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@KazWolfe On second thought, you might be closer to what the OP intended.
Why change it though?
I guess they don't know what maximize means?
@Zacharee1 Ding!
@KazWolfe o..kay. I guess that makes sense? Still not sure how that applies to UTT.
@KazWolfe Dong!
@Zacharee1 No.
At first I thought they wanted something like what OS X has.
...where you can make an app literally occupy the entire screen.
@Seth This is a long shot... but maybe they want an option to customize the tooltips for the window control buttons? I dunno...
@NathanOsman I hate that Yosemite replace the maximize button with the Create Space button
@NathanOsman That's pretty long haha, but maybe..
@Zacharee1 You can still double-click the titlebar for normal maximize.
Very confused
@NathanOsman I'm pretty sure that minimizes the window in OS X
@Seth what is the policy on deleting dupes?
@KazWolfe usually: "meh, why are you wasting your time?"
@Zacharee1 It doesn't. I'm sitting in front of a Mac with El Capitan.
@Seth So should I nuke or no?
Probably not.
@NathanOsman They changed that? For the better, but geez Apple
okay, because there's one with 2 Del Votes. I'll watch it and undelete vote
@Zacharee1 I don't remember it doing that in Yosemite either, to be honest.
@Seth Kaz wants to use his 10k powers
I know
@NathanOsman I know for a fact it did it up through 10.9
because I would always accidentally do it
and I think it does it in 10.10 too
@Seth (not worth it)
I have a 10.10 VM I could fire up, but it takes like 10 minutes to launch.
@NathanOsman doo eeet
@Zacharee1 heh
@Zacharee1 I want to use my 10k powers correctly.
@KazWolfe or do you? ;)
And because I'm new and I don't know what is right/wrong, I should ask, no?
I can't anyway, the machine has been rendering an animation in Blender since Saturday night.
@KazWolfe yeah, of course
It's just over halfway.
@Anwar no idea.
@NathanOsman o_O
"windows Xp golden version 2016"???
the hell is golden version
I am impressed by how well the i5 in my Mac Mini performs.
@KazWolfe don't delete unless they are really low in view
@NathanOsman you have a Mac Mini and it performs well?
@edwinksl You're reading my mind, was just about to wonder the same...
@edwinksl "A Gold version is a version that was released to manufacturing."
@edwinksl where
@Zacharee1 Depends on what you do. It only has 4 GB of RAM so task switching is super slow.
@edwinksl oh I see
But once an app is loaded into memory, it works well enough.
@NathanOsman TIL, thanks
@Seth nope!
@NathanOsman @edwinksl I don't think OP is talking about the OEM edition computerworm.net/gold-xp-2016-v2
Example: loading clips in iMovie is quite slow but once loaded, rendering the movie is quite fast.
@Anwar What would "really low" mean? 2000 in three years?
@Serg So how can we troubleshoot the powerflowy now that my other problems got all fixed by Kaz?
@KazWolfe that's pretty high!
@Anwar 2k in three years? ehhh
@edwinksl so the Golden XP is a dupe askubuntu.com/questions/818377/…
:31985346 noooo
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@edwinksl sooo annoying isn't it
@edwinksl Hide that message using adblock!
@KazWolfe 3 meta 5 me
I disabled ABP and clicked the I understand link and it took me to a malicious popup site
@KazWolfe It doesn't work :(
oh my god
it even opens popup ads with ABP enabled
i guess the computerworm name makes sense
I blocked all the elements and it gives me a blank page
@Zacharee1 alright text-only cached version webcache.googleusercontent.com/…
@Seth wanna make a synonym?
@KazWolfe I just had to refresh after blocking the elements
@Anwar attempt to reply
custom reject
aww. i thought this would become delete
how many k do you need for it to become delete?
@KazWolfe there are delete buttons too
@Zanna It's not dependent on k
i think it's 20 to be able to delete anything with -1 or more
no. if -1 or less. 3 would delete an answer
full delete votes
not my pathetic "recommend delete" votes
@KazWolfe Delete will be shown if the answer has negative votes
if you have 20k+.
IIRC only mods can delete any post
oh. yes. 20k is required. 3 20k can delete negative votes answers
10k only grants delete closed Qs.
20k grants delete any answer -1 or less or any question -3 and closed
/any question -3 and closed// what's this?
@KazWolfe mods :P
> Voting to delete questions with a score of -3 or lower immediately after they are closed
you got those tools?
i have modtools, yes
hm what to do?? doesn't look like a dupe really now askubuntu.com/review/reopen/610459
check the new answers to old questions :)
I was thinking with that same question
i'd say open
it's 3-1 in favor of reopen rn
Where I was away for 3 days (including half days -- the day of arrival and return (today)) there was no internet access and basically no mobile phone signal, I mean I had to climb a mountain in order to potentially get 1 bar for a minute, if I held my phone still after finding the signal in an awkward position. Then I get chased down the mountain my about 5 barking dogs who turned out to be runaways, but I thought were probably guard dogs.
