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@mathcat Don't make me use the AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAnti/(Anti)+Rickroll/rollRickrollAntiRickrollollntRorickleaaaaolllelolraAnt-ificator 5000
This is not rickroll, please click
Things that sound like rickrolls:
1. "This is not a rickroll"
Ok, please click, this is real post
Hello new person! Welcome to rickroll The Nineteenth Byte!
2. "Here, you can get a Million dollars for free"
3. "Relevant xkcd"
If you want to check, just copy and paste the link
4. "I made an Anti Rickroll extension"
Please click
why won't SE chat let me ignore myself
Did you ignore yourself or flag yourself?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani for some reason you can't ignore yourself! idk why
To whoever flagged the o/ and \o, that's just an emoticon for waving hi/bye
need an emoticon for waving a flag around so i can do emoticon semaphore
@mathcat this escalating anti-rickroll thing reminds me of a scene from one of the Despicable Me movies
lemme check Wikipedia one sec
the one with Gru and Mustache Guy Balthazar Bratt where they keep pulling out larger weapons
@mathcat well now you need to put it in your movie thing
incredible actually
@thejonymyster my thoughts exactly
Okay, seriously. Is there any reason https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/... has four VTCs? It says opinion based, but it looks perfectly objective to me.
@thejonymyster ▀\_ಠ_ಠ and ಠ_ಠ _/▀
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You got me. I should have spotted your ... instead of …
@taRadvylfsriksushilani one more reason to get that plugin online
Or ban rickrolling…
for context, I store that number as a long
@GingerIndustries right
then gru pulled out a water gun
2 days ago, by caird coinheringaahing
I'll update the chatiquette to ban rickrolls :P
yesterday, by Adám
Fwiw, I think we should ban rickrolls.
@Adám @everyone Any Feedback?
Gonna install rick roulett
@Fmbalbuena Why are you singling me out from everyone?
@emanresuA no.
@Adám because you commented all my sandbox posts
@Fmbalbuena I have literally no clue what the task is.
What is "a fail"?
@Adám if the next step is smaller than the actual number
Then describe that.
Also, this might be NP-difficult…
> A fail counts if a step is the lower number (not counting equal)
@Adám Can you do this in polynomial time?
Sure, if P=NP.
CMQ: Do you think P=NP?
No, here is the proof: P is not equal to NOT P, if P is 0, NP is 1, if P is >1, NP is 0
@mathcat As a member of Tautology Club, I can say that P=P and NP=NP.
@GingerIndustries Tau?
@mathcat pi × 2
@GingerIndustries and NP=NP
yes I know
@BgilMidol precisely
@GingerIndustries tau fan?
@Wezl-yizl Try iframes?
@mathcat Let N = 1
I see, I'm in a room full of coders and nerds
@mathcat this is code golf mate
@Adám Do you understand?
Yes, now I do, but I don't think it is very clear, nor am I sure it is easily optimally solvable. Suggested test case:
Oh, btw, if the starting point is always in the top left corner, you should say so.
@Adám Output?
@Fmbalbuena I don't know, I didn't solve the problem. You should always have a reference implementation to any problem you post, to make sure it is actually solvable. Oh, by the way is the taken minimal-fail path allowed to cross itself?
@emanresuA doesn't work. With school wifi, any requests are blocked. With school devices off of school wifi, only websites (including iframes) in chrome are blocked. (don't worry, I have a workaround, it's just inconvenient)
@Adám yes
@Wezl-yizl Hmm... What is your workaround?
StarpPage's Anonymous View has gotten me around ISP blocks.
@emanresuA How would that work?
@Adám Can you implement this in APL?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Bypasses screen time limits on Safari
ContentKeeper (what a lot of school districts apparently use, including mine) is based on network stuff
Likely DNS and SNI, and (as I'm painfully aware) IPs as a fallback
@Fmbalbuena APL is TC, so if it can be implemented, it can be implemented in APL.
@Adám Then BF can do this, so You can do in APL.
@emanresuA I just use various archive sites. I've used Anonymous View that Adám mentioned (but eventually the school blocked it) in the past (searx (search engine) also has a proxy thing). And I can use Termux to run curl and lynx (off of school wifi).
@Wezl-yizl bold of yall to assume that I'm not from the DoE
@GingerIndustries no assumption of the sort made. Try to stop me and fail mwahahahaha
@Wezl-yizl is this a challenge?
i used to use the text only view to play games at school
i forgot what its called
cause its harder to access now
(not reader view)
@Adám Uh oh why you don't do this?
@GingerIndustries yes. get my school district to block the TNB
@Wezl-yizl be careful what you wish for
you can email me if you succeed
I just pirate the code of a couple of games and go data:text/html,<script src=...>
@Fmbalbuena I don't have time.
@Adám ok, do when you have time.
I'm not sure I'll live long enough.
seems like there are at least 2 conversations going on at all times. one seems to be about anti-school tactics, while the other is about math
@smarnav that is correct
and normal
@smarnav TNB has one core but we also use Hyper-V
@smarnav If you combine them, we can start talking about anti-math class tactics
@cairdcoinheringaahing 1. Nuclear warfare
@cairdcoinheringaahing NO
@cairdcoinheringaahing and then we can commentate about how bad 5 minute craft's math hacks are
0. outsourcing to TNB users
65535: null
@Wezl-yizl what is a tnb
The nineteenth byte
and why hyperv
Idea: Avatar but the four fundamental forces
@GingerIndustries At least for gravity and electromagnetism, the original Avatar almost gets there :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing valid
Airbenders basically ignore gravity when they're good enough, and metal bending probably allows for a massive amount of EM physics to be discovered
Poor weak-nuclear-force-benders
@cairdcoinheringaahing Overanalyzing Fiction: A Series
brought to you by TNB
@GingerIndustries Arguably, all bending is simply manipulating the 4 fundamental forces to reshape the various elements :P
You could even make the argument that all of water-, fire-, earth- and air-bending is just oxygen-bending
@cairdcoinheringaahing Arguably, the four fundamental forces are combinations of the various elements.
Aight, posting this
Q: Shrink ASCII art

