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Or flag
And offer helpful advise, because just because it's off topic, doesn't mean we can't direct these people to the correct resources.
Everyone was a new coder once, and we have the privilege to guide new coders to the best start.
If they’re asking here, 9/10 times they’ve been rejected from SO
Yeah, but SO has a habit of just saying "Off topic, Move on"
We should be the better site and tell them why it's off topic, and how they can improve.
ataco do u think the challenge is ok
the evoltuion thingy
or anybody else
I probably wouldn't try it personally, but it wouldn't hurt to post it to the Sandbox.
rly ah
this thing gna take a lot of time to create lol
ig ill js post it ltr
@ATaco Agreed.’
Would suck for someone to be turned off programming because no-one was willing to help them get started.
I would hope that being in an education setting as they appear to be, they'll have someone that can actually help them, But not all professors or teachers actually put effort into their students.
I learned to code by messing around with HTML so I’ve never really experienced that.
Although… Half the kids in my digital technology class just spend most of the time playing Minecraft.
My father taught me early on.
(Convince them to download ComputerCraft, They can learn to code AND play minecraft)
They even have an Education version with Block-based Programming, and Minecraft Education Edition has a pretty solid Programming block.
Not much point - I doubt any of them will be taking it next year
shld i make it so the center is always 1
or input coords
actually center easier so ye
i learned to code......errr.....i almost forgot lol......i learnt visual basic because my father showed me a course
and now here i am learning c++ from another course lol
@DialFrost sounds easy to me
I did scratch in primary school but I didn’t really get into programming until the pandemic started.
It’s been a wonderful two years.
@DialFrost i think output the next Generation given a matrix sounds better
@emanresuA i didnt program much until the pandemic
I’m trying to parse a 2d language right now
It’s no easy task
why are you trying to parse a 2d language
i am trying to parse Shakespeare's play for my exam tmrw
I’m trying to turn an ASCII art tree into a real tree
*tree data structure
i am back
converts ASCII art into real trees 🌲
@null epic music plays cause you are back
@PyGamer0 no sarcasm please
I'm just saying I'm back
@null no sarcasm intended
if there was i would put a /s
I’m trying to give it decent error reporting
oh alright
@null but but you are not back you are null
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostCell Evolution Your lab needed to simulate how a particular cell evolves over time in a 2D grid space. A sample 2D grid space below shows a single cell at the centre of the grid. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The cell evolution follows these rules: '0' indicates no live cell...

It’s 50 lines and I haven’t started serialising the tree yet
i have a feeling its not very good so feel free to edit or comment guys!
@PyGamer0 null is not my intended username
@null but you are null
@PyGamer0 the earth needs you
my chinese exam writing part get 5/40
Am i not passing again
@emanresuA You mean like UVa10562?
@Niko ud2_?
@Niko chinese language exam o_O
@null what’s that ?
also fun fact 1+1 is 1
vyxal agrees
@emanresuA that is confused cat noises
!!/run 1+1
@PyGamer0 1
I live in Taiwan, we use chinese here
my english is better then chinese in term of score
@Niko i thought they used some different language
No, china use simplified chinese while we use traditional one
I know a couple of Chinese characters, and only as kanji
it's mostly only different in how it looks like
@Niko wha
the sound is same
isnt traditional harder?
have overall same set of words, but with some write in more complicated form
!!/run `Cookies also work.
@PyGamer0 Cookies also work.
i wonder if vyxal pros can create a vyxal chatbot in vyxal
I can’t do much Vyxal teaching from my phone but here’s a CMC: swap the last two of every triplet in a string, e.g. idiosyncrasy-> iidoysnrcays
@PyGamer0 web server capabilities probably coming with v3
How long does LYAL run?
24 hours
@Niko china?
I heard (from User:ColorfulGalaxy) that taiwan is part of china.
@null Let's keep things civil and not get into politics.
@null ^^
otherwise bad things could happen
@Adám That was a sarcasm on User:ColorfulGalaxy, which uses this tone for everything.
I'm going to make a challenge about him at some point
I heard (from blahblah) that ...
Can someone collabrate with me?
I'm trying to golf the rickroll song, starting with plain priting
in !@#$%^&*()_+
@null situation is weird, but currently, we have our own government
ColorfulGalaxy is never reliable
there is so many different prospective about this situation,
> Let's keep things civil and not get into politics.
> Can someone collabrate with me?
> I'm trying to golf the rickroll song, starting with plain priting
Q: Implement an argwhere function

chunesThe \$argwhere\$ function takes a list of values and a predicate/boolean function as arguments and returns a list of indices where the predicate function returns true in the input list. For example, argwhere([1, 2, 3, -5, 5], x -> x > 2) would produce an output of [2, 4] because those are the (0...

