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in bash ?
hold on hold on
wget --progress=bar --show-progress ftp.belnet.be/videolan/vlc/2.2.4/win32/vlc-2.2.4-win32.exe 2>&1 | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/\%/) { sub(/\%/,"",$i); print $i; fflush()}}' | zenity --progress
So, awk buffers its output . What fflish does is it sends output to pipe immediately
@KazWolfe congrats on 10k
@Serg let me see that message
@SeverusTux the only problem now is that closing the zenity dialog, doesn't stop wget. So you either have to do it manually or use --auto-kill option for zenity
@Serg thank you :)
@SeverusTux no, thank you ! this will be useful for my scripts as well
@Serg, done
evening all
I am quite surprised Google Translate got "describe me" correctly, given that there was an extra space in "descrivetemi" → "descrive temi" which are two separate and valid italian words :P
Hi Anwar
Hi :)
@AndreaLazzarotto thanks for translating! :D
@AndreaLazzarotto google works in mysterious ways :D
@KazWolfe congrats for joining 10k club :)
the guy should've asked on chiedi.ubuntu-it.org
@Anwar good evening Anwar ! :)
@cl-netbox good day cl-netbox
@edwinksl haha thanks! ^_^
maybe I should do a Q&A on the c-state bug listing all the affected processors
@Anwar close to evening here too 17.10 late afternoon ... :)
Hi @edwinksl ! :) Hi @Zanna ! :)
hi @cl-netbox ^_^
17.10 one hour ahead of me... the Netherlands?
@Zanna Germany :)
@Anwar yes :)
@cl-netbox hey :D
ah sorry, you probably told me before
@Anwar yes ?
@cl-netbox yes
@cl-netbox no
@cl-netbox yes
@Anwar hahaha
all ping @cl-netbox
@Anwar or @Anwar ... ! :D
thanks @serg @Anwar @edwinksl @Rinzwind @Zanna @JourneymanGeek! I'm happy to join you guys!
Do throw useful tidbits at me because I'm still new to this entire intern demigod-like powers thing
@Kaz hi
god mode = entered
I forgot what I got at 10k
moderator toolz
there was review tools, instant tag edit
@Anwar terrible posts and some depression pills
@jokerdino ha ha
@jokerdino Where do I get the latter?
i need some heart pills today probably
I have a giant 309 in my menubar and I hate it.
@KazWolfe /tools page probably
Heya @jokerdino ! :)
hi @cl-netbox
Hi @KazWolfe ! :)
o/ @cl-netbox
since when did i become a popular user lol
Oh. The eye with the ability to see deleted post
is there any way to hide those deleted posts for 10k users? @jokerdino
don't think so
An option would be nice
ppl be starring my github repo for the indicator, wooo \ 0/
like 4 times this week I accidentally wrote an answer when I meant to write a comment because of my fat fingers
I did it once from mobile
@Zanna happens, especially on mobile
For the record editing on mobile is pain
yeah it was on mobile and yes I agree editing is really a pain and also the formatting is horrible
bounty won't change the answer to Yes I think
@Serg but fflush() is working weirdly ! , when used, it wont output continuously. That is, I get the output like 00001111222 "a pause" ... after some time.. 3333344445555666 ...
@Anwar Anything can change something to yes if you're willing to break everything
@SeverusTux Hey guys @Serg @SeverusTux - if ever I get a clue what all this is good for ... hahaha :D What is the benefit ? :D Or is it just for testing things ?
@KazWolfe I was editing it
oh, sorry.
just push your own, it's probably better
I just patch problems with scotch tape until someone brings the duck tape.
@cl-netbox could used anywhere . Some graphical application where you need to show the download progress of something.
ok. yours one is better
@ParanoidPanda Still baking ? ... or still eating ? ... or did you find the time to install arch the last weekend ? :D In case you did - was it successful ? :D
@SeverusTux what is your awk version ?
What ?? Panda installing Arch :D cool... I get company
@cl-netbox it's basically creating a download progress bar
GNU Awk 4.1.3, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.4-p1, GNU MP 6.1.1)
@SeverusTux I didn't say he already installed it ... he just talks about switching to arch very often in the last time ! :)
@Zanna you answer one recently like this question askubuntu.com/q/818260/61218 i think?
was trying to vtc as dupe.
to be fair, arch has a much better wiki
but we have AskUbuntu.
