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if you needed the "opposite of press" you could, in some cases, write de-press. (Think of some sort of metal-working factory.) BTW the spirit of your question - the fact that "de-" can mean more than one thing -- so what? English is a total mess! You can give literally thousands of examples of words that "should mean" something else, in a humorous way. — Joe Blow 1 hour ago
I don't understand this comment. The latter portion, mainly. I never said anything "should mean" something else.
It should be visible who starred what, like facebook likes. I sometimes feel dirty about starred messages :)
Do you have pluralsight Rob?
@Cerberus a video complication? They make no video compilations anymore?
@RegDwigнt it's too complicated
That's what complying always gets you.
Compiling, on the other hand, lets you fence on office chairs.
you refer to xkcd! how unexpected
You understand an XKCD reference! How expected.
I am pedestrian in my web comic reading
Heute per pedes, morgen Mercedes.
Morgan Freeman Mercedes?
Have Mercedes with a criminal.
Annie, are you okay? So, Annie are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?
She's armed and dangerous
Just two days ago I watched a documentary about all the people involved in producing MJ and his videos, and among other things it explained who the heck Annie was.
oh? who was Annie?
was it Anakin Skywalker?
It's that plastic torso you practice reviving people on. Like, heart massage and breathing air into them.
For some reason all of them are called Annies. Like, it's on the package. Or even the torso itself.
that changes that whole song
And one of those things, for some reason, was flying around in the studio when Michael was there.
Or basically lying in the corner at all times.
That is a good fact to know.
if only for the comedy value
I am your one-stop-shop for useless knowledge.
slightly disturbing
A family picknick.
I can never remember which languages spell picnic how.
So I'll just go with пикник.
the smallest is called "SimNewB"
Would be cooler if it was SimNewt.
Living alien included for an additional fee.
Yeah no shit was my first thought as well.
English has so many words, and all of them are the same.
Hey! we're not speaking Dutch here
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: 100% Dutch free (63.185% in metric) (no tags)
Totally ungrammatical. Should be dame best. Or dame lo mejor, for that matter.
да бест
google translate ftw
Нет бест.
Джордж бест
Бессаме мучо.
@Medica. It’s unfortunite that you were unsuccesful in growing Japanese quince. Maybe the climate or soil over there didn’t match their growing conditions. When you peel off thin skin of the fruit, you get yellow-color thick fresh covering pretty big seeds. The fresh is sweet. We have Japanese old saying – When you have one tree of Japanese quince in your yard, you don’t need doctor. According to http://health-long-life.sakura.ne.jp/newpage245.htm, the leaves of quince have been described as the panacea for all kinds of deseases in Indian Ayurveda since 3000 years ago. In Japan the leaves o
@YoichiOishi By "amigdarin" do they mean this?
Amygdalin (from Ancient Greek: ἀμυγδαλή amygdálē "almond"), C20H27NO11, is a glycoside initially isolated from the seeds of the tree Prunus dulcis, also known as bitter almonds, by Pierre-Jean Robiquet and Antoine Boutron-Charlard, in 1830 and subsequently investigated by Liebig and Wöhler in 1830. Several other related species in the genus of Prunus, including apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and black cherry (Prunus serotina), also contain amygdalin. Since the early 1950s, both amygdalin and a modified form named laetrile or Vitamin B17 have been promoted as cancer cures. However, neither of these...
Wrong image as always.
Much better.
@RegDwigнt I’m no knight, let alone a dame.
I don't let dames alone.
dame in Japanese means something like "it's bad" . . .
What does "madame" mean, then?
だめです。= "that sucks" (more or less)
Loans are an albatross about the neck, but gifts in non-sequential, unmarked bills are freely accepted.
@RegDwigнt ma is an interjection meaning something like "umm".
@Robusto They talk backwards?
Pretty much.
We would say "I'm going to the store." They say "The store to go [I is implied]"
Kana always looks like somebody or other’s fancy monograms to me.
@RegDwigнt The です at the end is what we would call a copula, but isn't quite the same.
I know all about des. Ka.
I counterbalance it by not knowing jack shit about anything else at all.
It's des[u]. Don't entirely drop the [u]. It still counts in syllable formation. We've been over this.
Of course.
I'm no Cerberus.
@Robusto We can often omit the first word in casual discourse. Going to the store. Off to the store. Want some more?
Yes. But Japanese is the opposite. They only put it in when they absolutely, positively have to be specific about who is doing the action.
Wow that was fast.
@Robusto Pro-drop?
Read: like Spanish or Italian?
I didn’t think they had an inflectional system for verbs like that.
Russian is between all chairs as usual.
@tchrist More like pronoun shunning. Normally, it's considered kind of rude to address someone by their pronoun. Circumlocutions are used (this side, that side, etc.) but more often verb forms and different nouns (honorable vs. humble) are used to indicate whether one is talking about oneself or one's interlocutor. And, of course, all depends on the relative status of the people speaking.
There are a lotta rules.
@tchrist It's not inflectional.
@RegDwigнt So long as the music’s still playing, that’s ok.
Can we get any more blue in here?
Only in another year.
We must be the most polite chat room ever.
Not strictly inflectional, anyway. You might consider the use of polite verb endings inflectional, but often entirely different verbs are used.
@Robusto. I simply translated amygdarin from Katakana. But I think so because the exhibit you showed refers to vitamine B1 and effectiveness of amygdarin on cancer.
