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@GnomeSlice :(
@OrigamiRobot Didn't you say this earlier?
No wait, that was @RavenDreamer.
And @agent86.
It was just agent, last I checked. I don't recall Raven commenting on it.
@OrigamiRobot Also, I don't expect anyone to recognize her without me mentioning it being Toybox Girl, because if anyone here recognizes her, they have been seriously holding out on me.
Man now I think you're someone else. I don't even know who.
@OrigamiRobot @GraceNote is everyone.
Who did you think I was back when I was a sprite?
@John Actually, I think I'm going to stick to Toybox Girl for a while here.
Hey, nice, it's still going.
No, now you look like someone else. I just don't know who off the top of my head.
@GraceNote The awkward moment when a non-SE person is looking over my shoulder when this desktop notification appears.
@John You could tell your non-SE person that we're just talking about machinery here. You wouldn't technically be off-mark with that.
Q: Does a relay route that hits multiple systems have any in-game effect?

SternoWhen traveling via Mass relay, it shows the route you're going to take and which systems it passes through. Does passing through extra systems on the way to your final destination have any in-game effect, or is this essentially just for flavor?

Q: What were the factors that led to Starcraft's stellar success?

What's up DocStarcraft had unprecedented success for an RTS, or really a video game of any type. Released in 1998, it is still one of the top games played on the internet and dominates the entire country of South Korea. What was it that led to Starcraft being as successful as it was?

Q: How do you avoid starting a relationship with a crewmate?

TeryxI'm preparing a Mass Effect 2 save to import to Mass Effect 3, and I'd like to ensure I avoid starting a relationship as a male Shepard while still keeping things friendly with my crewmates. In Mass Effect, there were particular dialogue choices you could take to achieve this - are there similar...

