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Q: Draw an Ascii Grid

Underslash(Based on this closed challenge, related) Given an integer n > 1, draw a grid composed of the characters: "-" "+" and "|". However, since I want the grid to look nice, the horizontal component should be 2 wide. Trailing spaces for each line are not required. Examples: n = 2 | --+-- | n = 3...

Q: Drawing a grid using '_' and '|' in Python using the least bytes possible

AdamWrite a subroutine in Python that draws a grid based on the two provided parameters. The subroutine should not return the grid, but rather it should output the grid to the console/shell. The subroutine does not need to be called DrawGrid. The subroutine should use as few bytes as possible.

Why would anyone post their homework here? It's not like we have quality answers
well we get people posting general help questions here all the time that should go to SO
Yeah, but this person explicitly said "The subroutine should use as few byes as possible," indicating they know what this site is about and that they're going to get mangled code that wouldn't work for an assignment
hm. maybe this was homework that they then tried to turn into a codegolf challenge but just copy-pasted the problem statement ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
does vyxal have lambda x: sum(x, []), as in flatten by one level?
obviously just submit the golfed code, the prof will def be able to read that
nvm i don't need it. but i'm still wondering
hmm, I feel like i've seen something similar, but I cannot seem to find it
Please tell me "i am speed" is becoming the new "crossed out 44 is regular 44" :P
@hyper-neutrino Easy, just use f but don't press the key down all the way :p
I spent way too long when I first tried to cross out 4 and it looked exactly the same
@user wait im not supposed to post my homework here
damn i guess I'll never find out what five cookies minus 3 cookies is
rip, vyxal once again beats jelly by moving the two bytes that would've made it tie into the flags...
metagolfscript wins again!
@SlamJammington Pretty sure its 2.0000000000001 cookies, damn floating points :/
outputting as a matrix of characters for ascii art is acceptable right?
i can take the Y out of my own code in theory
Well that was fast — SlamJammington 22 mins ago
@hyper-neutrino assuming thats standard output, go ahead
Well that was fast :p — Redwolf Programs Apr 5 at 15:07
Do you always FGITW challenges, HN?
well Jelly is able to output as a multiline string which is just a list of characters including \n
@user not intentionally it just doesn't take me long to solve easy challenges in jelly
the other reason is vyxal, like 05ab1e, has certain things as one-byte built-ins that Jelly has as two
also, the halve built-in in vyxal works on strings and splits them into two halves. Jelly's just errors. :/
(granted, it also wouldn't save bytes because Jelly has built-in string-list literals which vyxal doesn't)
Jelly errors entirely too often for a golfing language, from what I've seen
it doesn't overload enough IMO
i like that it vectorizes, but sometimes it can't and just errors, and I think overloading makes a whole lot more sense
unfortunately i cannot tie vyxal because of monadic 2,1 chain rule
I'd like y to not error on odd-length left arguments, and M and Z should cast to iterables. Otherwise, Jelly's erroring is pretty good
i'd like the repeat built-in to accept the list on the right if the left argument is an integer, because you need @ or to mess up chaining a lot to handle that
I'd change X to error on 0/strings/floats and to return a random integer from x to -1 if x < 0
Aside from those 4, the errors mostly arise as parsing errors
the only time i've wanted to be able to like, for example, put " with no chain before it is in polyglots :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing The NaR badge is for events - like conferences... it's mostly used by the marketing department. So if we don't go to an event (or do something that gives out a NaR badge) we don't get it..
...is what a robot would say :p
I wish the vyxal flags counted as bytes tbh
I would be open to a new meta proposal revisiting byte-counting mechanisms
I think j is a legit flag though
which one is j?
here's the thing
cumbersome IO sucks, so i support j
the sum flag is pushing it too far IMO - you can't output [1, 1] and say "here, I printed 2"
@Underslash join on newline
i think some of the flags are just extracted code
But for things like FizzBuzz it's 100% cheating IMO
@hyper-neutrino right
I think wherever outputting a matrix of characters is acceptable, using j is acceptable. for example, I golfed my jelly code by removing the Y from the code itself because 2d list of chars is usually acceptable string output formatting
if its just changing the output from one form to another, that shouldn't take a byte
@Catija Hmm, and now the Turing Test begins :P
I think anywhere the output would be acceptable without j it's fine
but initializing with 100 in the stack is a bit much imo
@hyper-neutrino I wouldn't
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have voice samples you can listen to. :D
that's something no normal human would do lol
@Catija So does Siri :P
I'm pretty sure that Siri wouldn't be able to have a 15 minute conversation with someone about complex things related to Stack Exchange.
Given that none of the staff have the NaR badge, we can only conclude that SE is run by one neural network pretending to be multiple staff members :P
there is another hivemind :o
And... y'all... seriously... if the company had the assets to create an AI, we'd be using it to answer questions, not to CM.
Q: A multiple of n in every base!

