also @feersum on top of two random ";"'s back to back there is also the letter A just standing by itself lonely. (IDK if that is an error in F#, but just thought u should know)
Here's a nice easy challenge:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only contain 0-9, a-z. If you like, you may choose to take uppercase letters instead of lowercase, but please specify this. You...
I asked for 128 random integers between 0 and 232 - 1. Since the random number generator was so eager to give the first 64 numbers first, they're obviously more random than the other 64.
Write a full program or function that returns a truthy result when one of the following 64 integer...
Cheddar, 34 bytes>n>60?n-54:n-47).max
Try it online (NOTE: Cheddar on TIO will assume input as a number if input is all numeric. I reccomend installing cheddar npm install -g cheddar-lang and running it from there to test more)
Requires uppercase letters
Depends on how "winning" is defined. If it is to get more rep, its possible, but usually the only winning move is not to play. (unless your name is @Jonathan Allan)
Python, 25 bytes
lambda x:int(max(x),36)+1
Defines a lambda that takes the string x. Finds the largest digit in the string (sorted with letters above digits, by python's default), and converts to base 36. Adds 1, because 8 is not in base 8.
Stump The Golfing Languages
This is the seed of an idea. I'm unclear on the details that might make it work.
I want people to submit answers in the form of a program in a "normal" language (defined how?), such that reproducing its functionality in a golfing language isn't much smaller. That is,...
@Dennis if you make TIO accounts you'd then probably wanna add profile pics, etc. and that would take a lot of unnecessary diskspace. With google accounts you're not
hey, I'm about to post a challenge, but I want to make sure there isn't a term for what I'm describing. Your given a list of possibilities in a permutation, and you need to remove the possibilities that are impossible. For example: [[0,1],[0,1],[0,1,2]]->[[0,1],[0,1],[2]]
The account won't be browsable anyway. I'm just looking for a way to let users store things across multiple devices, such as authorization tokens to edit permalinks without changing the URL, preferences, etc.
What number is this in the lowest possible base?
The challenge "What base is this number in" has an obvious extension:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in, and taking the number in that base, output its base-1...