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@hyper-neutrino You haven't nuked it like caird said yet ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
ngl, I was pretty scared I'd accidentally hit the "Flag Answer" button while taking the screenshot :P
I mean, you can always retract it
well, you can just retract it, and i won't yell at you that much :p
3:08 PM
If you're yelling, you're doing it wrong :P
Everyone knows the worst one is "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have a constant strong urge to do the same for all answers caird writes
Oh snap!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fun fact, ß used to be included as a nilad in LCCs because it's arity (-1) messes up the comparison :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing true :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing cursed
in Jelly, Apr 1 '16 at 18:42, by Dennis
I don't understand my language. ._.
Dennis' reaction to that :P
3:12 PM
negative arity? what's next, fractional arity? imaginary arity?
vector arity
2D Jelly, where each atom uses a+bi as it's arity, with a being it's "left-right" arity and b being it's "vertical" arity :P
When I was your age, all we had were whole numbers for arities. Now you kids have all these fancy negative arities and multidimensional arities. I ought to teach y'all a lesson and take your arities away
i'm tempted to give something a nondet arity in perhaps now
That seems like something that would fit Hatred better :P
Add in a "random choose" builtin, that randomly chooses its own arity :P
3:17 PM
does anyone have any idea why this behaves that way
is 5 not a digit?
i see you're choking on the same challenge i'm choking on
the issue there is the accumulator is the left arg
oh wait 0,2 still takes left doesn't it
3:19 PM
am smart
(by the way i've been using ŒuƑ to test the inverse condition)
my thoughts exactly
I want to see a language called "peanut butter" that is designed specifically for polyglotting with Jelly
oh also smart
3:20 PM
@AaronMiller Working on it :P
Jelly, but with the code page translated by 128
what the fuck
i know Ƒ doesn't vectorize but you're mapping it and it is producing a list
what the hell
def to_case(argument, lower = False, swap = False, title = False, upper = False):
	ret = []
	last_item = ' '
	for item in argument:
		if type(item) == str:
			if lower:
			elif swap:
			elif title:
				ret.append(item.lower() if type(last_item) == str and last_item in str_upper + str_lower else item.upper())
			elif upper:
		last_item = item
	return ret
Changed to return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret in my fork
3:24 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing I dont see how your code is equivalent :p
3:27 PM
Looks like someone let ants get into lyxal's fridge, because jelly's full of bugs...
it's a feature (tm)
@UnrelatedString well i found a solution but it's really long so :c
i feel like you should be able to replace the ƒ“” with just a / but maybe not
i suspect improper forms of concatenation are why mine still isn't workin
eh that might be able to work
only if the input is non-empty
i feel like using an infix-tacit lang for an explicitly stack-based challenge is not the best choice
3:31 PM
@pxeger But lyxal doesn't have a fridge...
it works fine:tm: because of good old
May 17 at 20:43, by user
Just nuke Lyxal's fridge
May 17 at 22:59, by lyxal
Anyone know why my fridge is completely destroyed and people in my local area are now experiencing radiation poisoning?
@UnrelatedString yep as expected replacing a ; with ṭ@ fixed it because i literally was not thinking about what i was actually doing
ŒṘ op
by which i mean it makes the output formatting not weird and actually normal :p
3:35 PM
Anyone know what the most used languages for golfing are on the site?
Probably Jelly
languages used for golfing, not golfing languages necessarily
so Python and JS as well
If you can call what they do "golfing", sure ;)
3:48 PM
> used to be
I don't think that was ever fixed
That's still a bug, and I think that's why this can't be inlined
No, wait, that's a different bug with ß
is equivalent to +1$ or 1+$
where would the distinction matter?
How does ord in Jelly work? I tried dO but it wont cast d to ord, however parsing d as an argument works.
Do I need to add $?
