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So you're saying snakes on a plane, a specific type of plane? — pipe 2 hours ago
(snakes on a 2xN grid challenge)
Kinda nostalgic for my Dell internship, it was pretty fun honestly
Might just be part of the generalized nostalgia I have for January through August though since that was when I had the apartment lol
@Mukundan314 By defining 0^(-1)=0, any issue?
2 hours later…
@l4m2 wdym by this? also powmod(b, mult(phips)-1, m) isn't correct when b and m are not coprime right?
2^-1 mod 6 is same idea as 0^-1 I guess
sorry I still don't understand what you mean, are we defining the modular inverse as zero when it doesn't exist?
1 hour later…
Yes. Will it suffer issue like (a^^b)%(mn)%m != (a^^b)%m?

« first day (5135 days earlier)