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@Dennis @TheNumberOne Here's a primality test in HPR + macros: pastebin.com/j0gWmmgQ
It expands to about 1200 bytes of HPR.
You can't cast close votes on graduated sites until 3,000 rep?
When we graduate, will users lose the privileges they no longer have the rep for?
I hope we never graduate then.
Or you could just hope you get sufficient rep by then. :P
Do mods get all privileges automagically?
It takes 10,000 rep to see deleted answers.
@AlexA. Well that's silly
But on graduated sites there are requirements that moderator candidates must meet in order to be considered.
@quartata I really don't know
Why is there such a difference between beta and graduated site privileges
@AlexA. I know.
@quartata Smaller population on beta sites.
For example, when we graduate there is a very real possibility that I will be ineligible to run in the moderator elections.
I just thought it was amusing that Alex wouldn't even have all of the privileges if PPCG is graduated
@AlexA. Are the requirements listed somewhere?
Not that I know of. I'm mostly speaking from experience participating (from a voter perspective) in the Stack Overflow moderator elections.
I bet @Doorknob would know.
Like, when beta sites first get started, you have a couple hundred people interacting. Producing content, passing judgement on it. After a week, you have just enough data to pick people that you trust will guide the site in the right direction and act responsibly with extra privileges. These are pro-tem mods. As time goes on, it becomes more clear who the community trusts, and these people get mod-level privileges (high rep -> great privileges).
@AlexA. This seems strange to me. What do you think might disqualify you?
@El'endiaStarman Well, for example, the Stack Overflow elections require the candidates to have certain badges and a minimum reputation level. Of the (active) mods, I have the lowest reputation at 12.1k.
@El'endiaStarman It just seems strange to me because 10k rep is actually very difficult to get (at least on here)
I've actually found that it's much easier to accumulate reputation on PPCG than it is on other sites, such as Stack Overflow.
We have 32 > 10k rep users.
Not that many.
Yeah. I think (though I'm not certain) that a certain number of high-rep users is required for graduation.
@AlexA. know about what?
@AlexA. I have no choice :P
But internally, Stack Exchange is talking about the possibility of a state of "perpetual beta" for sites that don't meet the graduation requirements but are otherwise healthy, active sites. There's something about it on Meta.SE somewhere.
@AlexA. I think it is pretty common on StackOverflow to see answers with lots of upvotes, while here even good answers have only 5-20 upvotes usually
Now here questions typically get a lot of upvotes as opposed to StackOverflow
@AlexA. The team has confirmed that perpetual beta is now a thing.
Oh, and as even more time goes by, you have more people with great privileges, so at some point, it's good to have a re-adjustment. The standards and stakes have changed and become "higher", so to speak. This is graduation. It's when SE says "Yes, this is a good, high-quality community." So privilege requirements become a bit more strict to help handle the increase in population and because there won't be further changes, so you kinda want to limit the number of people that can delete stuff.
@Doorknob I think it wouldn't hurt for PPCG to be perpetual beta site, since it is never going to be as big as the graduated ones.
@Doorknob Oh damn son, I must have missed that announcement. Link?
@hichris123 "Are you saying that it's possible for a site to stay in beta forever?" Yes. — Ana ♦ Jun 1 at 18:55
That just isn't how it works.
@AlexA. I don't think I was at even 5k rep on C.SE when I was elected. Certainly not more than 6k.
@quartata SE decides how it works. ;)
This site is Q&A only in the most general of terms
@AlexA. Fair enough...
@El'endiaStarman Really? Huh
Honestly, I don't think PPCG will actually stay in beta forever.
@El'endiaStarman Oh, Christianity.SE is a graduated site? And you're an elected mod then, not pro-tem?
@El'endiaStarman 10 q/day is a very high bar
@AlexA. It is a graduated site I believe.
it's also one that might actually actively be bad for PPCG, should we exceed it
@AlexA. I was a pro-tem. Fun fact: all four pro-tems that were still around were elected. First (and only?) site where that happened.
@AlexA. Been graduated for two years now, I think.
@Doorknob This is my point, it is incredibly unlikely to see 10 high quality challenges in one day because they aren't really questions.
@El'endiaStarman I hope that happens here. :D (Congrats on being elected, btw. ;))
unfortunately, I've mentioned this several times before, and the team is very adamant that the 10 questions per day limit will continue to exist
Thanks. :)
@Doorknob If that is the case, then I don't think it'll be possible for us to ever graduate.
@Doorknob Which is why permabeta could be a good thing for us.
No way the average could be 10 challenges a day.
Permabeta would be perfect for us. Just as long as they don't pull the plug on us.
@Doorknob You're right that graduation needs to happen on a case by case basis. This is why Pops' 10QPD threshold is viewed as the trigger for a conversation of whether a site should graduate, not the decision itself. What about smaller sites which probably won't hit that 10QPD threshold? I say above "Success and graduation are not the same thing". Maybe now we need to look at how non-graduating communities can get recognized for their success. — Ana ♦ Jun 1 at 18:47
@Doorknob This
Thank you based Ana
Fix it fix it fix it fix it
@quartata Permabeta implies that the site is healthy enough that it doesn't run the risk of being shut down.
It just doesn't meet the graduation requirements
that's almost certainly true for PPCG
@AlexA. I basically don't mind what they do with us as long as they don't kill us
we made it ~3 years on traffic orders of magnitude lower than that which we have now
Well, except for code trolling, which skyrocketed our traffic and plummetted our quality.
In the last four months on C.SE, the 7-day average number of questions has surpassed 10 questions exactly once.
@AlexA. Please don't talk about that
I looked at some old code trolling questions the other day
not sure how many people agree, but overall code-trolling was absolutely one of the best things to happen to PPCG
@Doorknob Traffic sure. Quality hell no
@Doorknob I bet you @PeterTaylor wouldn't agree. :P
PPCG is not "that weird site where people post dumb SO questions" and it would have been a terrible thing for us if that's what people thought we were
who cares about quality when there's nobody around to see it
@Doorknob lmao I do
of course I'm not disputing the fact that code-trolling isn't a thing anymore
completely in favor of that
@Doorknob that's privileged information I thought we weren't supposed to post that publicly -_-
remember, new privilege
> privilege
I could access it if I had the rep
(/admin/analytics is still private)
4,500 rep, right?
something like that
@AlexA. By that logical it is a bad thing to post links to deleted answers
@AlexA. I think so...
I do mean privileged, not private.
Lemme check
@AlexA. 5,000
Yes it is 5k
Thanks @SuperJedi224
@AlexA. it's ok to publicly post anything that you could still see as a regular user
I thought there was some text somewhere that said not to post the site analytics stuff anywhere
I could just be thinking of some mod text or something
on /admin/analytics, yes
\o/ Java Pristineness!
A: Programming a Pristine World