VyMC: Given a string, return the first half then reverse it.
It's guaranteed that the string will be an even length
@lyxal so close, and yet so far... ("its" is correct in both instances)
@Neil for some reason, my spelling and grammar was a tad bit off earlier today
so I wouldn't be surprised if I managed to mangle its and it's at least once
1 hour later…
just a few little fun facts about Vyxal:
1) if you don't give a left value for a decimal, it's assumed to be 0
!!/run .4
@lyxal 2/5
!!/run .4 0.4 =
@lyxal 1
2) an empty decimal is just 0.5
!!/run .
@lyxal 1/2
!!/run . 0.5 =
@lyxal 1
3) If you don't give a left value to for a complex number, the real part is assumed to be 0
!!/run °5
[@lyxal: 60192530]
ValueError: Error from parse_expr with transformed code: '+Integer (5 )I '

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/Vyxal/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sympy/core/sympify.py", line 472, in sympify
    expr = parse_expr(a, local_dict=locals, transformations=transformations, evaluate=evaluate)
  File "/home/Vyxal/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sympy/parsing/sympy_parser.py", line 1026, in parse_expr
The transpilation must be a little broken rn
but that's what it's supposed to do
4) if you don't give a right value for a complex number, it's assumed to be 1
@lyxal 5 + I
5) an empty complex number (just °), it's assumed to just be I
!!/run °
@lyxal I
6) You can interpolate strings into other strings using %
for example
!!/run `Hello, %`?% - Joe
@lyxal Hello, Joe
It inserts the input where the % is
that also works with numbers
!!/run `I would like % [[KROMER]]`?% - 1000
@lyxal I would like 1000 [[KROMER]]
but wait, there's more
!!/run `Multiple values: %, %, %` ⟨1|2|3⟩ %
@lyxal Multiple values: 1, 2, 3
not enough values in the list?
!!/run `Multiple values: %, %, %` ⟨1|2⟩ %
@lyxal Multiple values: 1, 2, 1
it wraps around!
!!/run `% % %` `abc`%
@lyxal abc abc abc
and it reuses its argument if given a scalar
7) i uses modular indexing, meaning it wraps around to the beginning of a list if the index is greater than the list's length
!!/run ⟨ 69 | 420 | 5 | 21 | 42 | 90 ⟩ 8 i
@lyxal 5
and I know that's a standard feature of most golf langs, but I thought I'd mention it
Can you set arrays to be one-indexed, like APL?
0-indexing only
i think there's a flag to change indexing of some primitives
!!/run - h
[@lyxal: 60192632]
ALL flags should be used as is (no '-' prefix)
    H    Preset stack to 100
    j    Print top of stack joined by newlines on end of execution
    L    Print top of stack joined by newlines (Vertically) on end of execution
    s    Sum/concatenate top of stack on end of execution
    M    Make implicit range generation start at 0 instead of 1
    m    Make implicit range generation end at n-1 instead of n
    Ṁ    Equivalent to having both m and M flags
    v    Use Vyxal encoding for input file
it changes where ranges generate if that's what you mean
ah yep m and M
Also, there's two things I've realised I didn't cover earlier:
allows you to create a two byte string
it's useful for short words or a single SCC
How about a three byte string?
!!/run ‛⇧Ǎ
@lyxal lyc
@BgilMidol that doesn't seem like it'd be used enough
and the second thing I didn't cover is the register/global array
the register is a special variable that doesn't need arrows to access its value
@lyxal I think it would be good for small words like and
@BgilMidol and is already in the dictionary
!!/run ‛λ¬
@lyxal and
have you used 3 byte strings any time during golfing
I haven't
@lyxal to access the value of the register, you use ¥, and to set the value of the register, you use £
the most useful i've found is definitely single byte strings
The global array is sort of like the register, except it's a list
pops from the stack and pushes to the global array
¼ pops from the global array and pushes to the stack
and ¾ pushes the entire global array to the stack
With that, I have some more VyMCs for everyone
VyMC: Given a list of strings, reverse every second string, starting with index=1
@lyxal what does VyMC stand for?
Vy(xal) Mini Challenge
during LYAL, language specific CMCs are modified to start with a letter similar to the language's name
What happens when we choose C for LYAL?
it gets lowercased lol
so it'd be a cMC
But C isn't called c.
@Adám 100% chance this doesn't happen
@Adám it'd be for the lols
@Adám just a wild prediction with no base
> • Maybe you want to get better at golfing in a mainstream lang like Python or C.
Q: Help me sell day old bagels

Wheat WizardYou work at a bakery and every day you make exactly 100 bagels. However your customers are not as reliable and every day a random number of bagels will be ordered. So sometimes you will run out of bagels and sometimes you will have leftovers. Now leftover bagels will still be good for 1 more da...