@Robusto People consider it to be there psychologically, and describing Japanese phonemically as though the /u/ were entirely gone would make phonotactics perhaps more complicated than anyone wants it to be
But it's often phonetically deleted entirely, not just devoiced
@snailboat Yet if you listen closely, you still hear space being given for it.
As it often is, as in say /gakuseʜ/ [gakseː], where the [u] is pretty much always entirely gone
@snailboat This is the way reduced vowels work in Portuguese, too, especially a terminal /u/ or “mute” <e>.
The natives think of them as being there, and nobody else can hear them. :)
@snailboat But it never collapses entirely into x, which is how a Western pronunciation would render it.
@Robusto I knew you would manage to say that before I would manage to find a quote of you saying that.
So I'll post another one.
Nov 11 '12 at 14:02, by Robusto
What makes it more complicated is that the su syllable usually has an unvoiced, or muted, vowel, but takes the same duration as other syllables. Beginning learners say desu as dess but that's not right. We pronounce sumo as soo-mo but Japanese pronounce it s'MO.
How do Japanese pronounce smurfs?
You don't want to know.
Then again I guess knowing about smurfs makes you a baka.
They have enough of their own stuff, don't need no smurfs.
Probably スマ—ルフ. Six syllables, compared to our one.
> my name is juber ali khan
@RegDwigнt I would guess [s̥ɯmaː̥ɸ̥ɯ]
Jan 17 '12 at 14:08, by Robusto
Hai. Robusuto desu.
English plurals are generally loaned into Japanese without the plural marker
@MattЭллен OK, goober.
@snailboat now everything makes sense. Sumatra was founded by Japanese smurfs.
I'm no schmuck!
@MattЭллен Schmuck is German for "precious", so whatever you say.
@Robusto You mean three, not six, right?
Actually, I mean five, not six. I miscounted.
@tchrist sumurufusu.
Robusto is referring to morae as syllables
su ma-a ru fu
@snailboat Well, it's called a syllabary, not a moraebary.
The su ma-a ru fu, the su ma-a ru fu, the su ma-a ru fu is on fire. We don't need no water let the mo ta fa ku ro burn.
my name is clearly not like smucker's
I do not have to be good
Nice would suffice.
@RegDwigнt Only in Texas.
@tchrist Pronounced to rhyme.
@snailboat Whatever you want to call those units of time.
Niece would suffiece
Nice, ça suffit.
A niece in Nice is not nice nor naughty for nought.
What about her knees?
I like mora. It's relatively unambiguous. You can use syllable as a synonym for mora when talking specifically about Japanese, but then you'll confuse some people.
I like turtles.
@snailboat In fact, I was talking strictly about Japanese. And those people were confused before I even got here.
Most generative phonologists take it as given that syllables are part of the structure of every language, and specifically talk about light and heavy syllables consisting of one or two morae
I was confused before he got here
@MattЭллен I confused before there was a he.
So they would describe Japanese as having both the basic rhythmic unit of the mora, and a potentially larger unit of the syllable
@snailboat What about the degenerative phonologists?
Um-pah-pah, um-pah-pah.
Most importantly, who was phonologists?
@RegDwigнt Je crois pas que Nice suffise.
I'm always worrying about itinerant phonologists
I'm losing the phonolo gist of this conversation.
@RegDwigнt that's how it goes
Anyway, gotta go get me eyes checked. Laters.
@RegDwigнt What happened to Susan?
I, teenerant phonologist. With Will Smith of course.
@Robusto tell them all the things you seen.
So Tōkyō /toʜkyoʜ/ [toːkʲoː] could be described as four morae /to.ʜ.kyo.ʜ/ but two heavy syllables [toː] and [kʲoː]
@tchrist she renamed herself medica?
You used to like Susans for everything; now it’s turtles.
No, it's a quote from Snatch.
"You can call me Susan if it makes you happy."
(Here I use the Japanese practice of writing a "long vowel phoneme" as /ʜ/, which is supposed to be intuitive, similar to how people write the name 佐藤 Satō as Satoh)
Whence my using Susan as a placeholder for everything.
Whence my using whence as well, for that matter.
Satohr ventuhr non studiht libentuhr.
@Robusto,@RegDwight. I'm amused to find you are talking about Japanese all the way. I sense both of you are much more familar with Japanese language than I am with your language. 凄い!Terrific. By the way I happened to conversate in Chinese with a group of Chines young girls in 豚カツ店‐Pork fry restaurant in neighborhood of Asakusa temple downtown in Tokyo.
Although current political relationship between Japan and China is against wind, we could enjoy c‌​onversation and deepen friendship. Young genarations are much more frexible and friendlier than our generation, and I realized how important for us to be mutually communicable in each other's language.
Rob actually studied the language and lived there, too.
Anyway, you don't have to accept that syllables are relevant to the discussion of Japanese. Many linguists think that only morae are relevant to Japanese. If you agree with them, I would stick to morae because it's unambiguous
@RegDwigнt And brought home notable keepsakes.
I only watch way too many Japanese films, play way too many Japanese games, and listen to Matsuura Aya way more than is healthy.
That is all.
you are what you listen to
Feb 3 '11 at 20:28, by Robusto
My wife is Japanese-American, but speaks little or no Japanese. I studied Japanese and speak it fairly well. When we would go into sushi restaurants, they would speak to her in Japanese, she would look at me, I would translate, then she would respond in English and I would tell the waiter what she said in Japanese.
Feb 3 '11 at 20:28, by Robusto
Then the waiter would laugh and tell my wife in Japanese that I spoke very good Japanese, and how remarkable was that, yeah?
Feb 3 '11 at 20:29, by Robusto
And then he would reply to me in English.
Q: How can I ask about a confirmation?