VoteToCloseJava, 217 Bytes Cause, ya know, Java. class A{public static void main(String[]z){String[]a=new String[5];a[0]="w";a[1]="o";a[2]="r";a[3]="l";a[4]="d";int b;for(int i=0;i<5;i++)b=(a[i].length())/(a[i].length());System.out.print(a[0]+a[1]+a[2]+a[3]+a[4]);}} Ungolfed: class A{ public static ...

@MartinBüttner That's fine, as long as you seed it deterministically.
You know, it probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to have a "future of ppcg #realtalk" thing on meta if we want to pursue this further.
@Doorknob Okay. . Thanks :)
@quartata It's been done
@AlexA. With Geobits answer-banned for the duration of it?
Has anyone ever done a Buddhabrot program?
Of course not. Geobits +500 bounty, accepted answer, +1.
@Doorknob What do you mean in your comment?
I deleted it
(I'm an idiot)
Oh. XD
@Doorknob Stop trying to get stars by ruining your self-esteem pls
you know you don't have to star that :P
sigh people here do seem to love self-deprecation
Hey look, 3 2 1 stars!
Oh now it is 2 3 1
@Doorknob This should probably be in the room description. "General discussion for codegolf.se. You don't have to star that."
/topic pls
@Linus (Ah, that's right--and your current solution is much shorter as well.)
@Doorknob No, I am - I thought it was removing one character, not 1->program length.
everybody is bad at reading :P
@Doorknob What does that say I can't read it
Wow, there are so many self-deleted answers on that question.
@El'endiaStarman Have you seen mine? XD
@PeterTaylor Well, I don't think it'll be a relevant improvement, so I didn't bother, but thanks.
Two people like my idea :3
Can it be made so that deleted answers that are later edited don't move the "active" position of a question?
@SuperJedi224 I remember that one lol
@VoteToClose Ugh, that happens? You should post that on Meta.SE. Definitely +1 from me.
Let's time NewMainPosts
@AlexA. Lemme double check it really quick.
Dilbert was my favorite strip as a kid (along with Calvin and Hobbes and Outland).
Oh damn, at 200 rep today :/
Yup, it totally does.
@Calvin'sHobbies Better than my record
@SuperJedi224 200 is the limit
@Calvin'sHobbies Yeah I know
I hate markdown
@Calvin'sHobbies I didn't see them in national news. You obviously live in the wrong nation.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Samed Tarık ÇETİNFirst 100 Twin Primes What Are Twin Primes? Twin primes are two prime numbers that has a gap of 2 between them; i.e. 3-5, 5-7, 11-13... Goal Take no input and print first 100 twin primes to STDOUT. Shortest code in bytes wins. Rules Your submission should be an executable complete pr...