@Adám i still doubt C would get there
now that i said it someone is gonna suggest it
I'd want to learn some C to better understand what my colleagues are doing.
i was thinking most people knew C
I highly doubt that.
@Adám I feel like cgse is not the best place to learn a programming language for a professional context :)
@Adám No lol
Well, at Dyalog, we tend to hire people that learned APL here.
Apl is different
hm i learned C as my first language
Razetime is different
C is a pretty normal first language.
I’d think most people learn python or js fitlrst
I'm not sure about that. Maybe I'm biased but most people I can think of did not start out in either.
Not that C is a good language to start out in. I think C's archaic model can warp your mind as to computers work a bit.
But C is a big name language I think plenty of people start out in it. (And I'd at least recommend it instead of Python or JS)
@GingerIndustries hey wait that's my line
speaking of C
I've come up with another program for me to make
do yall know what PyInstaller is?
!!/run `Python` `C` "℅
@lyxal Python
There we go
python is better than C
chosen by fair program
excuse me what is Vyxal Bot doing in here
13 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Welcome to the eleventh Learn You A Lang for Great Good! Today, we'll be learning Vyxal, a golfing language that aims to be both short and readable. During the day, Vyxal Bot will be active to assist people learning Vyxal, see the pin below for information about how to use it. During the event, feel free to post CMCs to practice Vyxal, ask questions about the language and so on.
someday I'll get APOL on that list
but that's another job for another time
anyway, do yall know what PyInstaller is?
it reads a Python script written by you. It analyzes your code to discover every other module and library your script needs in order to execute. Then it collects copies of all those files – including the active Python interpreter! – and puts them with your script in a single folder, or optionally in a single executable file.
no I didn't copy and paste that from its pypi listing no why would I do that I would never copy paste something for a cheap joke
@lyxal close enough
here's the thing: There are stupid people who use computers
a shock, I know
but some people just don't have the technical know-how to download a folder and configure some desktop shortcuts
So I present: PyInstallerInstaller! No braincells required!™
it's a single .exe that downloads, decompresses (if needed), and sets up a PyInstaller program!
you say that as if people won't find a way to screw it up
@lyxal if they can launch Reddit, they can download and double-click a file
@GingerIndustries trust me, there'll always be someone
that one person who is that edge case outlier who manages to find ways to not do the thing you expect
I think I'mma head out for the night
have fun lyaling while I'm gone
I can answer people's Vyxal questions, but I may not be able to get to questions immediately because life likes existing outside of CGCC for some reason.
ok im back
so I've had a think and I think there's much more potential for a program like this
I shall call it SSI, or Super Simple Installer
there are plenty of other installer frameworks, but they're generally either too advanced, too outdated, or not free
SSI aims to change that
all you have to do is create a JSON file with some parameters and bing bang boom you get an executable!
all I need is a language to make it in
@Adám i guess i know C
Anyone have any candidates for a language that can:
1. be compiled to a fast-launching single-file executable (sorry PyInstaller)
2. is at least somewhat like Python
these feel like they're mutually exclusive but I hope not
i am learning C++ rn
These are indeed mutually exclusive.
Because there is no such thing as a language that is easy to use.
@WheatWizard updated the criteria
can haskell compile?
Haskell is compiled.
my best bet feels like a C derivative but those are clunky by Pythonic standards
Haskell is definitely not clunky but it thankfully is quite different from Python.
maybe C#?
of the C-type languages it feels like the easiest to use
If you want some OOP monstrosity use Kotlin instead of C#.
Kotlin is more modern than C#.
@GingerIndustries your closest bet would be rust, i think?
but rust doesn't enforce indentation
@Razetime but C# is also what Unity uses, and I've been intending to make a Unity game
seems like C# wins
Rust is pretty different from python.
yeah i doubt there's a compiled lookalike of python
rust is more like c++ but not quite
my decision has been made, thanks for the advice yall
time to learn C# it seems
If you are going to put the effort into making your language compiled you probably would make sure it's not as bad as Python.
imo C# is almost Java
@WheatWizard what did Python do to you?
@PyGamer0 which I also know! (at least somewhat)
@GingerIndustries then C# should be easy to learn
Python is a very poor programming language. My list of issues with it is long.
@WheatWizard ;-;
@WheatWizard do you have a list cause i would like to see it
i also have some issues with python
@WheatWizard I'd love to fight you over that but I have a language to learn
Python ain't perfect but it's sure better than C and co.
@GingerIndustries my main language is python
@GingerIndustries APL is better :P
Python's number one issue is that it doesn't have a sensible type system. The types in Python are very much just ad-hoc nonsense + dynamic typing and it leads to problems.
@PyGamer0 but APOL is best ꟼ:
python has a large userbase
maybe Julia?
I mean dynamic typing on it's own is bad enough but Python's dynamic typing is a complete unplanned mess.
@WheatWizard the only problem I can think of off the top of my head is that dynamic typing means that some errors can't be caught until runtime
That is the problem with dynamic typing, but it's also basically the definition of dynamic typing.
@WheatWizard I can't figure out why that alone ruins python? If an error comes up then you can just fix it. Sure, this makes python unfit for, say, car computers and other stuff where a crash could have large consequences, but nobody was using it for that anyway
Oh they do.
i like dynamic typing
Static typing just saves developer effort.
@WheatWizard then they're dumbasses. That is the one use case where you should use static-typed languages
> a long list of issues
@PyGamer0 i can't even think of a witty comment to put here
If you are building any serious code it should be statically typed. Dynamic typing is convenient when the size is really small but it just becomes a liability and time waster once the project reaches any size.
see also: MicroPython and CircuitPython, which are super cool
@WheatWizard i guess i agree with this
@GingerIndustries i have never heard of circuitpython, i used micropython ONCE
@PyGamer0 CircuitPython is a MicroPython derivative made by Adafruit, whose microcontrollers I have lots of
it's super cool and a great way to try out microcontrollers and hardware stuff
wha thats the same thing
@GingerIndustries i guess C or C++ is better for actual projects
Writing micro controllers in C++ is pain.
i have an ESP and an Uno (Arduino Uno)
@WheatWizard exactly
does speed really matter in programming now?
cause processors are getting faster
C is unfortunately the best option for a micro-controller if you don't want to write machine code directly.
@WheatWizard why?
@PyGamer0 in some cases yes but for the casual coder likely not
Because C++ is a big bulky mess. It's way too much for a micro-controller.
makes sense
I wonder if people are using ATS for micro-controllers.
ATS should have performance comparable to C and would actually be nice to program in.
ATS (Applied Type System) is a programming language designed to unify programming with formal specification. ATS has support for combining theorem proving with practical programming through the use of advanced type systems. A past version of The Computer Language Benchmarks Game has demonstrated that the performance of ATS is comparable to that of the C and C++ programming languages. By using theorem proving and strict type checking, the compiler can detect and prove that its implemented functions are not susceptible to bugs such as division by zero, memory leaks, buffer overflow, and other...
multi paradigm!
@lyxal wow I didn't know that
imperative is the normal paradigm right? (python, c, c++, rust, lua, java)
> The English totally defeated the French
^ that is the answer to a question about a poem
^ that sounds sarcastic lol
Imperative is a very broad umbrella paradigm encompassing many things.
Problem: replit uses Linux servers but I need Windows to develop SSI, any ideas?
@GingerIndustries switch to Linux
you need a copy of windows
so get one
this is a GUI application, not sure how to do GUIs with C# on Linux
time for google
i highly recommend doing any serious dev outside of replit
@Razetime I'd love to but because reasons I can't rn
I do not currently have access to my dev PC (which has Windows)
@GingerIndustries I didn't exactly understand SSI
Q: Find my other token (Cops)

