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If y'all want to check out the 5 most recent Codidact challenges, visit ^ :P
SE chat should check if the feed item was posted within the past 24 hours and only post it if so. Oh wait, then meta posts would get skipped.
@ngn Codidact does use Unicornify as its default profile pictures
heh some overstepped boundaries on the first one
The original does cheat with some weird pixel stuff too
yeah i see some of it
i ended up with this but i think yours is better
ah it's the braces hugging the circle instead of the trophy
ok, is anyone else working on any suggestions? If not, I'll start a quick poll
I'll unpin that in a bit once voting's closed :P
i tried changing my avatar to check what it looks like but seemingly it doesn't update very quickly
Blame caching :p
You can get HN to refresh it if you want
i strongly dislike that the "refresh profile from site" button is right above the "suspend user" button
only one of the two has a confirmation popup - guess which one it is
it's changed in the bottom left but not in chat
1 min ago, by Aaron Miller
Changed in chat for me
also 0/10 not approval voting
yeah a rejoin did it for me too
Dang, I should've had my logging running to see what event that was
@hyper-neutrino ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ strawpoll works well enough ;P
Let's do IRV :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing it literally takes 1 click to enable "allow multiple poll answers"
> ,"message_owner_stars":1}
That's what a pin looks like
In the code
You can tell if it was pinned by the author or not
@NewPosts Status
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[14:40:16] ws: wss://chat.sockets.stackexchange.com/events/240/ef5ddf2dd70547a9b688fa9ed369a621?l=125594669
[14:40:16] opened: sandbox
[20:19:04] status: 240
@RedwolfPrograms I just posted a challenge, and yet I do not see that challenge here in chat :P
heh i definitely remember that
Odd, seems like the watch socket is dead?
Q: Demonstrate some advanced abstract algebra

caird coinheringaahingConsider a binary operator \$*\$ that operates on a set \$S\$. For simplicity's sake, we'll assume that \$*\$ is closed, meaning that its inputs and outputs are always members of \$S\$. This means that \$(*, S)\$ is a magma Let's define some basic terms describing the properties of \$*\$. We can ...

Fine, I'll do it myself :P
...unless stuff has changed and it has gotten faster
and this is an unusual occurence
@totallyhuman We replaced the feeds with near-instant bots :P
Posting on main/meta/sandbox now usually gets a onebox within a second
Jun 11 at 18:16, by Redwolf Programs
If someone can get NP or SP to post something with a score other than 0 I'll give them $10 in brownie points (I'm not sure if it's possible honestly)
today might be the day
or it just never posts it
that's also an option :P
it's just broken, redwolf's fixing it :p
I think Redwolf's made it so that if it detects the post has already been oneboxed, it doesn't post it :P
it sometimes does that but overall it's usually good. also ^
It's not going to post it, it just missed it
The socket stopped sending stuff
I'm going to configure it to auto-close every few hours to fix that
I have to say, one of my favourite things here is that whenever someone creates a useful resource (think TIO), we try to come up with challenges based around it/breaking it :P
Has the robot uprising begun?
Hopefully :p
I just had a really good idea for a multi-dimensional language, but when I went to write stuff down, I immediately forgot it. :(
@AaronMiller that's 'cause it ended up in the other dimensions you don't exist in xD
Only works when you ping one of the bots specifically :p
And you're not listed as one of the trusted users anyway :p
I just got the Yearling badge!
TIL setTimeout can be used as eval
yay, more reasons to hate js
setTimeout("console.log(4)", 200);
I don't know if that's beautiful or disgusting
It's both!
It always is with JS
(It works with setInterval as well)
var f = (a, a, b) => a + a + b;

console.log(f(1, 2, 4));
Aw man, it errors
Disgusting, a real language would do 2 + 2 + 4
var f = function (a, a, b) {return a + a + b};

console.log(f(1, 2, 4));
Now it does!
Apparently functions and arrow functions handle it differently
lol what does it even do
Makes sense
i'd have to agree
that's the only way it makes sense, assuming this should be allowed
The weird thing is it working with function but not arrow functions
I was kinda hoping it'd throw an error saying 1 and 2 aren't equal :(
@RedwolfPrograms Bug with the implementation?
Probably not
new function(){};
Guess what that returns?
I assume it's parsed as new (function(){});?
I get Object { }, which kinda makes sense?
It's like an empty class, so...
Yep, it's old school OOJS :p
Obscenely Orange JavaScript?
new Function(new Function("return 4") + "return anonymous()")();
That probably will not work cross browser
And I'm not sure if it working or not working would be worse
Firefox gives 4
Wow, the default name for a function is anonymous? What if there's another anonymous in scope?
People die
The price of grain goes up
Anonymous the 2nd
Governments fall
Chrome just says Uncaught EvalError, which is good, I think
Really? It works on chrome for me
> Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src chrome://resources chrome://test
Weird, where are you running it?
The console
Where did you run it?
Looks like the Function constructor is just straight-up banned
var r=f=>Function((f+"").split("\n").map(l=>l.split("//").slice(1).join("//")).join("\n"))();

