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Doorknob is the admins
(and then the actual SE admins, if it kept up too long)
"@Doorknob can you suspend this annoying guy?"
that's what escalation is for :p
"sure, who?"
you could do it a hundred times and it would still be less annoying than election notifications
PS: Is there an antonym for optimizations?
and less objectionable, on a meta level, because you'd just be pinging one person, not thousands of people
Like purposeful deterioration?
So, I've been thinking about potential names for my java library again
@flawr golfing?
@flawr Sabotage?
What about "Ten Foot Laser Pole"?
@flawr Coding?
@flawr Businessifying
A: Programmming a Pristine World

Martin BüttnerRail, 24 bytes $'main' # -[world]o/ I think this works. And it's both short and readable (as far as Rail goes). If the removed substring includes $'main' we get Internal Error: Crash: No 'main' function found. If the removed substring includes the #, there is no way for the program to ex...

or should I say... Crash
public final class WidgetMakerFactory extends AbstractFactory implements FactoryFactory
@MartinBüttner Derailed
We need a bigger stat board. My 5 star message from an hour ago is already gone.
^^ Wtf?!
@BadCatEye lmao
@Calvin'sHobbies agreed!
Why are you named Bad Cat Eye...
@Calvin'sHobbies that would be easy to userscript
Anagram of Beta Decay
@BadCatEye I was about to say that...
while you're at it, you could also decrease the amount of vertical space the topic, user list, etc. take up
@BadCatEye Interesting.
@Calvin'sHobbies That's because it was only a 3 star message :P
(now it's 4 - I scrolled all that way so I thought I may as well...)
@doorknob @alex @mınxomaτ @mego All quite accurate suggestiosn.
2560x1600 fractal that I generated for someone with cfractal to use as a wallpaper, if anyone else here also wants it :P
@flawr huh?
@BadCatEye I can't see your name without thinking about this:
Damn, codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/63442/45151 would be 34 bytes in Rotor except I don't have the Fibonacci generator finished yet
@Doorknob What is fractal about this?
well, it's called a "fractal flame" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Doorknob If I update Rotor to add the Fibonacci code, will it be OK to post that answer even though the update came after the challenge
@Doorknob That's GIMP using the Flame tool. ;)
@flawr It's a fractal.
@quartata If you specify that it's noncompeting
I mean there isn't really any fuzzy "fractalness"
@quartata But where is the self similarity?
@AlexA. Awh shucks. :(
All right.
yeah what Alex said
You know what, I'm going with "Ten Foot Laser Pole". Because why not.
Ten foot laser pole?
2 hours ago, by Calvin's Hobbies
The colors are just based on the path. If you look at it in black and white the self similarity is pretty clear.
But it is cooler in color
@Calvin'sHobbies Oh two hours ago... I starred that one already :)
@flawr That's what I eventually decided to call my library
Good choice
I agree, that is a good name.
@MartinBüttner Lookin' spiffy
@Calvin'sHobbies kaboom
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ > You're playing TF2, and you want to make a bot that will just put voice commands into the chat box.
When two people fall off the chat avatar bar at the same time, does that mean one of them is a sock puppet?
You aren't by any chance asking for this so that you can make an x->5 spam bot
@trichoplax No (not sure if serious...)
I have edited my question... Any more feedback?
@quartata That would be like 20-ish bytes in Seriously if I had functions working
@AlexA. No just a random thought since I just saw it happen
@Mego Really?
@trichoplax I think chat kicks all inactive people in 5 min intervals or something
@Mego What is FizzBuzz?
@quartata Seriously.
@Calvin'sHobbies No, no one is ever kicked by the system for inactivity
@quartata it is a geoup of challenges...
@quartata A question for the ages
@TanMath I meant in Seriously...
Why the hell are people starring this
@quartata why is your message being starred crazily?
I don't even know anymore
@quartata Because it's funny out of context
We thought you were pondering what a physical FizzBuzz was
@AlexA. I mean, doesn't it force you out of the room if you close your browser?
@Calvin'sHobbies No it doesn't
@Calvin'sHobbies No, only if you log out or clear your browser cookies/cache
> I'm an idiot
@VoteToClose Was that made with cfractal? Doesn't look like it
@TanMath I know what FizzBuzz is.
@Doorknob No - GIMP. :D
@Doorknob i think it is...
I was asking what the code in Seriously for it was
Because if it is really 20 bytes to do Fibo Nacci in it then I don't even know what to say
@quartata We all know. That's why it's funny to star it
