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@emanresuA bruh moment
@DialFrost yeah ok that's what I meant
that's probably not as interesting in my opinion, because it just combines a whole load of separate challenges into one
and in fact:
Q: Classify Quadrilaterals | Help me with my math exam!

hyper-neutrinoHelp! My math exam is coming up soon and I didn't study! 1 Part of the exam is to classify a quadrilateral given its vertex coordinates, which I, unfortunately, do not know how to do. 2 So, your challenge is to write a program to do this for me so I don't fail! Challenge Given four vertices su...

ok nvrm lol then
@null lol where
hey look what i made: Try it online!
wut that
i call it: chessboard creator 9000
@DialFrost Try it online!
@PyGamer0 61 bytes
Q: Products all the way down

Wheat WizardYou are probably familiar with the Cartesian product. It takes two lists and creates a list of all pairs that can be made from an element of the first and an element from the second: \$ \left[1,2\right] \times \left[3,4\right] = \left[(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)\right] \$ Here the order of the resul...

pxger the way u say "the obv" makes me look dumb hah
i have zero idea wat ur doing
1 hour later…
CMC: What is the smallest egyptian fraction representation of 3? I can do it in 13 fractions.
(approximately) how big is the maximum denominator in your solution?
Less than 50.
There are no solutions with denominators < 100 for lengths upto 8
The largest 10 don't even sum to 3, so that's a given.
my bruteforce C program seems to stop being efficient after about length > 10. I wonder if it runs out of registers
How smart is "brute-force"?
not whatsoever
Like it's not even assuming that some fraction larger than 3/n is present in an n term solution?
i think if it is smart, it isnt brute force by definition, am i wrong?
Brute-force is a continuum.
ah right
@WheatWizard nope
I couldn't even be bothered to write a combinations function in C, so I wrote a Python script which generates a C program for a given length
How to tokenize text? (e. g *2 3)
the fact I'm using long long ints probably doesn't help
How are you calculating reciprocal sums?
(please don't say floating points.. please don't say floating point..)
as if you multiplied both sides of the equation by the product of the denominators
so 1/a + 1/b + 1/c == 3 is calculated as b * c + a * c + a * b == 3 * a * b * c
Ok, yeah if you did floating point the results would be basically worthless.
You might still have issues with long, long since the denominators grow on the order of factorial.
@WheatWizard it would be faster though!
maybe this could be run better on a GPU
although they're not generally that good at large integer calculations
I would add some basic common sense optimizations before running on a gpu.
common sense?
I'd rather die!
@WheatWizard does gcc -O3 count?
This problem is actually brute forcable without "shortest with denominator under x" style restrictions. Which is kind of neat. It's the kind of problem that you could see not being brute-forcable.
for the challenge I only needed a few high-ish test-cases, so it was faster to just let it run unoptimised than it would have been to implement any optimisations
Yeah, but for this it probably isn't. I ruled out all the numbers less than 10 in less than 10 seconds which is probably a good deal quicker than your program could.
oh lengths less than 10
ignore me
Ok Time to write a haskell "brute-forcer".
I've got a 13 as well
not a very good method though
Is the largest denom 42?
no, smaller
Mine is: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+15+18+40+42
mine is 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 20, 24
Why is the 6 in placed weirdly?
because it was formed from 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/18 + 1/20 + 1/24
each of those sublists sums to 1
and they're (some of) the shortest 3 disjoint solutions to my original challenge
I just ran greedy up until I exceded 3 and then fiddled with it.
I have a 12 wait no it has a duplicate in it
My program found no elevens.
It was so fast I actually thought I had a bug for a minute.
What optimisations does it use?
import Control.Applicative

check n s =
  compare (sum [div (product s) i| i <- s ]) (n * product s)

f n =
   go _ [] =
   go xs (y : ys) =
       check n (xs ++ y : ys)
        EQ ->
          Just (xs ++ y : ys)
        LT ->
        GT ->
            elem (y+1) xs
            go (y:xs) ys
            go xs (y+1:ys) <|> go (y:xs) ys
It takes a starting guess greater than the goal best is [11,10,9..1] and it just makes things larger until the result is smaller than the goal.
It's not very smart or anything.
that's actually pretty much what I was doing by hand just now
It's really slow for 12. Especially considering how it took like 1 second to do 11.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniBCD to binary, with bitwise atomic-code-golf In this challenge, you'll convert an 8-digit BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) number to a 32 bit (unsigned) integer in the fewest instructions possible, with only bitwise instructions available. Task: You'll be given a single positive integer as input, from...