Peter KageyIn November 2019, Alon Ran published a particularly lovely sequence in the OEIS, A329126: \$a(n)\$ is the lexicographically earliest string of digits which yields a multiple of \$n\$ when read in any numeric base. 1, 110, 101010, 111100, 100010001000100010, 1111110, 10000010000010000010000010000...

@cairdcoinheringaahing fair enough; it's just vyxal and if lyxal pushes it too far a) metagolfscript rule takes place and b) we can just go yell at them lol
and it doesn't seem to be a general issue
> Hey Siri, should Code Golf Stack Exchange have a custom new asker dialog?
I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat it?
Taken verbatim from my Siri :P
Part of the reason I don't like Vyxal is how focused it is on one challenge (FizzBuzz)
Most of the features that help with FB were conventiently introduced right after I talked about the length of FizzBuzz in Ash
flags absolutely should count towards the byte count and you can't change my mind :P
yeah I agree, it's a little childish
@rak1507 I don't like that as a rule either though, because it lets you encode a tiny amount of info for free
@rak1507 rak1507 absolutely should count towards the list of people I disagree with and you can't change my mind :P
I wouldn't say its bad how its "focused" on one challenge, just has enough room for that
@cairdcoinheringaahing because having a flag to sum the stack or whatever is just blatant abuse
@cairdcoinheringaahing status-inprogress
@rak1507 counting all flags is punishing for a couple of languages though (i think perl is one of those?)
What benefit does it offer to charge for command line flags besides making people feel better that their Jelly answer has the same score as the Vyxal answer that uses 3 flags?
@RedwolfPrograms how does that let you encode a small amount of info for free?
that too. languages don't compete with each other, anyway :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing well why ban metagolfscript in the first place
@rak1507 because it's boring
@Catija That's much better than the Siri response
@rak1507 Metagolfscript isn't banned IMO
@hyper-neutrino as is using loads of flags in vyxal
with S you still have to solve the body of the challenge. MGS literally requires 0 brain cells
@hyper-neutrino they dont but they do, there is an element to golfing that is trying to beat other languages with optimal answers
@hyper-neutrino what is metagolfscript?
well, inter-language competition is a competition not between the golfers but the language devs
@Underslash Imagine a language where every program is two bytes. You can triple the number of variations by encoding it as two flags + empty, one flag + one byte, or two bytes and no flags
I don't see the Standard loopholes as "bans" - instead they are a list of things that if you do this, be warned that you'll get abunch of downvotes and people complaining
@Underslash metagolfscript is a language with infinitely many versions - version X runs the golfscript program obtained from decoding X via some method
@hyper-neutrino It's both. Jelly may not have gotten off the ground if Dennis couldn't demonstrate its power very well
that is true
@RedwolfPrograms you could, but the alternative is a language that has minimal byte answers but a heavy abuse of flags
but the competition to golf between them is still somewhat down to the devs - each language has an optimal solution (even if it isn't found by anyone) and it becomes a matter of language design and features
is a program really "1 byte" if the majority of the program rests in the flags?
Additionally, Metagolfscript isn't a language, it's a family of languages. By our rules, Metagolfscript-1 doesn't compete with Metagolfscript-2 or any other language
for example, thus far i've found vyxal better for many string challenges, but really really hard to use in many array challenges where the jelly answer is like 7 bytes
So all Metagolfscript-X does is be the shortest Metagolfscript-X answer, good for it
Even if we officially say that answers in different languages don't compete, comparing Husk/Jelly/Vyxal still happens and it's still fun to have more competition
@cairdcoinheringaahing fair enough. i apply most of them like bans - for example, "interpreting the challenge too literally" is more of a "you didn't even solve the challenge" not just "you're bending the rules", but i can understand your train of thought for that too
Yes, but you shouldn't break a system that works in order to have "more competition"
and i guess that's what downvotes are for anyway - posting something against a loophole and getting 6 downvotes is literally worse than not posting it, so if they do, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Because I will say, there isn't much posting of the same language on the same challenge, which is why you have to (at least a bit) have competition between languages
Like, as a JS golfer, it's fun to try to beat Python answers.
Partly because there's usually not too many other JS ones, and partly because I don't like Python
right, it's fun, but I don't see the need to restructure our rules for that
Yeah, and that's fun, but you shouldn't break the system because some guy is doing it a bit unconventionally
Hell, look at Pxem
it's not causing a major issue with our site
I think both systems work, I agree changing the current one is more effort than its worth
But I just don't like the "languages aren't competing with each other anyway" argument :p
I mean, couldn't you metagolfscript with flags?
and get 7 downvotes? sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you want
I mean sure, but why even allow that stuff to exist in the first place, if normal metagolfscript is banned
