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Clearly the Pyth one is not very well golfed :P (I think Pyth FizzBuzz was 30 or so, so it shouldn't take 20 bytes more for Fibo)
@quartata It is! "+ would have for for Rotor -> K.
We get away with lots of puns in here but Nazi-related ones may be pushing it.
As a German, I agree.
@Dennis I got that one already :P
Actually it could also be '+
Sorry - no offense meant.
mentions something about Godwin's Law
Wow. I cant think of a language with a name longer than Javascript
Wait, ShadyAsFuck
@Calvin'sHobbies CoffeeScript
Wow ninja'd
Real something Salon something Disaster thingymabob is the longest legit one on esolangs I think
I'd look up the actual name, but net's terribly slow atm and I think I gave enough words for it to be searchable
Dartmouth BASIC
Implement a Truth Machine is sooo close to getting me my first gold badge
Mornington Crescent
plsss gods of hot network questions plssss
@quartata How so?
So I need 2k more.
That's still a lot
80% there.
> viewed 7895 times
@TimmyD 79% there
@Dennis If you want to see something else cool in Rotor, check this out.
Whats a reboot vs remake in movie lingo?
Compiler warnings do not count as errors.
Are we discounting abbreviations? Because Transact Structured Query Language is pretty long.
Well i guess VBA cant be Part of that challange
@Calvin'sHobbies esolangs.org/wiki/Real_Fast_Nora%27s_Hair_Salon_3:_Shear_Disaster_Download
@TimmyD "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" isn't very short either, even without finding the longest variant.
@TimmyD If so, Parallax Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
@Geobits ninja'd but at least I had proper capitalization
@quartata Any TI version is longer than that.
Texas Instruments Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code?
Not bad.
@quartata "Proper capitalization" for acronyms usually means capitalizing the letters that form the acronym, and I don't recognize BAPSIC :P
@Geobits :(
It would probably be some VB.NET version if I had to guess.
@Calvin'sHobbies I've always understood "reboot" to be a restart of the series, ignoring previous movies that have setup canon, and re-imagining how X,Y,Z may have happened instead (ex: The Dark Knight trilogy) ... Whereas, a "remake" is attempting to re-do the same movie, but twisted just a little bit to fit a new setting/time (ex: Gone in 60 Seconds).
@Geobits It wouldn't let me post a second l :P
Intel Sandy Bridge x86 Assembly Language
@quartata Is there currently a way to perform a primality test in Rotor?
Q: Finding sum-free partitions

Peter TaylorExecutive summary Given input k, find a partition of integers 1 to n into k sum-free subsets for the largest n you can within 10 minutes. Background: Schur numbers A set A is sum-free if its self-sum A + A = { x + y | x, y in A} has no elements in common with it. For every positive integer k ...

v I sandboxed the Lojban challenge
@quartata How acquainted are you with Conways game of life actually?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ How acquainted are you with Conan O'Brien actually?
@Dennis It would be y but it isn't implemented
@Calvin'sHobbies I know about him. :P People get my name confused with his, so I feel like I know him.
You could always implement your own (it has loops and all that)
@Calvin'sHobbies How acquainted are you with Calvin and Hobbes actually?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It is a fun thing to play around with.
@quartata Cool! :D
I'm not a cellular automaton expert or anything
I've made some cool things with them though.
Noice. I had a quick question: how does your avatar react under a /2 rulestring environment?
@Geobits I've read every strip, most of them many many times. I own a lot of the books and have since I was very young.
Go ahead, give me some C+H trivia!
Who is Calvin's teacher?
(I love C+H too :D)
Me too :) Well, I don't own the books exactly. They're all on a shelf at my mom's place now.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Miss Wormwood
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't have Golly on my current computer otherwise I'd show you a picture...
@Calvin'sHobbies Good. Who is she named after?
@quartata "Golly"? That sounds cool.
Is it a program to run rulestrings?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yeah it is a cellular automaton simulator.
I think it would just turn into an oscillator of some sort.
@quartata Is it free? :3
You should ask questions that aren't the first line on a wikia page.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Thomas KwaIs this word a valid gismu? Premise The language Lojban is a constructed language, meaning in part that all of its words have been created rather than allowed to develop naturally. The semantic base of Lojban are its gismu, or root words, which were synthesized by combining roots from widely na...

