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i am back!
@El'endiaStarman whoa.. 10 stars! great chat message! lol
@TanMath Haha, surprised me too. :P
I'm kind of surprised people haven't done more Chef answers.
It isn't all that difficult to use.
Q: Crash the program!

FuzzyzillaCrash! Here's the challenge: Crash your program using as few bytes as possible. The program mustn't output anything to STDERR, and should be a full program or function. Fatal errors are not allowed, and standard loopholes are disallowed as well. This will be marked by language, and thus no answe...

Wait, you can't output to STDERR?
lmao I think even ><> outputs to STDERR
Minkolang does too, it just isn't visible because it's Python that crashes.
> This doesn't make any sense. A crash is a fatal error.
Although, as stated before, my goal is for there to be no errors whatsoever in Minkolang.
Programmer errors only.
It is also a giant dupe of the segfault challenge really
I don't know if it's a giant dupe. The spec is only like 3 sentences long. :P
Oh he edited the post to take out the fatal error part
@quartata that too
Guess that means I can undelete my 1-byte CJam answer
Say, I think Chef would crash on an empty program.
More fun with infinity: there is no meaningful difference between a circle and a circle with finitely many points removed if arbitrary rotation is allowed.
Now that I think about it, I think this also holds true for a circle that has had all points at rational angles removed. The infinity of the irrationals is greater than the infinity of the rationals...
A: Crash the program!