The fact that we spent 6 years and hundreds of meta posts trying to get a conclusive definition of when to score specific flags and when not to demonstrates to me that we can live with a few users wanting to be able to tie/beat lyxal
thats true, I haven't been around long enough to see any of that stuff
so I might be arguing a point that was made and refuted 5 years ago
the current consensus does technically ban loopholes
because the definitive policy on invalid answers includes "violates a loophole" as an invalidating factor
however, most of the time when people violate loopholes, they get a lot of downvotes and a lot of comments and end up self-deleting, and i don't tend to actually use my mod delete on answers that break loopholes, just answers that didn't solve the task correctly and didn't get fixed
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I interpret it differently. I think that, so long as an answer works and is scorable, it shouldn't be banned. It can be downvoted to hell because it abuses various rules, or people don't like it or whatever, but it shouldn't be banned
fair enough
I guess the TL;DR is we don't really need to change anything :P
our system works fine. i agree with that. i don't really care that i got outgolfed by 1 byte because vyxal has flags (and tbh r isn't particularly outrageous, i'd actually consider it fairly okay)
@RedwolfPrograms It's hand-wavy, but it works :P
I like beating other answers, but I really like finding a short, elegant Jelly answer :P
is there a good way to determine if an object in js is an array?
typeof [] is "object"
Golfy way is of course .map (but unreliable for prod code)
ah, thanks
also yeah, i have decided to code my language in js so i can have a fast interpreter and don't have to worry about ACE
may regret it later
You can also do .constructor == Array, assuming it's not undefined or null, which is a more general trick
Oh, cool. Is Array.isArray better or ^? I'm looking for the "best" (by some standard of good practice) solution rather than golfing
Array.isArray is definitely the best
For numbers/strings/booleans I usually just use typeof, but if for some reason someone's passing new String("xyz") as an argument typeof will return object
... tf. okay, thanks
I'll just remember to not do that then lol
so new String("hello") !== "hello" but new String("hello") == "hello". wack
I might make a small library for type checking, it's a fairly common thing to need and there's a very long list of ways to do it wrong :p
@hyper-neutrino != is the one that works like ==, !== won't do type casting
@RedwolfPrograms yeah, I (sort of) get how they work / how they differ, but... still weird lol
you know JS is a weird language when someone needs to consider making a library just for determining the type of something ಠ_ಠ
CMC: Given a number, string, or boolean, return a falsy value of the same type
(Inspired by a cool JS solution I found)
Yep, the "" isn't necessary though
i tried 0 at first but "".constructor(0) is "0" which makes sense
new Boolean is probably the weirdest thing in all of JS
lemme guess - it's always truthy no matter what you put into it
.-. nice
JS actually has operator overloading. For a single operator.
Although it's more that the operator uses something that can be modified, rather than the operator itself being modified
Sorry caps lock
@RedwolfPrograms The trick is to make it look like an ordinary programming-language flag, for example jr => --jar=input.
@RedwolfPrograms Why does JS have classes like that wrapping primitives? I understand Java's Boolean class, but JS just lets you do whatever with normal booleans already
what's the best way to do modulo in JS?
(x, y) => (x % y + y) % y?
x % y
Why do you need the rest?
The best way to do it is to implement it in Python and then call the Python function :P
@Ausername Because negative stuff
Oh rtrue
i forget which is called modulo and which is called remainder
We had 31 users here a moment ago.
Now we has 30
11 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
We don't need a running count of the people in the room
@rak1507 You know what's almost as fascinating? Hypotacha austera is a species of moth in the family Erebidae. It is found in Botswana and Namibia.
I hate moths.
Jun 6 at 2:37, by lyxal
rak doesn't like moths because rak is a moth (disclaimer: I used GPT-3 to autocomplete text. The dialogue after the indicated line is not at all representative of the respective users)
@hyper-neutrino that's probably the shortest. (x,y,m=x%y) => m<0?m+y:m is a fancy alternative that doesn't do two modulos
@dzaima wait, JS allows that? cool
okay, thanks
@rak1507 lol
@dzaima (abusing default arguments; (x,y) => { let m=x%y; return m<0?m+y:m; } is the more "proper" way but is also so much longer)
TIL default arguments can reference the other arguments
(presumably only before itself)
Not in Python, though :(
yep :c
yeah, have to do dirty hacks like
def foo(a,default=None):
if default=None: default=a
This is one place overloading would be nice
def foo(a) = foo(a, a)
def foo(a, bleh) = ...
I think elixir (?) does that
which is nice
@cairdcoinheringaahing what sort of things? (I find using websites is normally a pain, but most real desktop apps are OK)
Elixir seems to be an underrated language
definitely, I want to use it for 'real things' one day
@Neil Opening apps, closing apps, navigating around apps, doing anything really :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing area51.stackexchange.com/users/-1/community says 2 badges...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ha! This is why you should use vim for editing text and curl for viewing websites
@Neil Area 51 doesn't really count :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing hmm, I open a lot of apps from the command line
@cairdcoinheringaahing so on which site does it have a badge then?
Q: I‏s‏ p‏i‏p‏e‏ f‏r‏e‏e‏?‏

