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posted on February 13, 2025 by Steph C.

TTRPGkids has a regular spot on Ludology Podcast, and in this part of the series, I’ll be talking about educational TTRPGs! Episode 20 gets into how you can use TTRPGs to intentionally teach STEM subjects! Continue reading “TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 20: Using TTRPGs to teach STEM”…

Almost useless magic item: trinket of summon cottingly fairy (10x/day, no attunement)

Unfortunately for you it's a painted cardboard cutout with minor illusion to be perceived as real at a glance
4 hours later…
posted on February 13, 2025 by Anneli Friedner

Sometimes in larps I get bored and disconnected. The solution? I need to start by looking for something to care about. The post The Emotional Core appeared first on Nordic Larp.

1 hour later…
Q: How can people react this fast?

Nobody the HobgoblinWhen I post a new question, typcially within seconds or at most a minute, there will already be multiple views recorded on the question. I do think my own views do not count against that, so this must be other users. Looking at the site analytics (access requries a certain amount of rep), usage o...

« first day (5250 days earlier)