@Lazers ...Keep it in your pants?
@GraceNote With your gravatar in the notification too, it's still kinda awkward.
@John Seeing as she is Toybox Girl and thus the object of the conversation, then the statement still actually applies.
I mean, I could throw the whole image here for you to see but I imagine that'd go even less well given your situation, though.
@GraceNote Well, he's gone now, so it really makes no difference. Unless you find some way of making the whole picture pop up on my screen.
@John I could onebox it. It is 1500+ in both dimensions.
Sure, it won't take up the full screen, but it'll take up some nasty large real estate there.
@GraceNote Oneboxes don't appear in desktop notifications. I've Google foiled your plan!
Except when you go to see what I've said from the desktop notification, which I'll magically scheme up as a means to convince you through the original message. Somehow.
@GraceNote I don't check chat while people are looking over my shoulder. Those outsiders just don't understand.
Make a :( at them till they go away IRL.
Well, he already managed to offspook one already.
@GraceNote Can you obliteratify tags? I've detected a likely candidate, but it's also only 15 questions, so It's not that bad to burnimilate it manually.
@RavenDreamer Hmm, while that works, I'm not sure that makes them think I'm any less odd.
Okay, I'm gonna start a new Smash Crew with the updates. Who wants in.
@RavenDreamer Can't you obliteratify tags?
@GnomeSlice Wait, what happened to me and Mana?
@GnomeSlice Moi.
@John Mods can't nuke tags from orbit.
@GnomeSlice I demand to die gloriously in your service!
@RavenDreamer Just 15 -> Manual action.
I'm starting over, gonna do a new crew what with the update today. You want in?
@RavenDreamer No? But isn't @badp always saying on Meta that he's nuked a tag?
Yes, I'd like in. ♪
@John The same way you'd go about it - removing it manually.
@John That'd be the "manual" part.
Need a fourth.
Not the "from orbit" part.
@GraceNote In that case...
Oh he does that manually? I never realized.
Which is also the same way that Raven is going to handle whatever the tag he's on about is the doing right in the nows here.
Anyone know what 'HT&L' or 'Reference Rasterizer' could refer to?
There's new graphics options.
Aw, the stars list kept the tag formatting. I was hoping it would have @RavenDreamer saying "Death to relationships!"
@RavenDreamer @spugsley might be sad to see that go.
@GraceNote She hasn't been using the tag.
Bluh, ravenDreamer doesn't fit.
That's entirely besides the point.
You're gonna be 'Raven'.
@GnomeSlice ...how did you fit him last time?
@GraceNote I must have done 'raven'.
Or someone else.
@GraceNote bahaha
I guess that would make sense.
How would you like to be known @RavenDreamer.
I could do R Dreamer.
@GnomeSlice And are you a boy or a girl? Welcome to the world of pokemon!
@GnomeSlice My science rap name. Do it.
@RavenDreamer I'm a man, but I always play as a girl in those game.
@RavenDreamer LOL.
I still need a fourth person for the crew.
@RavenDreamer Didn't you see the picture earlier? Clearly he's a boy. A cat, but a boy cat.
Who wants to be blue?
@GnomeSlice Me! Me!
@John That's dumb, you're green.
...well, if John's taking blue, I'll totally take Green instead.
@RavenDreamer So apparently @Abby is our resident expert on relationships.
@GraceNote You're yellow, that okay?
@GnomeSlice But my favorite color is blue.
Yellow can work, yes. I have no qualms with yellow. ♪
@John Well, that's too goddamn bad, innit.
I still need a fourth person.
@GnomeSlice I take it this means I'm green.
@John no, yelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
@John No.
@John The schmoobies are you John the Green, then?
@John Yes.
@RavenDreamer ...what?
I still need another person...
@GnomeSlice That's actually what I meant to say the first time.
Figured as much.
@John Monty Python. You really never seen Holy Grail?
@GraceNote Because SE generated me a green gravatar.
@RavenDreamer Nope.
I wish they'd let you name all of your mercs.
@John I got a light gray gravatar. >.<
I know exactly what to add to my email to make it blue, though.
I nominate LAZERS to join your crew.
Hell no.
I got a green one, too (and one that is surprisingly similar to yours in structure), but y'don't see me as paradin' about as green.
@RavenDreamer Was that the one you had before changing it to the original shark one?
@John First it was grey, then it was changed to red on black background, which inspired the original Shark.
Fine, I'm gonna name him 'Tits' or something.
@GraceNote But I've an image now. People recognize me by my green pattern, and that I'm just generally green.
@RavenDreamer I remember that one.
Ionno, I always recall you more as just "John".
This is stupid, I want to play my game, someone volunteer.
Besides, I'm making my name something about being green in all these MMO's with unchangable names I'm playing.
Then I changed the colors and gave myself a unique middle
How about 'Evan Carrol'.
@GraceNote There was a good year or so when I was just "John".
@GnomeSlice Bahahaha.
@GnomeSlice I demand the right to be the only Evan on the squad.
@John Y'still're just John.
@GNomeSlice Throw in @Ian
@GraceNote Everywhere except on Gaming. What do you recall me as, then?
Then someone else volunteer. I don't want to to it if I can't be green.
@John John.
@GnomeSlice Pick @Ronan.
Has he been in it before?
No, actually.
But then how do you keep me separate from all the other John's?
@John Yeah, read that a couple times to see that I said "as just" and not "as more than just".
His name always reminds me of my youth, in elementary school, watching Ronin Warriors and not having a clue what's going on.
@GraceNote But you did have a more in there.
This reminds me, I need to buy this game's soundtrack.
@RavenDreamer @Ronan the Ronin. Epic TV series title.
@John That I did.
@GraceNote That confused me.
Dammit... it wants me to name my price in whatever the hell '₤' is.
I noticed.
I also noticed that it is 22:30, so I am going to vamonos out of the heres.
@John Ronin Ronan.
Ronan the Librarian?
@GraceNote Au revoir.
(Yes, I'm going to "Let's Go" or other way you want to translate "We go". That's how I roll.)
@GnomeSlice Maladjusted cousin of Conan the Barbarian.
> $4.73 USD or more
@GraceNote Try "Vamoose"
Anyone know what that is in whatever unit this is?
I'm probably misspelling that.
British pounds, yeah?
Ever seen UHF?
@RavenDreamer That wouldn't be vamonos, though, and as I mentioned that's how I roll.
@RavenDreamer ...Yes?
@GraceNote But I'm trying to roll you right round, right round, right round.
@GraceNote Goodnight!
And it's "skedaddle".
Anyone know what 4.73 usd is in GBP?
@GnomeSlice no
Google knows.
He always knows.
15 secs ago, by John
@GnomeSlice http://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=4.73%20usd%20is%20in%20GBP&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&fp=22aeaa‌​91ef4b5f28&ix=sea&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=792&bih=795
Hi, @Mana
Hiya mister negative.
Can someone google it for me. =[
1 min ago, by John
@GnomeSlice http://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=4.73%20usd%20is%20in%20GBP&pbx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&fp=22aeaa‌​91ef4b5f28&ix=sea&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=792&bih=795
I just finished those.
Hey @Raven, how's it going?
I found out today that something I thought was due wednesday, then thought had been pushed back a month, was, in fact, due today.
So I cranked out a 2,000 word story in 2.5 hours from scratch, and now I'm riding the temporary high.
And in other news, my iOS game now has collision detection!
What about you?
@RavenDreamer Studying for midterms. Spent the weekend chilling with Daph. It was chill. Midterms kinda suck though.
@RavenDreamer Ah...
Also, I learned that I am truly awful at skating.
@Mana I have one wednesday and thursday.
@GnomeSlice Hopefully, we'll have a character sprite by Friday! \o/
@Mana Chicks love that.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, she found it rather amusing. And I hate to admit it but I kinda enjoyed myself.
@Mana oh snap, there's a dozen unread MSPA panels now!
temporary egress
@RavenDreamer There vas a tweest
So there was.
Will be.
@Mana I demand you buy Daphne a MSPA zippered hoodie.
Oooh, nice.
Caught spam 40 sec. after it was posted.
@RavenDreamer She doesn't read MSPA though!
@Mana Just tell her that the design is a symbol of your love, or something.
Chicks dig poetic stuff like that.
Also, you should claim that you're a wizard.
@RavenDreamer Correction; most chicks do. Daphne works a bit differently. She dislikes it when I get particularly romantic/poetic.
You know her better than I.
Q: Anyone got a savefile around lvl 15-30 or 25-50hrs played?