emanresu AThe inverse of this question. Your challenge is to, given a piece of ASCII art generated by the above question and its enlargement factor, shrink it down to its original size. The enlargement process Or look at this ASCII art within a limited character set can be enlarged to a certain (odd) size...

@NewPosts ᴬˢᶜᴵᴵ ᵃʳᵗ
There, I shrunk ASCII art
@cairdcoinheringaahing those letters aren't ASCII! You're a fraud!
lunch :)
@thejonymyster Most practical implementations of Lisp (e.g. Common Lisp, Guile, Racket) have fractions built-in.
Antirickblock is ready(just did some stupid things to make Rickblock's life harder)
@DLosc what about impractical ones?
@DLosc (Also my language Zephyr does, but it's not developed enough to be considered a serious language.)
@mathcat hmmmmm
@GingerIndustries Probably some do. All the ones I've implemented only support integers (so far).
@GingerIndustries took some (a lot of) code from SE and mixed it all up
@mathcat ah yes, window.location.replace("https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ");
@mathcat oh, I guess I'm not the only one to make a rickblockblock
@GingerIndustries not only
@emanresuA Sokka, presumably
@pxeger was it meant as a rickroll or did you really try to block rickblock?
does a rickroll not constitute a rickblock block?
antiantirickroll == rickroll
hm yeah right
you fools, my method is so simple it defeats both of them
did you take a look at my code?
what's your method?
black magic
okay, that's powerful
but anyway o/
additional feature: TVTropes Emergency Exit
Note for rickrollers: using the 404.html allows any path
surge.sh, which seems to be what everyone's using for rickrolls, allows you to have a 404.html page that any 404 link redirects to
Meaning you can append whatever you want to your links and it'll work
Rickroll Defender can handle that too
VyxalCMC: Rickroll someone (if you already know this, no spoilers)
!!/run «⋏›∪^Ǎ@hẏe&ȯ₴1⋎$1λPṄ≠ḣ∑⁼`»ṡ
@DLosc i am here to learn me a vyxal for great good
There we go
I read through most of the Vyxal teaching stuff from earlier, so I think I have a decent grasp on how the language works. Anybody want to post some more VyMCs?
Hold on, I'll find the repo
VyMC: Given a string, return if it is only made of alphanumeric characters.
@NewPosts I had such a nice solution but then underscore stepped in
Get the centre of each block?
Yeah, nah
make that challenge next :P
"Given a matrix and an integer n, get the centre of each nxn block?"
That just gave me an idea
Two actually
@emanresuA This seems familiar
why is this not a language yet
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wdym?
Seems like a challenge I've seen before
But, I can't seem to find it
There are a bunch of 'divide into square matrices' challenges
@emanresuA 7 bytes
There's probably a better way, I kept feeling like I must be missing something obvious
Hint: What happens if you remove alphanumeric characters?
@Fatalize Any ideas on why I have to do |∧ instead of in this solution?
@GingerIndustries CMC: This
@emanresuA I thought of that, but I wasn't sure how to do that since - removes substrings not characters... Looking through the docs again, I guess F will do the job, so 4 bytes.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani vtc as unclear, but sounds fun if it can be spec'ed right.
@DLosc Yep!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Isn't that just JavaScript? /s
@emanresuA 6 bytes: kPkrĿA
I guess kP...Ŀ is just a shitty unreliable F lol
Jul 9 '21 at 16:52, by Wezl
https://ermineii.github.io/blog/2020/javascript-awareness-month-2020.html it's an actual thing
fuck you
Is it a rickroll?
@pxeger Oh, that's weird. I was staring at that for quite a while going "How could that work," until I looked at kP by itself and realized it's not in ASCII order.
yeah honestly I have no idea why kP is in that order
Apparently this is why ;)
