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I reread my post and realised it wasn't clear who it was aimed at so I've linked it to TanMath's post
(and then repost to chat)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ can confirm
@mınxomaτ haha lucky
But don't put effort into brainfuck answers. It'll be pointless.
Hm. I never fixed that answer. Maybe I should at some point.
"It works for me" - Muster Coder 2020
@Calvin'sHobbies When I got around to checking, it turned out to be straightforward to scale up the turtle, but it doesn't look good - very sharp edged since it wasn't designed to be shown so large.
(Having said that, the pixelated one doesn't look great zoomed in either.)
You need to make a fractal version :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ turtles all the way down?
Did you get the reference from XKCD, or did you know the actual quote? :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I got it from Pratchett
^ nice :D
That's the best way to get it.
I'm not sure if it was original at that point or not
History is so muddled :P
Hi @Vɪʜᴀɴ
And @Sp3000
I saw that :p
@Doorknob I talked to a friend of mine who is far better at sysadmin stuff than I am about your iPage problem
He confirmed it is a security measure and there is nothing you can do
He did however point out that PHP has ImageMagick built in usually so if you feel like wasting 3 entire days of your life porting your ungodly C code to PHP you can
@mınxomaτ dafuq have I just witnessed
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Interesting
Too bad it doesn't have a Java version
someone at HSCTF showed it to me
I can't believe someone thought it was a good idea to leave high schoolers alone with an important spreadsheet that wasn't view-only
The best part is it is actually not terribly written.
java.awt.Robot is cool and more people need to know about it
Although I did cringe at this:
catch(AWTException e) {
@quartata nah PHP is too slow
I love robot. one time my friend and I used the Robot class to make a program that repetitively clicked eclipse's run button. Guess what happened...
I have been considering getting a Raspberry Pi and using that as a server :P
@Doorknob do it
@Doorknob It's fine for low-traffic.
I was kind of surprised that you used iPage instead of just hosting your own server. It'd be far cheaper I suspect :P
except for the dns part
Servers with Intel Atoms are also pretty good (that's what I use)
@TheDoctor True. Google Domains makes that a bit more streamlined now.
why have I not heard of this????
The only issue with the Intel Atoms is that their floating point stuff sucks
Other than that they're pretty nice (don't use a lot of power, don't need a giant-ass fan)
@TheDoctor Of Google Domains?
Probably because it is brand new.
@TheDoctor and nvm, the picture I want is on my ipad
lol just hack-pinged myself
Although I am somewhat surprised that you haven't heard about it since there was a bug in it that let someone buy google.com
haha wait what? :D
@Doorknob Seriously?
It was all over the news...
I was not aware of this
Just google google domain bought
You'll find so many damn articles on it it'll make your head spin
And all of them are 100% inaccurate
Hey look I'm just behind Dennis in monthly reputation change
Actually wait that's not true.
@quartata I am 58 rep behind you ._.
I am just behind Thomas Kwa in monthly reputation change. Woo-hoo... I guess
How the hell do you keep catching up I just checked yesterday and I had 300 more rep than you
What is happening
@quartata :3
I dunno tbh
limit ~30s my friend — JonnyWerden 8 hours ago
That is still the strangest question I've seen in a while...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :(
def joke():
    return (u'Wenn ist das Nunst\u00fcck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... '
            u'Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.')
Me no speeken de Doitch
it's a joke joke
look it up
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It is German, not Dutch.
@quartata I know.
having to look up a joke somewhat decreases its humor value...
@TheDoctor This is actually one of my favorites of the Python sketches (yes I've watched them all), and I'm kind of upset it isn't as popular (possibly because it was very very early in the series)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Hey - did you say hi before I entered the room? I don't think I've been awake for 25 min...
@quartata I'll have to do some repfarming
@ThomasKwa :(
(also I saw the undeserved accept and left a comment)
I just realized I need to edit my profile bio to be more Interesting...
It's already interesting
Now it has more interesting yay
Actually it now has less concentration of "Interesting" :P
I love how I have literally no rep anywhere else on SE
I don't know why but I'm just not a fan of actually asking or answering questions on SO
I just.... browse it
It already contains all potentially useful information, so there's no use.
@feersum Yeah, basically.
Maybe 3 years ago I could have gotten a shitload of rep and gold tag badges in java and perl and php.. but
99% of questions are now dupes.
And the 1% of non-dupes actually belong on Code Review.
That's basically the life cycle of SO now.
Pretty much all I do now is enjoy the residual flow of rep that's brought me from ~20k to 28.5k in about a year and a half of barely participating. :P
@Doorknob How?
Upvotes on old answers?
@quartata Probably the same way Jon Skeet hits the rep cap every day on SO.
See, that's the thing about PPCG. You don't get upvotes on old answers.
I see
@El'endiaStarman We don't like to talk about that
Who's "we"?
Certainly not me.
Therefore, it's not "we".
I am included it that we
Everyone on SE. Jon Skeet's methods are secret, and if he finds out we're trying to discover them he'll kill us with beautiful C# code
I thought it was funny...
Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the C# part.
We don't talk about C# here. If you make a language that compiles to it but is ten times smaller, then you can talk about it.
I'd love it if people talked about C#. I'm trying to learn it.
....well, "trying" to. I'm procrastinating...
C# is basically Java, so I can help you.
> C# is basically Java
Heck I'm sure a Java to C# transpiler would be pretty easy.
@Doorknob You can't deny it though.
> beautiful C# code
I mean come on.
@mınxomaτ Jon Skeet can do it
> >C# is basically Java
@mınxomaτ It is!
Are you all drunk?
No! It's true!
the CLR is very different from the JVM
@phase That's just the low-level part.
The actual built-in libraries and syntax are very very similar.
I'm in a room of C# lovers aren't I
I've made a tactical error
@mınxomaτ > AutoIt, Perseus, VB(6/.NET), (F/L/N/T)ASM, (Free/Power)BASIC.
Closures, Subroutines, Structs, smaller instruction set
@Doorknob @ThomasKwa save yourself
leave while you can
...did not expect that to happen.
@quartata and @Doorknob left.
&	if the top of the stack is 0/undefined, turn left; Otherwise, turn right

