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Is it just me, or is jamal's avatar wrong on these posts: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/ienumerable
INSERT INTO #LanguageTags (Name)
@QPaysTaxes ^^
All the avatars are wrong.
Not mine ;0)
I still have my mug... for now
If your code is working, and you have specific goals, this question would be a nice fit for Code Review (But give a look to the How-To-Ask and On Topic sections). — Pierre-Luc Pineault 16 secs ago
I lost my puppy.
I lost my... ... ... idea
She's still in the chat room, but not the main site.
I lost my swag.
Oh, she came back.
user image
@Phrancis your avatar has never been more relevant than now!
@Phrancis PHP?!
Eh, we already have 4 pins.
We could remove the Q and J pins.
One is obsolete, the other too chatty.
and Q's pin
On the bright side, my avatar is there intact
We have r's pin.
@QPaysTaxes Nice try
@Mat'sMug I thought you were meaning to have burninated as well.
Actually, we should just post a feed from the election room in here.
@Jamal I ...did
@QPaysTaxes That - it's on my favorites bar.
I think Jamalol should go. And 200's is good, but not really useful ATM
@rolfl Would you happen to have the Wheel of Blame with you?
I am not pinning that. bribe another room owner to do it
^ <3
Quick @QPaysTaxes, to Cactus room!
I love 200's message. Please just unpin Jamalol ;P
give me back my bad hair cut
That OP need more JavaScript (or something) in their lives
<div class="row topImg container-fluid">
  <div class="row fullDrawing img-resonsive col-md-6">
    <div class="">
      <a href="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlaU7tH2vtUNYd3dmumnyJ47_FhXK7CU3FVAEG9dQet_iUlFMP" class="">
        <img src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlaU7tH2vtUNYd3dmumnyJ47_FhXK7CU3FVAEG9dQet_iUlFMP" alt="...">

<div class="galleryContainer container-fluid list-inline">
  <div class="row">
I think it needs more jQuery. — Quill 6 secs ago
Actually, I think Wordpress is what they really need.
Artist designing a web page ========= terrible idea
That's when you start to see Papyrus fonts and shit like that.
@Phrancis Looks like valid JavaScript syntax to me
It might as well be
Q: Am I going to lose my mug?

Mat's MugSome users have been "losing" their avatars on the main site and on meta, but apparently not in chat: What's causing this? Are all users losing their avatars? Am I going to lose my mug? :'(

+1 for adding my self deprecating comment :P — Quill 7 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I reported the problem , and it is apparently fixed
Q: Am I going to lose my mug?

Mat's MugSome users have been "losing" their avatars on the main site and on meta, but apparently not in chat: What's causing this? Are all users losing their avatars? Am I going to lose my mug? :'(

rather, the fix has been identified
As it happens, the exact words were: Problem has been found. Solution will be deployed in 6-8 weeks
you're kidding
It's a joke @Mat'sMug
actually, no, not kidding
Those were the words,
from an old blog post or session
but, there was a hint of sarcasm
s/weeks/minutes right?
Q: Can someone let me in on the 6-8 weeks joke?

Bob Dylan Possible Duplicate: The Many Memes of Meta I have seen this joke so many times, but I guess I started reading Jeff's blog too late to get it. Where did the 6-8 weeks joke start?

lol I know the 6-8 weeks joke
it's just been known to be a substitute for "some time never"
the 6-8 weeks joke got old round about here:
Q: Code Review Graduation

rolflI am pleased to announce that effective from September 22, Code Review has graduated! It has taken a bit of time for this announcement to filter through the red tape, so, today was the day we found out. Let's use this as a place to discuss, celebrate, and otherwise commiserate. Notes: Code Rev...

^^ exactly
@QPaysTaxes Hopefully not the same kind of never as PHP == LOOKS_GOOD
@Quill is that really never? shouldn't it be ===?
Look at this awful answer:
A: Why can't a set have two elements of the same value?

jeshleymaloom????????????? i dont what is it

This is not an answer. — Ethan Bierlein 1 min ago
fair assumption
@EthanBierlein THAT is something wrong with downvoting
A: When is a gravatar shown for a user with a profile pic?

Jarrod DixonIn the latest build, a bug slipped through on some code that refactored profile image rendering. A fix is being pushed out right now. Sorry.

@Quill I think it's more than just an assumption. :D
Stupid laptop
A bug keeps biring me and another bug somehow landed in my drink cup. I hate bugs.
> there's a bug in my mug
@Jamal Are you kidding me? I found seven large spiders in my bathroom tonight! Seven!
@Mat'sMug plug it
@Jamal I'd much rather have that situation.
I have severe arachnophobia.
@Jamal deleted meta post. thanks!
Q: Page Spider in PHP

QuillI have a working spider, however, it runs fairly slowly thanks to Australia's horrible internet. Can anyone give me some tips on speeding this up? scan('http://www.example.com/'); function scan($file){ preg_match_all('/<a href="(.*?)".*<\/a>/i', file_get_contents($file), $matches); if ($matc...