l4m2Consider question Take integers a and b, output c and d such that a+b=c-d. then answering b=>-b(in javascript) claiming a call f(b,[a]) returning d and return byref c is allowed. Yet, What if it's a full program? What if definition can't take more arguments? Is it fine if one output is shared ...

@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, I missed that because my window wasn't quite wide enough
it is a challenge
i'm glad we agree
@NewPosts i do not understand this in the slightest bit
About the modulo conversation, there's three reasonable ways to do modulo: remainder (always positive), C/JS (sign based on first number), and Python (sign based on second number)
Python's is better than the C/JS one
I think to implement it properly you do something like:
ah. okay. yeah I like python's best because you can just do array[index % array.length]
@totallyhuman I think its asking if input/output can be pass by reference?
Your Python is looking awfully like a snake...
(x, y) => x - y * Math.floor(x / y)
But like, as a full program instead of a function
@Ausername That's...what Pythons look like :P
Jelly is beating Vyxal on the "output a grid" challenge now anyway, so... :P
Jonathan Allan found the way to get around the chaining mechanisms by restructuring a bit
@user how else can you extend primitives? e.g. polyfill String.replaceAll()
Oh man, that's such a clever abuse of and
@Neil I think you dropped this: .prototype :p
converting the 2,1 into dyad since the monad 2,2 won't do strange things and the 2,1 works the way i need in dyadic form is really clever too
@Neil Oh, I thought you could already do that with booleans and the like
@hyper-neutrino Not for long, hopefully
@Ausername well, you are invited to outgolf my/JA's solution if you are so inclined :P
@hyper-neutrino Plus it has 2 fewer flags :P
New scoring mechanism: code golf, but flags used are a tie breaker
not awful tbh
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm not sure that's fair - one language may need flags for basic I/O stuff because the defaults are bad
the thing is scoring flags as 1:1 isn't even necessarily productive - you can fit 256 more built-ins because the same character can mean different things as a command and as a flag
@user It was a bit of a joke tbh :P
Abusing flags is bad, but I think we can rely on people to downvote answers that do that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh nvm then
I think using votes as a mechanism to deter excessive flag abuse is sufficient (ninja'd)
As I've said, I prefer the current system
Hell, we've used votes for the (dubious) reason to get someone to stop saying "Beats all other answers"
@hyper-neutrino The problem is, it's not the answerer's fault for that.
do yall think a language where every command is 2 bytes could outgolf stuff?
@RedwolfPrograms how so
@Underslash Yes
Unless it's something totally unreasonable like metagolfscript, I'm not going to downvote every Vyxal answer I see
well, you don't have to use flags
^^^ I try not to
I have a language (Orst) which uses a 512 code page, where the second half is represented via a continuation byte, and its won 1/3 of all challenges its been used in
all == 3?
besides, I'll upvote answers I think are good that use reasonable flags. I don't think I've downvoted vyxal answers yet but I've definitely intentionally held back an upvote due to thinking the flags were a bit unreasonable
Sadly 2\|꘍2\+-" is the same length as `| +--`½
i've probably done so myself and i wouldn't blame people for (not upvoting) / downvoting if i have
@Ausername That's a perfectly reasonable sample size :P
Sometimes flags are necessary, like a is needed if you're parsing multiline input.
