I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is asking for a code review of working code, it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Jarrod Roberson59 secs ago
How can I make this code more compact by replacing the lines marked inelegant with a more lengthier understandable code?
*Dean & Dean
*This class implements a queue with a circular array.
I'm working to implement global alerts by which they reside on the master page, and can be called from both content pages as well as user controls. I'm having an issue with the latter. The goal is to be able to call an alert from any page and have the masterpage UI display the alert regardless of...
How much idle chatter do we tolerate in the 2nd Monitor? Nearly all of it.
Unless there is site business or a programming discussion occurring. Then there is absolutely no idle chatter is tolerated. None. Anything not relevant to the conversation needs to go unsaid, or be said elsewhere.
Is t...
I am an editor of the Funtoo Linux wiki and was looking to create a shell script that would help to ease the updating of pages on the wiki that use old tags by replacing certain deprecated tags with their newer counterparts. For example, I am interested in replacing every occurrence of <tt> with ...
I just learned Go (yesterday in fact) and today I made this solution to Project Euler #2. The problem is to sum the even Fibonacci numbers. My program uses the matrix representation of the linear relation between consecutive Fibonacci numbers to calculate the coefficients for an equation. This...
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/07/01/an-ounce-of-cure-is-worth-a-pound-of-prevention/ CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers An ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention CommitStrip 1435772646
@Seub The use of a layout and setGeometry is exclusive: you can do either one, but never both at the same time. Your code is broken and you must fix it first. "I should create my own layout class inheriting QLayout, but that sounds like a lot of work." The very reason that you've posted this question is that you're making life very hard for yourself already. What you've done so far is a bad hack and I'd never pass it in a code review. It will not work properly, it's not meant to, and you're breaking all sorts of invariants by doing things that way. — Kuba Ober8 secs ago
I'd say that the following could be an non-exhaustive list about what's on-topic and off-topic for the CR chat, which also includes the idle chatter we should tolerate and which we should not tolerate.
The good things
Being in the room as a new user to ask a question about CodeReview, or to di...
@skiwi, yup. have an oculus DK1, DK2, a tonne of peripherals. etc. We recently had a winner in the Gear VR game jam and i am heading to england for a Vive game jam in a week
For this question:
Circular Queue program
one of the answers noted that the code in the question appears to be copy/pasted from this homework assignment:
Should the question therefore be closed as off-topic?
it is pretty cool. brings about a tonne of interesting new technical challenged. I spend a lot of my time will all that stuff, in fact i even do a VR podcast each week. its exausting
Is there anything that could be added to my sidebar HTML that would allow it to be visible in an already implemented S1 Livejournal layout, i.e. the 'leave this alone if you don't know what you're doing' section?
<IMG SRC="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v204/Angelfirenze/Not%20My%20Banners/75...
Is code included directly in my question? (See Make sure you include your code in your question below.)
Am I an owner or maintainer of the code?
Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code?
Do I want the code to be good code? (i.e. not code-golfing, obfuscation, or similar)
To the best of my knowledge, does the code work as intended?
Do I want feedback about any or all facets of the code?
How can I make this code more compact by replacing the lines marked inelegant with a more lengthier understandable code?
*Dean & Dean
*This class implements a queue with a circular array.
What is the difference between these two ways of dealing with stacks and queues? What are the both called?
First way:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class StackMethods {
private int top;
int size;
int[] stack ;
public StackMethods(int arraySize){
Below is my jQuery scriptfile, all the functionality works (except for the click events on IE). I bring this before you guys to ensure I am effectively separating concerns and writing efficient scripts.
Without further ado..
( function( $ ) {
$( document ).ready(function() {
@CodeX if you take a look at our meta site, we have questions pertaining to questions like these. please peruse Meta a little bit. you as well @QPaysTaxes. take a break from chat
Homework questions are not off topic in and of themselves. However, when reviewing homework assignments, there are certain guidelines to be followed - mainly, not giving the solution directly.
Given the clarification, questions with code not written or maintained by the asker are off topic, and...
As for everyone else: please keep it down. Discuss the question on Meta where it belongs. While extended discussion is okay here, all the bickering isn't needed.
I guess this wasn't clear enough: Only flag a chat message as spam/offensive if it's spam or offensive and should be removed. This isn't the designated "get the troll" flag. If you believe someone should be dealt with, use a custom message and explain your reasoning. Or if there's already a mod around, ping one.
@Malachi if there are multiple comments that should be removed (too chatty, obsolete, whatever), then flag each comment. If that ends up being all the comments, then just flag the post.
Thanks for all your help guys, if i deem the post off topic i won't post on it and i should not question the user who posts, is it yours? is it homework? etc
@QPaysTaxes This past week, 362 flags have been raised, that's about 50 per day, mostly comment flags, at about 2 minutes per flag, that's 2 hours of mod time per day.
As I've been trying out something I have suggested in my own post at http://meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/5611/32231 I found myself suspended from the chat already.
Yes, I did flag messages of a specific user a few times, I believe they were legit though, however is it normal to suspend wi...
@QPaysTaxes I noticed that you click no action needed on a first post review, would you please take a look at rolf's answer HERE about the first post queue. thank you!
I need a break from chat. Maybe even Stackexchange. I'm gonna leave for a couple of hours/days. If you need me in chat for any reason, ping me. I'll try to respond. Bye.
I am writing this class for parallel chunk level uploads to my local server. This reads the files under a given directory, uploads with n threads in parallel. Initially, sends a request and obtains a request id for unique identification. Then, proceeds to upload the chunks in parallel. One thread...
I'm currently working on an Android app and I need to translate keys of type String to Integers which are determined at compile time of R.raw.
Right now I have found two ways of creating such a Map that holds all (needed) values of R.raw:
private static final Map<String, Integer> map = Immutab...
If the moderators here are causing drama and then refuse to improve this place and clean up their mess, for example by kick-the-trolls, then I see no reason to be here right now
I've been writing a somewhat complicated service that involves a lot of API function calls in Angular. After a somewhat tortured first attempt I have tried to take more of an MVC approach rewritten the Angular in the following ways.
1) All data, once it's retrieved from the API, is stored in a...
Questions regarding complexity should go in Computer Science, and requests for feedback should go in Code Review. As a quick answer for both, this is linear in complexity, and I would recommend rewriting it to be a function that returns a String rather than printing. — MattPutnam58 secs ago
@user2286810 What do you mean "A better method than iterating to get the futures"? Do you have a specific section you are wanting to optimize? Also working code-review without a specific question is generally off-topic on stackoverflow. Checkout: codereview.stackexchange.com — Rootix12 secs ago
I am programming for about two years and I build a website using existing libraries and components and by asking questions on stackoverflow.com when I got stuck. I hope the project can be reviewed by others than myself.
I am not sure if adding a whole project is something that can be done here, ...
I've just read about reactive programming and I am enthusiast about it. So I decided to revise my skill on functional programming. I don't know if this is the right place (maybe stackoverflow is better).
I have two array, one of tags and one of tasks that contains tags. I'd like to aggregate the...
Is there anything that could be added to my sidebar HTML that would allow it to be visible in an already implemented S1 Livejournal layout, i.e. the 'leave this alone if you don't know what you're doing' section?
<IMG SRC="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v204/Angelfirenze/Not%20My%20Banners/75...
This seems to be about the right place to post a response to what happened in the chat room today, and in the past 6 weeks or so.
Since various names have come up, and people have posted here too, I won't make it all anonymous, but will use concrete examples instead.
I also want to stress that ...