@quartata ask @Mego not us!
I made a 15.6 MB version of it which is much more detailed.
@trichoplax it see no point to star it...
@trichoplax It isn't deserving of 6 stars...
@VoteToClose Doesn't look as vibrant, and it also lacks the details that cfractal generates (with 20+ variations). Also, can GIMP animate that? :P
Now I'm an idiot is, because it is true.
We should have a chat art contest for the best physical representation of a "FizzBuzz," be it some kind of creature or other tangible object.
@quartata I agree - I only gave it 1
@AlexA. I've always thought of it as a fish
@trichoplax hahaha
@Doorknob I'm pretty sure it can - It can generate the fractal by processing different values, so I don't see why not.
@quartata Why?
Like maybe an eel or an anglerfish
@AlexA. I don't know why. Fizz just makes me think of Fish.
@VoteToClose But is it as easy as bin/fractal -f 100 <variations> for 100 frames into an animated GIF? :P
I picture it like a fuzzy little bug-eyed gremlin that's both adorable and horrifying
It's a fish.
@Doorknob Lemme check. ;D
@quartata Does the buzz make it an electric eel?
I don't know why but it just makes me think of an electric eel or something yeah
@trichoplax Yeah, exactly.
> or something yeah
@Doorknob Answer: Aw hell nah.
:25283438 Is it not? ;)
> It was at this moment that AlexA. realized: he f***ed up.
@AlexA. i deleted it...
Will someone get a message if I ping him here while he's not in the chatroom?
XD MY COMPUTER CHANGED wrong to wrong!
and that is a joke! ;)
@DLosc No (i think)
Wait. I actually can't write A l e x A . without spaces.
@Calvin'sHobbies Hm. I want to reply to a deleted post telling the owner a way to fix it, but I can't comment on deleted posts.
@DLosc yes
I had to put it in with spaces, then remove the spaces backwards to make that work. -.-
If there is a group of teenie girls, why is it always an odd number?
if the user appears in the ping autocomplete
@flawr Because they can't even. ;)
no feedback?
@quartata Something like `;3(%b~"Fizz"@*(5%b~"Buzz"@*+`:100:RM
@AlexA. I always pictured it as a drink - like something they'd dream up for Star Trek or the like.
@Doorknob But otherwise only mod superpings work, right?
If so, I will wait for the upvotes...
How to escape backticks
@Calvin'sHobbies correct
Those @@ones
@Doorknob Hm. Okay--except the user doesn't.
What is going on?
@Mego Ah. Use \
@DLosc user ID? I can superping them for you.
that only works in actual posts, @Calvin'sHobbies
there's no way to get a single backtick as code in chat IIRC
@Doorknob Lies - `
@VoteToClose that's not code
37 bytes for FizzBuzz in Seriously, I underestimated :P
@Doorknob this is some sick code`, bro
> a single backtick
@trichoplax that's cheating :P
whar are you guys doing?
@Doorknob ` <-- code block
> a single backtick
` <-- This is a code block.
@Mego bad markdown!
@Mego It'll never work :D
Use a URL shortener
@Doorknob Test with \`
Actually it's 35
oh huh that does work
/me facepalms
Realized I shouldn't be rotating the top of the stack :P
I am confused! what is going on?!!
@Doorknob Linus, user 46756. I think pastebin.com/9S0VgEta works for codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/63461/16766.
34, I don't need the second :
@Calvin'sHobbies after 4 hours of occasionally looking at your challenge I noticed you have misspelt "programming". Is that intentional?
@TanMath We're trying to put a single back-tick character into a code block.
@Linus ^
@Calvin'sHobbies If people were kicked from chat for inactivity, how would you explain Brian Tompsett's perpetual existence in the room? :D
@AlexA. He's a bot obviously
@MartinBüttner Oops. Thanks Mmartin
@Doorknob Thx ^_^
The Rotor interpreter doesn't work on ideone... why
That means I'll have to make my own online interpreter ;_;
@Calvin'sHobbies no problemm
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: Rotor for class: Block
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: Rotor for class: Block
	at Block.<init>(prog.groovy:74)
	at prog.run(prog.groovy:251)
Bye all!
(please don't star every message I send)
@TanMath I think you know in your heart that we will anyway. :P
Oh you know what?
@Doorknob Backslash escaping the backtick seems to work, no? `
@quartata ...*why* would you make an interpreter that's run by another interpreter?
It throws this error on any version of Groovy < 2.4.5
@Calvin'sHobbies yes I realized that :P
Me: Groovy Version: 2.4.5 JVM: 1.8.0_51 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux
TutorialsPoint: Groovy Version: 2.4.0 JVM: 1.8.0_45 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux
Wait, what?
I spy with my little eye a cardboard box!
@AlexA. I guess I do...
Didn't copy paste correctly
Can anyone see the downvotes here? v
Q: Make Seeing Deleted Answers Optional