@QPaysTaxes Oh dear. I may want to leave for a while while you post pictures of scary spiders.
@Quill Eek!
@EthanBierlein Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can...
Q: Single button use to create light box that brings up different content based on the div

Valerie SharpMy goal is: when you click on the button "word" it will turn into a lightbox. The button will bring up another content box that holds the same profile image as before with a small bio with image thumbnails below on what they worked on. I was able to get everything working for the first button, ...

wait... are you actually Ron Weasley?
@Jamal His hair is longer
These are six year old girls we're talking about.
Aw. I was about to ask for an autograph.
A: The 101 Pictures Gallery

PhrancisImage gallery. To be completely honest, if you're wanting to make an image gallery, you would save yourself a lot of time and trouble by using Wordpress.org That said... Assuming your images are stored server-side, and you really want to code this yourself, unless you want to type every imag...

They don't know how to be gentle.
Cheap-pimping ^
Quit flagging messages. I'm already here.
Hi monkey!
Some messages above were flagged.
Threats of violence are never a joke, and always result in suspensions
Not you this time, move on
It was still a little too much.
A: 2015 Community Moderator Election - Nomination Requests

RubberDuck200_Success Current protem moderator. Not much to say really. I'd like to see you stay on and provide some extra continuity as we move toward full fledged graduation. We all understand if you would like to step down. All three of you have earned some rest IMO, but we would still love to see you ...

Hey 200
Who's confirming it?
But if you're an idiot, why should we trust you?
A self-admitted idiot is better than otherwise :)
Schrodinger's idiot
@QPaysTaxes trust is 4K rep on beta sites
well you did just bait a certain user, so it's safe it assume
So, @QPaysTaxes, why do you feel you're an idiot?
 bait: something intended to entice someone to do something
@QPaysTaxes That also happens in regular people relationships, nothing weird there :)
Eh, StackExchange feed very slow..here it is:
Q: Collections of categorized tags (help wanted)

PhrancisI've been working on categorizing tags in CREATE TABLE queries on this post, and I would like to request community help. Here is the query The idea is to group tags in a way that's useful and can be copy-pasted as needed into other SEDE queries, depending on the set of tags you're interested in...

Q: Collections of categorized tags (help wanted)

PhrancisI've been working on categorizing tags in CREATE TABLE queries on this post, and I would like to request community help. Here is the query The idea is to group tags in a way that's useful and can be copy-pasted as needed into other SEDE queries, depending on the set of tags you're interested in...

@StackExchange Gee, thanks
If I do an older Community challenge, may I still use the tag?
Oh god... Sorry @QPaysTaxes
*gentle stroke*
Yeah, thinking that I'll try to do some of the older ones. Ultimate Tic Tac Toe sounds awesome.
@QPaysTaxes wat
@QPaysTaxes Should I find another magical unicorn for you to cuddle with?
@QPaysTaxes That'd totally deserve a +1 vote on Bio.SE
I feel so unhealthy right now.
I think we have too many teenagers on this site, and therefore, I am going to do something about it.
I'm eating a large bag of pretzel chips, and drinking root beer.
@QPaysTaxes Bad bio jokes get upvoted there
No, I won't.
I'm just going to turn 20.
@SimonAndréForsberg Hey, I didn't get your reply, and couldn't connect to the internet for a week. Anyway, I wanted to ask since one of your suggested Community Challenges was to write a server. How would someone get started on such a thing?