3:55 PM
says that the next character is a character literal. Otherwise, it tries to interpret it as code
Ahh makes sense, I read up on the syntax now
@pxeger yeah these beat jelly easily
i was trying to figure out if it was left or right by doing some cursed python injection but alas the jellification either fails or converts it to something else
> most used
yep even in most used
3:59 PM
@hyper-neutrino ŒV always returns []
@cairdcoinheringaahing well that's just cuz i set __iter__ to return []'s iter
i could change it to return iter([1, 2]) and it'd return [1, 2], but i can't get it to keep the python object itself
@cairdcoinheringaahing I feel like this was cheating as you used a tiny 3, and it said no numbers :P So I tried to do it like this ”dOŻ
@N3buchadnezzar Tiny 3 is not a number :P
Is there some shorter way of getting 100 without using ³ or similar? ^^
@hyper-neutrino “copy_to(atoms['®'], type("A",(),{"__add__":lambda s,x:print("x on right"),"__radd__":lambda s,x:print("x on left"),"__iter__":lambda s:iter([])})())”ŒVṛ®+1 works
4:02 PM
@N3buchadnezzar ȷ2
oh wait that's a number
@hyper-neutrino Indeed
or, in R, apparently, volcano (lol)
@cairdcoinheringaahing that is exceedingly cursed, i love it
@hyper-neutrino ah yeah robin ryder used that
hilarious answer
so increment is equivalent to +1 :p
@hyper-neutrino That's the only way to get stuff out of “...”ŒV :P
“atoms['®'].call=type("A",(),{"__add__":lambda s,x:print("x on right"),"__radd__":lambda s,x:print("x on left")})”ŒVṛ®+1 also works, and is shorter
4:05 PM
it shouldn't ever matter if you don't do weird stuff like this, cuz i think addition is always commutative in jelly, but still :p
you can change "A" to just ""
if we're golfing it
wait what
you can just give a type an empty name?? lol
>>> type("",(),{})
<class '__main__.'>
hello fellow classes, I too am __main__.
4:07 PM
ಠ_ಠ Can Community please stop bumping [status-completed/declined/bydesign] posts?
maybe you should make a [bug] post about that, which will get marked as [bydesign] so Community can bump it again
Considering opening an FR on MSE
ಠ_ಠ It turns out there are exactly 4 meta questions with [status-completed/declined/bydesign] that meet Community's bumping criteria, and it's bumped 3 of them
how do we make it not meet the bumping criteria
delete it
At least one positively scored answer. Mind adding an "official rejection" answer to this?
> the posts eligible for bumping are those scoring >= 0 that have gone at least 30 days with no activity, have at least one non-deleted answer scoring 0 and none scoring more than that, and no accepted answer
4:23 PM
Now I know that Community bumping a post auto-invalidates it from being bumped for another 30 days, this is somehow crazier
good ol windows phone se keeping community busy
I'd upvote the answer, but I want it to bump more :P
in the last quarter, the highest reputation gain on the site was 0
Wow, Windows Phone hasn't had a question asked since April 25th :/
@hyper-neutrino The quarter reset this month
And even that one was invalid, I think
4:25 PM
However, the top user this year has earned a total of 39 rep
is that past one year or YTD
And of Glorfindel's one of them :P
From Jan 1st
@user From 2 of his link fixing script edits :P
Oh lol
What's the post type for questions?
nvm it's just questions
oh, we're still on a downward trend? :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's sad, we're going down to 2011 levels
4:29 PM
Keep in mind, we're just over halfway through the year
Fair enough, but 2020 didn't do too well
No, it didn't
i'm actually kinda surprised at where the drop is
I'm expecting us to be somewhere between 2018/2019 this year
i would've thought 2019-2020 would hit a huge drop but it started from 2017-2018
4:31 PM
Yeah, a lot of the "hardcore" users drifted away during 2018
actually, isn't that when the first of SE's issues started showing? 2019 was just the worst of it. i don't remember the exact history from that far back
Is there anyhing we can do about it? except stop posting Jelly answers of course
Wasn't that when a lot of top users left?
@N3buchadnezzar Get more people to join
our A:Q seems higher post-2017 tho
4:31 PM
@N3buchadnezzar Tell your friends to join CGCC, or else...
I think the downwards trend is for SE as a whole, not particular to CGCC
2018 had the ads scandal, Ch-ch-changes and "Twitter-led development"
oh, 2017 was that political post (don't think that majorly contributed to people leaving tho)
I wonder if the drama affected the end users much, or if people just naturally drift to other places
Code golfing on TikTok is the new fad after all
oh yeah back when they had a shit ton of nsfw ads for no reason. still not sure how the hell they managed
4:34 PM
@hyper-neutrino I've found that SE tends to be slightly left-leaning if anything tbh
A "stand against Trump" was unlikely to lose too many high-rep network users
It was pretty inappropriate for a site that is anything but political, though
this user has gained like thousands of rep from reporting inappropriate ads, which would be funny, if it weren't a sad indication of just how bad the ads were
Every top post by them is just "Today's inappropriate ad:"
> Top inappropriate-advertisements Askers
All Time
657 6

4:37 PM
> You tried show me "targeted ads"? Wow, way to fail. That must be a joke. You are showing me completely unrelated random junk!