Calvin's HobbiesWhen Stack Exchange site users reach 10,000 reputation (or 2,000 for beta sites) they can view deleted posts. This can be very useful but deleted answers stay in their default ordering unless sorted by votes, so viewing a question with a lot of deleted answers can be cumbersome if you only want t...

@El'endiaStarman Minkolang is written in Python
Just curious
It got quiet..
1494 Rep!
> refrence
Oct 29 at 22:37, by VoteToClose
user image
@quartata True, but Python is a stand-alone language. Ideone is definitely an interpreter.
Why does my interpreter work on Groovy 2.4.5 and not 2.4.0
I don't see the difference between the versions
@El'endiaStarman Fair enough...
Hey so Perl or PHP? I feel like I'm facing a "lesser of two evils" situation here...
I just wanted to do it so I wouldn't need to make an online interpreter
@Doorknob jQuery
@Doorknob What for?
@Mego Thanks for pointing that out
I use both and don't hate them so I'm the least biased source of info here
@Doorknob Django!!!
@El'endiaStarman oh shush
I want to put the cfractal server on my website but my webhost doesn't let me run Bash (yes we wrote the server in Bash originally)
Hey, it's perfect for a Python programmer...:P
@Doorknob Perl since you can call C code from it
iPage is bad and only supports PHP/Perl
@Doorknob Use less iPage
that would be ideal...
I'm assuming you wouldn't want to rewrite most of the C code you made for cfractal
@quartata well I can just compile the code on my computer and upload the executable and hope it still works
@Doorknob Fair enough. It just seems like it might be better since then it could be more modular.
PHP is better than Perl for straight up web apps in most cases.
this isn't really a web app
it's basically just "call this program, output the result" :P
I assumed this was a web interface for cfractal right?
PHP is better for basic web interfaces.
ok, thanks!
Since you don't have to muck with Apache CGI shit
And it has better tools for that stuff
Perl wasn't really made for that sort of stuff. It is just better at it in certain specific cases.
@Calvin'sHobbies Taking MichaelT's feedback into consideration, I think this would be a good idea implemented on the question-level. That is, it isn't a user preference but rather a non-cached opt-out for each question. When I say "non-cached," I mean that your decision to hide the deleted answers persists only as long as you remain on that page; the next time you visit the page they'll be visible again.
If you wanted to reuse your C code, Perl would be better. And Perl is generally "nicer" for heavy regex.
But generally PHP is the better choice.
Waterflame released a new piece earlier today
But it's not as good as some of his others
Perl's job, really, is for the backend stuff (controller). PHP is very good at the view part.
alright, makes sense
Have fun in PHP land! Lemme know when you are ready to renounce your Ruby ways!
yeah, I'm not sure about that... ;)
Perl is more readable
Oct 28 at 16:15, by Dennis
WOOHOO new Wait But Why post!
@TimmyD I've seen some PHP code far far worse than that.
Especially the ones mixed with HTML (like inline PHP using <?).
@quartata Yeah, but usually PHP has letters
There's a reason JSP sucks guys
@TimmyD hehe
Never mind. :D
A: Make Seeing Deleted Answers Optional

Alex A.Taking MichaelT's feedback into consideration, I think this might be a good feature to have not as a user preference, but as a potentially "uncached" option per question. That is, when a user with sufficiently high reputation visits a question, they have the ability to hide deleted answers with t...

My first answer on Meta.SE
cc @Calvin'sHobbies
@Doorknob Don't let quartata convince you to adopt Perl and PHP. He's trying to trick you, to lead you astray toward the path of evil.
@DLosc @DLosc, << returns the stream, so any time you have <<'r' can cut it and the result is still the stream.

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