last day (5268 days later) » 

I should probably go to sleep, so you'll all have to talk even more than you are right now to make up for the void left by my absence
Janne Pikkarainen
Good {morning,day,evening,night}
Janne Pikkarainen
Hmm. I think I still prefer my beloved irssi over this web 2.0 thing. :D irc + irssi = match made in heaven <3
Was the idea that this would be the default room to replace Or shoul I create another general room?
tell you what - you go make a general room, I'll leave (rename) this as a welcome room - and probably lock it
Good morning, sysannihilators!
ah ha
2 hours later…
Antoine Benkemoun
Hello !
Antoine Benkemoun
This is nice
Antoine Benkemoun
Looks like a time killer !
Janne Pikkarainen
Yeah, chats can be real time vampires
2 hours later…
Hey there @MichaelMrozek
:244 Hello! I'm not actually on SF ever, but this is the new hotness so I'm hanging out in here for a little while
@Josh: You mind being quoted on blog.SF ?
:246 Depends on how stupid what I said was ;-) haha, j/k. I don't mind at all
Cool thanks :-)
:245 Sure is the new hotness -- replying to your message shows it's #245!
:246 What are you quoting me as saying? :-)
:253 "Hey there @MichaelMrozek", if the highlight is to be believed. Which is understandable, they probably want to get the word out that I'm here to draw more traffic
:256 LOL :-)
Actually I'm surprised at how much traffic this place is getting, I just started a Virtualization room and it has more people in the past 10 minutes than the PHP or The Roach Motel rooms on chat.meta have had in the past 10 days combined
@Josh: Post is up now if you want to go see
:311 HAHA, I just pulled that up :-)
I usually can't write anything without some sort of typo or grammar mistake so let me know :-P
Cool, I think you chose a fitting example for what chat can be useful for :-)
We have had a room going for a few weeks now over at but it nice for us to have our own place now where we can create specific chat rooms now
should be: it's
aside from that it's fine as far as I can tell :-)
James Lawrie
Hey @JamesLawrie
Good morning :)
@KyleBrandt s/Straight forward/Straightforward/ in the blog post.
James Lawrie
seems weird having this here, ServerFault has always been a sort of slow site to me - it seems like there's no one around until you ask a question
:343 I wasn't sure about that one :-)
@ErikA: Fixed, thanks :-)
:344 hopefully this will change that :-)
also, come on, netsplits are fun!
Do you guys see a line at the bottom of the image?
I get that in FF but not chrome, and it is not in the image
Nope, not in Safari.
:350 Same as @ErikA -- not in Safari
James Lawrie
just need 6 more rep to overtake my boss... so close =)
@James any idea why your last name isn't showing up? Is that intentional?
@JamesLawrie: Who is that?
James Lawrie
not sure @EirkA - some people are responding with the full name some aren't, guessing browser issue?
@KyleBrandt's full name shows up in the chat transcript, but your's isnt, which was awkward when the @username tab autocomplete only showed @JamesLawrie.
Hi guys!
Hey @splattne.
James Lawrie
well it is @JamesLawrie ErikA
@ErikA: I see his full name...
@KyleBrandt odd. That's in FF, correct? Or a webkit browser?
This is chrome
I use FF and Chrome for no apparent reason at the moment :-P
Well I'll just attribute it to a fluke I guess.
So - any way to dismiss the chat announcement banner at :)
Oh, I see why. I have three monitors. One of them is its own X screen. So that one has the chrome icon more prominent :-)
@EirkA: For some reason it bothers me that it spans the whole width unlike everything else ...
James Lawrie
@Erika I was wondering that too, all the others have a x at the side
James Lawrie
woo :) I'm above him. If only the job ladder worked like this
:372 No, system messages can't be dismissed
@MichaelMrozek that question was more directed at @KyleBrandt I guess, who may have a bit more insight into these things than the average bear. :)
I don't mind it not being dismissed but I would like the width to be restrained or for it to be right under the grey bar myself
@KyleBrandt agreed, that would help.