thejonymysterRobbers thread (no link because i literally just posted this) Cops, Choose two strings of code, one public and one secret. We will call them P and S. You will be writing a program using only repetitions of these strings. For example: if you choose P=helloand S=world, valid programs would be hello...

@mathcat SSI (Super Simple Installer) is my latest project
it's an easy way to make an installer for another program, you just give it a .json file with config data and it makes a .exe for you
Anything that starts with "Super simple" is suspicious to me.
@WheatWizard Super Duper Simple Installer?
@GingerIndustries doesn't pyinstaller do exactly that?
@mathcat Problems: There are stupid people on the internet
like me, go on
SSI is just a way to download, extract, and setup other programs, regardless of language
bc I can't actually do any dev work rn, I'm going to work on the JSON config format docs
ooh nice
@GingerIndustries what is the implementation language?
Q: Find my other token (Robbers)

thejonymysterCops thread Robbers, Write a program in the cop's language using the cop's P string and your own S string, and the amount of each of them specified in the cop's post. Your S string may not exceed the cop's S string in bytes. The program Using only strings P and S, write a program which takes a l...

@PyGamer0 C#
also i am making fractions in C++ for fun
whew first cnr lets hope it doesnt Suck !
@PyGamer0 fractions seem like a really fun type(?) to have
do any serious langs (golfing langs included) have fractions as a type by default?
Husk, Stax
!!/run 1 3/
@PyGamer0 1/3
is sympy counted?
apl would seem like itd have it, in all of its Elegance i'd imagine itd prefer fractions over something impure like a Decimal

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