I have a sequence of PNG images that looks like this:
I would like to convert the images to a high-quality MP4 video and I am using the following avconv command to do that:
avconv -r 24 -start_number 60 -i %04d.png -qmax 16 out.mp4
As soon as I run that comman...
two days ago I had a big problem with my centos server. The problem was so big that I had to remove the hard disk from the server and connect externely with a SATA-USB cable. I created a Ubuntu live-CD, connected my hard drive externly and wooow, it reads it. The problem is that I can't find my r...
Read the post below with a wink. It is not meant as a bitter numeration, just a parody on what we all run into every now and then. Look at it as an Ask Ubuntu conversion of "How to irritate people"
NEVER give all relevant information at once. Especially don't mention if your issue seems to be r...
And now that I preserve file system info in the first 1024 blocks, I can even use the partition as normal Linux swap as well, e.g. shared with other dual-boot distros, right? @KazWolfe