Hi Guys
how this chat room works!! very good look and feel at firefox and opera too!!
@Rajat: Working with great programmers is simply awesome :-)
@KBrandt your right :->
James Lawrie
kyle how long did it take to put this together?
this is some think like news room kind of staff too good
@JamesLawrie: It has been in the works for a couple months I think. We had something working very fast. We use it internally and have been adding features. The whole "dog fooding" thing Jeff has blogged about.
James Lawrie
it does look like something the developers have used, just a few of the little nifty features you might not want unless you tried it
Hmmm, things are different today!
:391 Yeah, no more pesky programmers mingling in with us ;-)
:390 I love editing in chat!!
I would just like to say hoorah for serverfault chat :D
thats all
I think
nice spam preventer
:394 Have a gold star :-)
:398 it's black for him
:399 Rats, you're right :-(
It's so much less fun to say "Have a black star", lol
of course I am, I'm a pesky programmer ;)
:402 So am I, LOL :-)
I have to wear may hats
Argh! The starship enterprise noise has been replaced with a 1983 Casio keyboard sound!
:405 no, it hasn't
:405 ROFLMAO I noticed that too
but we obviously have different sounds for the different sites
Ohhh... not a fan
:408 I like the different sounds for different sites
:409 It should be something more sysadmin-y
what's a universal server alert noise...?
yeah, like the last breath of a failing hard disk
Man - that noise is horrid
@Josh the beeping of a raid card in distress
:413 the sound of a screaming sysadmin: "Noooooo!!!!!! My dataaaaaaaaaaa!"
Aside from muting my speakers, or jabbing sticks into my ear canals, how do I stop it?
:418 how about turning it off?
:418 Use the sound conrol icon above the room name
@Josh +1 phew!
Sanity returning
@balpha what is "all my rooms" in the notification, that's all rooms you're in?
If so, I have a suggestion for sound options: a new one, "rooms I created"
> And so began the expansion of the "sound settings" menu into a 256-option behemoth.
the room switcher is neat
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Aug 31 at 19:43, by Popular Demand
And so began the expansion of the "sound settings" menu into a 256-option behemoth.
James Lawrie
is there any talk of a serverfault careers? or is it just a bit too small atm?
:429 You've been following me, eh? :-)
Heh. There IS a link to, but it takes you to the same list as SO.
Just what I need. ANOTHER time waster.
or should I say distraction
Any ideas for badges relating to chat?
Maybe something like "message starred at least 5/10/50 times"???
:437 I like it. I doubt it'll happen, but I like it
This is cool.
FYI anyone looking for general hilarity might want to check out the naming court happening in
Huh, onebox links cross-site don't work
Justin Scott
"Lurker" - Active in chat room for at least seven days without actually posting a message. Wait, I just disqualified myself... darn!
Looks like chat badges have been discussed on meta already:
i love when my tape library fails to inventory
:445 Uggggg :-(
Coding Gorilla
tape devices are the bane of my existence
Best day of my life was getting rid of tapes...
Coding Gorilla
Since we're on the subject, what do you use for backups since getting rid of tape?
Iron Mountain Live Vault
It's damn expensive
@gregD we looked at doing that but by the end of our retention period we would have been paying 40k /mo
but worth it since we don't have to man handle tapes
yeah. we don't have a ton of data. right now it's approximately 7-8K a year
ahh yea
much better
for that we woudl have done it
anyone ever want to press 1 when you call iron mountain just to see what happens
Our tape process was way to easy to break or mis manage
and it happened frequently
especially if someone forgot to hand off the tapes to iron mountain
my main problem right now is the crappy software we use
and the 10 year old tape library that is just limping along
Our chain of custody was such that front desk personnel would do the actual exchange with IM and if someone forgot (i.e.: I.T. staff) to deliver the lockbox to them, the whole process broke for that week
Tape Drives still exist?!
How quaint
haha @Izzy what do you do for your backusp?
