@mathcat Don't make me use the AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAntiAnti/(Anti)+Rickroll/rollRickrollAntiRickrollollntRorickleaaaaolllelolraAnt-ificator 5000
Okay, seriously. Is there any reason https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/... has four VTCs? It says opinion based, but it looks perfectly objective to me.
@Fmbalbuena I don't know, I didn't solve the problem. You should always have a reference implementation to any problem you post, to make sure it is actually solvable. Oh, by the way is the taken minimal-fail path allowed to cross itself?
@emanresuA doesn't work. With school wifi, any requests are blocked. With school devices off of school wifi, only websites (including iframes) in chrome are blocked. (don't worry, I have a workaround, it's just inconvenient)
@emanresuA I just use various archive sites. I've used Anonymous View that Adám mentioned (but eventually the school blocked it) in the past (searx (search engine) also has a proxy thing). And I can use Termux to run curl and lynx (off of school wifi).
The inverse of this question.
Your challenge is to, given a piece of ASCII art generated by the above question and its enlargement factor, shrink it down to its original size.
The enlargement process
Or look at this
ASCII art within a limited character set can be enlarged to a certain (odd) size...
I read through most of the Vyxal teaching stuff from earlier, so I think I have a decent grasp on how the language works. Anybody want to post some more VyMCs?
@emanresuA I thought of that, but I wasn't sure how to do that since - removes substrings not characters... Looking through the docs again, I guess F will do the job, so 4 bytes.
@pxeger Oh, that's weird. I was staring at that for quite a while going "How could that work," until I looked at kP by itself and realized it's not in ASCII order.
var play = function() {
var ac = new AudioContext();
var o = ac.createOscillator();
var g = ac.createGain();
o.frequency.value = 440 * 2 ** (Math.random() * 7 - 3);
o.type = "sine";
Honestly, at this point, running lyxal in Vyxal is like a boggart in harry potter: no one knows what it actually does, it always just appears as a rickroll :P
[@Fmbalbuena: 60198028]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/Vyxal/mysite/vyxal/main.py", line 147, in execute_vyxal
exec(code, locals() | globals())
File "<string>", line 26, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
If I could consistently get an 80% on those tests, since 10% of the final grade is basically free (due to three participation grades at the beginning of the class that are 10% of the final grade for some reason), I'd get a 50% in the class
I wonder how many assignments there are...if I just did the easy ones, I wonder if a 70% would be feasible
See, I don't know. In theory I need to pass it in order to graduate (!), but we don't even have a teacher and the whole class is roughly at the same place as me.
So it's quite possible that the whole class fails, but I'm guessing/hoping the school will step in and curve it or something
And if they don't, I'm kinda wondering if not providing us a teacher and then failing all 10-15 of us would be grounds for a lawsuit
The problem is, we don't have a teacher, we've asked the district multiple times for any amount of help and they've essentially left us on read, the online self-paced class they signed us up for is at the wrong level and using the wrong textbook (so we don't know any of this and can't really do any of the work), and they aren't even doing the grading.
It seems like failing a whole class of students when the district didn't even provide the bare minimum necessary for us to actually do the work, and then having some random 3rd party with no knowledhge of the situation grade us, is quite a bit different from a random student just being dumb and failing
There are seniors in our class. Since this is Latin II, and state law mandates that you get credit for at least two LOTE classes, they literally cannot graduate if our whole class gets failed
Either I linked directly to the video, or I linked to something else not a rickroll disguised as a rickroll. But, with my big brain, I instead linked to a rickroll, disguising it as a rickroll :P
Aww, the vyxal interpreter doesn't disguise the code or else I could do a quintuple bluff :(
"caird coinheringaahing" comes from this Jelly answer. Given that the answer is written in Jelly (my primary language on the site), and the challenge is very much about the site, I thought that it'd be a fun, unique username that references the site.
And it should be pronounced "cared co-in-hear-...
Euler Irregular Primes
Your challenge is to find all Euler Irregular Primes under n.
Your goal is to have the fewest points the points are given by the amount of seconds it takes to generate the first 1,000 Euler Irregular Primes.
@DLosc I'm glad you got the reference lol. I've recently binged citation needed and it's hilarious as anything
VyMC: Given an integer n, return a diamond of asterisks such that the first row has 2 asterisks, the second has 4...the nth row has 2n asterisks, the n+1th row has 2n asterisks, the n+2th row has 2n-2 asterisks...the 2nth row has 2 asterisks. E.g n = 4
@emanresuA All right, solution then. I think l would be more discoverable in elements.md if its description included the terms "substring" and "sublist".