What base is this number in?
code-golf math base-conversion
Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...
Do X without Y
This isn't always bad, but it's been a particular trap for beginners, so be careful.
In the past, there were popular questions about doing a simple task but with the obvious method banned:
Produce the number 2014 without any numbers in your source code
How to write a C program ...
Exploring 10-Rep Questions
code-golf internet
As it happens, someone put forward the idea that, since PPCG has graduated, up votes on questions should be worth 10 rep. As a result, I started wondering how much rep I would have if it had always been 10 rep.
Given a PPCG...