Data Domain
hundreds of them
Ha. I still have some 8" floppies around here..
Coding Gorilla
No 8", but I still have a ton of 5.25" from my Amiga days
Coding Gorilla
I don't try to back up to them tho :P
God. Anyone remember Beagle Bros. Software on the old Apple ][+?
@Izzy so what do you do for long term (7+ year) archival?
Not really sure - not in the backup team (cop out answer I know)
also i'm assuming your using thier replication what do you do about issues, such as corruption on a source DDomain getting replicated
Although iirc there's only a legal requirement in Canada to keep data fro 7 years
I would love to use pure disk backups.
@Zypher I wish I could answer! All I do know is that it's all DD, over 100mbit MPLS across the north and south american continent
@sysadmin ... i'm still not sold on pure disk backups ... tapes are a PITA but they do have a 20+ year history of long term storage
Not sure what we do elsewhere in the world (china, turkey, austrailia, etc)
Coding Gorilla
@Zypher You've got a point, they also have (in my experience) a 10+ year track record of getting screwed up in so many ways I've lost count
@Coding true, but they same could be said for hard drives ;) i've become a fan of a hybrid approach ... D2D (replciated) D2T for offsite (maybe less frequently than daily
Coding Gorilla
Good point! And I like that strategy as well
the other win is it lets you not have to worry about backup windows as much since D2D is so much faster than D2T and the D2T part is not against production :)
Why doesn't SO have a chat? Or are server related issues more of a chattable area?
we are the favorite child :)
:490 I'm fairly certain it's because SF has actually used the feature for more than a mindless general room.
we have chat so we can talk about vgv8 ;)
ahhhhg my eyes
Un oh, two @Josh es :-)
Chris S
:494 Ugh, can't we just forget he ever existed?
@ChrisS - No because he'll be back sometime in October...
Oct 13 at 4:45 to be exact
Personally I won't be to hesitant for a permaban, will see what other mods think
As much as I dislike tape backups, I'm stuck with them. My backup platform licenses B2D space at completely unreasonable prices, so tape it is.
@kyle yes very short leash imho
Chris S
:486 I agree, we're currently using D2D for recent backups (2-3 weeks); and D2T for weekly offsite/monthly archival. I haven't had hardly any problems with tapes, backup software yes, but the medium very rarely.
Yea the one time we had a serious issue with tapes was when the scsi card was writing garbage to them for 2 or 3 days
AHG that sucks
how are you handling your chain of custody on tapes..assuming you're sending them offsite?
They sit in an IT dept locked office when the IM guy gets here the receptionist tracks one of us down
I'm staging backups to disk and then spooling to LTO4. Doing it like that means I can keep the LTO4s fed with data fast enough to not shoeshine. I don't retain anything on disk, too expensive.
It'll be interesting to see what happens here next though. We just told EMC to PFO and switched our contract to NetApp - that's a crapton of Data Domains we have kicking around now
I see @Zypher
What capacity are tapes up to these days?
are they in the TB range?
LTO4 is around 800GB native, and if you get better than 1:1.2 compression ratios can store over 1TB>
LTO5 is over 1TB IIRC.
That must take a painfully long time no?
I was going to ask how long it takes to back one of those up nowadays
Well with 2 tape drives it takes in theory 1/2 the time ...
I think tape is kind of underrated these days
@Izzy Not as long as you'd think. An LTO4 drive can easily saturate a GigE link, and even push FibreChannel when running flat out.
The FC-attached LTO4 library I have has an individual fibre port for each tape-drive. The SAS version of this library has a separate SAS connection for each drive. They do that so the drives don't bottleneck each other.
@KyleBrandt I dunno - with disk costs perpetually decreasing, size increasing, and factor in dedupe, the cards are on the table for tape
Dedup makes me tingle
@Izzy Not for HP, anyway. HP Data Protector licenses B2D space by the freaking TB in the B2D archive. Price stable at around $5/GB. If their dedupe worked better for 'unorganized file data' I'd be less cranky about it.
we run a 2000 Vista VDI on a NetApp NAS, and the total disk cost for the 2000x20gb C drive costs us... 45GB
45GB for 2000 vista workstations :)
I pine, pine for real dedupe.
