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@zyabin101 thank you captain helpful
i hope this goes on forever
Q: Write a Semiquine

MegoSuppose you have 2 languages, A and B. A string s is a semiquine in A and B if it satisfies the following conditions: s is a quine in language A. s is a polyglot in A and B. The output of running s as a B program is a different string s', which is a quine in B. The goal of this challenge is t...

i asssume that's what he means
@MartinEnder A semi-quine is a program that uses quine-like features.
But is not a quine in and of itself.
What's a quine-like feature
that doesn't make sense
i like this game
@ColdGolf your definition is now circular
what if you have a semiquine where you score the levenstien distance between the two programs divided by the program length?
@Poke A quine like feature is defined, by my definition, as a program that produces at least 75% of its own code in the output.
too much edit
@ColdGolf o_O
why would that even be a thing
@ColdGolf well at least that's a definition
This sounds suspiciously like a "Do X without X" challenge. I can't imagine how that would work
how do you define those 75%? by levenshtein distance?
By numbers of chars
so a semi quine is a quine that prints out > 75% of it's source code
even if they appear in different positions?
like if abcdefg produces gafbced is that still disallowed?
@MartinEnder As long as 75% of your code is different chars.
so levenshtein?
well if I just shift all of my characters along by one, I'm pretty sure more than 75% of them will be different
hence the question whether you'd want to use Levenshtein which would catch things like that
If your code uses 130 unicode chars, then at least 97.5 (rounded to 98) chars, of your choosing, must not be in the output.
And so on.
okay, so I think the answer to my earlier question was "yes"
position doesn't matter, but only whether the character still appears
@ColdGolf so "add 2 bytes every repetition, and the new code can't contain > 75% of the original code"
Is that a good challenge?
wait, we're switching definitions here. your original post says that a quine produces 75% of its own code (so I could have 50% of the same characters, and not be a quine)
then I could just include some dummy characters and swap them out every time
(as long as they make up 25% of the code)
@MartinEnder How?
or a cyclic program with 2 different states
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Won't that eventually exhaust the available characters?
you just swap "styles" every output
so "abc1" -> "def2" -> "abc3" -> "def4"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The rules would be. Increasing by 1% each time.
first 75%, next repetition 76% of chars must be different, next repetition 77%, and so on.
@ColdGolf yeah, i ignored the + 2 bytes part
@ColdGolf when you find yourself patching out one loophole after the next with very specific rules targeted at exactly that loophole there's a good chance that the underlying idea might not work as well as you hoped.
@ColdGolf TL;DR: I don't think this is a feasible idea. You need to add waaay too many rules, it just gets too complicated.
My prediction: closed as unclear what on earth you’re talking about.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think it would be challenging and fun. Especially when you get to the point where 100% of chars must eventually be different.
I don't think so.
I do.
@ColdGolf You realize that is impossible to do forever.
@ColdGolf Cool. I'm 1/5 for the close votes.
The limit of repetition is as much as you can feasibly do.
closed as subjective
That is, the number of unicode characters you can use = "feasibly", so when you exhaust all unicode 9.0 characters, that's fine.
2 mins ago, by Martin Ender
@ColdGolf when you find yourself patching out one loophole after the next with very specific rules targeted at exactly that loophole there's a good chance that the underlying idea might not work as well as you hoped.
What's wrong with the underlying idea?
A generic "loopholes are banned" would do, right?
"Cheating and loopholes are banned" is what I always use.
What's a loophole
A standard loophole.
we have a meta post of loopholes, but that doesn't include loopholes specific to a challenge
No standard loophole covers the things you're describing
In other news it took a while for me to realize this actually rhymes:
in Beep Boop Maggot, 55 secs ago, by Laff-O-Tron
quack more like cocoa
It's doing better than I thought
@BusinessCat Give it a try. It's not as bad as I expected
Ahh, I really want to use Kakoune in golf.
I hope there’s more soon. Hint hint.
in Beep Boop Maggot, 1 min ago, by Business Cat
Please don't make fun of me bot
in Beep Boop Maggot, 1 min ago, by Laff-O-Tron
of more like oaf
Wow, my bot is edgy
@MartinEnder I'm trying to solidify my definitions for so I can come up with a better name. I've got three sub-types: those that can't really be chunked, those that are easily chunked, and those that output a single thing.
does it make sense to combine them into a single tag?
@quartata #stillbetterthantay
@Lynn if there's another , I have dibs on the vim answer. :P
@mınxomaτ Yeah, only 10 minutes in he made a joke about Thais
So on par I'd say
Wow Google atuo-correct is aggressive today.
Clearly not aggressive enough
I tried to search for "etwpcreateetwthread" and it searched for "createthread" instead.
> etwpcreateetwthread
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJMcMayhemWhat base is this number in? code-golf math base-conversion Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems: Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...