Alexander IvanovTwo heroes are available. Hero #1: Please, send me an URL to that site. Here #2: Go to www.bla.bla. Is it true that you look for? Is the phrase "Is it true that you look for" correct? How can I say this differently?

I just don’t get it.
I edited it for formatting, but I still have no idea what he’s on to.
@RegDwigнt People really do pronounce it that way. (Less often than they used to, though…?) Yahoo!'s cafeteria is still called URL's Cafe. — snailboat 27 mins ago
@snailboat exactly my point. Who's ever heard of this "Yahoo"?
But why heroes?
Superman or Batman?
@tchrist because del silencio.
Hector or Achilles?
Spiderman or Thor?
Also, the second hero is an impostor if you look closer. An imposter, even.
MacBeth and Richard III
I would ask them if they could paraphrase, but their question seems to imply that they can't.
There should be an internet café in Earl’s Court.
@snailboat I asked him to say it in Russian.
Then I can edit it and migrate to ELL.
As it stands I have no idea what the hell he's trying to say.
@RegDwigнt That seems fair. Assuming what he comes up with in Russian makes more sense, I mean.
I mean, even backtranslating into Russian doesn't work.
Same for heroes.
It makes in Russian the exact same amount of sense as in English.
Perhaps he’s Sami.
oh! I think he wants "Is that what you're looking for"
@MattЭллен well yes. And yet, an answer suggests another variant.
So apparently it's not as cut and dried to everyone as it is to us.
Ест два участника: Первый: Пожалуйста, пришли мне ссылку того сайта Второй: Иди сюда www.bla.bla. Это то, что ты искал? — Alexander Ivanov 1 min ago
And does that help?
Don't want to be mean, but the command of Russian is not too better.
I pasted that into Google Translate hoping it would come up with "heroes". Instead, it came up with "Eats two participants"
Sami again.
Google Translate makes a decent fist of the phrase in question.
Anyway, yes. "There are two participants. One: Please, send me a link to that site. Two: head to www.bla.bla. Is that what you've been looking for?"
It was more heroic the other way.
Microsoft Translator comes up with "Eats two ends". Oh, MT!
At swim two birds?
Got him what he wanted, and closed.
Q: "Can I help who's next?"