No doubt
Best Wiki on the Internet I think
@Anwar it wasn't me, but I think I remember seeing the question you mean
let me have a look
any freeBSD users here ?
@SeverusTux I have freeBSD in virtualbox, but don't use it lately
is there a SE site for freeBSD?
@SeverusTux regardless of how fflush() prints, does it show zenity progress ? that's what's important
@Serg FreeBSD is not very convenient to install and use ... or did this change lately ?
@cl-netbox freeBSD ? Eh, compared to opensuse it was a bit better install, but you have to set up a lot of things yourself. Definitely not for new users
@Serg I agree ... checked it out once and was not convinced ! :)
@Serg Yes :)
Hey @ByteCommander ! :) How were the holidays ? :)
@jokerdino nice :) it has 800 questions.
bye guys o/ gonna go shave and get my life in order
there is an NAA under one of my answers from OP, it says "thank you so much now I understand" hahaha
hehe enjoy @Serg :)
@Serg byeeeee
@Serg cya
This is why there are so many mint questions here
I came here because Mint is built on Ubuntu. One cannot get questions answered from Mint groups. All you get in response are a bunch of people who are giving you information that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original question. One cannot get any information beyond the very basics. Most of the admins are rude and act like they are some kind of deity. I figured that the base of Mint was Ubuntu so I would look toward the Ubuntu groups for answers. I google for hours looking for the info before I post in a group. Sorry my question was off topic. Please delete my account here. — Curt Guldenschuh 1 hour ago
Okay to be fair.
I've asked Mint questions here a few times, just not mentioning the fact that it's Mint.
@KazWolfe you little cheat
The answers work just fine, but then again I know what would and wouldn't work and when the problem is broader or not.
I get why we block off Mint problems, but that doesn't mean the question is bad or doesn't apply to Ubuntu.
@KazWolfe yeah. the problem is it might work fine, but we can't know, and we might end up going through stupid troubleshooting that leads nowhere
After reading that firefox font question, I force my firefox to render in only PT mono font
It's amazing... try it
@Zacharee1 That question should really be closed as opinion-based.
@cl-netbox Oh, hi.
Well, it can be summed up as mainly boring.
@KazWolfe Any new ideas about cryptswap yet btw?
oh hi welcome back.
@ByteCommander hmmm ... so as you expected
Did you use cryptsetup?
I installed that package.
@KazWolfe that too
I did not run a cryptsetup command.
i think cryptsetup runs some important initialization and similar
and i think marking the service as active?
because it looks like the crypt service didn't run at boot for you, yet your cryptswap works if you manually initialize it.
So what do I need to do?
let me look.
give me a moment please
@SmokeDetector daytime spam
@KazWolfe where is that o-O
@ByteCommander Hang on downloading an ISO
It might very well be /dev notation because I don't think the UUID is going to be the same every time.
trying /dev/sda4 now. Rebooting...
people are really having trouble with the new HWE update for 14.04
I might have to make another graphics fixer Q&A
oh, i see, @ByteCommander
take a look at this.
@Serg might get a kick out of that -^
will be afk for an hour and a half. class. ill find a solution after, byte
Okay, I'll go on experimenting a bit...
@Serg We have a bug in powerflow-indy:
$ powerflow-indicator --amps
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/powerflow-indicator", line 175, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/powerflow-indicator", line 171, in main
    indicator = LockKeyStatusIndicator(args.amps)
  File "/usr/local/bin/powerflow-indicator", line 59, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/bin/powerflow-indicator", line 154, in update_label
    label_text = self.get_power_info()[1]
  File "/usr/local/bin/powerflow-indicator", line 141, in get_power_info
@ByteCommander works alright on my side
$ ./power-flow-indicator  --amps
@ByteCommander pull the latest version from github
@Seth we might have to talk to someone about blocking that IP
that was a string of numbers
because it's the same exact spam style
and there have been 3 so far in rapid succession
@Zacharee1 it'll happen automatically.
@Seth orly?
3? I only saw 2.
oh I see 3 now.
Well give it some time.
each Smokey was the same style
@edwinksl I just realized I left my computer on the entire time I was gone with this tab open. Oops lol
want some more pings?
@Serg I got the latest version from github. 5411 bytes.