What performance % do you get out of the HP Dedupe?
on average NetApp quotes between 70-80%
It's not the performance that sends me into fits of rage, it's how it interacts with failover clusters. I wasn't able to use it long enough to find out how efficient it was due to.... arg, red mists of rage descending.
I'm dying to get a dedupe NAS for home, slap in 10TB, and move all my music, videos, and photos over to it
@sysadmin1138 lol
Not financially viable though. Although I do remember hearing on the grapevine that dedupe is coming to/available on openfiler, or freeNas, or something - using ZFS
ZFS dedupe... hadn't realized the Linux ZFS stack had gotten that advanced.
Hey guys
@sysadmin1138 Just did a search - it's OpenSolaris that has dedupe on ZFS
Maybe it's time to learn Solaris! Would come in handy with the few Solaris VMs we have around here I guess too
Doh! Too bad that got canned by Oracle. That would have been extra nifty.
@sysadmin1138 It's still available?
@izzy Unmaintained.
Boooo :(
I wouldn't run that on anything other than a test box.
Yeah, unmaintained.
And even then reluctantly
@fahadsadah but it's still functional enough to set up a home NAS with though surely?
@Izzy A pair of blog-posts describing why I loathe DP's dedupe.… Links to the first in the series. I was rational when I wrote those.
I wonder if ZFS dedupe is on-the-fly, or scheduled
I know their snapshot process is scheduled.
:551 Nasty!
Starbucks O'Clock
A fellow admin here is using it (on BSD, not OpenSol) as a true backup method, though.
Snapshot to external media, and then do updates to the snapshot once the media is in rotation. That only works because their snapshot is block-based, not copy-on-write.
@Izzy: Just got back with my girly Mocha Frapachino :-)
and here I thought mine was girly: Venti quad starbucks double-shot with cinnamon dolce.
which, I might add, I don't really drink anymore
Coding Gorilla
I spend a lot of time with my Doctor... Dr. Pepper =)
Sissies all ! :) Give me a nice strong black cup o Joe
Hrph, that wasn't supposed to happen
Adding a new feed?
Yeah, I thought the general stack exchange feed, might also be somewhat interesting.
Not a bad idea
So Kyle, what is the impact of the RSS feeds on the server? How many feeds can the system have before things start to go crazy.
Well if it can handle SO
I wouldn't worry about this chan :-)
It would take a lot of feeds to really generate a lot of traffic
I was somewhat curious what would happen if I setup a News feed channel with all my sysadmin feeds. But on the other hand I am not sure if that would be useful.
i think SF team use python with django
@Rajat, why do you think that?
you see the way this is getting updated very fast that y?
You can also do feeds in a box, rather than in the chat. Useful for higher volume feeds.
@Rajat - I don't quite follow...?
ok i havnt use feeds yet i need to learn that how to for feeds
You get options when adding the feed. I'm on mobile at the moment so I can't (easily) go to that screen - but it should be fairly obvious.
@Zoredache I mean lot people writing on same page !
:597 Well, let me assure you; neither python nor django are involved ;p
:610 then which product works like this IRC chat
well, this isn't IRC (as such)...
I don't think anything works like this chat. They did after all choose to reinvent the wheel to build this chat.
Josh Brower
seems to be a pretty good wheel at that...
well, it is still round and made of rubber - we just made sure it kept the bits we liked, lost the bits we didn't, and added some shiny hub caps.
And alloys.
Personally, I like all the polish.
then which product will give such fast update on the web if this not IRC or nay other chatting server!! I want to learn this how this chat server work!!
sorry for my silly question
well, since this is SF, I'm sure a bit of network sniffing (fiddler, wireshark, etc) will show most of what is going on ;p
Well, at the transport layer, at least
@Rajat, you understand this is something completely new developed for the stackexchange sites right?