r(() => {
    console.log("Run"); // console.log("Not run");
@RedwolfPrograms 91
What site are you running it on? about:blank?
@RedwolfPrograms Oh is that the thing where comments are kept in the string version?
@RedwolfPrograms Just the homepage where the search bar shows up
That's for security reasons. Do it on a different page.
Oh, it works on stackoverflow.com, I guess it was just the page
I recommend about:blank
Chrome returns 4 too, which is pretty sensible
What did you mean when you said it wouldn't work cross-browser? Does Safari or some other browser do weird stuff?
Stringifying functions doesn't seem like it'd be standardized
@user That takes a function as input, and only runs commented code :p
We should probably start editing the blog post now (or soon), it's supposed to be released some time tomorrow
@cairdcoinheringaahing I look forward to reading about his opinions on stroopwafels and eenhoorns
We'll need to write an intro to this post, probably a conclusion too, then just paste it all together and fix a few things
I just reread mine, and I think the first paragraph is a good, neutral intro
You missed a link: ... rather than the [Jelly] answers ... (par. 2)
Noticed and fixed :P
@RedwolfPrograms Would you be ok to whip up a short conclusion?
Sure, shouldn't take too long.
I'll go ahead and combine everything into a single file, then append the conclusion to that. Then we can make any necessary edits in one place.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 30 secs ago, by forest distrusts StackExchange
I mean, it's still better than writing JavaScript.
^ This was about a legacy C compiler
Javascript hate is universal :P
Shhh, don't tell Redwolf, ophact, and the other JS users here :P
Even JS users hate JS, they just hate it less than other languages :P
I hate JS but that doesn't mean I don't really like it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Output the time I need to wait till Friday, in seconds; or zero if it's already Friday. Your program shouldn't run for more than 1s on a reasonable computer. (This avoids someone waits till Friday and outputs 0) Shortest code in each language wins.

I'm not sure how to wrap up the conclusion.
Any nominations for underrated answers to draw attention to?
I might have time to throw something together for that :P
So far I just have a brief summary of the points for both sides, but if I end it there it just seems sudden.
> Golfing languages have both good and bad impacts on the site as a whole. They can be discouraging to new users, who don't yet know the rules regarding competition between languages. Despite trivializing many challenges, it could be argued that these sorts of challenges are already quite trivial. Although they are often significantly shorter, golfing languages can still be difficult and interesting to golf in.
Maybe something like this to end it:
> Whether you believe that golfing languages encourage creative thinking, or that they make it more difficult for newer users to get started, the fact that this site allows any language undeniably sets it apart from other golfing communities
That sounds good.
> Our next blog post will be on <date>, be sure to check it out!
Not sure if HN will have the underappreciated answers section, so that bit might go after that
Ah yeah, that bit as well :P
Q: Binomial transform

BubblerBackground Binomial transform is a transform on a finite or infinite integer sequence, which yields another integer sequence. The binomial transform of a sequence \$\{a_n\}\$ is given by $$s_n = \sum_{k=0}^{n}{(-1)^k \binom{n}{k} a_k}$$ It has an interesting property that applying the transform t...

is this related to color triangle? :p
Very superficially :P
trying to figure out if there's some sort of clever scan or reduction that is better than a naive port of the formula
Protip: Read the linked Wikipedia article.
I guess there's a very nice solution in K (not tried yet)
I'm gonna be ninja'd by my own crappy wifi :/
found 7 bytes :p
Lol, all the Jelly rush
@hyper-neutrino I have 5
am I looking at the wrong relation? lol
I wish the forward difference bit did s3 as well
bc I'm confused
Hint: Get out of Ƥ :P
lol wait im dumb
ok so I have six now cuz of an extra 0 lol
yay 5 bytes \o/
Yes, exactly what I had
@Bubbler I assume it's not acceptable to have a null value at the end
I was convinced there is some scan based answer, as there looks to be a pretty basic recursive formula on Wikipedia
Just, for some reason, it's presented in a weird format
@rak1507 It doesn't have a null at the end, does it?
no, my k answer does and -1_ is a whole 3 bytes!
Oh :P
alright, now time to see the distribution of how many answers port mine, how many use the same approach, and how many have another approach :p
k answer: -1_*'{1_--':x}\
can actually be -1_*'(1_--':)\

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