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@Rapitor there just was one
@Rapitor There is one every so often.
oh, really? I'm not really paying much attention
There's probably the occasional user who is seeing this for the first time hitting buttons.
@Rapitor yeah you have to yell "restart bot, no restarting!" at the screen and it says "aww, man" and goes away
@MattGiltaji The secret failsafe of all robots.
@MattGiltaji 3 times?
Terminator, no terminating!
John Connor could have had it much easier if he knew the phrase.
dammit internets, give us the win!
woot, 290
off by 1
anime has a better daycount
i'm not sure how the average works
@Rapitor mathwise?
@Rapitor Presumably (x1+x2+...+xn)/n
no like. we had 2 sub 300 wins
idk what our first 2 were
but were they really that high?
@Rapitor first average i saw was in the 337.5 area
@Rapitor First one was 380 or something IIRC.
we sucked
Our first one was stupid slow.
if we don't use vtc at all, hopefully that should make up the difference
that 251 run was pretty nice
lets strategize a bit. what should we do at the start of beta phase
<insert me bitching about some work thing related to last weeks trials>
Dammit, that was a stupid fucking mistake.
@Rapitor we can max questions and drop the flag, that worked last time
1 of each? max questions then fire a flag?
or save the flag for when the zeroes go red
@murgatroid99 thoughts?
max question then fire a flag is definitely for released, but beta i'm not sure of the correct launching strat yet
PCG and anime seem to be not touching their flags
@MattGiltaji dunno why, but hey. they don't want to use the boost that's their choice
19 days to beta
Wal-Mart doesn't have Story of Seasons. I'll finish my homework before going to Gamestop, I guess.
@Yuuki play stackegg
@Yuuki one of the pleasures of using e-shop
@Yuuki Walmart is evil anyway.
@Powerlord +1
fire a flag
@Powerlord Best Buy and Gamestop have pissed me off more recently.
It is dangerous to go alone, take this.
@badp wat is it
@Rapitor It's not this: V3AVH-CPZQL-A8ARB
Should I try entering those in Steam?
Probably some games from the cureent humblebundle?
is it bad rats
@Arperum Nah.
@Rapitor Nope.
@Rapitor The first one wasn't.
I ask because Steam uses 5-5-5 codes
@Powerlord Let me check
I'm not at home to enter these anyway
The keys might be EU-only anyway.
@badp First one wasn't :)
@AshleyNunn Grats, then :D
second one was hitman absolution and someone else used it before me.
Well, what was it?
@Arperum :P
Do make sure you grab some graphical mods to go with it
Deus Ex did not age too well
@badp Good to know
I don't care, because I don't even want that specific game.
That reminds me, I have a Double Dragon Neon code somewhere
@Arperum I do have a third (out of 4) key to share.
we are either being raided, or a bunch of new players that have no idea whats going on
@badp I probably have some too. if I stop being lazy and go look at my humblebundle page.
Here, I'll give out a free link to Town of Salem
@Arperum Yeah I have tons of Humble Bundle keys but I don't bother sharing those
If you're wondering the Steam codes came from a EU-only "Square Enix Easter Surprise" bundle.
It had four games, of which I already owned three. The fourth game is Life is Strange ep. 1 so I'm not too salty.
Please feast on my not-so-lucky purchase irresponsibly.
Life is Strange ep 2 is out now
@Powerlord I do have a coupon for the season pass, but it's just 20% off.
I don't think I'll take it.
@murgatroid99 It's almost like they thought of the fact that a large chunk of the network's users are programmers
The season pass apparently doesn't even come with episode 1.
Episode 1 was pretty good. I actually bought the entire series (seeing as how all 5 episodes was as expensive as buying 4 separately)
Granted, I think there's also a discounted package for episodes 2-5
Since I'm at work, I can't exactly check prices right now
wtf is going on in this phase..
@badp - After Saturday, I was ready to let you brag, as Italy was at the top of the world curling championships. Then they lost every game since.
@JasonBerkan wat
why is it so hard to select the option with lowest hearts
I was not aware. Thanks for the update.
I know this sounds really disappointing to you, but I barely even know about Italy defeating Scotland in the 6-nations rugby tourney.
I think it was Scotland anyway.
@badp If you were even aware that the curling championship was going on, I would have been shocked.
If it isn't football or motorsports or something super-extraordinary it doesn't really make the news.
@Wipqozn didn't even know about it, and it's in his city.
@JasonBerkan He commutes at the weirdest times anyway.
@badp Weirdest times = no traffic= best time
@JasonBerkan I was aware! Because you talked about it here
@Rapitor Oh, is that the optimal strategy now?
I thought it was to get four hearts in this order: Question > Answers > Quality > Users.
Hang on, what is the current strat?
(I should really add "strat" to my autocorrect)
If a higher priority category dips below 4, raise that category.
If we don't finish No. 1 in StackEgg I'm going to delete my account.
@KevinvanderVelden There's no team from the Netherlands, unfortunately.
4.4 GB update to Shadow Warrior
@JasonBerkan s/un//
Also the update discards your quicksaves and checkpoint saves (and XP support)
Aaaaand restart trolls.
Q: What is Insight for?