This may be me misunderstanding, but say I just wanted to have communication between two computers, no idea where to even start for such a thing. (Don't know what I don't know to even seek it out status)
Oh neat.
Well, inside of a year, anyway.
@QPaysTaxes Are you saying you're already doing it, or was that just a 'ooh sounds interesting, gonna do it too' sort of deal?
@Legato What about you running for mod?
I love this place. I love to do any little bit I can, but I'd nominate so many others, much more fit for the task, before thinking of myself.
@QPaysTaxes Ultimate Tic Tac Toe, and okay.
@QPaysTaxes In Factor?
I tried to download Factor, but it doesn't work on my vista machine.
@QPaysTaxes I don't really have a choice atm.
@EthanBierlein You do too.
I have a nicer newer laptop, but I can only use that part of the time.
Go download Win 10 Preview - it is free for life as long as you stay on the latest build.
@Hosch250 You sure it'd work on a 10 year-old machine?
@QPaysTaxes I have a better laptop.
I have two laptops.
This crappy vista one.
It runs on linux, try it on your RPi
And my new alienware.
> I wasn't aware of this graduation change... – Jamal♦ 46 mins ago
My parents are divorced, and they have weird rules about taking my tech between their houses.
And my nice alienware is hooked up to a ton of stuff, so it's not really portable.
@Hosch250 Problem solved, I guess?
I don't know, Q deleted anyway.
Oh man.
So many awesome people running for mod.
My parents have been divorced for about 12 years. I see them both weekly. Neither of them have any problems.
How can I even vote when the time comes....D:
The question was deleted.
I don't think many people are going to vote for me.
@Legato Make some criteria that you'd look for in a mod, and then judge accordingly
I have the top two of my votes picked, and the remaining two are narrowed to two of the remaining candidates.
@EthanBierlein I think even less are going to vote for me.
@QPaysTaxes The question about bad avatars.
You're both right.
@Quill We're sort of the odd two out.
in Code Review Moderator Election 2015, 8 mins ago, by 200_success
@Mat'sMug @Pops I'm rather miffed that my recommendation for there to be five moderator positions was not accepted. There is enough work for five people, and more than enough talent.
> newbies
@EthanBierlein Just be glad you weren't auto-resigned.
Like that one guy may have been.
@Hosch250 I think the mods did that, not the system.
in Code Review Moderator Election 2015, 9 mins ago, by 200_success
@Mat'sMug @Pops I'm rather miffed that my recommendation for there to be five moderator positions was not accepted. There is enough work for five people, and more than enough talent.
Agree ^^
Well, yeah.
@Hosch250 What's with the double post?
A lot of those people are seriously in the "...wait, you're not a mod!?" category. Like wow.
I have a terribly time using my words right.
Oh, I didn't realize I'd posted it twice.
Now, I want to hit 9k today.
I need to go find an answer to write.
Wouldn't you want to go...
over 9000!?
I want to hit 4K today. Which means I would have beta mod-ish tools.
@Legato I have 8841 right now, so I definitely can.
@EthanBierlein you got 'em at 2K
Oh, I mean trusted user tools.
There are only 79 unanswered C# questions, and they cover stuff I don't know.
@QPaysTaxes Ditto for me, for PHP
There's so many Here's everything I've got-5000 word posts asking for reviews in PHP
Well, I found one C#.
Well, it's quiet.
I'm so freaking tired.
I just fell off my chair and smacked my head on a shelf.
Because I was tired and disoriented.
Go to bed dude
@Phrancis shouldn't it be semantic tagging?
@Phrancis I'm waiting for @QPaysTaxes to ask his factor question.
I know semantics, and I know tagging, but together they make no sense to me
@EthanBierlein it's still going to be zombifying tomorrow you know ;-)
@Phrancis <strong>wtf</strong>
@Mat'sMug oh, I wasn't planning on answering it. I just want to see it.
<h1>-<h6> are header tags
Wow. The automatic lights outside just scared me awake.
@Mat'sMug You've written .MD markdown files right?
#Yes. nope
OK, watch this learn
Same goes for CR posts btw ;p
<h1> == #
<h2> == ##
yeah. I just thought h1-h6 were deprecated for some odd reason
The formatting is incidental and completely determined by CSS
^ which makes total sense IMO
Right. h1-h6 structure documents in logical sections
Q: Random mathematical functions in Factor

QPaysTaxes(Oh dear lord another Factor question) So after answering this question about Factor, I decided that it looked interesting. To get the hang of the syntax and such, I decided to write some basic physics code to "solve" the three-body problem. Then, I realized that math is harder than I thought it...

Get a room...
this idle chatter is too idle....
69 messages since I was here last?
A: SharePoint and JSON output project - where can I do better?

Hosch250 public enum ExceptionLevel { Debug, Info, Error } And private enum LogType { Debug, Info, Error }; Both are enums, and both have the same values. This tells me you should probably merge these into one enum. while (true) { switch (type) { case ...

@Hosch250 Mostly crap
8 mins ago, by rolfl
Get a room...
^^ the relevant summary
Got a revival badge, so I guess I just killed a zombie.
Getting closer to the 80 posts needed for C#.
I'm a little shy of the 5 votes per post to come out even.
13 votes shy, I think.
I have 17 for Java, and no where near enough points.
So, that makes 20 out of 160 I need.
I need to get ready for bed soon, but maybe tomorrow.
I'd actually like to get another silver answer badge sometime, but the question isn't not anymore.
Thanks @rolfl, the SNR was getting a bit out of hand
Q: Skip sending for all that return no results but still send to others

user76927PHP below checks person's preferences in the database then pulls relevant jobs that match their preferences from another database table. It then compiles it into an email... I can't get it to stop sending to people where $EMAILjobs=="" and still send for everyone else!! Hope that makes sense? So...

Whoa, the OP must have been around - I already got an accept!
Ooh, it is a new quarter.
And the icons are back to not showing up at all.
It if is Factor, don't be surprised if no one answers for ages.
quads and dubs, nice
0000 and 22
quads meaning four and dubs meaning double meaning two
@QPaysTaxes I think the ID's are server-wide
monking @all
Hey @all, what kind of programming tests would you give to an candidate in an interview?
@Quill for .net the screening would be is "string" a value or a reference type?
@Mat'sMug Yeah, its for a .net position
FizzBuzz was the first thing I had

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