	>>>& if stack is nonzero

#	push null byte to the stack
-	remove top byte on stack
l	set lower limit to the length of the stack (default 0)
L	set lower limit to the top of the stack; pops
e	pushes length of the stack to the stack
1-9	push first multiple of the number above the lower limit
~	reverse stack
+	add top two values on stack
$	pops top and pushes negative of it
{	push bottom of stack to the top
}	puts the top of the stack to the bottom of the stack
For my challenge, should I restrict input to five-letter strings?
^ probably
I was watching while logged out when I noticed a wild @NotDoorknob
@quartata hi
I'm not Doorknob
Nice to meet you, I'm not Doorknob!
wow, we have so much in common
I'm also not Doorknob
There can be only one
<small>that's not how I intended the joke but it is funnier so I'll pretend that's what I meant</small>
@NBZ, I miss APL. Back in 1982 I wrote a graphics package in APL that drove a daisy wheel printer. It was a work of art, even though I didn't understand what I had written a month later. — vy32 5 hours ago
This dude is a champ
@AlexA. I don't understand anything I write in APL 0 seconds after I write it.
I don't understand anything I write in APL a month before I write it.
I feel like learning J.
What should I know before trying it?
/me does not know J
/me knows some words with the letter J in them
I'm doing pretty good on the starboard today
/me knows no words containing the letter J
3 hours ago, by Alex A.
"Thought you enjoyed programming? Well think again!"
@quartata It's entirely unintelligible. The rules make no sense and everything is described in terms of English grammar.
I've tried a couple times and have given up pretty much immediately.
I too tried learning J for a couple hours once. I gave up since there was no documentation about operator precedence or anything important like that.
And if you try to Google it, you only get things about Java.
APL and friends don't have operator precedence.
There's no such thing as an operator.
Time is an illusion.
Hey guys
How about K?
That's gotta have some docs, right?
Ken Iverson made APL and J but I don't think he was involved with K. (I could be wrong.) It's some person's feeble attempt at "improving" J into a "real" language. (Disclaimer: I'm kind of making this up)
@feersum Whenever I need to Google something about J I use j software as the search term. There's always some Java in there though.
Java is inescapable.
You should use 'j language' instead. Also, backslash :P
Easier to escape: n-layered nested quotes or an iron maiden?
oh I should probably switch back to my real account now
I mean... uhh... I gotta go
hi I'm back
It's confirmed. NotDoorknob is Alex's sock.
Welcome back @NotNotDoorknob!
A: "Hello, World!"

quartataSuperCollider, 27 bytes "Hello, World!".post;1.exit

I'm amazed no one has ever done anything in SuperCollider on here
I'm sure there must of been some challenge where it could have been useful
There has, on that music challenge
@Geobits Well, it is true that I'm not Doorknob...
@Sp3000 Ah cool.
I just felt like posting that because I discovered it again while working on something
Correction: Morse code
A: Morse the New Year

ProgramFOXSuperCollider, 625 605 bytes Audio programming language submission! Output is written to a file b in AIFF format. Windows Media Player fails to open it, but it works fine in VLC media player. The generated file a is an OSC file. c=0;d=0;f={c=c+d;d=0.2;[c,[\s_new,\w,1001,0,0,\freq,800]]};g={c=c...

