Suppose you have 2 languages, A and B. A string s is a semiquine in A and B if it satisfies the following conditions:
s is a quine in language A.
s is a polyglot in A and B.
The output of running s as a B program is a different string s', which is a quine in B.
The goal of this challenge is t...
wait, we're switching definitions here. your original post says that a quine produces 75% of its own code (so I could have 50% of the same characters, and not be a quine)
@ColdGolf when you find yourself patching out one loophole after the next with very specific rules targeted at exactly that loophole there's a good chance that the underlying idea might not work as well as you hoped.
@ColdGolf when you find yourself patching out one loophole after the next with very specific rules targeted at exactly that loophole there's a good chance that the underlying idea might not work as well as you hoped.
@MartinEnder I'm trying to solidify my definitions for smallest-output so I can come up with a better name. I've got three sub-types: those that can't really be chunked, those that are easily chunked, and those that output a single thing.
does it make sense to combine them into a single tag?
What base is this number in?
code-golf math base-conversion
Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...
What base is this number in?
code-golf math base-conversion
Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...
In Golfenhagen, The people are allowed, and encouraged, to melt down old coins for scrap metal, if the smelter can make a profit off of it. There are 5 coins that make the Golfenhagen mint. The half-penny(0.5)(H), the penny(1)(P), the tea (5)(T), the flag (10)(F), and the driver (25)(D). Golfenha...
@NathanMerrill I'd probably differentiate between those that are "fewest tokens" and "smallest output" (in bytes), but probably not further than that. the latin square type of challenge can be further clarified by using compression as well.