BenThis seems to happen every time I go to my local bagel shop. Everyone is waiting in a line, and when the cashier is ready to help the next person, he/she asks, "Can I help who's next?" or "May I help who's next?" This seems wrong to me, shouldn't it be "Can I help whomever is next?" or "May I hel...

Q: The Use of Take

user85982Is it grammatically correct to say "It took me five hours travelling to the US?" Most people would say "It took me five hours to travel to the US." I would like to ask if it should always be "to travel" rather than "travelling."

Oops. "MT" was supposed to expand to "machine translation", but I realized after I typed it that it might be unclear
I thought you meant Microsoft Translator
@snailboat it is okay to be unclear in this room. Sometimes even unclean.
@tchrist Add a comma in the middle.
And if you want a real bear to wrassel with, Mr Foresight does not seem to be on the mend, at least from my unhumble viewpoint.
@tchrist Gah. The Use of Title For What You Not Ask.
@RegDwigнt If I'm going to be unclear, I'd rather it was on purpose :-)
Rookie move.
Pros are unclear to everyone including themselves.
@AndrewLeach For you or me, sure. But I am not up for explicketating it to him.
Purpose implies there's at least one person who knows what the heck you're doing.
And not Frank Lee, but frankly. — KitFox ♦ 36 mins ago
Holy moly. Totally missed that question.
I couldn't face cleaning up another question with so many things to correct.
Obviously, Frank Lee is a half-brother of Lee Ching.
You mean the doctor?
@tchrist no, the doctors are called differently.
Jul 3 at 13:41, by RegDwigнt
My acupuncture practice is run by Scrat Ching and Scree Ching.
No leaching then?
Andrew used up all of it.
No, I was given it by my father.
Excuses, excuses.
There is still none left and you are still the last person who had it.
It does look like him, doesn’t it?
Sadly no picture of two of those on the entire Internet.
> Would you please kindly talk a bit about this for me?
I’ve never seen please kindly collocate before.
Wut, I think we have a question or three on that.
@tchrist It's depressingly common.
Q: Is the phrase "please kindly" redundant?

lokheartThe colleagues in my office often send email starting with "Please kindly". Are the two phrases a bit redundant?

It's depressingly frequent, too.
Looks to be standard in Indian English.
Which means tchrist would be the first to know.
A: Indian-English usage of "Kindly"

ShreevatsaRThe meaning of kindly is hopefully clear: "kindly help me" means "please be kind and help me" (or "please help me out of kindness"), etc. It's a word used for polite requests; a bare "help me" is impolite relative to "kindly help me". If you're asking why kindly is more common in Indian English ...

I want to return to my previous, pristine state of unblemished ignorance of this atrocity.
@tchrist please kindly do.
Please kindly in GloWbE, per mil by region: corpus2.byu.edu/glowbe/?c=glowbe&q=32149771
There aren’t even toadies yet. They’re still tadpoles. Can’t we just let the pond dry up and put us out of their misery?
@MattЭллен what happened in 1939?
@RegDwigнt Set smoothing to 0
@snailboat It’s . . . something. Something icky.
@snailboat holy moo, didn't know that was possible.
flags for offensive to cows
Actually COCA is totally broken in half my browsers after their latest update, so I can't even find or use most of the features I knew of.
> PAWNSHOP BUSINESS INQUIRY: Please kindly give me some pointers in the pawnshop business.
I used it just a coupla days ago.
@RegDwigнt Sign in, search with the settings you prefer, click your history link, and click "share" next to the search you'd like to link to
@MattЭллен dies
@snailboat I know how to access history and share links once a query with these settings has been completed. I didn't know that these settings were available.
Basically whenever I click on anything anywhere, I get rubbish results or errors.
From personal experience, I associate please kindly with Indian English
I can't even sort by context anymore!
So no overview of SPOKEN vs MAGAZINE.
@RegDwigнt The BYU corpora continue to play nicely with SeaMonkey on my end
I forgot all about SeaMonkey five years ago.
Right after learning it existed.
I am very efficient.
@snailboat Apparently this is why the world’s toad population seems to be collapsing. They’ve all moved to the India.
@RegDwigнt SeaMonkey is like Firefox, but with a medial capital and fewer capricious UI changes
Yeah and I am like "wish I stayed with Firebird 0.9".
Basically a year ago or so I got fed up and ditched this bloated FF mess in favor of Chrome.
Disclosure: typing this in FF.
Cuz at work.
A: Pronoun for antedecents of different gender connected with "or" ,"either... or..."