Not sure if I should go with the first or second set of instructions
The second adds goto and goif, and four more registers.
Q: Compress and decompress

AnttiPYour task is to make a bidirectional compressor. It takes a list of bytes as input and returns a list of bytes as output. It has the property than whenever it is iterated twice it returns the original input. In other words, if f is your program as a function, then f(f(x))=x for all x. Now, since ...

@pxeger Is it possible to have a solution summing to 3 where no subset sums to 1?
I suspect so
@NewPosts Of course, this would be useless as a compression algo in real life because any input is equally likely to decompress to something lol
I suspect so.
However it can't do better than 13 for sure.
Since 1/1 sums to 1 and not having it means the minimum score goes up by a lot.
@WheatWizard is that haskell?
If I want to rule out 12s I'm going to have to come up with some more optimizations.
an alternative method is just to look for sets of length 8 which sum to 1 and don't contain 1, 2, 3, or 6
For me I'm not really so much looking for a solution as I am trying to show there is none.
I'm pretty sure 13 is optimal at this point. I just want to rule out 12.
stack exchange chat be like
I made a userscript to remove those messages lol
I don't have it any more though
That likely only happens if you've got someone ignored
I've never seen two distinct "x hours later" messages before
there will only be consecutive messages if you have someone ignored, I think
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you're right, that is what happened
but I find them irritating in general
also I released the first test version of an MC mod I've been working on
An optimization I'm thinking of is that if removing a value causes the sum to still be larger than the goal, don't bother incrementing it, just move onto the next one.
But there's a bug in my code and now it instantly claims there is no solution.
@GingerIndustries thats so cursed
@PyGamer0 that... is the name of the mod mate
@PyGamer0 also I updated the release info to add the Water Sword
Found a new 13: 14,20,28,40,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
@WheatWizard are Egyptian fractions just fractions with numerator 1?
They are sums of distinct positive integer reciprocals.
@WheatWizard what are these words
integer you know
"integer reciprocal" is 1/x where x is an integer
distinct means you can't have the same one more than once (so 1/3 + 1/2 + 1/3 is not allowed)
and sum you know
@WheatWizard Not a bug, this optimization just doesn't work with the existing algo.
@pxeger int("you know")
I'm accepting ideas for Cursed Additions btw
@GingerIndustries make a+b do a+1-b+a
@BgilMidol I'm sorry what
2+2 becomes 2+1-2+1 = 0
@BgilMidol ...damn you that's an incredible pun
wait was that intended
@GingerIndustries whats the pun?
@GingerIndustries probably not
@BgilMidol Cursed Additions is a Minecraft mod
@GingerIndustries allow the user to ride trees
High quality unintentional puns be like
and climb trees
@BgilMidol ...vines
Add saddled leaves
Trees have a 1/100 chance of spawning with a saddled leaf block at the very center on top
@GingerIndustries add a enchanting-table-language to katlani translator hidden in end crystals
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is a cool idea that would take me forever to implement
Can someone extract the code from this?
i find it annoying that class methods can just sometimes lose awareness of who they belong to in js :/
Yep. Apparently it's for perforance reasons, but I hate it so much
@WheatWizard so each fraction should be used once?
At most once.
It can be used zero times of course.
Can someone take the code from this too? (sorry)
wow, that's short
heres what my C++ program generates (wow i did it in C++): 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/10 + 1/11 + 1/12 + 1/13 + 1/14 + 1/15 + 1/16 + 1/17 + 1/18 + 1/19 + 1/20 + 1/21 + 1/22 + 1/23 + 1/24 + 1/25 + 1/26 + 1/27 + 1/28 + 1/29 + 1/30 + 1/31
@PyGamer0 what problem are you doing?
(Hopefully the last time?)
damn, that was literally the zsh answer I'm writing now!
(doesn't quite work yet)
Can someone take the code from this please?
I really need to get Avi's TIO link API working
@BgilMidol Wheat Wizad's cmc
i fixed my C++ program
ok this is very hard lol
1 -> 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4
@WheatWizard how do i detect which fractions to not use, my results are weird lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that one doesn't work btw
Seems like it should
when it runs on itself it gives the same length output, it doesn't compress it
Really? It shouldn't...
Yeah it's a byte shorter when compressed
There's no /g flag
oh cause of the g
yeah I see
@WheatWizard how many fractions do you get for 2 and 1?
@pxeger what about you ^?
For 1 I get 1. For 2 I get 4.
1 is obviously the minimum for 1
so 1/1 is allowed?
I'm 99% sure 2 is 4
If it's not the sequence just offsets by 1.
cool i get 1:1, 2:4, 3:11
let me fix my code a little and try again
ok same results
Anyone know what is the point in "you may only load the comment flag dialog every 3 seconds"??
@PyGamer0 3:11? What's the 11?
There's no way to get 11 for 3.
i think this is wrong: 3 -> 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/8 + 1/9 + 1/10 + 1/15
yeah that's what I thought
Are you trying to use floating points?
wait let me share my code
Floating points just will not work.
My offline TIO link decoder site works now :D
I should make it bidirectional
So that you can generate TIO links offline too
Q: Remove odd indices and double the even indices