That's not a typo; I spelled my search term exactly right.
@feersum ye i looked, it says julia
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei What?
halp how flatten in golfscript
@feersum oh... just a dll used in Julia...nvm
@LeakyNun what is flattening
And almost every Windows program that exists.
CMC: Write a self-interpreter of an esolang.
Can i link one that someone else did
@ColdGolf Golfscript: ~ ;)
@FryAmTheEggman Awesome!
Similarly in CJam: q~
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DJMcMayhemWhat base is this number in? code-golf math base-conversion Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems: Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...

~ is eval and golfscript automatically reads the input :P
@ColdGolf V (sorta): dG@"
Define "sorta"?
In regular V, the program continues after an "error'. In this self interpreting version, the program ends after the first error.
Q: The coin catastrophe

tuskiomiIn Golfenhagen, The people are allowed, and encouraged, to melt down old coins for scrap metal, if the smelter can make a profit off of it. There are 5 coins that make the Golfenhagen mint. The half-penny(0.5)(H), the penny(1)(P), the tea (5)(T), the flag (10)(F), and the driver (25)(D). Golfenha...

@DJMcMayhem I see. Not allowed I guess.
The word "error" is not entirely accurate, but it's close enough without going into too much detail
Interestingly enough, these "errors" are essential, and the way most "conditionals" work.
If it's essential, then I'd say not including that functionality in your answer disqualifies it
I guess so.
@ColdGolf Yeah. More than half of the V answers I've posted intentionally throw errors for branching/conditionals/looping
Which I think is kinda funny/interesting
> Team Fortress 2 [is] a hat trading game with a FPS minigame --JamEngulfer
I know it's not valid
I mean, that's not wrong
@TimmyD This is pretty close
Probably impossible, or at least ridiculously hard
@TimmyD that is most of tf2 in a nutshell
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ CS:GO too.
except people running around in a bright green banana hat
@ColdGolf but you guys don't got any bananas, ha!
@NathanMerrill I'd probably differentiate between those that are "fewest tokens" and "smallest output" (in bytes), but probably not further than that. the latin square type of challenge can be further clarified by using as well.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ So what?
-1 no freehand circle
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ -10 Old meme.
@ColdGolf -15 Old memes rool
@TimmyD In german there is "Toll ein anderer macht's" - (Nice, someone else is doing the work.)
@ColdGolf but i have more stars
so im right
that's how se chat works
@βετѧΛєҫαγ -20 You are wrong.
@ColdGolf -15 you don't get it
@flawr -23 It's just old.
> roughwrought
How do we say stdout in 1 syllable?
@ColdGolf -15 BOW TO THE 15
@here +30 Less confusing if everyone is >= 0
@LeakyNun How about `"[]"-"[]"\*~
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ -30 Not funny.
This could be a good pod cast subject.
@ColdGolf -15 y u *2
All the participants attempt to pronounce, in 1 syllable, "stdout"
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ -40 Old meme tax.
Gack, the knowledge base maker has been stuck on Assembling... for 3 hours
@feersum stout?
Now I really regret not adding a progress meter
I have no idea what it's doing
@ColdGolf okay we're done now
@quartata hahaha
it's making skynet
@flawr -20 For using links.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ By the way, I have another bot running in beep boop if you want to play with that
@quartata The day I mastered Write-Progress in PowerShell is likely the reason that I'm still (somewhat) sane.
Hopefully this other one should be done soon
@quartata does he have the [@] restriction?
@Lynn I only needed to flatten one layer, so {~}% suffices, but thanks
@TimmyD CMC: Write PowerShell in batch or bash.
@flawr That's hilarious.
@ColdGolf BATCH 16 bytes -- @echo PowerShell

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