user20613I know this might not be the place to ask, but I got no clue and losing all hope at this point. Sorry for the inconvenience. The thing is my pc had a fatal error and I had to format without a chance of making any backup. Is there someone here who has a save that's over 25-50 hrs or is around lvl ...

Should we throw the dog a bone and try to find someone who can recommend this poor guy a save?
Obviously that question is getting closed but a comment would be pretty cool.
Way ahead of you.
@RavenDreamer You will mess up the tense of one of your sentences.
So I am.
Q: Deus Ex:HR Missing Link DLC corrupted saves fix? - Xbox 360

WeezleI've reached the fifth section of the Deus Ex:Human Revolution Missing Link DLC and now I can't load ANY of my DLC save files? When I select a game to load the screen goes black for a good 3 seconds, then the loading screen comes in with some lag. When I push 'A' when prompted, the screen goes ...

@RavenDreamer Do this @mana.
returns to guild wars
Q: How to stop winter? (Or, how to change a single biome in Minecraft / bukkit)

ZommuterAfter, copying my vanilla world to bukkit, the biome seems to have changed from tundra to snow (while the terrain is the same as I noticed by creating a new world with same seed). This means that there is a straight border between the tundra part of the world that I previously explored, and the s...

Q: Is there a way to clean up Hjerim after the 1.4 patch?

IsziAccording to UESP, the 1.4 patch included a fix for the "...issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly". However, after applying the update and loading a game where I'd already completed Blood on the Ice and fully upgraded Hjerim, my house is still a mess! Is there any...

2 hours later…
Q: How can I learn to read?

Jacob Johan EdwardsI've invested several hours in a human adventurer and want to learn the secrets of life and death. Unfortunately, I failed to invest any skill points in Reader at character creation. Is there any way for me to attain literacy?

Q: What is the benefit of completing single player mode?

KatieKThe Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition, previously downloadable for DSi, DSiXL and 3DS, has both a single player and multiplayer modes. Is there anything unlocked or any benefit to completing single player mode?

Q: What is the best use of Warzone Commendations (for PVP purposes) after reaching Battlemaster (Valor Rank 60)?

SoreanWhile I understand the word "best" may make the question a little subjective, but from a pure PVP perspective what would be the best use of these commendations after you get to rank 60/buy all your gear? I consider the mounts flavour items that don't do anything PVP wise (I do plan on getting th...

Q: Extreme lag solution available?

dreaganIs there any way to make the Sonic the Hedgehog game run smooth enough for decent play on the ps3? It's really unbearable and I've almost thrown the game out the window here.. Every time a little bit of shadow comes on screen, sonic goes in matrix-style slow-motion, unintentionally I expect. Per...