OMIGOSH THANKS @QUARTATA I've been looking for a while for one of these.
@NewSandboxedPosts oh wus dis
@Geobits Phooey. I that was a clever question.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Umm, not sure. (that fact is too meta)
@Calvin'sHobbies (it is, sorry.)
@Calvin'sHobbies Character from The Screwtape Letters
Yus, I've finally mastered the art of poaching eggs. That bugged me for months.
He mentions it in the 10th anniversary treasury
@mınxomaτ ಠ_ಠ
@mınxomaτ My grandma taught me how to poach eggs. It is actually really tricky...
I mastered the art of not eating poached eggs in much less time.
It's always worth the effort <3
I love poached eggs
Oh wait poached eggs. I thought you meant, like, egg-poaching, an illegal activity. ^_^
@Calvin'sHobbies I think I still have every book
One second checking bookcase
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ lol
@quartata Name 3 things Calvin has used a cardboard box for
Meh. Eggs should be cooked through IMO.
Transmogifier Cloner and Time machine
Did I pass the test?
^ darn too fast for me
Duplicator, but yes :P
Tomato tomahto
I can confirm I still own every book.
But I don't have all the treasuries...
Who wrote Calvin's A+ narrative?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Both Hobbes from 6 and 8 o' clock
@quartata oh golly
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not sure but who else would but hobbes?
Trick question: Hobbes doesn't really write anything.
Sorry I got that wrong
^ gg I forgot that
Why do I remember this shit
Name all of Calvin's alter egos.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Oh yeah, I kinda recall that story
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Stupendous man, Spaceman spiff, captain napalm
Dammit I got rekt
You forgot one...
You forgot the detective
Tracer Bullet
@quartata There we go, I knew about the detective but forgot that name
Why oh why do I remember this stuff
I think there might be something wrong with me that I remember this
C+H is rated as the best comic of all time, so it sorta makes sense
Real Fast Nora's Hair Salon 3: Shear Disaster Download
So, how did I do? Did I get a barfing face sticker on the pop quiz?
Has there every been a strip with no images/dialogue of Calvin nor Hobbes?
@Calvin'sHobbies Yes
A couple early ones with his parents I believe
@Calvin'sHobbies With his parents I think
We need a Calvin and Hobbes Stack Exchange
@quartata Maybe a Hobbes math challenge at least
user image
@Calvin'sHobbies Oh man I remember this one
That would make a great challenge
@quartata I'm asking since this is a requirement of our definition of programming language. Loops don't seem to be implemented yet either.
@Dennis They are. I haven't updated the docs.
| = while loop
\ = for loop
@quartata Do it :D
Don't worry, it's a programming language.
@Dennis I thought all the language had to be capable of was adding, prime detecting, and having a decision/something else model.
What animals has calvin been?
@Calvin'sHobbies Frog dinosaurs owl pig mouse tiger I believe
I think there are more though.
Ah, there we go.
@TheDoctor That challenge made no sense whatsoever.
@quartata Mouse?
I think he was a mouse in the transmogifier gun one
I don't quite remember
That makes me feel better. I'm not a freak.
@Calvin'sHobbies Yes.
@Calvin'sHobbies I did not know this existed.
@Calvin'sHobbies You have opened my eyes.
star it people!
A: "Hello, World!"

VɪʜᴀɴTeaScript, 14 bytes Ld`HÁM, Wld!` Compresses Hello, World!, decompresses with L.d function

@Vɪʜᴀɴ how does compression work in TeaScript?
I can't think of any compression scheme that can actually compress Hello World into something short
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Primality check, factorial and looping constructs all said not yet implemented. There are other ways to do primality testing, but I don't know the language well enough to know if it's possible without any of them.
@Dennis Oh, I was just asking generally :P
@Dennis Looping constructs are implemented
I haven't updated the docs jeez
I know.
13 mins ago, by quartata
@Dennis They are. I haven't updated the docs.
I'm fixing it right now.
I guess that's what I get for being lazy...
remarkably few oscillators in my game of life fractal grid
I'll be fixing the rest of the commands here in a second
I'm still hopeful for a glider
@Sparr ?
Regarding my challenge, is it too long? Should I restrict input to five-character strings containing only letters possible in a gismu?
Are you making something that involves fractals and Game of Life :O
@quartata I'm simulating Life on this grid:
What are you using to simulate it?
8 neighbors per cell, like normal life
No no no I mean did you write a program to simulate this?
some python I wrote, based on my entry to the old game of life on a weird grid challenge
Q: Implement the Game of Life on Anything but a Regular Grid