S K AgarwalAnswers are not correct. When no gender is there usually we assume 'male', so with manager it should go as 'his' duty. Please note either...or means one of the two and not both of them. Besides what noun number comes afterwards should be the antecedent to the pronoun, so could place 'her' with Al...

I'm more or less unhappy with all web browsers
Time to create yet another one.
And that's a second XKCD reference just for @Matt.
Then it can be like audio on Linux.
I kind of miss the days when none of this Internet shit would exist and I would spend my days programming Für Elise in Turbo Pascal instead.
@RegDwigнt I laugh because you refered to something I know, not because you made a joke /TBBT
@MattЭллен That's meta-deep.
@MattЭллен hahaha, I know what TBBT means!
We need an tag now.
@snailboat But who would vote for that one?
The elephant in the room, of course, is that our default tag should be .
@MattЭллен now I have a song in my head.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 there's a song? I have "oom pah pah" in my head, thanks to Reg
Oom pah pah chicken on a rough.
I move that we accept no more questions from Thinking Like a Lawyerever.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. That.
what else would it be?
Well, then you can thank me now for switching you over to the raft song.
The raft song. Still waiting for thanks.
!!youtube oom pah pah song
Dubtoes fore and the Dustman's aft
Damn it, @Reg.
@RegDwigнt I can't mentally hear the raft song while "Ain't nobody here but us chickens" is playing
sittin there pickin at a chicken ona raft
@KitFox You so totally misspole thanks it's quite something.
c c
c c
ah they changed google docs, to something horrible
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 loser talk.
@cc Are you applying for a job?
I think including a picture on your resume is a terrible idea.
I can mentally hear the raft song even while the raft song is playing!
I had a little girl in 'Donny B'
Dolly B Goode?
c c
c c
@KitFox yes, not in urge
And didn't she make a fool of me?
He’ll just have to come back in the next life.
It's like Nortonn but armed with just one single book for convenience.
Q: Hold-Reason Suggestion: "More Research Desired" (MRD)

anonymousI was reading some posts on improving question quality and narrowing the definition of the General Reference when I had an idea. What does ELU Meta think about putting a question on hold when "more research is desired" (MRD)? The first point made here is that poorer quality questions don't show ...

And French.
I like this idea. I think it should replace proofreading.
Speaking of which, haven't been seeing Nortonn in quite a time.
I think not coincidence!
@KitFox You may have something there.
I said my bit a long time ago.
Mar 19 '12 at 16:08, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
The default should be, your question is closed, and you have to find at least five people who think it should be opened.
Then we could discuss possible open reasons, rather than close ones. Just how much more positive that sounds!
So welcoming.
@KitFox That is a pretty good idea. I wonder if the poster is aware of the French connection.
"Your question is lovely, have a daffodil. Love, Reg."
Matt is ninja-editing something.
Big Rhino is watching him.
Love remote keystroke snoopy.
who? me?
cherubic face
c c
c c
Cher Rube Face.
@cc pubic face (source)
@MattЭллен Unless there's another Matt mod with a green cherubic cube face whose gravatar only just jumped right to the front of the row without him saying anything, then yes you.
did you just get the bot to insult you @cc?
c c
c c
@MattЭллен :))
May I speak to Frank Lee?
Didn't mean to blow whistle, rather to boast how observant I happened to be in that split second.
@RegDwigнt it's a fair cop, guv
He's re-writing our history together.
Just a swell.
c c
c c
@KitFox What is a Business systems analyst doing?
Is that you @KitFox?
@cc Writing requirements.
@Gigili Yes.
Oh Matt, you can make history young again
You could rewrite, you could decide
The things that should or shouldn't have been
You could look at me in the scheme of things
Oh Matt, you could make history young again.
c c
c c
@KitFox only writing, not reviewing code, or worse writing code?
@KitFox Nice
Just a little song I wrote. You might want to sing it not for nought.
tries to sing it for nought
@cc Not anymore.
@KitFox So does +25/-1 (including answer scores) indicate that an MRD close reason should be implemented?
You mean +15/-1?
Has anyone in the community spoken against the idea?

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