$ sha1sum power-flow-indicator
d540457e86d1c83df5b9360652ca1901349cbc73  power-flow-indicator
Bye friends :) . @Serg thanks again :) bye
@ByteCommander Mkay. What was the condition under which you started it ?
@SeverusTux bye, always welcome
Simply from terminal.
It did not come up on reboot so I tried manually.
@SeverusTux Goodbye ... see you :)
weird. I can't reproduce it here
I think we have a bug report askubuntu.com/questions/818314/…
@ByteCommander reinstall
I just came up with a southern analogy for Android
"The Facebook app uses more battery than a cell radio with no service!"
@ByteCommander run upower -d, i think you got some bad char in the output of upower. I probably will have to add some kind of checking mechanism to the string
Anybody with laptop? need help testing this
@ByteCommander SOLVED IT
I have laptop
@Zanna u does
lol Serg says "anyone with laptop?"
I think that GIMPshop download is FUBAR
dunno who is upgoating the blabla answer
SourceForge won't let me download the frickin package
@Zanna can you please test the power-flow indicator? I'll give you github repo in a sec
@Serg it will be my pleasure :)
are you trying to download the same tarball @Zacharee1
I have it
can you dropbox it or something?
wait no
just used the Ireland mirror
sure but I think it's borked, really, see the comments below on main page, abandoned 2007?
works fine
nice hehe weird how that worked good
@Zanna yeah I saw that, but it makes no sense, since there's a GIMP 2.8 file too, which is the latest GIMP
but this is GIMPshop no? am I losing my mind?
ok it's running
@Zacharee1 wn.nr/vZWkgG
@Serg what am I testing?
@Seth danke
@Zanna GIMPShop is just GIMP as far as I can tell, do idk why
@Zacharee1 bitte
@Seth please or yw
@Zacharee1 yw
(I guess. just googled it :P)
@Zanna run it from command line like ./power-flow-indicator --amps .Make sure you are on battery. Try plugging in power adapter then disconnecting. See if ther's any error
it's... like a theme no? some presets that make it more like PS?
AFK, have to make phone call
@Serg been running it for a few minutes. one little gtk warning. When I plug in, the numbers get much bigger
like this

works alright to me
@ByteCommander ^
that may not be amps though, let me ^C it and start again
@Zanna use quit from menu
ctr+c doesnt work with GUI apps
well it worked alright
Someone made a comment on a political Imgur post saying this election is basically a choice for the lesser evil
hmmm, ok
little do they know, there is no lesser evil
oh no wait actually the icon is still there but dead... I broke it
@Zacharee1 no this election is of lesser turds
@Serg but again
@KazWolfe quack
sigh . . . .my university's financial aid office doesn't pick up . . . It's probably easier just to go there
If you're a taxi driver, would you help the other car driver with broken car on the street, even if he isn't driving taxi? Thanks Ubuntu, I'll try to "drive" Ubuntu next time when I need some help on the street. ;) — Braco 2 hours ago
he complains about me telling him Mint is off topic
@Braco I like your world, where everything can be compared to everything else, and yet still be completely valid. — Zacharee1 5 secs ago
@Serg sniff
ooooo a fight?
can i get my 10k powers involved?
@Zacharee1 barf
@KazWolfe yee
@KazWolfe question already closed , no point
But you're welcome to argue in the comments :p
dont all jump on him :(
that will make Oli angry
and seth
and fossy
what about thomas
and joker
and terdon
joker doesn't get mad
@Zacharee1 he will never get mad
his dinos side has to think a skull
@jokerdino are you canaian?
@jokerdino hey you here too? :-)
@Zanna uh...
I just noticed something very strange
The GimpShop SF page
is gimpshop.mirror
oh god what stupid thing have I done
yes indeed...
gimpshop is nothing
how do you mean?
Mkay, I guess I'm gonna go , deal with other BS . . . Life is all about BS and dealing with it :/
but your power indicator works good
at least
no? :)
@Zanna it all seems to work, but byte encountered an issue. I need to make it work for him too
of course :)
I missed earlier discussion so I don't know about that
I mean, hi! :)
Did I return to the right room? :D
@ThomasWard did you mean to say, Welcomes?
without coffee, the wild Thomas Ward channels the Evils of the Ethereal Realms, and the Darkness comes forth through him in bursts
@Serg maybe.
