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poor ewes
See, even tchrist is awake as soon as someone mentions money. And it's not even real money.
> As 2014 looms, GOP using Weiner against Bill Clinton
Who writes these?
Who used his wiener against Bill Clinton???
The elefunt brigade.
I didn't realize Ms Lewinski was from Transsexual Transylvania.
She’s changed.
Is she hot now or something?
I think she’s fat now.
Well, fat can be heated up.
That implies a state change.
At which point it becomes grease.
Edible, beddable,
All of the Frenchies are
Cheezy and breezy and
Full of hot air.

If you should speak to one
Don't be surprised if they
Don't see you there.
You can make Freedom fries with fat.
Therefore, it has changed state.
@Robusto what language is that?
@KitFox yeah from Kansas to Minnesota.
The language of angels, of course.
@RegDwighт You need me to narrow it down to a language?
I think Reg missed the double-dactyl fête.
@Robusto applauds
@Robusto I don't need you. Hurts to hear, I know.
@RegDwighт Your wanting me is enough, I guess.
OMGOMGOMG are RegRob splitting up???
@Robusto Glad we share an interest.
@KitFox sheds tear
Like bread, it’s the only way to get a rise out of him.
@KitFox OMGOMGOMG you're not paying attention to the Chathall or whatever it's called!
GOM is too close to GOP for my tasties.
And I, for that matter, am not watching Community.
This is a sad world.
@RegDwighт Sure I am. Shog's talking and stuff.
@tchrist that's Russian for "little dwarf".
And Stuff.
But the drama in EL&U chat!
No, not just dwarf. Little dwarf.
@RegDwighт Uh what?
The -ik is a diminutive suffix.
@RegDwighт Naw, doitcher.
@Cerberus wrong.
The answer is, over a billion.
It’s some Greek thing actually.
500 million+, with two Is each, that's over 1 billion Is in total.
@RegDwighт Only that many? Not over 9000?
> gnocchi gnome gnomed gnome-owl gnomic gnomical gnomide gnomish gnomist gnomologic gnomological gnomologist gnomology gnomometry gnomon gnomonic gnomonical gnomonically gnomonless gnomonological gnomonology -gnomy gnoscopine -gnosia gnosiological gnosiology gnosis -gnosis gnostic gnostical gnostically Gnosticism gnosticity gnosticize gnosticizing gnostology -gnosy gnotobiology gnotobiosis gnotobiotic gnotobiotics
OK, who set off the tchrist?
@RegDwighт No kitty porn in this chat.
frowns That link is misbehaving.
That's not kitty porn. That's Pavel Kashin.
Is he a little dwarf?
The song is about little dwarves.
It's an excellent song, too.
Helvetic Confederation?
He groks songwriting.
Definitely saved on the make-up budget.
@RegDwighт Not bad.
I obviously have no idea what he's singing.
@Cerberus wait till you understand Russian.
Is it time yet?
waits longer
How about now?
I dunno. I would suppose when you understand it, you'd type understands. Have you typed understands yet?
Isn’t the picture good enough?
And now?
For something completely different.
I’ve got a American friend who knows someone named Pavel, whom he insists on calling pa-VELL. I have no idea why.
Isn't that how it's pronounced?
Not PA-vl?
but pa-VELL?
It's PAvell in every language including French.
If the French can do it, so can you.
That’s what I thought!
I keep telling him it’s more like pebble than gazelle, but he won’t listen to me.
Really, stress on PA?
Doesn't he watch Star Trek?
@KitFox I pointed that out, actually.
Tell him how the pope was Pawl, and not Paúl.
Pavel is one of those names that you eat.
I tried to get him to said it more like hovel.
I failed.
Ah, right. Pavel is Paul, I forgot.
Of course.
In Bizarro world, there is a French composer named Lessice Unravel.
I have to ask, how does he pronounce cockpit?
@RegDwighт The pit is silent.
Haha wtf.
That's what I thinked.
He probably pronounces it “gay bar”.
@tchrist sounds about right.
Sure sounds like a gay bar.
Or a pilot hangout.
I think the E fell off.
Except that then they ought to have a plane on it.
NOTE: A Gay Bar
Well, if you have to say "Not a gay bar" on your sign, why don't you just change the frickin' sign?
@tchrist e-Cockpit? That's only online.
No bare gays
Oh that E.
Not a gay bear
I think that answers @Rob's question.
Well, I remember seeing a pub in England called "The Bird in Hand" and wondering what the ramifications of that might be.
@tchrist don't get all teary, it's shopped.
@Robusto Ask your local mouton.
Actually here's a better illustration of Rob's point.