Calvin's HobbiesConway's Game of Life is (almost) always played on a regular square grid, but it doesn't need to be. Write a program that implements the standard cell neighboring rules from Conway's Game of Life on a two-dimensional tiling of the Euclidean plane that is not a regular tiling of squares, triangle...

lots of implementations there for arbitrary grids
@Sparr Yeah that was a really cool challenge.
I love the penrose tiling one.
@Sparr Which version of python, again? (I think I have asked you this before)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ 2.7 I think? I rarely care
Cool. Just wondering.
He was asking because if you were using 3 we'd lynch you on the spot
@Sparr Oh hey I just realized the penrose one was yours!
I really like it, what made you think of it?
There was an article shortly prior to the contest about a glider in a modified penrose life
their version used 4 states, though
no gliders in two-state penrose life :(
/quartata does not exist in two-state penrose
sparr, nice avatar
@TheDoctor thanks, I thought it was appropriate :)
I am sad that it doesn't animate on most sites :(
Hi guys.
I have to show you this:
Q: factorizing polynomials over finite fields using maple and maxima

flawrCan you factorize polynomials over certain finite field using maple or maxima, and if so, how?

Should I flag for moderator attention?
@quartata What's wrong with 3??!?
@trichoplax Everything
Including the fact they lied and said they'd have GTK in it
damn I'm still mad about that
I didn't know about Python when they introduced 3, so I was spared that disappointment
It kind of has tk though
the worst part about Python 3 is that not enough people switched to it
needing to have 2.7 and 3 installed because so many packages use each is annoying
Reminds me of VB6ers ;)
so, yeah, I'm not finding nearly as many oscillators as I expected
... he says, as he finds the first p6 oscillator
and a p8 just after
guess I need to be more patient :)
What's the game that only @Doorknob plays?
I think at least one other person plays it (in the world, not in here).
Not that I dislike text-based adventure games, but I expected more from it... :P
I'm looking for fun but not processor intensive games which I can put on my computer for when I'm bored
For most definitions of "not processor intensive" today, anything at all made before 2000 should work.
Add emulators to that and you have even more to choose from.
And will work on Windows 8
I don't use Win 8, but is there a problem running older games on it or something?
I have no idea
That seems like something they would have figured out by now.
The biggest issue with older games playing on newer Windows is actually 64-bit operating systems, which drops support for 16-bit software.
I was thinking of loading Spore or Civilisation 4 onto it but I don't want to use up a lot of my memory. I mean I'm not running out or anything, I'd just prefer to keep it clean
@trichoplax 3??!? ~~ 0.7
annoying part of simulating this grid is that I can't fit nearly as many cells on screen as I'm used to
Hmm, if 16-bit is a problem, you still have the entirety of the XP era to choose from I guess.
@BetaDecay a LOT of games in the humble bundles are low-to-moderate system requirements and still awesome
Holy crap, it works as well :D
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is that a clever joke that's gone over my head?
"I want to install some games, but don't want to use up disk space" <- I don't know how to respond to that.
@trichoplax Probably. It's 3 antifactorial antifactorial factorial antifactorial.
Ah - I didn't know about antifactorial. Thanks :)
@Geobits the disparity in disk size for different modern games is astounding and ridiculous at the same time. sometimes I choose which games to install based on disk size. in a world where one game can take up 10GB on disk, games that take up 10MB effectively don't use up any disk space.
I guess so. In a world where you can get multi-TB drives under $100, I've long since stopped noticing.
Some people don't have $100 to spend on an upgrade.
Sure, but it's not like I'm going out and upgrading it often. I've had the same 3TB in mine for a few years now. Even most netbooks now come with at least 500GB on the base model I think.
now, yes
consider a gamer who is on a laptop they bought 3 years ago, and it was on a budget then
so it's more like a 5 year old laptop
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

insertusernamehereGet The Getters code-golf This is my first attempt at creating a challenge. I'm grateful for every tip, critic or improvement. The Task I guess everybody loves automatic code generation and saving some time during work. You have to create a lot of classes and members during the day and you...