You thought if you didn't ping me I'd never find out. But I know... I KNOW IT ALL!!
How dare you abuse my name... For shame...
3 hours later…
Q: How to get rid of Origin?

edemThere is this little spyware program called Origin which needs to be running if you play some EA games. I think that it is against my privacy and I don't want crapware programs spying around my computer. My idea is to have it running with a dedicated user on my computer which does not have any ...

@Lazers "My idea is to have it running with a dedicated user on my computer..."
I don't think it'll work under those conditions
So Steam trade is done over http. \o/
@ThomasMcDonald That doesn't sound very good.
@Lazers Hrm... I might not like Origin, but I hate when people do that whole condescending "Spyware program called Origin" thing.
There appears to be an interesting undocumented ISteamUserAuth API method, as well.
Although (I guess) that requires the users session token
my interest has been piqued.
although I think I'll probably play bf3 instead of investigating further
Games are invented by security company's to prevent hackers, religious groups to promote abstinence or alien race to prevent technology development!
@Blem I'll grant you the second one, but the other two are pretty inaccurate.
lol flying
didn't even get off the carrier
there's another very interesting thing I found in the trade javascript
but I guess it's a feature that hasn't been launched yet
> Dear GamingSE,
> Your YouTube account GamingSE might be eligible to earn revenue from the playbacks of your videos.
> Making money from your video is easy. Here's how it works: First sign in to your YouTube account. Then, review and complete the steps outlined here:youtube.com/account_monetization?feature=ieqe.
> If your account is enabled, we may place ads next to the videos that you submit for monetisation. You will earn a share of the revenue from the ads, as long as you meet the programme requirements.
> Thanks and good luck! The YouTube Team
It's happening!
Oh, any money gets sent to an address, I'm not going to do this now then.
Q: Spice Bandits tower settings

bilboSpice Bandits- I'm having a bit of trouble when placing the towers- do the f, s, w tower settings actually mean anything? many thanks

@RonanForman It's AdSense. You need an adult to sign off on it.
@ArdaXi I see. What should we do about this then.
So how many viewers did you manage to get for this to happen?
Actually, I might need to talk again with SE about making money.
@RonanForman Well, the channel isn't directly associated with SE...
Odd, I don't know.
Still, I don't believe there are many videos on that channel that will satisfy the programme's requirements.
@YiJiang Very little. I have hardly any views at all and I got offered that option.
Please, you don't need Excel to open CSV files :P
@YiJiang That's why I said equivalent.
@YiJiang Requires a brain or equivalent.
I did a SUM on the world location views spreadsheet, and the number came up to 999.
So, either the report only counts the last 1000 views, or the criteria for that advertising thing is 1000+ views
@YiJiang I'm sorry, that was the last 30 days report, so maybe it's 1000/month.
We have 2,683 in total.
I don't know what we should do about the monetisation thing. Maybe we could send it to SE HQ and then they fund things like that...
Well if you're looking at the kind of revenue I think you're looking at, you can just split the money between you and gnome. A penny each, like good friends!!
@badp Well sure, now what about when we get 3 pennies? Who gets that one?
@RonanForman you keep the extra penny so that you have an even number of pennies next time you get 3 pennies.
Might not be that bad - a couple of dollars per thousand views maybe?
@YiJiang Its based on clicks, there's a clause in the contract saying we wont click our own links.
Oh, then it'll be pennies, given how bad YouTube's ads are.
@YiJiang You're forgetting the accidental clicks.
@RonanForman Yeah, pennies, not zero :P
Hm. I'm up to 89 on the corpse answer.
Stuck in line at IKEA because they got problems with card payment, Thx god for smartphones so I don't get bored
Q: How do I move on from this room in 1000 Amps?

MargaretI haven't been playing for very long, and am already stuck. This seems like a bad sign. I can jump to the sides and touch the nodes, but instantly fall through the floor and lose my progress. Without the charge I don't have enough height on my jump to get through the ceiling. What am I miss...

Q: Do Skeletons Recover their Health?