quartataChef, 0 bytes Why use cherry jam when you can have fancy hats

Changed it lol
> account was even suspended from SO
Do uncountable infinities have any practical real-world application?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I've done that too many times. My account was event suspended from stackoverflow for doing that too many times -_- — Fuzzyzilla 1 min ago
Really a good sign here
@Calvin'sHobbies No, but who cares? :P
@Calvin'sHobbies Practical ಠ_ಠ
How the heck did that challenge just get two upvotes and two reopen votes
Let it die people
@AlexA. so picky
You don't like jokes about fancy hats?
I was inclined to downvote until you added the explanation of why it's valid.
@AlexA. :(
It's not personal, it just wasn't obvious that it was a valid answer without the explanation.
Ah OK.
I kind of thought it was obvious, but not everyone has seen Chef before so that's why I added the explanation
@quartata Seems clear enough to me. He wants runtime errors, not compile time ones.
I still feel like it could use some beef.
But eh it's definitely better now
Or at least a couple vegetables.
@AlexA. Some spices
Many an herb or two
...I think an empty program in Minkolang throws what would be considered a compile-time error. The one-byte program % definitely throws a run-time error though.
Hmm I wonder if I could use SE Data explorer to show percentages of what languages I use in my answers
Does the posts table have a field for the full post text?
@AlexA. That's what I'm trying to find out.
It'd just be a regex after that.
@AlexA. The API does, but he only has 40 answers anyway
@Calvin'sHobbies ?
@quartata Yeah, it's the Body column in the Posts table. It's nvarchar (max) so it should be the full post body.
Could do it by hand
@Calvin'sHobbies ew no
SFGITW time!
slowest something in the west
Actually, second fastest gun in the west.
Just posted my Minkolang answer to the just-reopened question. :P
Tie between Groovy and Stuck.
The person who made the challenge has just disallowed 0-byte answers.
So basically now all the answers are going to be divide by zero how interesting /s
so interesting
I don't think it should have been reopened tbh
Same here. I didn't cast a reopen vote.
Still, I'll take the opportunity for rep...
@AlexA. I voted for it to be reopened because I didn't realize the challenge maker would think it would be funny to ban all creative solutions
I don't think 0 byte solutions are ever really creative.
Maybe not if you start with the language, but finding a language where a 0 byte program causes a runtime error...
@Dennis It is a runtime error in Chef. That's why it was cool.
@quartata But surely the compiler would notice the name is missing before running the code?
@Calvin'sHobbies It's not a compiled language.
Can't call method "recipe_name" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/Acme/Chef.pm line 90.
This is the error.
I'd call that a runtime error.
> By popularity(votes)! It was the only way I could get rid of the 1 byte answers.
Yeah, I really don't like how he's reacting.
This is actually really rustling my jimmies because it was a cool challenge before he did all of this
And I don't like the way he says "get rid of the 1 byte answers."
It will be closed as too broad now
yay it got marked as a dupe
That's what happens when you pop-con
Hmm. Maybe I should assign e to be "throw an error"...
@El'endiaStarman lmao
lots its a dupe of a closed
lmao it just got another upvote despite being closed
This is sad.
He still didn't reply to any of my comments either.
By the way, what exactly defines a token for the purposes of CJam's r?
> This task is by far too broad for a popularity contest.
Why does nobody listen to me?
@Dennis Because he didn't want to listen to anyone
Say, what are ye guys' thoughts on a challenge like this? "Throw a runtime error unexpectedly." Pop-con, goal is to show an interesting, weird, or flat-out unexpected way to throw a runtime error. Like, you should read the code (plus explanation) and be like "Oh yeah, that should work." and then be surprised when it doesn't. (Standard loopholes disallowed, including underhanded methods.)
@quartata Tokens are separated by any amount of whitespace.
@Dennis gotcha
@El'endiaStarman I think this has already been done
@Dennis I listen. <3
Yes, there are old questions named "What no error" and stuff.
@quartata Wouldn't surprise me.
@feersum Yeah, but that's for looking like it should throw an error but it doesn't
No doubt the reverse has been done too.