Also if you want it in ASCII order I guess you can just do s
CMC: print "€uro" without "€uro"
@emanresuA Give me another, sensei
VyMC: Given a non-empty string, return the percentage of each character. E.g. "this is a certified bruh moment" -> [["t", 3/31], ["h", 2/31], ["i", 4/31], ["s", 2/31], [" ", 5/31], ["a", 1/31], ["c", 1/31], ["e", 3/31], ["r", 2/31], ["f", 1/31], ["d", 1/31], ["b", 1/31], ["u", 1/31], ["m", 2/31], ["o", 1/31], ["n", 1/31]]
You can guess who wrote that one
Y'all already did that one
Ugh I seriously hate my latin class
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Lorem ispum dolor sit amet
tbf this room is like 50% random noise
To brain fuck, this room is like 50% random noise
I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally have never posted random noise... until now ^_^
is it just me or is that not whitenoise
IDK, all noise sounds the same color to me :P
Here's some random noise
@emanresuA Nah, there are definitely some discernible patterns to that
Looooooooooooooooooooong texr
@cairdcoinheringaahing lmao what xD
@hyper-neutrino It's so good :P
Watch until the end, it gets better :P
@Fmbalbuena At this point, this is noise. Please stop
var play = function() {
    var ac = new AudioContext();
    var o = ac.createOscillator();
    var g = ac.createGain();
    o.frequency.value = 440 * 2 ** (Math.random() * 7 - 3);
    o.type = "sine";
There's some random noise for ya
!!/run kW`cḟġ.²↲.sh`+
@DLosc https://cgcc.surge.sh
There's a short dictionary code for https:// as well
Hyper special-cased that
Nvm there isn't
Honestly, at this point, running lyxal in Vyxal is like a boggart in harry potter: no one knows what it actually does, it always just appears as a rickroll :P
!!/run vyxal
[@Fmbalbuena: 60198028]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/main.py", line 147, in execute_vyxal
    exec(code, locals() | globals())
  File "<string>", line 26, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
Lemme try the offline interpreter
!!/run lyxallyxallyxal
[@Fmbalbuena: 60198031]
⟨ ⟨  ⟩ | ⟨  ⟩ ⟩
⟨ ⟨ 0 ⟩ | ⟨  ⟩ ⟩
⟨ ⟨ 0 ⟩ | ⟨  ⟩ ⟩
@taRadvylfsriksushilani WIP
In Graham's number, what are the 3^^...^^3s reduced by?
@Fmbalbuena oh that's an easy one, I've got an answer in only a few hundred trillion bytes
VyCMC: print €uro without €uro`k
All of the latin in all of my assignments just reads like random words to me
I hate this so much
latinus hardus
@GingerIndustries surely as a member of Tautology Club, all you can say is that you're a member of Tautology Club?
And up until now I didn't have to care, but I haven't done work in the class in months and other people are starting to catch up to me
Luckily, the first rule of Tautology Club is the first rule of Tautology Club
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah yes, recu rrrrrr sion
I have a 4.18% in the class right now
Halfway through the school year
@Fmbalbuena I feel like there's probably a shorter way to do this, but I've got 33 bytes
Is there not an "nth unicode char" built-in?
Seems like 16 bytes or so would be possible with that
Does Vyxal have integer compression?
@AaroneousMiller btw half of this program doesn't actually do anything
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
Hmm...50% of the grade in the class is tests, and there's only 13 of those, compared to several hundred assignments
CMC: PRNG based on TNB entropy.
If I could consistently get an 80% on those tests, since 10% of the final grade is basically free (due to three participation grades at the beginning of the class that are 10% of the final grade for some reason), I'd get a 50% in the class
I wonder how many assignments there are...if I just did the easy ones, I wonder if a 70% would be feasible
Likely not, since that's half of them
Do you need (or want) to pass the class?
See, I don't know. In theory I need to pass it in order to graduate (!), but we don't even have a teacher and the whole class is roughly at the same place as me.
