@Calvin'sHobbies When I got around to checking, it turned out to be straightforward to scale up the turtle, but it doesn't look good - very sharp edged since it wasn't designed to be shown so large.
(Having said that, the pixelated one doesn't look great zoomed in either.)
@Doorknob I talked to a friend of mine who is far better at sysadmin stuff than I am about your iPage problem
He confirmed it is a security measure and there is nothing you can do
He did however point out that PHP has ImageMagick built in usually so if you feel like wasting 3 entire days of your life porting your ungodly C code to PHP you can
@TheDoctor This is actually one of my favorites of the Python sketches (yes I've watched them all), and I'm kind of upset it isn't as popular (possibly because it was very very early in the series)
& if the top of the stack is 0/undefined, turn left; Otherwise, turn right
>>>& if stack is nonzero
# push null byte to the stack
- remove top byte on stack
l set lower limit to the length of the stack (default 0)
L set lower limit to the top of the stack; pops
e pushes length of the stack to the stack
1-9 push first multiple of the number above the lower limit
~ reverse stack
+ add top two values on stack
$ pops top and pushes negative of it
{ push bottom of stack to the top
} puts the top of the stack to the bottom of the stack
@NBZ, I miss APL. Back in 1982 I wrote a graphics package in APL that drove a daisy wheel printer. It was a work of art, even though I didn't understand what I had written a month later. — vy325 hours ago
Ken Iverson made APL and J but I don't think he was involved with K. (I could be wrong.) It's some person's feeble attempt at "improving" J into a "real" language. (Disclaimer: I'm kind of making this up)
@feersum Whenever I need to Google something about J I use j software as the search term. There's always some Java in there though.
SuperCollider, 625 605 bytes
Audio programming language submission!
Output is written to a file b in AIFF format. Windows Media Player fails to open it, but it works fine in VLC media player. The generated file a is an OSC file.
Supercollider, 89 - 10% = 80.1 bytes
Sadly, despite being deliberately made for generation of sound/audio, this language is not going to win here. But it's the first appearance of Supercollider on Code Golf, so that's cool!
This submission loses primarily because setting up recording and making...
User quartata posted this challenge, but he neglected the fact that, for whatever reason, he's not able to play MIDI files on his computer.
Let's help him out by writing a full program that reads a song in RTTTL format from the standard input, prints the song name to the standard output and play...
Output the Alphabet
code-challenge restricted-source
In this challenge you will be outputting all the letters of the alphabet, more specifically
You may also alternatively print:
Your code may only contain alphabetical characters mea...
@quartata That's a copy of the old one that was written in Java. The new one I've been working on is written in Oython to work with the new interpreter written in C. Look at o.c and ide.py. The old interpreter is still on a separate branch.