I know there are questions about throwing errors in weird ways.
@Alex A.♦ Welp. That was fun. — Fuzzyzilla 3 mins ago
Like one had an answer about a stack overflow when Java called toString on an exception.
i had a fun answer but the question was closed before i could post it :O
@undergroundmonorail He basically banned fun answers which was nice
@undergroundmonorail Post it here!
Then is surprised when it gets closed as too broad and complains
Well at least I got the Disciplined badge
@quartata hahahaha
@AlexA. i smell soiled baby diaper
uh what
@undergroundmonorail Interesting
> I guess I've forgotten how my interpreter works.
Welp! :P
i'm not surprised that it crashes but i really thought it was going to crash in an entirely different way
@AlexA. :P
I actually really like the "invalid" answer.
Anyone have a link to the timeout limits for up/downvotes?
@El'endiaStarman My Chef one? Thanks.
PSA: Barring sudden rampant negative feedback, I'll probably post this sandboxed challenge tomorrow night-ish.
@quartata ......actually, no, I meant @undergroundmonorail's, but yours was...cool.
The pb one is pretty neat too.
@BrainSteel ooh wus dis
I'll run it through chat before then, too.
"Why does the empty program crash? It's because I disallowed spaces at the beginning of each line (they should be tabs). No, actually, it's because I assume lines have a non-zero length."
@El'endiaStarman Three main errors: surprise.. no wait four main errors
@PhiNotPi I'm considering signing up for your social network. What are your data retention and usage policies?
@BrainSteel <3
@PhiNotPi Has a social network? What have I missed??
It doesn't do anything yet.
It's just a sign up page that takes your email address.
@AlexA. Then sends it to Russian hackers
I knew it
i would sign up for a social network that said "we'll keep all your data forever, but store it in a really inconvenient way so it's a pain in the ass for us to ever use it"
Don't click on any links from Pyapal.
Where is this magical site?
Neither of those things were useful. You'd think you could trust codegolfers.
2 hours ago, by PhiNotPi
My website is alive! (well, not really, but w/e) http://socnet-phinotpi.rhcloud.com/register.pl
@AlexA. Hey look .pl
@BrainSteel I have not once thought that
@BrainSteel Trust code-golfers? Are you nuts?
@quartata You and Phi are the only two people on the planet who like Perl.
Yeah, yeah, I wasn't thinking when I said it.
21 hours ago, by quartata
How can you not trust someone with such an innocent face?
21 hours ago, by quartata
user image
i feel welcomed
Yep. That's all it is so far.
@quartata Generating this would be a neat challenge
Phi has all of our passwords now
@Calvin'sHobbies Mathematica would win easily though.
._. did you use the same password as for PPCG
Just use CellularAutomaton[
But with the scrolling animation?
the only things i use regularly that have different passwords than ppcg are my bank and paypal
and they have the same one lmao
@BrainSteel <obligatory xkcd>
oh wait no that's not true, i use a different password for neopets and it's by far the strongest one
@AlexA. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid!
@Calvin'sHobbies I think there is a builtin for that too.
@BrainSteel For the record, I don't think you're either.
Actually, my password for Phi's site is now several thousand times stronger than any password I've ever used. Phi should be honored.
I feel like we should have a tag
Is there a reason we don't?
It was discussed
I remember a discussion about it.
And IIRC it was decided to be unnecessary
But I don't recall why
wait @PhiNotPi has a website? :D
I found myself wanting to search for them
I think it's because they're really no different from any other challenge.
It would be nice to be able to search for catalogs, though.
i.imgur.com/uGFWVSt.png s/undergroundmonorail/Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ/
you've seen it all
Just was browsing meta and looking at a post about the "new user dilemma" when I found a link to this little gem
> The score, as always, shall be the number of upvotes.
@BrainSteel That's the purpose of Martin's meta post about catalogs. cc @isaacg
@undergroundmonorail ALL? You say that like it's not complex! The colors, the design choices... That rectangle has sharp corners. Have you even thought about the consequences of such things?
@undergroundmonorail Huh.
I didn't know that existed, thanks.
Q: Does PPCG fulfil a role as a catalogue for golfed solution of standard programming exercises?

