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tbh i find the tutorial incomplete and a bit unorganized
This is going to sound really corny, but write the stack on paper or even better take some napkins or something, write the numbers/objects on them and stack them up.
The CJam cheat sheet is also a gold mine.
@VoteToClose This is interesting
Dammit, I have got to remove that auto-correct.
I wonder if it shows for users without moderator tools
where is this cheat sheat? sounds awesome
@MartinBüttner: (and @PeterTaylor) Would it be acceptable for me to post an answer in Python that uses effectively the same algorithm as yours? I developed it independently (i.e., while it was in the sandbox)...
@quartata I don't have moderator tools.
@VoteToClose Hmm.
Oh it was your deleted answer.
It's only gotten up to n=61 in 5 minutes (well, with a seed of 0), so it wouldn't be competitive anyway...
I think I meant more like does it show for users who can't see the answer
Goodbye for now
@FarazMasroor It should be on the SourceForge page.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴcode-golf {{Meta: a double enclosure {{...}} means a meta comment.}} The cosmic number! There is an old comic strip that relates to this challenge. {{Rewrite intro + link}} {{transition}} So, your task is to print the steps to get to the cosmic number. To get there, one simply counts then num...

I'll get it for you one second.
@El'endiaStarman I don't see a problem with that.
found it, thanks
Mauris made that I believe.
Very handy indeed.
Once you get how the stack works, you can basically just refer to that for the nitty-gritty.
@Calvin'sHobbies Idk, one party is the clear frontrunner in my mind. ;)
^ what, IG? ;) @AlexA.
i feel so smart for understanding 1 {5<} {'X*N+o)} w ; (prints the x;xx;xxx;xxxx;xxxxx) ahha
it just made sense to me
sorry 1 { _ 5<} { _ 'X*N+o)} w ;
You can edit chat messages.
Mouse over them, hit the down arrow and hit edit.
Messages older than 5 minutes cannot be edited in this manner.
Also, you might need double backticks on stuff with slashes.
You can also use the up cursor key as a shortcut to scroll through editable previous messages
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/63433/… might be aiming for the highest ratio of deleted to non-deleted answers
How good is Yacc/Bison?
I'm considering giving it a whirl.
isn't yacc for defining language parsers?
Yes, it is for parsing context-free languages. I was asking because it is the only one I know of, and I was wondering if there were any better ones.
@NewSandboxedPosts suggestions? :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Although there's an example implementation suggesting that the output should be the entire sequence eventually leading to four, it would be good to state that explicitly in the question
@trichoplax Thanks, will do ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Do you know if all numbers eventually reach four? Four gives a 1-cycle. Do you know if it has been proved that there are no other 1-cycles, or possibly cycles of more than 1?
@trichoplax I'm working on a proof, and writing a confirmation algorithm ;)
I suspect its true.
Your proof may run into problems with different methods of spelling numbers...
I'm using a singular method ;)
@trichoplax trois
une, deux, trois....
For example:
UK: One hundred and twenty
US: One hundred twenty
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ *une
@trichoplax The former is invalid; and is used to denote a fractional portion.
@quartata darn.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You'd have to specify such rules very strictly to avoid arguments later :)
@quartata I thought une could be done either way
@trichoplax This is a good point, you'll probably have to use your own grammar
@trichoplax Thanks ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The way I was taught une should be used in a general context (not related to a noun)
But who knows.
I'm probably wrong seeing as how I'm an idiot.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Will you have an upper limit on input? That would cut out some of the need to specify, and exclude named numbers like google
@quartata That's probably right.
You better get Alex to disagree to confirm.
@trichoplax Around 999.99... decillion.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Why not make it a nice round undecillion?
No wait
I'm getting my nomenclature fried
It does seem in danger of being a duplicate of other "express a number in words" challenges
And I'm back
So when are the daily star counts reset?
@SuperJedi224 Midnight UTC
@quartata Yeah, that makes sense.
I didn't even realise there was a limit. How many things did you star??
@trichoplax I don't know.
Wasn't exactly counting.
Midnight UTC is in about half an hour.
@SuperJedi224 Maybe they made the cap just for you :P
@trichoplax No, they made it for @TheDoctor.
@trichoplax No, TheDoctor has apparently run into trouble with it before
@quartata I have given up on trying to run C from Perl because iPage hates me
@El'endiaStarman :(
@Doorknob :(
I think you should just give up on iPage it sounds like it sucks
@trichoplax i hit the star limit all the time :(
Use Github IO mayhaps
So no luck with Perl or PHP??
Not even calling main() using Perl to C magic
Wow. That's sad.
@TheDoctor It's probably for the best... :)
will *.github.io let me run PHP / shell scripts? >.>
I thought so.
Uh-oh star troll
/me begins clearing stars
@mınxomaτ Really? Ouch...
@quartata You don't need to. It is a repository, not a server.
Why can't you host it on your website?
You can build C or C++ applications to asm.js and host them though.
because iPage hates me
@mınxomaτ too slow...
Oh, you host your website through iPage?
I've written the worst code of my life. I'm amazed this actually compiles and runs. (If you can figure out what it prints when run without running it, I'll give you cookies ^^).
I can't view a gist without signing in??
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathSquares of squares Premise One night, I was just contemplating on numbers. I found out about something unique about numbers like 7, 10, 12, 13, and more. They are squares of squares! Meaning, that when squared, are comprised of squares themselves. The OEIS calls them Squares which are a decimal...

@trichoplax Pastebin: pastebin.com/EafQZf34
Goodbye guys
@mınxomaτ No it's fine - I have a GitHub account, I'm just amazed Gists aren't viewable when not signed in.
@SuperJedi224 bye
@mınxomaτ That is indeed low on readability :)
Aargh. Chrome doesn't like control characters in URI fragments.
@trichoplax If you'd resolve the macros manually you still wouldn't be able to tell what it does from the code ;)
@mınxomaτ I'll take your word for it ;)
char r[2], *o=r;main(r r[2], *o=r;main( ){ ++*o ;w++*o;--*e(*o ){ ;--* o ;--*mao o; ++o; ++*o ++*o --o;} ++o ;--*a;--* o ;write(1,o,1)); ++*o ++*o ++*o ;write(1,o,1) ) ;--*a;--* o ;--* o ;write(1,o,1) );exit(0);
@mınxomaτ v ..
@quartata for compression TeaScript uses a slightly modified version of the shoco library
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That has many errors.
I know :P
It's a rough translation.
Not close. Maybe 50% of the original code :D
^ yeah. rough ;)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathSquares of squares Premise One night, I was just contemplating on numbers. I found out about something unique about numbers like 7, 10, 12, 13, and more. They are squares of squares! Meaning, that when squared, are comprised of squares themselves. The OEIS calls them Squares which are a decimal...

@TanMath Can you ... stop posting this here?
@TanMath It can take several days to get enough feedback in the sandbox, simply because not everyone is around every day. It will take some patience... In the meantime it can help to write a reference implementation to see if it throws up any problems we haven't thought of.
(I think he's really pointing out the fact that TanMath doesn't need to post a link to it twice within minutes.)
@El'endiaStarman I got that - I wasn't intending to disagree. The sandbox post has been brought up in chat several times this evening so I was trying to give an alternative to reposting.

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