- A sex shop.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ???
i always had an adblocker on and i had considered disabling it to support sites but for various reasons i have since stopped considering :) (especially here and on a lot of news pages)
Why is it that I can only see this as the user going "targeted sex shops ads? don't know what you're talking about *shifty glance*"? :P
@user Source
Yeah, no. I remember coming back to the second monitor after a few years hiatus. Life just had been life I gues.. And it was dead silent, and had been for months. Just the occasional new post and a few Monkings. It was a bit sad as I remember it buzzing with life back in 2015/2016
But that is just the cookie crumbles :P
4:42 PM
the way
@N3buchadnezzar We currently have 17 users here. I remember when I first joined, 30 was the absolutely minimum. Maybe 25 on weekends when Europe/US was mostly asleep, but never below that
50+ users in here used to be not uncommon. Now, we'd assume someone has done something very bad
@cairdcoinheringaahing speaking of, Wezl has a new avatar
@pxeger Wrong message?
@Wezl great to see you're speaking out about this horrible condition and I hope a cure will be found soon!
4:50 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Even Discord feels more dead than before.
@user speaking of the users list, is what I meant
Where did everyone go? Or did they just get a life? :P
there is way too much js hate here
People drift away
4:51 PM
a lot of people left after SE's 2019 incidents, and also people drift away and new people show up in varying amounts so activity isn't consistent
> Who would have thought that having an AdBlocker enabled came with these disadvantages?!
I wasn't really active here in 2019, cause I just sort of lost interest. Came back cause I was bored during the pandemic, but not everyone will come back
We have had a surprising number of "older" users drop back for a visit lately tho
ermineii.github.io/blog/2020/… it's an actual thing
yeah i definitely trust that link
4:53 PM
It was mostly due to being busy, but in late 2019 I slowly stopped being active cuz I didn't want to leave but the community was falling apart quite quickly around me and everyone that made my experience on the site great was disappearing
Leaky and Martin have both started posting again, Downgoat and Rainbolt have dropped back in here etc.
I wish I could hide every SO post not made within the last 5 years. NO! I do not wish to learn how to do this only using ES5!!
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, the biggest pro about here for me is the community. If that falls apart, there's no reason for me to stay here
@cairdcoinheringaahing wait downgoat is here?
4:54 PM
at some point I think I started using the site more but never really chatted, just golfed by myself, mostly interacted in comments if people golfed my code or vice versa, and that was it; it was only like march I think that I actually returned to being active here, eevn after being a mod (though I don't remember if I stayed pingable in chat or if I also dropped out of the ping list at one point)
@math Not right now, but he's been back a few times lately
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, 100% agreed
@hyper-neutrino says the mod :P
@hyper-neutrino At one point, JoKing was the only mod or RO pingable here
wow hi downgoat
4:55 PM
That's why I was pushing so hard for the election, cause I didn't expect you (or WW or xnor) to become active here
right, cuz you started pushing for it well before i became super active again
it just took 3 months for that to go anywhere :P
tbh it only really went anywhere because you got active again :P
Yeah the community is why people stick around =)
@hyper-neutrino You could save others from inactivity, but you couldn't save yourself :P
(Yeah, that doesn't really make sense, I'm just trying to make a star wars reference ok? :P)
4:58 PM
i guide others to a treasure i cannot possess
Hello there
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thought that was Avengers
@cairdcoinheringaahing General Kenobi?
isn't it part of the darth plagueis the wise thing
4:59 PM
Okay to unpin the BMG #5 bookmark link?
Say what you will about the prequels, but damn they're memeable :P
@RedwolfPrograms yes
@RedwolfPrograms Ye
@RedwolfPrograms Y
@RedwolfPrograms ​
5:00 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Anything is memeable if you're brave unfunny enough
@RedwolfPrograms ?????
@pxeger Joke
zwsps probably
nope that didn't work, I just tried it
I just used a ZWSP like hyper said :p
5:02 PM
oh is the message ID wrong
I copied @user's
you missed a 2
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't like Code Review. It's long, readable, clear, and it spreads good practices everywhere :/
eww, good practices
when they get everywhere they're so difficult to clean up as well
The worst thing is when you spend a day at the software firm, and then you get good practices in your shoes and clothes for the next 6 months
An easy cure for that is looking at some Jelly code
5:05 PM
It sure is convenient how I notice things to improve in tag wikis whenever my rep isn't a multiple of ten 👀
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why did you ping yourself?