@NathanOsman welcome back to the AU General room :)
in other news: Python is fun. Python on Android is evil.
i know for a fact there's a dupe askubuntu.com/q/818336/295286
@ThomasWard That's why I use Java...
yeah exactly @Zacharee1 it's messed up
@ThomasWard aaaw but i wanna make android apps with python
@Serg but it's not the one karel found I think
Just come back from a lovely holiday in a Welsh valley! :)
@ParanoidPanda wlllwowlwllw?
@cl-netbox No Arch yet, but I did make a cake that exploded when I was on holiday! :D
random question -- say Company X sold my email to its partners. If I change my email to something new, will that new email be sold to its partners? I want a way to track where I get spam from
@Zanna No, look at the non-crossed-out part of my answer
@Zanna he deleted comment so idunno
@Zanna too many vowels
oh nice @Zacharee1 :) have you tested it?
@Zanna I'm in Windows sooo
@onebree That is possible (tracking emails) but very difficult to configure.
Basically what you need to do is have a mail server that accepts mail to any address and then keep track of which address is given to which company.
@NathanOsman WHat I would do is [email protected]
@Zanna you wanna test?
@onebree That works too as long as the company doesn't cut off the "+filter" part.
@NathanOsman Ah, simple regex I guess... Outlook lets you create full aliases, like [email protected]
@NathanOsman I just have asimple script. It's evil.
@NathanOsman Remember I was talking about that other person?
@KazWolfe Erm... which one?
during the Incident.
Either way, it's @onebree, relation unknown though. Your judgement call.
@KazWolfe I think I know what you mean. Switching to Discord...
@KazWolfe what
@Zacharee1 do I wanna download a random .deb and install it over my current, working, and mildly modded GIMP? not really... do I have to ? : /
@Zanna yes, you are being forced to install something by a random person over the internet, because that's how things work
hahaha ^_^
I wanna be helpful
@NathanOsman so other than setting up my own server, or doing whatever you suggested, is there any other way I can somehow track, either via alias or such, where I am getting spam from?
@onebree IPs?
or Gmail
@onebree Not that I am aware of, no.
@Zacharee1 explain the IP method. I want to know where Spammer X got my email address from, like if Company Y sold it to them
I was just suggesting you try to find a common source IP/MX domain and block it
the .deb package seems to have unpacked the tarball to /usr/docs/gimpshop.whatever @Zacharee1
like, literally, unpacked the tarball
@Zanna yeah, that's the point. But check /usr/local/bin and you'll see the actual executables
@Zacharee1 can you block by IP in gmail? Blocking by address is hard because recently spammers have been using shuffled around usernames and domains
@onebree oh so Gmail isn't blocking it itself? Have you reported the spam? You may just be part of the first wave, so you're getting it before Google's had a chance to update its filters. Report it to them
They'll know what to do
Okay, it gets sent to my spam folder. But thank you!
avconv isn't respecting the FPS I specify... ಠ_ಠ
I feel like this answer is pretty much what I said in mine, but I honestly can't understand it askubuntu.com/questions/760934/…
@NathanOsman lel
@onebree what is the spam btw?
oh noes!
Pilot is on my Q&A
but... he's on my side.... o_O_O_o
I love how they are failing to use liquid in some of the emails
@onebree liquid? why would I put water in my emails?
and textPlus is legit right?
@Zacharee1 it is very very borken
@Zanna I figured as much :p
my gimp is killed
@Zacharee1 someone tried creating an account with my email, so I sent their support emails... No reply
@Zanna nuuu soz :(
@onebree so someone has your email... That might be why you're getting so much spam; someone's using you as a throwaway address
@Serg Here's upower -d:
bytecommander@BC-AlkaliMetal:~$ upower -d
Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_ADP1
  native-path:          ADP1
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Mo 29 Aug 2016 18:31:49 CEST (5077 seconds ago)
  has history:          no
  has statistics:       no
    warning-level:       none
    online:              yes
    icon-name:          'ac-adapter-symbolic'

Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
  native-path:          BAT0
  vendor:               SANYO
not your fault :) @Zacharee1
easy to fix...
(sorry, had an appointment I almost forgot...)
@KazWolfe Yes?
It seems to work so far with /dev/sda4 as backing device instead of UUID.
And I can omit the cipher option again.
Now I'm trying to implement the stuff described in the Arch Wiki to use UUIDs.
@Zanna updated my answer with your experience.

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