FmbalbuenaYour task is simple, just remove the odd indices and double the even indices Example the input is Hello, World! and we get indices H e l l o , _ W o r l d ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and remove the even indices el,Wrd Double! eell,,WWrrdd and you are done 1-Indexing Test cases abcdef =>...

^ 3 votes in sandbox so this is fine
@taRadvylfsriksushilani sounds very helpful O:
I'll merge it into an HTML file and put it on GH
what does it do?
It extracts all the info from a TIO link
So if you can't access TIO for some reason (which I can't, due to my school blocking it), it'll let you read people suggested golfs and stuff
@hyper-neutrino Can you remove edit?
> <script src="util.js"></script><script src="tio.js"></script>
oh nice
@taRadvylfsriksushilani why's your school blocking tio?
mine is too btw
nvm util.js must be being used
@Fmbalbuena ?
is there some IO rule for allowing 0 indexing?
You're allowed to use both 0 or 1 indexing by default
But if the question makes any rules, those take precedent
@taRadvylfsriksushilani still doesn't work though
@mathcat My guess? The word fuck in brainfuck
but SE chat contains the word fuck and it isn't blocked
@taRadvylfsriksushilani lol
surely high school students won't know about these bad words if we block it
Oops, forgot to copy over a constant
my school system's restrictions system says "Non-Managed" which i think means that their bot just doesn't care enough to allow access
Oh hey, mine does too
It's not ContentKeeper by any chance, is it?
it is
So anything blocked for me is likely blocked for you, then. I think they use the same base list of things to block.
hooray it's working (the TIO url decoder)
I'll get it to work for bidirectional stuff soon
so it can also be a TIO link encoder
url is common enough to be lowercase but TIO is not quite :P
tomorrow i will get Fanatic badge
@DLosc Is there a way to get indices in Pip?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPcode-golfcipherstring Crack the Caesar cipher The Caesar cipher is a simple and famous cipher, where the letters of the alphabet are rotated by some secret amount. For example, if our secret rotation is 3, we would replace a with d, b with e, w with z, x with a and so on. Here is an example (rota...

any feedback for this? I feel like the challenge itself is pretty interesting, personally, but i dunno
in particular i'm not sure how to approach defining the challenge in explicit terms. tricky
oh wait, i've got something
sorry I misread it
global flag in retina?
ok so if some things were in the same proportions as eachother, like 10:5:20 and 2:1:4, thats the like, word id use
but how would i say it if theyre like...
yeah I know what you mean
how would i say that "ranking by amount" is preserved?
the relative ordering between every value is the same?
100:99:2:1 and 50:40:30:20
right but its tricky because like
My hobby: Asking for feedback on other people's challenges
@thejonymyster if i give you aaabbbbcc and aabbbbbbbbbbbbc they have to be in... the same.. thing
CMQ: global flag in Retina?
@thejonymyster the relative order between every... amount of each value? is the same?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Any feedback? I'm not sure this challenge will be very popular ;)
oops i accidentally made it reply to itself
now you made a loop lol
dios mio
@pxeger Lacking in focus and objectivity. Low effort proportional to difficulty to answer. Not a good fit for the site.
We should historical lock that, honestly (or at least close it)
@thejonymyster Necesitas un tilde en la letra I para ser gramaticalmente correcto
jokes aside IMHO tetris GoL is actually a majorly overrated challenge in terms of the challenge post itself. it's certainly interesting but the majority (or rather, basically all) of my interest in it comes from the answers
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that definitely needs an off topic flag
@Fmbalbuena ah i never knew where the accents go lo siento
plus this keyboard doesnt give me easy accent access sadly
ok i just sent this link but i gotta get back to work so im gonna post it once more for the road: just edited this a bit, any feedback is appreciated, but no pressure
@mathcat It's underspecified, probably, but why is it off topic? It's a language-specific golf challenge (that happens to be incredibly hard to solve, and then, incredibly, got solved anyway).
@DLosc no, IMO it's a great question
@thejonymyster ÓK, névérmínd bút whý ýóú dónt hávé ácénts?
@mathcat Oh, okay. You were responding in kind to Redwolf's original sarcasm.
@DLosc It's incredibly subjective and underspecified. NDC, not off-topic, IMO.
(My comments on it were not sarcasm, btw. I am not a fan of tetris gol)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Remind me, NDC = ?
Needs Details and Clarity
I don't think that's actually a term people use, now that I think about it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani No, Needs details or Clarity
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I agree, but I do like the question (and even more so the answers it generated). I'd love to see more questions and answers on this site that prompt that "What the heck? How?!" response.
Sure, but they should be properly specified
But it could belong to meta too
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPcode-golfpalindrome Recursive palindromes A palindrome is a word which is spelled the same backwards and forwards. For example, "racecar" is a palindrome as is "redder". A double palindrome is a palindrome whose halves are also palindromes. For example, "abbabba" is a double palindrome, as the half