Danny BeckettIn Bloodborne I currently have 10 Insight, and about 3 or 4 Madman's Knowledge, which I can convert to Insight. From what I've read, the higher Insight you have, the harder the game becomes; is that right? What's the flip-side of Insight? I believe you can sell it for something?

Q: Can I copy a rom from a DS cartridge to my computer?

Nobodyknows2202I love pokemon. I used to play Pokemon Black 2 on OpenEmu, but it froze and wouldn't let me play farther. In looking for a fix for this, I read that downloading pokemon ROMs from the internet is illegal. Unfortunately, buying a DS or 3DS is out of the question, because I don't have any of my ow...

at any rate @JasonBerkan we still seem to hold the record for most snowfall in a city in a single day
I like how the egg drama spawned subdrama about flagging
Flag drama always bubbles below the surface, waiting for anything to allow it to raise its ugly head.
no stahp
@Sterno Another boss down!
@Sterno Best day
how many times have you guys killed stackegg today?
@Jin I don't know what you're talking about.
@badp you know, that new feature we implemented that ended up DDOSing ourselves...
this truly is Arqade at work
I get enough eggs at home with those stupid kinder egg videos
@Jin We just got resetted by some random jerks.
@Arperum jerks!!!
I am definitively out of the game. The jerks can go and play alone. I don't care anymore.
@Jin I was rather surprised SE didn't shut down StackEgg earlier, the sites were pretty much unuseable for quite a while
@Arperum Ha, I knew this would happen.
@5pike By now it's even in the rules that it's not allowed to be a jerk and ruin the game of other sites.
(because people were a jerk and openly admitted to being one)
there are not nice people on the interweb??
It's sad that it even HAS to be stated, but that's what you'd expect on the internet
So if I've discovered another site blatantly ripping off SE questions, is there anything I should do?
Q: How do I get item drops in CS:GO?

Swagletooth WolfI have played for 39 hours and have never received any item drop ever. Do I need to buy a certain pass in order to receive a drop?

Q: My modded minecraft wont start

Taylori need help. I am trying to make a modpack but it wont start. here is the crash log [30/3/2015 21:49:29 PM] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.client.Minecraft:func_71377_b:349]: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- [30/3/2015 21:49:29 PM] // There are four lights! [30/3/2015 21:49:29 PM]...

@SaintWacko Meta.
@Yuuki Just open a meta question to point it out?
you guys are #4. disappoint
@SaintWacko There's a meta post for reporting those
Q: Updated procedure for reporting SCRAPERs

PopsSince day one of Stack Overflow, all content posted on Stack Exchange sites by their users (i.e. you wonderful people) has been provided to the whole universe under the CC-BY-SA license. For my fellow non-lawyers, that license basically means: Anyone can use any Stack Exchange posts at any time...

@Jin That says #3.
@Jin We have better games to play. :P
@Jin blame the restart trolls and shit-tastic morning
2 hours ago, by Yuuki
@John VTC PPCG as humongous jerks.
I don't even know what happened. i heard there was some drama about stackeggs
@Jin Basically, people going to other stacks and voting to restart their respective StackEggs.
Essentially, griefing.
@Jin basically people from other sites (mostly PPCG) "raided" other site's eggs and forced them to restart/screw up their game
Oh, actually I guess most of these are scraping my question from the XDA forums
This one is amazing
@Rapitor oh man... that's like... SE sites pvping each other
@Jin I don't play on PvP servers!
The second link is my post
They ran it through some kind of thesaurus to try to disguise it

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