a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first
on Mar 13 at 0:00  Rizz yourself

 Math & Science archives.

This room is meant for sharing interesting math and science videos. It will be limited to users who are interested in this and whom we know well. Ping a RO for write access.
2h ago – user21820

Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle chat. All are welcome. Please ask substantive questions on the main site.
2h ago – User1865345


A side expansion of the SOBotics project to the SE network. Follow us @SOBotics on twitter. https://sobotics.org/sebotics | Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Team/Channel: http://sobotics.org/team
2h ago – Natty
Natty: 2h ago, 39051 posts (80%)Generic Bot: 60d ago, 32 posts (0%)

The APL Orchard

https://apl.chat ― Learn, teach, ask, code, golf, & discuss usage. See https://apl.wiki/APL_Orchard for access and info, https://aplcart.info for simple how-to questions. See also https://apl.wiki/Chat_rooms_and_forums
2h ago – Adám
Adám: 2h ago, 69503 posts (28%)Paul Mansour: 3h ago, 899 posts (0%)Silas: 20d ago, 446 posts (0%)

Petəíŕd's Den

While wizards are lurking, ancient spells and new users are on-top-topic. Ping @Pet and @Sha at will, others at your own risk! Quotes to remember: Expect the worst, hope for the best. | Not everything that shines is gold. On the other hand, not all gold shines.
3h ago – OakBot
OakBot: 3h ago, 14812 posts (20%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 3h ago, 21962 posts (30%)PetlinBOT: 4h ago, 4719 posts (6%)user430580: 2d ago, 1703 posts (2%)Ginger: 2d ago, 12 posts (0%)

Makyen test 01

testing chat features
3h ago – metasmoke
metasmoke: 3h ago, 12106 posts (98%)Makyen: 3d ago, 79 posts (0%)

The Skunk Works

To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. http://engineering.stackexchange.com
3h ago – Fulano
Fulano: 3h ago, 8 posts (0%)Shalvenay: 183d ago, 49 posts (0%)

The Pitstop

For the motormouth in you! (http://mechanics.stackexchange.com)
Shalvenay: 12h ago, 101 posts (0%)Rory Alsop: 5d ago, 4694 posts (3%)Bob Cross: 247d ago, 7393 posts (5%)


About the Database of Ring Theory (visit https://ringtheory.herokuapp.com/ ). Please have references ready with suggestions!
4h ago – rschwieb

The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for https://codegolf.stackexchange.com | Guidelines: https://cgcc-se.github.io/chatiquette/
4h ago – Simd
Simd: 4h ago, 10117 posts (0%)Neil: 5h ago, 5363 posts (0%)l4m2: 6h ago, 1266 posts (0%)Sandbox Posts: 19h ago, 1922 posts (0%)pxeger: 20h ago, 18600 posts (0%)New Posts: 21h ago, 2733 posts (0%)Unrelated String: 3d ago, 22362 posts (0%)Ginger: 3d ago, 28608 posts (1%)emanresu A: 4d ago, 27172 posts (1%)att: 5d ago, 1416 posts (0%)Mukundan314: 6d ago, 75 posts (0%)Bubbler: 30d ago, 10945 posts (0%)

The Velodrome

General discussion for http://bicycles.stackexchange.com
4h ago – gschenk
Criggie: 8h ago, 34596 posts (21%)Michael: 2d ago, 9928 posts (6%)MaplePanda: 8d ago, 3831 posts (2%)Rory Alsop: 9d ago, 423 posts (0%)DavidW: 27d ago, 2438 posts (1%)Mithical: 52d ago, 831 posts (0%)

Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/. Other than the general guidelines (http://chat.stackexchange.com/faq) in place, anything goes here. Feel free to discuss most things.
4h ago – Nasser
kirma: 3d ago, 5579 posts (2%)Goofy: 88d ago, 17 posts (0%)gdelfino: 344d ago, 72 posts (0%)Tim Stone: 1605d ago, 187 posts (0%)b.gatessucks: 3861d ago, 2 posts (0%)

The Restaurant at the End of the Univ

General discussion for https://scifi.stackexchange.com, both on-topic and off-topic. Engage at the risk of your own sanity, but please be nice and don't panic.
4h ago – Rand al'Thor
Rand al'Thor: 4h ago, 7296 posts (4%)SQB: 4d ago, 8510 posts (5%)DavidW: 18d ago, 7264 posts (4%)SmokeDetector: 19d ago, 666 posts (0%)Mithical: 121d ago, 7555 posts (4%)Loong: 371d ago, 212 posts (0%)

Sports News

For posting links to sports news, articles, interesting stats, ...
4h ago – Martin Sleziak

Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
5h ago – Journeyman Geek
Journeyman Geek: 5h ago, 243685 posts (13%)barlop: 9h ago, 8329 posts (0%)Criggie: 13d ago, 128 posts (0%)Canadian Luke: 18d ago, 15307 posts (0%)Bob: 105d ago, 249625 posts (13%)


A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hardware/software support (srs face -.-) https://security.stackexchange.com/
ThoriumBR: 13h ago, 9676 posts (0%)Journeyman Geek: 7d ago, 17669 posts (1%)CaffeineAddiction: 8d ago, 1510 posts (0%)Rory Alsop: 20d ago, 62302 posts (6%)

C, C++

ru.SO C, C++ room
5h ago – avp

Stack Overflow на русском

Генерал Дис Куссий несёт возмездие во имя http://ru.stackoverflow.com
5h ago – avp
Grundy: 9d ago, 31408 posts (8%)

Problem Solving Strategies

General chat for high school physics. For MathJax see https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976
5h ago – John Rennie

Обсуждаем мета–вопросы

Мета Генерал http://ru.meta.stackoverflow.com
5h ago – Grundy
Grundy: 5h ago, 3337 posts (42%)
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