The code is bespoke - written for SOFU/SE
:622 ok
Evan Anderson
Late to the backup conversation, but I'll opine anyway. It'd be nice not to have to deal with tape, but for any serious quantity of data (100GB+) the economic analysis I've done points to tape being the only cost-effective solution for long term (7 year being the U.S. benchmark, typically) retention windows. Hybrid disk-to-tape is nice, but disk is way too expensive for long term retention.
Evan Anderson
Getting disk offline is much more difficult than tape, too, unless you just plan on buying more and more disk forever. In the "cloud" space I'm troubled by the bandwidth bottlenecks that prevent disaster recovery restores. It's hard to beat the bandwidth of getting some tapes from the off-site storage facility, slotting them into the autoloader, and streaming the data at LTO-4 speed.
Evan Anderson
Sure-- a tiered backup / restore strategy may meet the SLAs for some applications, but if you have a 200GB opaque "blob", like an SQL Server database, that's critical to your line-of-business you're just going to be stuck restoring it at whatever speed your connection to the "cloud" is before you can be "up" again.
Evan Anderson
I've got a local outsourced backup firm that promises they can ship a disk array next-day with your data on it in emergencies. That's fairly attractive, but I'm not convinced of their maturity to trust them with holding my Customers' retention function.
Evan Anderson
I'm still sold on owning that physical media, at least for the present time. (There's probably an interesting startup opportunity in providing highly available data retention, but the capital investment to bootstrap that business would be astronomical.)
Evan Anderson
(I can't be terse...)
:565 Just manly black coffee (sans sugar/sweetner) for me ;)
@EvanAnderson Just had a word with someone here about our long term retention - apparantly one of our DRS sites is based at a company that makes tape backups off one of our Data Domains
if that makes any sense
Coding Gorilla
@Izzy That makes sense, they offload the work on someone else =P
@CodingGorilla Exactamundo!
I'm kind of excited to give OpenSolaris a whirl
Evan Anderson
@Izzy: Tape has great economics for retention, so that makes sense. As long as the numbers work outsourced "grunt work" works great...
I've been wrestling with a home storage solution for ages
Meeting time...
Evan Anderson
I feel sad for OpenSolaris, what w/ the Sun acquisition. One of my partners has been using an OpenSolaris box w/ ZFS for his home storage for nearly 2 years now and he's been pleased. I haven't had enough spare CPU cycles to take the time to really sit down and look at it (being a SYSV Unix kid, and later getting into Linux, Solaris seems vaguely strange and foreign to me), but now that Oracle owns it I worry that it's going to dry up.
A homebrew NAS OpenSolaris solution is attractive for the dedupe on ZFS - I just don't want a honking great noisy PC whirring away in my condo. My home is a desktop free zone
"However following this a group of former OpenSolaris developers decided to "fork" the distribution and now development of an OpenSolaris based core OS (or what OpenSolaris would have been) continues under a new project by the community called Illumos"
Hmmmm, anyone used Illumos?
Evan Anderson
Hmm... I'll have to have a look at the license Sun was using. Anybody know if it OSI compliant? If it was, then a fork is probably fairly viable. I know that it's GPL incompatible, because that's stopping the ZFS code from getting into Linux.
My unix days ended an age ago with HPUX - haven't really kept up at all
Chris S
I'm a FreeBSD fanboy, but hasn't had time to dive into ZFS yet; it's on my to do list.
Chris S
OpenSolaris was released under the CDDL:
Chris S
CDDL clause 3.4 says you can't impose additional licensing terms on the code if you include it with your code. So it's not GPL compatible.
"llumos was announced by webinar[1] on Thursday, 3 August 2010, as a community effort of some core Solaris engineers to create a truly open source Solaris by swapping closed source bits of OpenSolaris with open implementations." - I'm assuming there's no open implentation of Suns ZFS?