@MartinBüttner As long as you're not special-casing k=5, I'm not worried if you can't attempt k=11. None of the references I've seen in the literature suggest that anyone has seriously attempted k > 8
@PeterTaylor You mean Starbucks isn't an epidemic everywhere? ;)
@PeterTaylor heh, fair enough :)
@quartata Beats HTML though, doesn't it?
There are a few Starbucks in my city. I think they mainly cater to tourists and foreign exchange programme students.
Q: Print a Pentomino Rectangle

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes no input but prints or returns a constant textual depiction of a rectangle made of the 12 distinct pentominoes: The rectangle may have any dimensions and be in any orientation, but all 12 pentominoes must be used exactly once, so it will have area 60. Eac...

@AlexA. Not really
Q: Deleted Answers Edited Post-Mortem Still Move Question Activity

VoteToCloseI noticed an issue recently when cleaning up a deleted answer in a question: The activity on the question updated, moving it to the highest position on the "Active Questions" tab. After I noticed this the first time, I tested it again. It definitely popped up once more with the activity label m...

@PeterTaylor Are you a consumer of coffee? Hopefully the superior options outnumber the Starbucks in your city.
@PeterTaylor FYI, I get something like 400 for k = 10.
Are there even hundred of these: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7433/45151
They are definitely finite, right?
@quartata Really? I actually love Markdown, especially in comparison to HTML.
ok well iPage is being really annoying and saying "permission denied" when trying to run an executable even though its perms are 777
@Doorknob htaccess?
Like is it an error in the logs or 403 forbidden
@quartata Mathematical consensus is that there are an infinite number of twin primes.
@quartata "It is conjectured that there are an infinite number of twin primes (this is one form of the twin prime conjecture), but proving this remains one of the most elusive open problems in number theory."
Oh right.
@quartata no like I try to run it with shell_exec('./fractal ...'); in my PHP file and in my logs I see "sh: 1: ./fractal: Permission denied"
@Zgarb Nice! You should post it in the catalog.
@Doorknob And you are sure it is 777?
Who is the owner?
Shouldn't make a difference though.
that shouldn't matter, should it?
It shouldn't but who knows
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
-rwxrwxrwx   1 4389776  15000       28344 Nov  9 17:34 fractal
-rw-r--r--   1 4389776  15000         192 Nov  9 17:34 index.php
226 Transfer complete
yeah, it should be executable
It might be something iPage does.
They might not want you to run executables.
@PeterTaylor do you have a reference solution?
@AlexA. I generally drink two cortados a day in the week and a lot of Moka-pot sólo at weekends. The place my colleagues and I go for the mid-morning coffee is very good, but the place we go for the after-lunch coffee isn't. It's complicated.
a p11 oscillator
Maybe test it with an executable shell script
I am dubious
> There are 808,675,888,577,436 twin prime pairs below 1018.[16] (@quartata)
@MartinBüttner Although there's a recent proof of the infinitude of sexy primes, so there's hope.
I don't have a reference solution, no. I've been thinking more about Lembik's challenge than my own.
I'm afraid to google that.
@El'endiaStarman I see.
Also, just for the record, Peter said "sexy".
@MartinBüttner lmao
infinitude is a real word?
A twin prime is a prime number that has a prime gap of two. In other words, to qualify as a twin prime, the prime number must be either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number (which by definition would mean that it, too, is a twin prime)—for example, the twin prime pair (41, 43). Two is not considered a twin prime with the number three, since it violates the aforementioned rule. Sometimes the term twin prime is used for a pair of twin primes; an alternative name for this is prime twin or prime pair. Twin primes appear despite the general tendency of gaps between adjacent primes to become larger...
Not much of a number theory person, maybe it shows...
> Further, assuming the Elliott–Halberstam conjecture and its generalized form, the Polymath project wiki states that the bound has been reduced to 12 and 6, respectively.[7]
@quartata permission denied... :/
@MartinBüttner Clearly this should also be added to the room description.
@PeterTaylor: Not quite a proof, it seems. 246 has definitely been proven, though.
@flawr It dates back to the 1640s, so I certainly didn't make it up.
@Doorknob Then it is something that iPage does I bet.
I hate to say this...
Ah, I was misremembering the state of play. Oops.
...but it's Perl time
Just kidding I don't hate to say this
I love this
@PeterTaylor For what it's worth, I did not know that this much progress had been made until just now. Exciting times...
@PeterTaylor That does sound complicated. I had to Google both of the things you mentioned. The former is something I enjoy as well and the latter I couldn't find a decent description of.
@anOKsquirrel What was the username you suggested to me?
@El'endiaStarman \o/
Interesting stuff.
@AlexA. Basically espresso but made on a stove-top rather than with an industrial machine.
Oh, like Turkish coffee?
I know what you're talking about. It's also good.
AIUI Turkish coffee is made in the cup, and still has the grounds in.
As I understand it
Scheme or LISP?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Neither
@PeterTaylor That's how I've heard the term used as well.
But Scheme if I had to
A Moka pot has a chamber at the bottom where you put water, then a chamber with the grounds, and a spout up to the collection chamber. When the water boils the steam pressure drives the rest of the water up through the grounds and the spout.
@PeterTaylor Oh, I thought Turkish coffee was prepared in the stovetop Moka pot as well.
And I think proper Turkish coffee will then boil the coffee several times (with the grounds in) on top of that.
@PeterTaylor This is how I make my coffee
Done. So far 100% Scheme, 0% Lisp. (Based on 1 vote.)
Where is the option for neither
I guess I'll vote Scheme
@AlexA. 2
I've never actually used Common LISP, just Scheme.
All I remember was that Common Lisp had (defun which summed it up perfectly
It removes the fun
Because it is both complicated and ugly
Scheme at least is simple and ugly
"Thought you enjoyed programming? Well think again!"
I think parenthetical statements are beautiful in their own sick, twisted way.
Q: Good, easy challenges for learning CJam?