So it's quite possible that the whole class fails, but I'm guessing/hoping the school will step in and curve it or something
And if they don't, I'm kinda wondering if not providing us a teacher and then failing all 10-15 of us would be grounds for a lawsuit
A lawsuit? really?
Seems like there's quite a few steps between failing you and you suing them
The problem is, we don't have a teacher, we've asked the district multiple times for any amount of help and they've essentially left us on read, the online self-paced class they signed us up for is at the wrong level and using the wrong textbook (so we don't know any of this and can't really do any of the work), and they aren't even doing the grading.
It seems like failing a whole class of students when the district didn't even provide the bare minimum necessary for us to actually do the work, and then having some random 3rd party with no knowledhge of the situation grade us, is quite a bit different from a random student just being dumb and failing
Step 1: Fail the class
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit
Step 4: Use the money to hire a lawyer
@DLosc Unfortunately, all lawyers only speak latin, so Step 4 doesn't work with Step 1 :/
There are seniors in our class. Since this is Latin II, and state law mandates that you get credit for at least two LOTE classes, they literally cannot graduate if our whole class gets failed
@cairdcoinheringaahing Maybe Redwolf & classmates can enter a plea of nolo comprehendere
The rickrolls are getting too much now ಠ_ಠ
@user Totally agree, I talk about my thoughts on them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, you're Rick Astley??
Yes, you can read all about it here
Huh, an anti-rickroll
Why'd you link to a textual rickroll but disguise it as the actual video?
-1, no effort in golfing :P
@user Because it's a triple bluff :P
caird playing 5d chess here :P
Either I linked directly to the video, or I linked to something else not a rickroll disguised as a rickroll. But, with my big brain, I instead linked to a rickroll, disguising it as a rickroll :P
Aww, the vyxal interpreter doesn't disguise the code or else I could do a quintuple bluff :(
2.6 does
hmm, to click or not to click
I clicked on it and nothing happened
When I clicked Run, it showed me a Grammarly ad :P
Who said ads were bad? :P
I feel like we should have a flag to disable that and actually run lyxal
yesterday, by DLosc
@Niko Truthfully, I'd rather watch 15 seconds of Never Gonna Give You Up than 15 seconds of most ads
Jun 10 '21 at 15:42, by user
Unrelated, but I appear to be confirmed as the Hulk, a waffle, a jerk, and Samuel Jackson
Searching TNB's transcript for the word "confirmed" is an... interesting experience.
This is why you first put your user ID in and avoid the more...distasteful results (unless you're me and your own messages are cringe)
Is this Russian Roulette or are all of those innocent links?
Why don't you try them? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing And also Satan, who lives in the center of the earth
Nov 26 '21 at 18:24, by user
Oh I see that hn = weeb has been confirmed way back in the transcript (thanks to emanresu's starred quote)
Only result for emanresu confirmed
Too many of these "confirmations" are by me ಠ_ಠ
@DLosc So caird's their own son? This seems broken.
When I look back on past me, I always think, "Man, I was so stupid." But then I realize, "Man, I am so stupid"
@emanresuA I mean, isn't Jesus both God and the son of God or something like that?
Where's that trinity/JS image when you need it?
@emanresuA Nothing is confirmed about me ~_~
@DLosc The ping from that was a real jumpscare
DLosc is DLosc confirmed
@DLosc There you go :)
@user Sweet, thanks!
@emanresuA Here's another one: emanresu is banana confirmed
Jul 28 '21 at 2:59, by lyxal
> Why is Caird so Caird?