UnionhawkCan I just leave a spawner trap that uses fall damage alone for about half an hour, or will the skeletons recover their health, rendering the fall damage trap useless?

woohoo, new record, 143 people through the same teleporter entrance
Q: Where can I find the npc to buy customization packages for my house?

tylerI think I'm supposed to talk to someone in the castles of the holds but none of the ones I've went to said anything about it? What city should I try and the name of the person I need to talk to would be great

Should this be rolled back? The OP specifically said horse in the comments and that's what the answers are for, but he is pretty obviously confusing houses and horses.
@OrigamiRobot Don't rollback, just change house to horse, since the other parts of the edits are still useful
The person who edited it to say house answered it for houses.
@OrigamiRobot That's a clever tactic. "Hmm, an unanswered question. But I don't know the answer. I know! I'll edit the question to one I do know the answer to and answer that! Think of the rep!"
I wouldn't call it a clever tactic.
I commented with "The OP specifically said horses in a comment and others have provided answers as such. Please do not edit questions in a way which invalidates other answers."
Is that accurate?
@GraceNote It's unwanted, but that doesn't make it any less clever.
I'm not actually looking at that angle, I honestly don't think it's clever at all.
@GraceNote Why not? If all you're interested in is getting rep, you're bound to be upvoted for answering the apparent question.
Meanwhile in Minecraft
@ArdaXi I'm aware of how it works. I just don't consider it all that much clever. That's just really all it boils down to.
@badp Ah, the day the internet was born.
RIP rep as a multiple of 5
@OrigamiRobot Did you accept an answer?
@badp The fact that almost all the related videos are about DF is hilarious
@fredley Downvote
@YiJiang It's called catsplosion, so that's not very strange.
I know, I know. By the way, have y'all seen a thermonuclear catsplosion?
I've seen an explosion in a thermocatlear plant, but I don't think that's quite the same.
@OrigamiRobot Error. You can either downvote 4 more or do 3 tag-wiki edits to get it back up.
@GraceNote That looks more like the exhaust vent from a thermocatlear reactor
wtf is with DF and cats?
@YiJiang What a catastrophe!
Q: How should XCOM games be tagged?

SternoToday a question came in about X-COM: UFO Defense. It was tagged with x-com-series and strategy. We do have a tag for this game, ufo-defense, but I'm guessing that the user didn't find it because he was looking for the name the game is commonly referred to as... simply X-COM. Looking at the qu...

