a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first
on Mar 13 at 0:00  Rizz yourself

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break things by developing on production. This room is for Charcoal, a volunteer organization focused on detecting and eliminating spam and rude/abusive posts on all SE sites. 300k true positives and counting. For more information, see https://charcoal-se.org/about. Handy links: https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com; https://github.com/Charcoal-SE
1m ago – SmokeDetector
SmokeDetector: 1m ago, 1083652 posts (47%)Nisse Engström: 5m ago, 7831 posts (0%)VLAZ: 11h ago, 9534 posts (0%)Nobody: 22h ago, 1231 posts (0%)Robert Longson: 2d ago, 645 posts (0%)gparyani: 2d ago, 2158 posts (0%)Dragonrage: 2d ago, 3681 posts (0%)gre_gor: 2d ago, 69 posts (0%)dbc: 3d ago, 179 posts (0%)Journeyman Geek: 3d ago, 203 posts (0%)Andrew T.: 4d ago, 1012 posts (0%)Jiminy Cricket.: 5d ago, 148 posts (0%)Byte Commander: 8d ago, 5509 posts (0%)CaffeineAddiction: 9d ago, 1122 posts (0%)Makyen: 14d ago, 56653 posts (2%)Franck Dernoncourt: 14d ago, 1 posts (0%)tink: 22d ago, 15 posts (0%)Rory Alsop: 41d ago, 225 posts (0%)motosubatsu: 68d ago, 27 posts (0%)Catija: 136d ago, 2961 posts (0%)Starship: 141d ago, 291 posts (0%)Loong: 404d ago, 167 posts (0%)Videonauth: 1528d ago, 1089 posts (0%)

The Velodrome

General discussion for http://bicycles.stackexchange.com
17m ago – Willeke
Criggie: 1h ago, 34594 posts (21%)Michael: 19h ago, 9928 posts (6%)Rory Alsop: 8d ago, 423 posts (0%)DavidW: 26d ago, 2438 posts (1%)

Raiders of the Lost Downboat

Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board: https://trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eG0qNJaXGR7krDllIITZNXUSXFdpFfFkwtdcAudvz1c/edit?usp=sharing Looking for the main room to discuss Ubuntu? https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room
17m ago – andrew.46
andrew.46: 17m ago, 1321 posts (0%)SmokeDetector: 2h ago, 12844 posts (9%)Natty: 14h ago, 30885 posts (22%)NotTheDr01ds: 3d ago, 1951 posts (1%)Makyen: 62d ago, 47 posts (0%)VLAZ: no posts

TeX, LaTeX and Friends

17m ago – mickep
mickep: 17m ago, 8791 posts (0%)Joseph Wright: 15h ago, 88191 posts (9%)Jasper Habicht: 1d ago, 1706 posts (0%)Ulrike Fischer: 2d ago, 33101 posts (3%)Rmano: 2d ago, 4372 posts (0%)yo': 3d ago, 41646 posts (4%)CarLaTeX: 4d ago, 8945 posts (0%)dedded: 5d ago, 113 posts (0%)enkorvaks: 24d ago, 62 posts (0%)Phelype Oleinik: 60d ago, 5806 posts (0%)

English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by English (or other languages) in the raw. That doesn't mean we want to talk about YouTube comments or hemorrhoids or other such topics.
29m ago – CowperKettle
tchrist: 6h ago, 251420 posts (10%)Vikas: 22h ago, 12547 posts (0%)Xanne: 1d ago, 4450 posts (0%)

 Poutnik's mostly chem chat

General chat about chemistry and other things. Posting for approved users.
29m ago – Poutnik


Ad linguam Latinam (etc.) disputandam | http://latin.stackexchange.com/ | https://ephor.us/latinwordle/
34m ago – Joonas Ilmavirta
Adam: 8d ago, 8181 posts (11%)

Chez Cosette

Discussion pour http://french.stackexchange.com. Bienvenue à tous ! You may speak English, too.

The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ - Welcome to The 2nd Monitor! http://codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5967/welcome-to-the-2nd-monitor - Site Business always comes first
42m ago – Duga
toolic: 12h ago, 200 posts (0%)Toby Speight: 28d ago, 656 posts (0%)

Problem Solving Strategies

General chat for high school physics. For MathJax see https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976
1h ago – John Rennie
John Rennie: 1h ago, 139257 posts (34%)NOTE Book: 1h ago, 1264 posts (0%)

Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle chat. All are welcome. Please ask substantive questions on the main site.
1h ago – J-J-J
J-J-J: 1h ago, 42 posts (0%)Nick Cox: 3d ago, 747 posts (2%)

Thinking Out Loud

While users are lurking, turtles, trucks and improper methods of liquid waste disposal are on-top-topic. Ping @user430580 at will, others at your own risk! Quote to remember: Alcohol makes you feel like a genius but behave like an idiot.


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and chatbots without upsetting anyone.

Petəíŕd's Den

While wizards are lurking, ancient spells and new users are on-top-topic. Ping @Pet and @Sha at will, others at your own risk! Quotes to remember: Expect the worst, hope for the best. | Not everything that shines is gold. On the other hand, not all gold shines.
1h ago – PetlinBOT
PetlinBOT: 1h ago, 4694 posts (6%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 1h ago, 21806 posts (30%)OakBot: 1h ago, 14733 posts (20%)Глеб The Wizard: 2h ago, 7949 posts (11%)TwineeeTheOliveWizard: 4h ago, 2801 posts (3%)user430580: 12h ago, 1703 posts (2%)Ginger: 14h ago, 12 posts (0%)


Where the trash goes.

Makyen test 01

testing chat features
1h ago – metasmoke
metasmoke: 1h ago, 12096 posts (98%)Makyen: 1d ago, 79 posts (0%)

Sports News

For posting links to sports news, articles, interesting stats, ...
1h ago – Martin Sleziak

The Sphinx's Lair

General discussion for http://puzzling.stackexchange.com
1h ago – juicifer
GentlePurpleRain: 15h ago, 3146 posts (0%)Stevo: 3d ago, 3307 posts (0%)WOWOW: 5d ago, 10 posts (0%)Gareth McCaughan: 13d ago, 15527 posts (3%)Bubbler: 255d ago, 786 posts (0%)

The Garbage Collector

General discussion for https://langdev.stackexchange.com
1h ago – CPlus
New Posts: 2d ago, 1123 posts (3%)Eldritch Conundrum: 3d ago, 796 posts (2%)Ginger: 4d ago, 2804 posts (8%)Michael Homer: 14d ago, 1774 posts (5%)Alexis King: 28d ago, 1433 posts (4%)ratchet freak: 158d ago, 70 posts (0%)

This Is Fine

The news discussion offshoot of the Bridge. Stars reserved for news items. Discussion should primarily be about news topics.
2h ago – User1865345
Memor-X: 4h ago, 12415 posts (4%)Joe W: 1d ago, 313 posts (0%)Wipqozn: 1d ago, 21704 posts (8%)Hannah Vernon: 4d ago, 126 posts (0%)Jolenealaska: 11d ago, 5257 posts (2%)murgatroid99: 115d ago, 2637 posts (1%)Tim Stone: 429d ago, 50279 posts (19%)
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