I took Microsoft exam 70-413 today and there was a question about Active Directory naming and there was no correct answer in the choices. I hit the character limit for comments that you can leave at the end of the exam.
@ewwhite that's pretty dang cold though. I just remember some efficiency projects where I worked through datacenter issues where we were able to raise the ambient temps to around 73F and save hundreds of dollars a month in cooling (plus life of the units)
:) windows ...I love it. That's why I love small shops or "non-IT" shops. The place next door to us has a server room that's carpeted with a window that let's in the afternoon sun.
50% RH probably doesn't feel that bad at 68. At 73 it would feel musty at times. I recall a datacenter I worked in once that had a broken humidifier and was around 15% RH....(hint: DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING lol)
@voretaq7 yeah that's about right. Seems like everyone shoots for 68F. We just found at a couple of places where they could crank it up 5 degrees and still be fine on the equipment and efficiency/cost returns. Half the time people wouldn't have setup proper hot/cold aisles or they'd have cold air blowing on the outlet side, etc.
You have 50 servers. 11 are web servers. 9 are domain controllers, 10 are DHCP servers, and 20 are Hyper-V hosts. The company has 6 branch offices on three continents. Is a redorange crayon more red or orange?
@TheCleaner if you have hot aisle/cold aisle (and if you don't you're a bad, bad man) you can crank it to 75 in the cold aisle as long as you keep the hot aisle below 90. Your cold-side RH still shouldn't get below 30 though
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$job[-1] used 70 as the setpoint (kept most cold aisles below 73ish) and 40% RH as the target (but we'd get into the 28-29% range more often than I'd like)
@MDMarra I need to know what to do. Understand that this Pentium III DC is sitting next to my Linux servers with Fusion-io, my new VMware hosts and an AS400...
so it's all sorts of unbalanced.
I can spin up a W2008 R2 DC in a few minutes... but I need to know how deeply they're screwed by having the 2003 thing.
@voretaq7 sounds like someone on ATT's data side had dinner at Texas Roadhouse with someone on their voice side. The voice guy starts explaining the Telco Act of 1996 and the next thing you know the data guy comes up with this brilliant idea.