Martin BüttnerRosetta Code collects solutions to standard programming exercises in hundreds of programming languages. However, it focuses on "good" or idiomatic solutions in those languages. I'm not aware of a similar catalogue from a golfing perspective. Is PPCG capable of fulfilling that role? Do we have cha...

@isaacg See above ^
Ah, yes. I remember now.
@BrainSteel no you misunderstand, if there wasn't much to see i'd just say "you've seen it"
for a masterpiece like this i need to inform you that you've seen all those things
i wonder if i got an email
He hasn't seen the BRILLIANT title for the webpage. "Untitled Document" is so majestic.
that's an excellent point
@BrainSteel Needs to be Untitled Masterpiece.
my apologies
Now we're cooking!
I don't remember my password to the email I gave him.
@undergroundmonorail According to CH it doesn't send one
i did ensure that i captured the fact that the site is slightly wider than the browser, and so there's a horizontal scrollbar that moves things over just a few pixels
Sorry Phi :(
Yeah, it's a WIP.
Wiggly Igloo Pal?
@AlexA. i can confirm this, despite not knowing what CH is
Calvin's Hobbies
It's rare that I get the ninja. I like this feeling.
It doesn't send out emails yet.
Also passwords are salted+hashed, so not totally insecure.
I prefer peppered and herbed
Hash browns > herbs.
Hash browns + herbs
I'd like to see one of you foo's guess my 21-character password for Phi's site.
@PhiNotPi link to your website? :3
Hell, I can't even remember it.
@BrainSteel 21 chars? I use like 30-40 chars for most stuff
I scoff at your tiny baby password
3 hours ago, by PhiNotPi
My website is alive! (well, not really, but w/e) http://socnet-phinotpi.rhcloud.com/register.pl
such ninja
i use 17 chars and even then a lot of sites cut off the last one
That's a ninja playing a banjo
@undergroundmonorail I hate sites that do that...
Fine. As soon as @Phi implements a "forgot your password" button, I'm doubling it! HA!
my bank and paypal are 8 and my neopets password is 16 but it's an actual pseudorandom string rather than the words i use
i'm starting to think i should not tell everyone these things i'm saying about my passwords
@undergroundmonorail cracked lel
8 is a bit short for your bank account, haha.
I've known worse, though
I use different weak passwords for everything.
As long as you don't reuse, strong passwords are totally unnecessary.
one day i'll go in and make everything more secure but i'm so lazy
asdfghjkl is not a secure password. I know a girl who uses it for basically everything.
@feersum password1, password2, ...
@AlexA. I'd call that reuse.
Your website died
user image
@BrainSteel it's even less secure than one might think considering someone other than her knows it
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ gg
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Looks like it doesn't like small caps
@AlexA. Yeah...
9 VAC bans on record last ban 0 days ago
@undergroundmonorail Yeah... It was kind of obvious when she just stroked a finger across her keyboard what her password was.
@PhiNotPi ಠ_ಠ
@BrainSteel oh god hahah, i thought she'd at least type it normally
@undergroundmonorail ...
I don't even know what to say about that
@PhiNotPi UTF-8. Just sayin'.
Wow, already first bug report.
@undergroundmonorail Nah, that would imply that I was paying some amount of attention. I try hard not to :P
I need to figure out how to UTF-8
for a long time even i didn't know my password, because i switched from qwerty to dvorak but changed my password so i'd be pressing all the same keys
@PhiNotPi Well, first swap the T and the F
but now i've memorized the string that corrosponds to
@PhiNotPi It would be easier if you weren't using Perl
Just sayin'
@AlexA. This is actually not true.
in perl can't you just use utf-8;
@quartata It's true in that everything is easier when you don't use Perl.
swap the t and the f first though
goodbye wonderful people
@PhiNotPi help me fight off these perl-haters
Why is that getting stars he's not even right
Yay, let's jump on the Perl-bashing train!
@BrainSteel No
@BrainSteel Yes
@AlexA. No
@quartata Yes
Hey. I write code for giggles. I think that entitles me to having arbitrary opinions about languages I don't use.
choo choo Perl-hating train has arrived at the station
Definitely thought you said "Peter-hating train" and I was about to get real stern real quick.
@AlexA. N͏̦̞͖̗̩̲O̩
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ಠ_ಠ
@quartata I sowee quartata
@AlexA. But, as always, you were wrong
I really need to add unicode support to Seriously
LA͠Ŗ̖̝̣͈R̭̫̭̺̜̹Y̡͉̫ ̢W̠̲̮͞Ạ̝͕̱̬Ḽ̤̬̥̻͚́Ļ͕͔ ̲͍H̦̦͙̲͉̙̼E͕̗̟̞ ̵̱͙̮̙C̼͓͙̪̹͠OM͏̗E̮͚̹̞S͚̻͈̘̱̼
Go away, Larry Wall, you aren't wanted here.
'_ri*'ಠ_@\ '_ri*'ಠ_@\ '_ri*'ಠ_@\ t͏̝h̢͖̙ͅę̫̠̪ ̲͇̠͚̹͙ͅc͈̳͎e̠͞n҉̙t͓̠̮͈̹̳̻e̮̮̙̕ŕ̰̖͚ ̸̜̙̤̫̰̖͓c̷a̵̜̳͓̳͔̻n҉̪͉̮̯͙n̦̞̺̼̫̣͝o̞͔͍͡t̳̱̗̳͓̖͍ ̢̖͍̟͖̜ͅh̦̮̠̦͈̀o̩̭l̻ͅd͔͖̠ ̧͕͕t̩͖̲̦̣̮͜he̗͎͝ ̵ ಠ_ಠ
T̞̫͖̪̺̰͉ͯ͑̇̂̓̏h͈͍̺̉͜ì͖̗s̭̬͍̥͌ͅ ̬͍̥̫̹̓̂̃̊̾͐̍̕i̜̼͇̤͙ͯ̽̎̂̚s̝ ͖̰̣̫̙̺̩̆̈ͯͨͥ̄̑p̃ͤ͆̐̔͜r̻̙̓ͧ̓ͦ̑̌ͩo̠̺͎̹ͭ́ͥ͑͟b͎̤̗̺͚̎̌a̹̝̗̲̰̿̏̉ͥ̀ͅb͚̭̪̼̙̤̩̊l̮͚̼͊̄̈́ͦ̓̀‌​̖̝y̾ ̴̥ͭ̂̍̀v̰̜̙̫́a̙̜̗ͨ̉ͤͭ͝l̴̖̂i̫͇͇̾̐ͦͭ̉͛͒ͅd̜͎͈̒̓́̇ ̰͉̺̱͔̤͍͜P̨̹ę̪̭̗̘͇́́ͤ͌̆̇ͅr̖̹̩̓́ͅl̮͉̭̩͗͒̇̀̽͐ͥ ̟̮̯͖̟̫ͫ̔̓͋ͩ̀͗c̓ͨͨo̔̌̄ͮͮ̚͠d͍ͣ͗́̄ḛͨ̔͘
Unrecognized character \xCD; marked by <-- HERE after T<-- HERE near column 2 at t.pl line 1.
@quartata You forgot the k. As in, \xKCD
Q: Write a Blade Templating Engine

Brian HannayBlade is a PHP templating engine. For this challenge, you only need to implement a modified version one feature -- text replacement. Challenge Description Given an input file and a map of keys to their replacements, write an interpreter that reads through the file to find double open braces ({{...