Caird is named after the artist Robert Caird. He is also the patron spirit of artists. This is why his spirit shows up here.

What does the Caird spirit look like?

In a picture he looks like a tall man with long hair wearing a white tunic(robe).

How did Caird get his powers?

Caird is very old. He got his powers from other people who came before him. He has a lot of experience.

What does his spirit do?

Caird's spirit acts like an artist. He loves to paint pictures. He also has a great sense of humor.
@emanresuA That's why I have this tab muted
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why does this feel entirely plausible lol
It's CGCC canon that I'm not named after Robert Caird, but yes, the rest is 100% true
People who can control gravity: *start flying*
People who can control the strong force: *make the other people's atoms come apart*
@cairdcoinheringaahing We have canon?
Yes, meta
A: The many users of CGCC

caird coinheringaahing"caird coinheringaahing" comes from this Jelly answer. Given that the answer is written in Jelly (my primary language on the site), and the challenge is very much about the site, I thought that it'd be a fun, unique username that references the site. And it should be pronounced "cared co-in-hear-...

Oh right
It has been confirmed through meta, so is fact
I see that you have only a single primary source: you. Very sus
I am very old, so I'm the only primary source needed :P
I have a lot of experience :P
@user In my mind, a well-known tune by Pachelbel is stuck on repeat. It's my headcanon in D.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i still have the power to edit that message to make it look like you support whatever i want :P
@hyper-neutrino Can't you do that with any message I send? :P
@hyper-neutrino hyper-neutrino is a
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GabeEuler Irregular Primes Your challenge is to find all Euler Irregular Primes under n. Scoring Your goal is to have the fewest points the points are given by the amount of seconds it takes to generate the first 1,000 Euler Irregular Primes.

(Feel free to edit ^^)
@DLosc this deserves mystery biscuits lol
Apr 12 '21 at 20:37, by caird coinheringaahing
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, but that's not as funny :P
VyMC: Return the list ⟨ ⟨ 104 | 116 | 116 | 112 | 115 ⟩ | ⟨ 116 | 116 | 112 | 115 | 58 ⟩ | ⟨ 116 | 112 | 115 | 58 | 47 ⟩ | ⟨ 112 | 115 | 58 | 47 | 47 ⟩ ⟩ in 5 bytes using only ascii.
Hint: C could be helpful
@emanresuA nerd.
@lyxal Aw, thanks! I was thinking of it as Tom's prize for the winner of the show
@DLosc I'm glad you got the reference lol. I've recently binged citation needed and it's hilarious as anything
VyMC: Given an integer n, return a diamond of asterisks such that the first row has 2 asterisks, the second has 4...the nth row has 2n asterisks, the n+1th row has 2n asterisks, the n+2th row has 2n-2 asterisks...the 2nth row has 2 asterisks. E.g n = 4
@lyxal I'm just finishing my second time through ^_^
@lyxal Can't remember, what's the "every substring of N consecutive characters" builtin again? None of the search terms I've tried so far has worked.
@DLosc 8 glorious seasons of everybody's favourite Gary Brannan, Gary Brannan
@emanresuA yes, but it can be made shorter
@lyxal I recently got this on my YouTube recommendations
@DLosc same. All jokes aside it was actually quite an interesting video to watch.
@emanresuA my intended solution is 5 bytes and uses 5 single byte elements
@emanresuA All right, solution then. I think l would be more discoverable in elements.md if its description included the terms "substring" and "sublist".
@DLosc that's my fault for not knowing what to name it
I never have quite known what to call it

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