How does something like this move from discussion to action?
Basically, cats breed like rabbits, and their population can't be kept under control by conventional means (ie. butchering) because they'll seek out owners to become pets, which makes them unbutcherable.
In addition, a dead pet causes emotional grief which makes the dorf more likely to tantrum.
@Sterno How many things need to be retagged?
@badp Gif:
user image
@GraceNote A felinuclear explosion?
@OrigamiRobot That might be how it actually got translated. We kinda struggled with how to translate it.
@GraceNote I'm not sure. Is it possible to just change the name of a tag, or do you have to create a new one and delete the old one?
There's a mechanical way to change the name of a tag if every instance is going to be renamed.
@GraceNote I think that would be the case here. There are some questions in that group that are badly tagged, but I can fix those myself with edits, and they weren't really the point of the discussion.
The main problem is that should really be
Hm. Looks like @Raven's got a hand in the game.
If you want action done, @Sterno, poke @badp to poke @Mana to poke @Raven. It should cause a trickle reaction that gets your needed work accomplished.
@Mana ↑
@GraceNote Tickle reaction?!?! Oh, nevermind. I thought we were talking about something else...
Two middle-men. Next thing you know, they'll all be filling out forms in triplicate!
@OrigamiRobot I'm getting that a lot more often nowadays.
@Sterno Well, you could poke @Raven directly, but I don't see him here right now, so we have to do with the chain-of-not-even-command-just-it-is-a-chain-I-just-made-up-right-now.
@GraceNote This is either a statement on your communication skills, or a statement on what others anticipate you to be talking about.
@Sterno You mean we don't already have to do that?
We do, but we get to copy paste.
@badp We're allowed to copy/paste?!?! No wonder I've been so slow!
@badp That guy's question was always about horses.
The comments weren't. The answers weren't.
Ender edited it to say houses, and then answered for houses.
Don't get me wrong, it was a terrible question. I'm just saying the OP was consistent.
although it was indeed hard to spot in the sea of good edits in there
@badp Sorry :-(
@fredley no worries, I'd have accepted it too probably
I didn't notice that house had changed to horse, it looked like a good edit from a glance
@badp Noooo you were too fast for me!
@fredley Indeed.
@fredley The only reason I would have declined it is that I have been watching that question. The guy is obviously confusing horses and houses, but he specifically said horse armor.
@OrigamiRobot He may have done that because of my comment.
@RavenDreamer Hey, hey hey hey. Can you get action done?
And by action I mean retagging ufo stuff.
@OrigamiRobot House armour would be awesome
@StrixVaria That's true. I mean the question was always bad. I was just letting @badp know that the OP consistently said horses.
And that Ender was in the wrong for changing it to houses after there were already horse answers.
@YiJiang bunny must die?
@BenBrocka Speaking of rabbit in DF...
@BenBrocka That... that's what I had been referring to.
Rabbit skull in DF is harder than steel
I'm very happy to see someone here who knows that game without me telling them about it, knowing it enough to even know the story behind it.
@GraceNote someone else is actually aware of that game?
@BenBrocka I'm the local niche/import gamer of the Gaming community. I make it my business to be aware of these games, though naturally BMD had been something I bought years before now, haha.
@GraceNote It was @BenBrocka all along! He is the one I think you are now. My pattern recognition software indicates a 90% match in your gravatars.
I just wish he'd release the game some way I could BUY it, I loved the Gundemonium games but they're the only games of platine dispositifI've been able to find for sale in the US
Is it availible for purchase? PD's site made it look like ALL of his games were only published on CD in limited quantities in JP only
@BenBrocka The translators have all somehow given up halfway through. I know I think 3 separate groups which have gone with translating BMD with the intent of localization. One even got turned down by Steam, unfortunately.
@BenBrocka I imported it.
Except the Gundemonium games that have ended up in digital distro
@GraceNote unfortunately the translations aren't properly licensed unless they got the rights from PD
@OrigamiRobot He's... he's a Red Nose (I'm not entirely sure if he's supposed to be Tap-Tap specifically) while I'm Toybox Girl...
@BenBrocka The group who had BMD turned down by Steam was the same group who localized the Gundemonium Collection through Steam.
I would LOVE to see it on steam, especially since gundemonium did
Wait what, they turned that down? Why? was it properly licensed?
I had a chat with a friend, who is close with Rockin' Android. Let me recheck what he said on the subject...
@GraceNote I never said my pattern recognition software was good. I'm merely letting you know what it does.
@BenBrocka No details that I can say, the only news he got was that they had indeed been shot down by Steam.
I noted that I'd think BMD would fare better than the Gundemonium Collection to begin with, if you ask me, but I don't know what Steam was thinking.
That's crazy, steam usually loves indie games
I hate Origin's UI
I know. And BMD is an excellent indie game that really needs to be seen by more eyes. I may love other games more, but this is one of the games I really think could use more exposure. I feel it's one of Platine Dispostif's best works.
I hate everything about Origin
@GraceNote yeah, it's one of my fav indie games ever, I've replayed it 100% 4-5 times now and got several of the (completely insane) achievements
@Sterno Can I get a screenie? The only thing I've seen so far is this low-res thing
Still haven't beat it without turning to the right though...
Hahahaha, oh, I love that achievement.
I'm currently still working on beating it with <10% at the moment.
I love that it's possible, but I don't hate myself enough to do it yet
Vermillion Road is kinda whooping me.
God...beating the true final boss in Hitogata happa was bad enough
Destiny Thirteen was a fun, possible challenge though
can't imagine beating the true final boss in that mode though
I think I lost 100 dolls fighting Keuzer
@badp That's pretty much what I'm talking about. It's slow, buttons are in weird places, and it doesn't integrate components well (like, no link to go to the forums for a game).
That's quite a lot
This mode is a little better since it doesn't have the gigantic images
@GraceNote have you fought Keuzer?
@BenBrocka I haven't played Hitogata Happa, to be honest. My import shop actually closed down two years ago.
It's available on Steam or PSN. I actually can't play it on PC because it lags, but the PSN version works wonderfully
Was never an importer of physical stuff but I'm excited for the borderless digital future of gaming
I might look into it on PSN, then.
The whole collection is there too. It's how I remembered PD; I saw a Let's Play of BMD ages ago and seeing the games on PSN made me finally seek out his games
The man really loves pumpkins

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