@Sparr Then there are only a few hundred thousand games to choose from I guess :P
But to be fair, he mentioned Spore, which only requires 150MB.
sure, but games are better now than they were 5-10 years ago
But if you have 80$ to buy a 24gb (Cough* fallout4 Cough*) Game wouldn't you have that same 80$ for a 500gb external?
so asking about new+good games that are small isn't the same as just asking about games that are small or good games that are small
@JimmyJazzx no comment on acquiring games without paying :p
I don't think he ever asked about new games at all.
so, there's definitely a reason to look for small games
At least 100 SNES games qualify as fun, small, low reqs.
I remember making a really cool Java cellular automaton that did something related to lattice paths but I think it got lost when my hard drive blew up a couple months ago...
I also do this on my phone. 100MB games on my device with just 16GB of app storage are usually a no-go.
@Sparr tsk tsk tsk. I Don't not approve of your no comment
I'm hopeful for a glider in my weird fractal life
unfortunately the world isn't rotationally symmetric, so even if there is one, it has to spawn in the right orientation to work
@Sparr On mobile I agree. It's just been so long that I needed more space on my PC that I was surprised by it.
I honestly have no idea how full my drive is right now, which is something I wouldn't have said ten years ago.
also unfortunately, my oscillator detection code can't spot gliders
so I'd only find one by watching manually :(
Geo. I have recently upgraded to a SSD for my C drive. And the space Problem has re surfaced. between BF 4 60gb. GTA 4 60gb and Fallout4 24Gb Compressed. the 512gb drive is bring stretched.
I miss the good old days of a 2TB C drive.
Should have kept your 2TB drive and used the SSD for boot and the other for mass storage :P
@Geobits game media isn't "mass storage"
O I still have 6tb of drive in my PC. But something is going on the Slow drive
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ So... About your challenge. Do I not count inputs such as 'C9' or are they okay?
I've never had a problem running games off an HDD o_O
all 60GB of BF4 needs to be on the SSD to keep the game from slowing down while loading stuff
your definition of "problem" is not the same as someone else's
Definitely true. Apparently some people have lower thresholds.
for example, in many first person shooters, how fast you can load a new map determines how soon you can get to an objective in the first round of a new game
First world problem. My SSD is too small for my AAA games.
@VoteToClose You must output nothing when given that input. Like I said.
Hmm. :c
Consoles fix most of these problems and are better gaming machines anyway. ducks
Actually. That's a pretty easy fix (5 bytes. :D)
Riding a Bike fixes all the motor Problems in your car. But it isn't REALLY a solution...
Also, on scoring - we just don't count the words used in "Battle Cry" or any defined literal strings used at all? @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
I think the differences between gaming on console vs PC are slightly less significant than car vs bicycle :P
@Geobits You think wrong.
Hello all!
Hello! :P
@flawr Have done all four, formed my own opinion. Yours may differ ;)
@PeterTaylor Would it be okay to include this in a C answer to your challenge? Or only standard libraries?
Wait, never mind, reread. :D
ok, poked the hornets nest; commented on the game of life challenge with my plan to post a rule-breaking entry
@AlexA. I am sorry if I truly insulted you... I meant it kinda as a joke... I know this community and most communities like to have fun with the insults and stuff and I didn't know you took it so seriously... But I didn't like that you prevented me from chatting on the entire chat.SE for 30 min! That was not fair...But that is my opinion...
I like how all of you guys start saying hello when I say hi! thanks! you guys are so welcoming!
Alex muted you?
Interesting messages from Game Dev...
@flawr yep he did...
@Geobits I think there is one comprehensive answer: It depends on the environment=)
@VoteToClose In respect to the battle cry string, yes
^ Got it. ;D

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