@N3buchadnezzar Because I was making a reference to the prequels and their memeability
Make Jar Jar bings a secret sith lord for a big reveal in the third prequel
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Programmer? I thought not. It's not a story the Code Golfers would tell you. It's a Code Review legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark lord of the Reviewers, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the editor to format code... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from writing spaghetti code. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually,
You mean Voldemort
5:10 PM
the dark lord
That's not exactly a title unique to him lol
i can't tell if you're joking or if you don't get it
But does this Darth thingy really exist?
what's this code review?
it's a dark path. You don't want to find out :P
5:11 PM
Oh lord, someones not update on all the childish memes
Fine, don't onebox then
Add a #.jpg
or just prepend !
5:13 PM
Wait you can do that?
i think so?
@cairdcoinheringaahing funny, i saw that meme template 1 min ago
I like how we all posted links simultaneously in the sandbox lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Speaking of: tacit brainfuck?
it's already tacit
5:15 PM
Nah, the >< are too much of references IMO :P
Self-modifying tacit 3D brainfuck
only 3D? come on, is it really a real language if it doesn't have time travel?
SMBC is already a thing, so one down two to go :p
(unless you meant 2D + time)
+ object oriented
5:19 PM
there is 5d brainfuck with multiverse time travel
Clearly, we need to write a bf derivative in bf
And then, write a bf derivative derivative in our bf derivative
Working on a new language which has time travel
You mean you finished your new language with time travel tomorrow right?
Of course
5:22 PM
What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? Irrelevant!
Isn't the joke "What do we want? Time Travel? When do we want it? Yesterday!"?
I dont know any good jokes
I was going to mention 5d brainfuck with multiverse time travel, but it's more just 1d with multiple threads/tapes/things
@math s/challenge/language
I've had literally 10 language ideas
last year
5:27 PM
> Being an extension to 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel, the language is trivially terrible.
The flags guy is my best friend.
are we all posting memes now
Keep them on topic and in moderation, but otherwise, sure
We can always move them into a different room if we want/it gets out of hand
5:31 PM
I love gifs
@math That has to be the lowest effort meme I've ever seen, and I browse r/teenagers :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing True
Eh, a little bit of memes is fine I think. Spices up things as long as we have nothing better to talk about and nothing code golf related
5:33 PM
Okay this time travel language is actually going to be pretty cool
Hm. Image oneboxing is discouraged especially in succession. But I'll let it slide unless an actual RO decides to move it. Also rickroll meme is very 0/10 for both quality and effort.
@RedwolfPrograms This time travel language was actually going to have soon to be currently quite cool at one time or another.
Has anyone written any programs in 5D BF?
* our
5:40 PM
this isn't really on-topic/relevant
okay sorry
Please tho, feel free to post whatever memes you wan to r/ppcg (or r/cgccse), they could do with some activity :P
Why do you have two?
Not sure
@hyper-neutrino Do you remember why?
I created cgccse because ppcg is a) not the right name anymore, b) dead anyway so it doesn't matter too much, and c) i think the maintainers are inactive? idr
5:46 PM
Would this be considered along the same lines as a tacit brainfuck?
CMC: If input is error, print an error
Shall I start?
VTC as unclear; Define print /s
print to the stderr if there's one
how can you VTC a comment?
VTC as dupe of don't google google
5:56 PM
ah that one
can you use flag for moderator as a VTC alternative?
but I can't delete it anymore
doesn't matter
can hyper delete it?
chill :p
5:59 PM
you're generating more noise asking than just leaving it there. it's chat, it doesn't matter
The Feeds never took 4.5 hours to post, right?
It's ususally an hour max I think
Looks like something is up with Newly Featured Posts:
Q: Final tribute to John Conway: FRACTRAN self-interpreter

BubblerIt's time to conclude the series of John Conway challenges of mine. Background A FRACTRAN program consists of an ordered list of fractions. The program starts by taking a single integer as input. Each iteration of the program, it searches the list for the first fraction such that multiplying th...

Bounty on ^ wasn't posted by the feed
that's strange
I can try to reproduce it by placing a test bounty and then retracting it (or just bountying a random answer i like) and submit a bug if it fails again
6:15 PM
why don't we try resetting the feed?
it's still a bug if it fails, even if resetting fixes it
started an LOTM bounty for bubbler (on their second answer, because I can't +50 the first)
And now we wait :P
not me i'm of to sleep
Any thoughts on this?

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