I don't really want to discourage answers in that language, I just want to discourage similar languages :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, I will admit I'm not sure my downvote on that is appropriate. But I personally think using votes to indicate what I want to see more of and what I think is good content is appropriate - on Q+A, that might be good research, accuracy, etc; here, it might be cleverness
@hyper-neutrino I think its borderline appropriate. You're voting specifically because of something included in the answer that could be construed as bragging/unnecessarily comparing answers, so the vote is based on the content of the answer nothing else
I wouldn't downvote, just leave a comment saying its a bit braggy, y'know?
For example, if I read an SO thread where an answer turned around and said "All the other answers are not as good as mine" (and the other answers were correct), I think that'd be fair to downvote
But this isn't SO, we have objective criteria for answers being "better"
As long as it isn't outright rude, I'd say something like that is fine
Yes, which makes it worse, as we can all see who the winner actually is
and plus, its not like if they dont care about your comment you cant still downvote, its just that you could give them a warning
partially why I say I don't know if it's appropriate is I can't determine if the specific user had anything to do with my choice to downvote instead of just leaving a comment and witholding a vote.
but I do oppose those remarks; they add nothing, they can become false later on, and also it kind of goes against the spirit of the "languages don't compete with each other" rule, however much you want to consider that to actually exist
I think you have to consider the users ages and wanting to show off, although I wouldn't upvote a solution that said that I don't think I'd actively downvote it either
I normally upvote valid answers to my challenges, but I didn't upvote that specific one. I wouldn't downvote but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yeah, fair enough
yeah. I can't necessarily guarantee I voted objectively there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (well anywhere, but especially on that)
anyway if you're reading this just don't do it again and then you can get upvotes :P
i think i cast either the second or third vote - i definitely wouldn't have downvoted more if it were already at like -2 or -3
This is embarrassing, but how do you access a function declared in a different js file?
Node or browser?
JS is awful at anything involving multiple files
JS is awful at anything involving multiple files
JS is awful at anything involving multiple files
JS is awful at a ny thing involving multiple files
True true
I finally found the import { func } from './abc.js'
But I'm still getting the weirdest issues
But this doesn't really feel like the appropriate room
Hey @xnor!!
Haven't you been gone forever?
in the browser, you should be able to just link multiple files with script tags? i think
JS is a wful at any thing involving multiple files
@AviFS xnor has not talked in chat for two months but is active on the main site
Stalker :p
Well welcome!
Click on xnor's profile, "talked 60d ago" :P
Ah, I see!
a few years ago, when i fully realized how awful js can be, this room used to be full of people who defended it
Didn't even say hello, smh
things have changed and i love it
also you can click the user profile and go to the recent tab
---and i love it---
---strikethrough--- strikethrough
Q: Encode a Lenguage

A usernameThe Len(language,encoding) family of languages is a variety of Lenguage derivatives. To encode a program into a Len language, you replace every character with its representation in a certain encoding, then turn that into a giant integer. Your challenge is to write a function or program that encod...