Shortest way to flatten zip object?
Okay, CMQ: You have two options. You can either have your screen auto-dim all the time and make things look weird, or you can have pretty bad scren tearing
Which do you choose?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani whats scren tearing?
It's where, when you scroll, it looks kind of jittery
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JustiniscodingPrime Number Fibonacci In this challenge, you will make a program that calculates the Fibonacci sequence with a twist. Instead of it starting with 0 and 1, it starts with the nth prime number determined by input by the user. The second number is the nth+1 prime number. The sequence should also st...

One part of the screen will scroll at a different time then the rest, so little lines show up as a result
@taRadvylfsriksushilani auto-dim
Idk, it's pretty annoying
The screen tearing is mostly possible to ignore
gif of screen tearing happening?
...i’m in a compsci lecture that just introduced karnaugh maps and i’m not sure the professor knows what a gray code is
oh no
that looks pretty normal to me except the weird pathway
Keep in mind it only happens while scrolling
also he tried to relate the toroidal topology to a space-folding warp drive from a movie he forgot about instead of like
@taRadvylfsriksushilani well then screen tearing
pic of more serious tearing?
That’s pretty serious tearing
it doesn't look that bad to me
Well it turns out the screen tearing option also disables the ability to change the screen brightness
I'm seriously considering returning this laptop
It's just one annoyance after another
It's not nearly as fast as it should be, it has weird issues with the sound, the display does stupid stuff, the battery life is awful, and so on
I think the however-many-days to return it are up, unfortunately
Q: Code Golf Birthday Cake

Bgil MidolYour task is to print this exact text: 0 2 4 6 8 10 | | | | | | &***********& | Code Golf | | e---------f | | d___________l | | o-------------o | | C_______________G | ###Dennis$Dennis### ##################### Rules Trailing or leading newline is allowed code-golf, so s...

It has a three year accidental damage warranty, but I can't really bring myself to drive a tank over a $1k laptop lol
I kinda hate that JS's Sets are ordered
Surely that's got at least some performance impact
It probably makes lookup simpler tho
Wait really?
I figure since it's a hash table it really doesn't matter
So all ordering would do is require more memory
@MichaelSeifert Now I have found a proof that the given solution is optimal. But this comment field is too small to contain it. — kasperd Feb 1 '16 at 18:51
@taRadvylfsriksushilani True, you're probably right
It's either going to be a hash table or a BST, anything where ordering is important is going to be like O(n)
how have I earnt more than 200 rep?
@pxeger Hax
Also why did you pixellate it?
Probably to hide the dev tools trickery ;p
just because it's not what I'm trying to point out
but I wanted to include it because it provides visual context to the screenshot so people know what they're looking at
I've got stuff like that before
It's possibly that you downvoted an answer that later was deleted
I think there's an exception to the +200 cap if an answer you downvoted was deleted
also TIL that my user ID and Redwolf's user ID differ only by the first two digits being swapped
@emanresuA but the +1 is on the Egyptian fractions question, and I didn't downvote any answers there
and there aren't any deleted answers there either
1 min ago, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
I think there's an exception to the +200 cap if an answer you downvoted was deleted
That +1 was an upvote after repcapping
I'm guessing you downvoted this at some point in the past
Because that's the only thing deleted today (utc)
@emanresuA how do you know that?
@emanresuA nope, but I did flag it
tools > delete > today
the moderator tools are really not very discoverable
I guess they don't need to be
I just got a random +4
Oh wait ik why
> I’m voting to close this question because it was closed in the first place and was only reopened for science.
I wonder which question this was
i think it's one of mine
I'm proud that I recognize at least two of those custom close reasons as my own
nope, doesn't seem like it

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