@ByteCommander it's not powerflowy you need to be worried about. it's either your battery or upower daemon
@ParanoidPanda sounds like fun
@Seth Another tag request ->
It was nice, in the Welsh valley being disconnected from everything, but the dogs weren't so fun... :D
@ByteCommander does Ubuntu default power indicator work ok? does it report percentage ?
I really thought I wasn't going to make it down that mountain still in one piece though, it was seriously scary and I had no way of contacting anybody... The fact that they followed me down was even scarier.
They just came from all directions and were barking and charging at me and everything and they were quite big dogs.
@Serg Yes it does
That really shook me up, but the rest of the holiday was nice and the dogs turned out to probably just have run off from a farm and one of them even gave me a cuddle at the bottom! :D
@ParanoidPanda oh so they were just really friendly
But I don't see what you think is missing in this output @Serg
$ upower -d
Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_ADP1
  native-path:          ADP1
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Mo 29 Aug 2016 21:33:44 CEST (13 seconds ago)
  has history:          no
  has statistics:       no
    warning-level:       none
    online:              yes
    icon-name:          'ac-adapter-symbolic'

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
  native-path:          BAT0
  vendor:               SANYO
  model:                AL15A32
@Zacharee1: I don't know about all of them, but I think they were probably just playing and barking to each other. But if you had been there it wouldn't have looked that way at first.
Big dogs just suddenly ran at me from all directions, circling me and aggressively barking.
Barking isn't necessarily aggressive
` energy-rate: 2,2644 W` is what you are looking for, right?
it's growling and showing teeth that's bad
but it's still a little intimidating when a bunch of big dogs run up to you :p
@Zacharee1 grrrr
ur no doge
well, technically... yes.
user icon
see the comment
@ByteCommander darn it
ok @Serg u steel mah points hahaha
@Zacharee1 wut? o.O
ai wuz gona edit
oh @ByteCommander fixed it for you :) @Serg
Ah.... :D
Well, it was loud and constant seemingly at me so it just freaked me out... When you're up a mountain and suddenly out of bushes and from all directions a pack of dogs runs at you and starts circling you and non-stop barking, you would get worried too. Especially if there is no way of contacting anybody and it takes about 30-45 minutes to get down.
@ParanoidPanda BORK BORK BORK
have an upvote @Serg + community help
@KazWolfe stahp u r doin me a friten
ps you should install AnySoftKeyboard on your phone, it has all the metachars you could ever want @Serg
But fortunately it all turned out to be fine, they sort of escorted me back down (behind and in front of me).
@Zanna or Google Keyboard
Then jumped at me and we had a cuddle. :D
But I was still shaking when I got back down.
noooo not google keyboard
Next time I think I will tell someone when I go up that mountain.
@Zanna why not
@ParanoidPanda lol
@Serg We should delete our comments about curly braces, don't you think?
Prankster Gangster lolololololololololololololololololol
@Zacharee1 My respect for you just plummeted through the floor.
@KazWolfe good, now we're even
well i'm at 10k on-site and 20-sometihng network wide.
so lol
250 CVs people
to you petty mortal. There's actually 297.
@KazWolfe didn't we establish rep has nothing to do with skill? It just means some people spend too much time online >:D
@Zacharee1 That looks somehow like a spine with vertebrae and spinal discs...
@Zanna did you forget how to use vim?
@ByteCommander lol
@Zacharee1 that is a (possibly poorly spelled) actual Welsh place name (not kidding)
Accepted \ o/
@Zanna ah, Welsh
alright for some
although sometimes vim does look a bit Welsh
> hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
@KazWolfe im mature 4 my age tho!! lolzers
Where'd you find that?
my last accept was ten questions ago
@Zanna oooo nuuuu
@Zacharee1 It's called being an internet pro
@Zanna you spelled it wrong :p Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
@Zanna you missed a Y Llanfairpwllgwyn
I'm not surprised at all... in fact I did better than I'd hoped
@KazWolfe Dafuque? Where is that from? Do we need to arm the flag guns?
OK, why is some code colored but not all? askubuntu.com/questions/818396/…
@ByteCommander Let me know. I have flags ready to burn.
@Zacharee1 you can instruct it to color
yes. give me one to edit
@Zacharee1 Decolorized!
@Anwar I'm 16th for rep gained :p
@KazWolfe royal we?
or a royal wee?
who is #1?
Zanna whoo!
@Serg Seems like it has something to do with being charged to 100% and plugged in.
It worked as soon as I unplugged AC and started powerflowy then again.
@KazWolfe 10 away from 6666
@KazWolfe great!!!
@KazWolfe pokemon go pro
wow quarter #1 is impressive @KazWolfe
data mining :D
I ranked first only once on a month league
#5 for the year.
what is my
chat rep
ooh 4th for week
I'm nowhere in the quarter :'(
well you weren't here for most of it
there is something in quarter and month!
@edwinksl is #1 in editors and voters ^_^ askubuntu.com/users?tab=editors askubuntu.com/users?tab=voters
my number of votes will exceed my rep soon
huh! I'm #3 editor

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