Faraz MasroorI decided to start learning CJam and of course I need some questions to answer. What are some good, introductory level challenges do practice learning with? I suppose this works for any other language too. I should also mention that I am new with working with a stack (I know java only really) so ...

They're OK. But I find them particularly ugly in Common LISP.
@NewMetaPosts close?
I have thought of a truly marvelous OO language which this hard drive is too small to contain
At this rate I hope I don't run out of stars.
I know. I'm star gold.
@SuperJedi224 What was the point of the edit you just made? I'm confused.
What edit?
If you mean the edit to my last answer, I added a link to the esolangs article.
okay hey guys im learning cjam, gimme some easy challenges to practice with please!
Oh! I didn't see that that was adding a link, my apologies.
@FarazMasroor Welcome! :D
@FarazMasroor Sadly a lot of challenges already have CJam answers...
@quartata He means mini-challenges.
Maybe you could try just looking at the challenge, writing your answer and then comparing it to <s>Dennis's</s> the CJam answer already there?
@quartata Doesn't mean he can't try developing his own.
challenges work too
even if theyre solved
but i want the easier kind, unless there aren't any easy ones and theyre all teh same level
I'd start with some of the catalog challenges.
Darn, I'm out of stars
what are those?
So Hello World, primes, cat, truth machine
MINI-CHALLENGE: in CJam, make a program that does the FizzBuzz sequence to 1000.
A: Does PPCG fulfil a role as a catalogue for golfed solution of standard programming exercises?

Martin BüttnerExisting Catalogue Challenges This post lists all the challenges which already act as a catalogue. Currently these are only the few which have explicitly been posted with that goal in mind. Requirements for being added to this list include that the task should be a common programming exercise, t...

okay well hello world is "Hello World" because it automatically prints the latest stack addition
@FarazMasroor FizzBuzz in particular is very good practice. It uses loops, math, a bit of string manipulation...
@Faraz Have you worked through the examples in the CJam documentation/tutorial?
yeah im looking that right now, i'm at the euclidean distance one. I got l~@-~~mh so im proud lol, using the mh function
sorry l~@-~~-mh
ugh something like that
;~@@~@#@#@:$R#FEDs mh
@PeterTaylor I live in a nation where the debate between science/religion, secular/non-secular nullifies any of the positive aspects of either party :/
I should add subtraction to Microscript II, I think I'll do that in the next release.
FEDS hang on chill lol, haven't learned ; yet

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