^^ or that
A: Generate white noise

Jonathan Van MatreSupercollider, 89 - 10% = 80.1 bytes Sadly, despite being deliberately made for generation of sound/audio, this language is not going to win here. But it's the first appearance of Supercollider on Code Golf, so that's cool! This submission loses primarily because setting up recording and making...

There's 3.
Hmph I'm going to change that.
You're going to delete one?
Seems pretty harsh.
I'm going to find a nice music challenge and answer it in SuperCollider.
Q: Play an RTTTL song

aditsuUser quartata posted this challenge, but he neglected the fact that, for whatever reason, he's not able to play MIDI files on his computer. Let's help him out by writing a full program that reads a song in RTTTL format from the standard input, prints the song name to the standard output and play...

I might be able to do it in this
So can GolfScript take code from STDIN?
GolfScript dumps input onto the stack at the start, I believe
@Sp3000 Right, but it appears that you can also give it the code via STDIN if you don't specify a file.
I just want to make sure (it is critical for what I'm working on right now).
^ I have found that supersampling of fractals produces some nifty results.
@Doorknob :D
@quartata That is correct.
@Doorknob Supersampling?
It looks almost like music staves bent...
@AlexA. Generating a big image and then scaling it down, basically.
It gets rid of a lot of the graininess.
Oh, okay. Cool. :)
@Dennis Thanks :D
Just released another update to Microscript II.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VɪʜᴀɴOutput the Alphabet code-challenge restricted-source In this challenge you will be outputting all the letters of the alphabet, more specifically abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwxyz You may also alternatively print: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Your code may only contain alphabetical characters mea...

@NewSandboxedPosts lmao
needs a "warning: frequently boring" in its wiki :P
@Vɪʜᴀɴ Just so you know, most golfing languages can do this in one byte. So this would probably affect the scoring.
also, yeah, that...
Maybe not most, but Pyth G is kinda hard to beat
Rotor also can do this (H) but I haven't pushed that update yet
> Built-ins w/ of alphabet are not allowed
That's better.
Side note: Lenguage still wins
Chaine would still win too.
... depending on the char penalty, of course
@AlexA. Well I guess we know what you're up to tonight ;)
@quartata "Most" may not be true.
@AlexA. HALP! I can't breathe!
@Geobits Took me two reads to get that....
@SuperJedi224 Alright, "some." It was still a good point.
I feel like people are downvoting that alphabet challenge without reading it.
It is not a bad idea.
Of course I've already found a language that would win instantly but still
@quartata Pyth?
Until "penalty for each character" kicks in, still Lenguage
@SuperJedi224 Nope, that would be a builtin.
Oh, right.
@Sp3000 No, because there is currently a penalty for each character.
In his example, l -> l = 1
Oh, right. nvm :/
Chaine's still not guuaranteed to win though (also that looks like it'd tie with PHP or whatever)
@Sp3000 I think I can golf it down though.
O would get a good score @quartata @Sp3000
I like what you've done with the O IDE @phase
oh damn didnt see that rule
It was added, otherwise Pyth could do G
I forgot Heroku was a thing.
I think I'll use it for Rotor's online interpreter.
@quartata but costs moneyz
@quartata That's a copy of the old one that was written in Java. The new one I've been working on is written in Oython to work with the new interpreter written in C. Look at o.c and ide.py. The old interpreter is still on a separate branch.
@Doorknob Heroku is free
@phase no it's not
there's a free tier
I wish I understood how to use Heroku
but it goes to "sleep" or whatever
Nothing in life is free
Awh come on it has Scala and Java but not Groovy?
I would like to be able to make an online interpreter for Seriously :/
@isaacg Do you pay for the Pyth Heroku app?
@Doorknob Do you see this site. It was free.
@quartata you might be able to try grooscript.org
@phase and it has 100% uptime?
@quartata Search for "Heroku Groovy Buildpack"
@Doorknob From what I've seen, I didnt go on it for a couple months to find it up and running fine
@Doorknob Hey, that's nice. Then I could use github io
I think that'll be a better option.
@Mego Do what Dennis and I did with ShapeScript: Reimplement it in JavaScript, put it in a JS-Fiddle.
@quartata Lots of "X->JS" transpilers have been popping up lately :P
@AlexA. I barely have it implemented in Python, lol
I'm still trying to get complex values to work
(complex literals work now yay)
@Mego Flask + Heroku is sweet

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