? numbermap? octothorpmap? :P
{a +> b, c +> d} or {a <=> b, c <=> d}
@Wezl *octothorpe
@user I like <=>
I like spaceships
@pxeger okay I wasn't sure
what about ←→ {a ←→ b, c ←→ d, e ←→ f}
←→ is used in some APL papers to show equivalence
ASCII only
I know :P
infix are_horrible operators
{a ?: b, c ?: d}
what about ,{
I'm settled on ~> now thanks folks
@RedwolfPrograms Elvis?
using ~> is crazy but ok
~> is pretty good, yeah
how about is :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I like it, short and sweet
I was going to say too long :p
But I think it's about the right length
How about Map<Foo, Bar> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(a, b); map.put(c, d);?
what about just constructing from key value tuples
hey where is the CMQ, there are nearly 100 answers oO
{(a, b), (c, d)} if you don't have set literals
How about {a b, c d}, just to mess with people who try to use it with markdown?
{a​b​c​d} (those are U+200b invisible spaces as separators :p)
10 mins ago, by pxeger
CMQ: what glyph should I use for pairs in hashmaps/dictionaries in my language? :, ->, => |>, and :> are all taken. (ASCII only pls)
@pxeger Use backspaces or something then
how about using normal english "a maps to b" inside the dictionary
that would make a difference :P
also has there been any kolmogorov complexity like challenges for lookup tables for Top level domain names like, .bd -> Bangladesh, .in -> India so on
@Wasif I don't think that would be KC
KC has no input
@hyper-neutrino are there any similar challenges
frick I cannot even edit now
I don't think there are
It's similar to the HTTP codes one
yes found a new challenge!
there are 274 gTLDs, so is it better with code challenge or simple code golf?
what criterion would you use as a ?
@hyper-neutrino code golf
score might be code length/number of handled gTLDs then
0 bytes / 0 handled :)
say your feedback pls
require handling all of them, and please post it in the sandbox
Outputs true and 0 for some reason, but it can easily be coerced, I guess
1 is not prime
Shhh! /s
This answer is way better
He claimed to have come up with a Glob solution scoring 403 points. In the scoring system of Regex Golf, this would put it at 17 characters in length.
He posted that way back in 2014. Surely by now it's time to share his solution, if it actually exists. Over the years I've emailed him a few times, and even tried sending him a comment on CGCC, and he's completely ignored me every time.
All I want to know is 1) if his claimed solution to Glob still works on its current form, or if its test cases were changed since he came up with his solution; 2) Is it really 17 characters long or was that a typo? Or was the scoring for it changed, and it was actually longer? 3) If he still has the solution, could he please post it? And if not, does he remember anything about it, i.e. what general form it was in?
This means a lot to me. Can anybody think of a way to encourage him to reply instead of ignoring this question?
@pxeger >>
I think it's a bit rash to assume he's ignoring you because he's an asshole. Maybe he has too many notifications, or doesn't have access to that email account or has accessibility issues, or for some other reason doesn't check his inbox
@StackMeter that's already used for bitwise-right-shift
well then >>>
that ain't used
That might be signed/unsigned right shift
Thanks for the primality tests. user's answer for "you don't like 1" (which I don't) is the best for me, I would like something that can be used in an expression. Have you ever used that one before or did you just invent it on the spot?
I "invented it" on the spot, which is why I didn't realize 1 wasn't prime at first :P
What's the context here? @ophact
Q: sort any webpage by regular expression

user2305193Lists are everywhere while browsing online. YouTube: number of views. IMDB: ratings. Google Scholar: number of citations. Amazon: number of purchases. You name it. The sort button on webpages is pretty convenient. What if the 'sort by XXX' button suddenly stopped working?! Your task is to sort an...

@Deadcode on regexgolf, how do I pass the warmup?
is the warmup the same for everyone
@Deadcode The likelihood is that he no longer has it, unfortunately
Also, Anders is, IIRC, one of those users who is more about answering than "engaging" in the community. Which is perfectly fine, but you're less likely to get a response
@StackMeter do you know regex? If you do, you try to recognize the pattern in the left that doesn't show up in the right
and make a regular expression that matches only that
Did the feeds user get renamed to "Check for incoherent ramblings and crackpotism"?
Why does it show up as that
Which feeds user?
Is this normal?
Should I go to MM?
That might be a good idea
It's likely that a mod/CM changed their name, but it wouldn't hurt to ask
It's not April 1 anymore, so I don't see why they'd do that
I'm not sure who did that. I've changed it back for now but I'll go ask TL.
It was named Feeds as far back as April 18
looks like it's SE wide
There's only one Feeds user for all of chat.SE, right?
@Wezl just realised I can't regex
if you can't regex you can't regex golf
but you can learn :)
@Wezl how do I regex =

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