Evan Anderson
From what I'm reading ZFS was released under the CDDL. (I'm trying to wrap my mind around the CDDL right now...)
Evan Anderson seemed interesting to me, but I've never gotten around to looking at it. It'll be interesting to see what their plans are WRT Illumos.
:670 Looks like FreeBSD only supports ZFSv15. ZFSv21 is the one with DeDupe :/
If I'm interpreting this correctly
Chris S
ZFSv21 is in the development version now; but I think they're going to wait until v26 is ready before switching up.
Evan Anderson
Back to the working...
Chris S
Correction, there is a patch set for v28 out two weeks ago; and it looks like that will be the version that will be backported to RELEASE-8.1 and later versions. I am in no way part of release engineering; so no guarantees.
zfs snapshotting seems to be the big reason to use zfs
I dunno - I just want a large capacity, quiet, redundant (RAID), dedupe aware NAS for home, for not a ton of money
Some would say I want the moon on a stick
The moon on a stick? Hrm, never heard that idiom before.
Think it's a UK thing
Nobody here in Canada seems to have heard it either
Chris S
@Izzy, capacity, quiet, redundant, etc, and cheap; not a problem... but performance, well that might "suffer" a bit.
Any idea if Microsoft is ever going to release the storage related stuff they have for WHS for 2008, or any other version of Windows?
@ChrisS Performance isn't top of my list really. It's just going to store TBs of video, music, and RAW photos
@zoredache We're looking at the WHS stuff too. It could solve some of our trickier problems.
2 hours later…
When people exit the room and their avatars drag down and to the left as they fade...totally just thought I had a bug on my screen (out of the corner of my eye.)
:801 Yeah, cool, isn't it?
Also, do you often talk to yourself? ;-)
@Josh on occasion ^^ :O and yea the effect it pretty slick, they did good on this design.
Joe Philllips
Icons aren't showing up for me. Did we kill it?
Joe Philllips
or is it because of my lowly reputation
what icons?
LOL josh
Joe Philllips
:807 The avatars
Glad I could amuse @Sagar
:809 Reload -- they work for me, it shouldn't be affected by rep
they work for me too
Joe Philllips
Just reloaded.... no go. Maybe it's because of a firewall or something (but that's strange since they work in the other chat)
:809 Do they work for you on ?
I take that as a "yes" :-)
Joe Philllips
I bet it's adblock... maybe I never unblocked serverfault
:816 Oh, this is Joe isn't it? :-)
The images come from
Actually I'm using adblock
Or rather
and its on, and I can still see the avatars
Joe Philllips
It was adblock... I had to disable it on this site
that's weird...
oh well
has anyone here ever used opensolaris, or any solaris? is it just another flavour of linux?
:827 I use opensolaris
@Josh Is it good as a desktop OS?
I have a backup server running opensolaris with a zfs filesystem, with gzip-9 compression, using daily snapshots
oh wow
:829 Haven't used it as a desktop OS, but I can tell you ZFS (the filesystem) is AWESOME
I love the built in compression, snapshot and RAID
Great docs, too
:829 I know it uses Gnome by default as the GUI, so if you're familair with Gnome you should be at home
I use gnome a lot so that should not be an issue..i just want something new to play with :\
already used ubuntu, fedora, rhel, suse, windows (everyday)
bored of them all
Joe Philllips
how do I turn off this sound
@d03boy top right corner
near the big (all rooms) button
Joe Philllips
Thank you sir
Joe Philllips
I've seen that icon a billion times and it didn't even cross my mind to click it
I have that issue almost everyday with something or the other...all in a days work :)
me outsee y'all
I'm taking off. Later everyone!
1 hour later…
I really wish I could dismiss the 'serverfault has a 3rd place' banner.
Cody Harlow
So do I.
me too
Hello Serverfaulters
@Zored yes
1000x yes
or at least get rid of the blaring color and jumping around when pages load
i <3 air cards .... although i think the sadder part is my need to be constantly connected
Meta.SO is way friendlier.....

  last day (5268 days later) »