@AviFS Some people just drop by and don't chat, that's fine to do, even if someone pings tem
SE chat markdown is dumb :P
also even if there wasn't a way to check I think I was there the last time they talked and I also specifically checked their activity when instating room owners
@totallyhuman No, --- six ---
@cairdcoinheringaahing 'Course, I jest
@NewPosts Hyper can you 11 this
(I always paste from the sandbox)
the post or the message, and why?
oh you want me to repost
This js is really annoying me though, so I'll ask just in case anyone has seen this
i tried so hard
guys please clarify what you want me to do when you make mod action requests; the 11 thing is a joke and doesn't actually properly define what action I should take
last time redwolf wanted me to edit a message I just completely nuked it
i mean surely a mod knows how to mod abuse \s
I have a <script src="file.js"> and within that file is a function, say func. I also have a button with <button onclick="func();">. But when I click it, it says func is undefined.
@hyper-neutrino please 11 this, it needs extra 11 with a side of 11
This feels super stupid, but I can't see it. The file path link works
VTC as unclear whether "this" is my message or yours.
or the whole room
goodbye TNB
@hyper-neutrino Can you just edit it so it updates?
And my mistake isn't immortalised
@Ausername unless you changed something again other than removing the #, i already did
Oh nvm
@hyper-neutrino no i meant for you to 11 chat and we just use random comments on main
*11s all of SE*
go the entire length and just use questions and answers
@hyper-neutrino Not enough - 11 the internet
11 the universe
@totallyhuman This should be 11'd
To be clear, it should be 11'd by 11'ing it, not by 11'ing it
11 and 11 are different numbers though
Alright, this is the 11th message in this conversation with the number 11 in it. If anyone else sends an 11 I will 11 them /s
@totallyhuman I will defend JS until I die, although I hate it
@hyper-neutrino 11
@hyper-neutrino HOw about eleven?
hyper-neutrino ♦ has permanently 11'd caird coinheringaahing and user from the universe
@RedwolfPrograms That's kinda sus
30 users btw
A challenger has appeared...MOD FIGHT!!1!!11
2 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
11 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
We don't need a running count of the people in the room
@Ausername Please stop
hyper-neutrino ♦ has accidentally 11'd themself
this is probably more accurate
JS is a great language
I love it and it does not make mistakes
Jun 15 at 22:00, by Redwolf Programs
I hate JS but that doesn't mean I don't really like it
@Ausername Specifically, we mention in the chattiquette (cgcc-se.github.io/chatiquette) to please "Consider whether your message is actually adding anything to the chat room. If not, please keep it to yourself. If the message wouldn't be missed if it were gone, it probably doesn't add anything.".
We also mention "Don't announce your entrance and exit every time. The sidebar shows when users join and leave the room, and sending a message everytime creates noise.", which isn't the same thing here but is similar - we can all see users entering and exiting the room, and it's even less productive than announcing your own entry/exit to mention that of other users.
You can greet a user if you feel the need to - I sometimes do when uncommon/new visitors show up, but you don't need to do that for every person entering the room either.
@AviFS Not sure if you've resolved the issue with the multifile JS, but I'd really not recommend using import if you control the HTML it goes with.
It has pretty bad browser support, forces strict mode, and has some fairly unintuitive rules that make it painful to work with.
@hyper-neutrino Oops I hadn't read your guidelines yet D: The guidelines are quite nice, I like the formatting too
@NewPosts Not going to post it until I feel the challenge is well defined but I do just feel like mentioning that a Jelly solution which can (sloppily) encode all Jelly programs does a good 11~13 orders of magnitude better than one which only encodes the characters it uses
hah i'd never noticed the guidelines were licensed under the wtfpl
yeah, I would've probably just put MIT or something but I noticed the previous one was licensed under that so when I updated it a bit I just kept it under that
@RedwolfPrograms Thanks. I still have no idea what was going so wrong for so long. But I just started over with a clean slate and got it working. No import needed!

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