See? Not lying.
Nice jesses.
That looks like straight out of Blackadder.
Of whom I saw the last episode, which made me giddy indeed. Thanks Tom.
Pretty plump pigeon.
No rufter hood, though. Here's looking at you, kid.
@Robusto Schaue mir in die Augen, Kleines.
@RegDwighт Ich sehe nichts als Übel.
I can’t believe they’re just giving away houses. There must be some strings attached.
I love German dubbing from that period. You can watch any episode of Star Trek TOS twice, once in German, once in English, and experience two completely different stories.
It's quite hilarious.
@RegDwighт It was really quite fun, yeah. Welcome.
They honestly don't give a shit wtf it is Kirk is actually saying. They have their own writers on pay.
Solche Vögel darf man nicht stören.
What’s an austringer?
A stranger from Austria.
@RegDwighт Really. It would be interesting to see how they handle the episode "Patterns Of Force". The Nazi episode.
> My sister-in-law wants to move to South America so she can be closer to her boyfriend. She does not want to take her two sons, 15-year-old Chris and 6-year-old Matt, with her. She assumed my husband and I would take them in...
@MετάEd see, I've probably seen that one but I couldn't tell, as in German it's probably titled Santa's Socks.
@tchrist I want to say that's like a falconer. But that's from poor memory.
Oh the Nazi episode. Hm. Which Nazi episode?
Santa has no ox, he has caribou!
@RegDwighт It's the "Patterns Of Force" episode called "Patterns Of Force".
Nazis in Austria?? Surely that's a mistake.
@MετάEd Yes: one who hunts with accipiters, in fact.
Not the other one.
@Cerberus Someone get Kurt Waldheim on the phone. He'll refute that straightaway.
@Cerberus What?
They were denazified at that time. That's not the point. I'd expect them to handle the Nazi stuff just fine. It'd be completely strange, secondary stuff they'd be changing.
Damn. There's a whole bunch of 'em.
And it's not like they'd be changing it for lip sync reasons. No, really for no reason whatsoever.
Oh Prudie. Of Course.
So you're back from the chathall?
@RegDwighт I think I learned that there are some special limitations on speech when it comes to references to the Nazi era. No idea what those might be.
How's things?
How's Batman?
Hush. I'm trying to do several things at once.
@MετάEd not in comedy or art.
@RegDwighт Pronounced chattel, no doubt.
You can't go around sporting a swastika or shouting Heil Hitler, but you can do so in a movie or a performance.
What sport is there in that?
@tchrist easy athletics, as they are called in Germany.
Laufen, Springen und Werfen stellen seit Urzeiten die natürlichen und grundlegenden Bewegungsabläufe der Menschen dar. Die Leichtathletik (frühere Bezeichnung auch Volksturnen) hat diese in feste Bahnen des Sports gelenkt und durch ein umfangreiches Regelwerk die individuelle Leistung exakt vergleichbar und messbar gemacht. Sie steht damit Pate für das Motto „Schneller, höher, weiter“ und bildet mit ihren Disziplinen das Herzstück der Olympischen Spiele. Breitensportliche Bedeutung jenseits des Leistungsanspruchs hat vor allem der Ausdauerlauf gewonnen. Wesen Die Leichtathletik ist e...
Er, that’s Track&Field.
I think.
It's funny how the Germans have Hard Athletics, but for you it's just athletics. Boasting much?
@tchrist and javelin and disk and pole vault...
@RegDwighт Yes, exactly.
No parallel bars. No target practice of swastikas.
Crap. The Scottish love these so much.
Well. You can't have your chocolate bar and drink it, too.
And I really gotta go free up some space on my TV.
Lators or morrows.
@RegDwighт Caber toss?
Damn it. This is a really bad time to have a visual migraine.
Looks like Apple has lost the tablet war too, big time.
Down from 17.0 million sales to 14.6 million, while Android went up from 18.5 million to 34.6 million.
It is a bit scary, Android's total dominance...
@Cerberus Turns out Steve Jobs had been buying a tablet every three minutes for personal use.
@MετάEd OMG you've found out his secret! And yet he had plenty of money to spare.
Yay, Bitcoins are on the rise again.
Sometimes you see them in broad daylight.
@MετάEd Haha wow.
Did you see that the Galician train driver was on the “phone” chattering away and reading a “document” when he killed 79 people? When will the madness end? People don’t kill people: “phones” do.
In other news today, it was revealed that in a startling feat of modern-day alchemy, scientists have converted piss into teeth!
@tchrist Yes.
@tchrist I've heard of milk teeth, but piss teeth?

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