@MartinEnder the line between "fewest tokens" and "fewest bytes" can be hard to define. For example, is my compounding english challenge fewest tokens or bytes?
@Mast well, now that you're in here, welcome to our room! When we're not flagging spam memes, we're overstarring things and arguing about how words are pronounced, so you came in at the right time!
@NathanMerrill one is plain data compression to whatever format you like... the other is likely more contraint in that you're asked to represent something in as few tokens/entities with given semantics as possible
@MartinEnder oooh, so [fewest-bytes] is basically a compression challenge. If its about produing the minimal steps or the minimum of anything, its basically a fewest-tokens
Inspired by Hosch250, TopinFrassi, Legato and the recent milestone of having our 100th fizzbuzz question on Code Review I decided to add an ArnoldC FizzBuzz to the collection.
I haven't found any best practices about the language, but I assume the code needs to be VERBOSE. For those unfamiliar w...
so, I'm mostly interested in retagging the fewest-tokens challenges, and considering there are drastically more of those than fewest-bytes, I'm going to avoid the latter
What base is this number in?
code-golf math base-conversion
Here's a seemingly trivial challenge that is more challenging than it first seems:
Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only conta...
@trichoplax "Answers are scored based on the number of 'atoms' in your code's output. Questions posted with this tag should indicate what an 'atom' is, and whether you want the maximum or minimum number of atoms"
@NathanMerrill I'm trying to think of a word that sums it up rather than using "atom", which is already used for atomic golf. It seems that these challenges would be something like "output optimisation" or "search space exploring" but I feel like I'm missing a much better word
@trichoplax well, for the purposes of searching, its quite useful. Minimization/maximization problems are quite similar, and appeal to similar people. For a challenge-parsing purpose, its less useful as it effectively has two params that the OP has to define
Lets say you saw your friend enter his or her password into their Android phone. You don't remember how they made the pattern but you remember what the pattern looks like. Being the concerned friend that you are you want to know how secure their password is. Your job is to calculate all the wa...
I was proposing both. smallest-output is basically my original proposal. It scores both in bytes/atoms (by default bytes). output-optimization is basically a theme tag that applies to minimization and maximization challenges. The have overlap, but they also include challenges that aren't in the other
Well, after it's run the first time, you'll know what the maximum memory usage is. Then, when you run it again, you'll have a pseudo progress bar based on current usage over time.
Since it's a tag I guess I should be writing "optimization" rather than "optimisation" - it takes a conscious effort to remember...
@NathanMerrill I guess time and bytes of source are covered by existing tags, so the only thing other than output that would be tagged as optimization would be memory optimization
The edit (or Levenshtein) distance between two strings is the minimal number of single character insertions, deletions and substitutions needed to transform one string into the other. If the two strings have length n each, it is well known that this can be done in O(n^2) time by dynamic programmi...
Here are the raw scores (i.e. domino counts) for VisualMelon's submission. I'll turn these into the normalised scores described below, when more answers come in. The existing solution can now solve all circuits in the benchmark:
Author Circuit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
I am referring to Project Euler #12. Write the solution in any language you want, but consume the least amount of memory while executing. Running time is not measure in this case.
The sequence of triangle numbers is
generated by adding the natural
numbers. So the 7th triangle number
@ThreeFx this reminds me of a Mathematica snippet I discovered today, which blows up an array x of arbitrary dimensions and depth by a factor of 2: #&[##&[#,#]&//@x] I think it's both beautiful and severely messed up :D
I've definitely used it in a golf just recently (not sure if it was my own or whether I helped someone else), but it was something where I used it to replace recursion
Say i have a program where a user is presented with a treeview of multiple directories and must check desired file/directories that they would like to later be copied..... That aside once the user has selected the files how can i go about creating a separate executable after a button is clicked t...
@ThreeFx //@ is "MapAll" it applies a function to all levels of an expression tree (unfortunately including the top level). ##&[#,#] is kinda weird but it repeats an element without actually wrapping it in a new list or pair or anything. but then at the end you have the problem that this is also applied to your input and you only want the first copy of it, which is what the outer #&[...] is for.
luckily, it appears that my university's (free and auto-upgrading) student licence appears to be extending itself indefinitely, even though I graduated last year. Mathematica 11 was released last week and with that my licence got extended until October 2017...
@RohanJhunjhunwala I'm going to bed now, but I'm sure there are some people around who have used it before or know enough JS/HTML/CSS to help you out. :)
@Downgoat Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out. For my recent challenge, It would be incredibly helpful to have an automated Javascript leaderboard. Do you think you could help me modify the standard stack snipped leaderboard to work with this question (codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/90593/…)
It is the number of the Beast in Revelation:
Revelation 13:18 (ESV)
18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
Its significance is often claimed to be that the Emperor Nero, duri...
Hmm. My stat teacher put four assignments on the website and set their due date to yesterday. School doesn't start until tomorrow. Now they're all listed as overdue.
@El'endiaStarman I've been wondering for a while, what's the difference between Christianity.se and biblical hermeneutics? To an outsider, they seem like the same thing