oh god what happened to chat
I have a sudden urge to destroy this
ow my eyes
@Mego ChatJax made that look different than it would otherwise. :P
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Unknown mode for '$'
Stack is empty.
Unknown mode for '$'
Stack is empty.
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Stack is empty.
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Stack is empty.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Only Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
Output in Foo.
What? It's just "Hello, World!" in P̸̨͈̭̼̣̳̙̠̮̲̻͓̜͎̝͚̟̗͒̒͛ͤͥ̃ͦ̋̈́̏͢ͅë̵̤̹̟̳͙̰̫̼́̇̅̓͂ͤ̄̈́͐ͪ̽͐ͮ̾͑̎̀̉̚͘͟͢ṟ̷̠̙̒̂ͧ̓̿̽̒̒͂̉̑‌​̖͈͕̻͈͈̫̻̹l̸̇ͭ̊͌ͮ͆̊͑ͣ͗̽ͥ̿̉͂̚͘҉̯̜͍͕
What if we fork git and make all the outputs be in zalgo
> fork git
@quartata git fork git gud scrub
git fork git.hub/git/fork
git spork
Q: Write a Blade Templating Engine

Brian HannayBlade is a PHP templating engine. For this challenge, you only need to implement a modified version one feature -- text replacement. Challenge Description Given an input file and a map of keys to their replacements, write an interpreter that reads through the file to find double open braces ({{...

@phase Simple, you just expand your character set
@Mego yes let's pull a gs2
Not using all 255 characters is a waste
I had an idea for a language like Piet that compiled to JVM bytecode
@phase You're grounded
github.com/phase/wxk I started on it last night, nothing done yet
@Mego Go to your room
@AlexA. You're not my dad, man
(also I'm in my room, checkmate birds)
All of you go to your rooms. They all need a good cleaning, too. Get to it.
@Mego You're not my man, dad
@Geobits My room is spotless atm
You must have a different definition of spotless than usual. There is at least one spot, I promise.
@AlexA. You're not my... wait what
@Geobits My room is very clean.
@AlexA. It's filled with donkey body parts
Hmph. Ok, I guess you can get back to playing on your whatsicallit thing. Damn kids.
@Calvin'sHobbies What the hell
Oh look, my shadow is here >_>
@Calvin'sHobbies Assbutts?
in PPCG Minecraft Server, Oct 21 at 23:29, by Alex A.
You killed a poor innocent donkey?
Hitchcock was right about you.
10/10 references
@Calvin'sHobbies NOT REGGIE
My latest challenge is not that interesting frankly, but I bet it get lots of traction due to the meta aspect.
@Calvin'sHobbies Let's face it. Everything you post is upvoted ridiculously :P
@Calvin'sHobbies I like it, but I don't get the logic for the net votes
@Mego Really? Just try it on some question
@Calvin'sHobbies brb downvoting all of yours
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yeah but at least sometimes I deserve it ;)
Q: Stack Exchange Vote Simulator

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes in a string only containing the characters ^ and v. Read from left to right this string represents the sequence of mouse clicks a single user made while viewing a Stack Exchange question or answer for the first time. Every ^ represents a click of the upvote...

Q: What am I even saying?

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴYou're playing TF2, and you want to make a bot that will just put voice commands into the chat box. Typically, to "call" a voice command, one would press a key (Z, X, or C) and a number (1-8) to create an audio dialogue. Here are the text equivalents of the audios displayed when pressing these ke...

@Calvin'sHobbies I didn't say you didn't deserve it :P
Ohh I get it now
I didn't realize the net votes meant the user may have already voted on it
I "fixed" the horizontal scrollbar on my website.
@PhiNotPi Always my first concern on websites
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not everything. Sorry Calvin ;)
@Geobits oh lol. He closed it himself
It was unclear
and @Geobits did you downvote my question per chance?
Wow, this is an unprecedented opportunity to delete-vote a CH question.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I haven't even looked at the recent questions yet, been off pretty much all weekend. Link?
@Mego I found out that it will stop you from spamming vote changes too many times
6 mins ago, by New Main Posts
Q: What am I even saying?

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴYou're playing TF2, and you want to make a bot that will just put voice commands into the chat box. Typically, to "call" a voice command, one would press a key (Z, X, or C) and a number (1-8) to create an audio dialogue. Here are the text equivalents of the audios displayed when pressing these ke...

Look up >.>

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