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@Fatalize Yeah, my Facebook feed blew up. :P
hi @mbomb007
@El'endiaStarman Another mod actually did send people to another room a while ago
3 hours ago, by Quill
Enough is enough @Matthew @Tux, if you want to continue looking at these pokemon photos, take it to a new room
haha, palindromes
y u do dis ;_;
im a sadist
A: Display "Happy Easter!"


For an example, if you press CTRL+shift+w, most of your tabs will become yellow colored
Happy Easter, your mom
I love the AAAAAAAAAs
i have tested it, but in a different window
The language name should be spelled lowercase
your mom
Because Your Mom is a name
But saying your mom is like actually saying... your mom
i spell it capitalized to avoid flags xD
oh xD
Before Majc was called Majc it was called hashmap and it started with a lowercase letter
I didn't get flagged
yup but your mom is offensive
oh, well alright :P
no, your mom is offensive
but with Your Mom we see that it's a name
your mom is non competing!
Then it's not offensive and that is offensive to me
hi @NathanMerrill
it's a idea from mbomb007 D:
What is wrong with this regex?!
I've been trying to fix this all day
For some reason the backticks don't work for me
because backticks only work on one-line messages
hi @ArtOfCode
It says theres an unclosed character class near index 250
Which is the last parenthisis
There's no Java flavor D:
@Midnightas there is, you're missing a closing ) somewhere
oh, probably forgot to escape it
@Midnightas I wouldn't even know where to begin figuring that out
wasn't it duplicate in your compiler regex?
regex101 says the end of the beginning capture group is at the first | character.
separate your regex in a array and join it
That's what I did
like what i do in ultimath tokenizer
I think I found it
I think..
you need to escape the hyphen
Still an error
@Poke not needed AFAIK
(at least in the python regex lib)
what's that do
i think github should add a hex view
@Poke It doesn't work for some reason without it
In the ultimath compiler the [] is actually a [-+]
To allow negative/positive numbers
i'm not getting an error when i escape the hyphen and remove []?
Actual error while starting OS X El Capitan.
OS X == serial killer confirmed.
what is this supposed to match anyway
It is supposed to match numbers/identifiers/pluses/dash/*//
@Rainbolt Yes, which I appreciate. I just wish I coulda done it an hour sooner.
@mınxomaτ what is the full error message?
What do you mean? Every line is a message.
that's horrible
corollary to that being if i (the owner) tell you that you can't login to my website even if you have the means to it's still a federal crime. I don't have to lock out your account or anything
Every single website except Java says the regex is correct, like what the hell?!
ooo java regex is finicky
It says there's an unbalanced parenthisis somewhere
make sure you escape your escapes
I did
use python
I for some reason don't want to use Python for this
and by escape your escapes i mean use double backslash
I know
@Poke, if I put the code in a repo, will you be able to check it or something?
@Poke Relevant Snopes pointed out by a commenter: snopes.com/2016/07/12/…
i can throw it in eclipse and try it
Great, thanks.
I'll make a new repo
@Midnightas You should try JQuery
What for?
Basically, the issue is really more that an employee A was fired by company X, and used the password of employee B (with B's permission) to get access to data that employee A previously owned, before they were fired.
@El'endiaStarman yeah i get that but the law is not going to be that strict
It's just a joke
A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: jQuery Originator: Unknown (possibly Ólafur Waage) Cultural Height: TBD Background: A Stack Overflow-centric meme, jQuery began its career early on as the answer to beat for any question that even remotely referenced JavaScript. Its popularity became so great that eventually jQuery becam...

it's setting a bad precedent
I had to commit to fix something, poke
This is incredible: imgur.com/gallery/nKn2uUi
@Midnightas i'm not getting the error when i remove the []?
I'll try it out when I launch my ubuntu again
Hi @Downgoat
@TùxCräftîñg Hello!
Your Mom now have a compressor \o/
Cool! What kind?
@Downgoat Hey beergoat, there's an entire Stylish style dedicated to *u*:
@Midnightas wat oh my god this is awesome
@TùxCräftîñg i thought jelly compressor used dictionary?
@Downgoat no, but the compression algorithm is efficient for kolmogorov-complexity
Ah ok
A: Display "Happy Easter!"


Though it's longer than JS :/
perhaps use shoco?
it's because i use base64 :/
since the language use utf-8 i cant read binary so i must use base64 encoding
@Poke No, it's not. If I give you a key to my house (a password), and you give that key to someone else (share it), and they use it to enter my house, that's unauthorized entry and could be punishable as a crime. Same here.
@TùxCräftîñg oh
maybe make custom encoding then
@Downgoat i am creating it
the codepage is already created but unused :/
If you look at it the other way, a ruling that the employee can give their password to whomever they want, and those people can access whatever resources they want, and it's all authorized ... that's completely absurd
@TùxCräftîñg i asked zyabin if he reinstalled and he said Nope, but yet he says the bug is still happening. Wat
building work for you?
> @vihanb How can I call the onmessage function on an arbitrary string from the JS console? I need this for testing.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 so you use a C9 workspace for testing Your Mom ?
@TimmyD I don't think this is true
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 what does that mean?
have you tried with your personal computer ?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 ^
@TimmyD it is not the fault of the person using the password in this case. it's a failure of the authentication systems and the owner of that password
I can't install node on my personal computer.
I can install, but running node immediately crashes it.
what is the error message (if any)?
@TùxCräftîñg -._(._.)_.- I really don't know.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 what is your node -v?
hai @Phrancis
@TùxCräftîñg what are you using readlineSync for?
@Downgoat for the user input
it uses node bindings without NAN IIRC making it really buggy
@Downgoat On the C9 workspace? v5.10.1. On the personal computer I don't have node.
@TùxCräftîñg use prompt-sync instead.
@Downgoat ok
> ;_; u fergit file name ;_; y u do dis
gaot is sowee fer fergitng fiel naem ;_;
@Downgoat Mego wants me to never ask others for help testing, so I have to do it all myself
you can't really as it extracts too much data from the HTML.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 where did Mego say that?
@Mego Asking people to test your chatbot isn't an unreasonable request, he's not begging or demanding people test it for him. He can't test it himself anyway because it's running on his account. It's also not like he's going off-topic, I and many others have discussed chatbots and requested for help in here, and if one or two messages annoys you so much then feel free to ignore them rather than being impolite to zyabin :/
@El'endiaStarman The pi one is great
@El'endiaStarman Are there actual implementations of these?
If not, make it a golfing challenge.
It'd be cool to see a Dojo widget
And Dojo > JQuery, for the record.
Dojo should use more jQuery.
anyway Your Mom is now a fully functioning language \o/
Thank you
@quartata Yes, that is one of few that I'm certain is a joke. Most of the others, I'm not so sure. :P
For the compliment of my mom
If Dojo and JQuery were characters from Star Wars, Dojo would be Darth Vader, and JQuery would be Han Solo.
Not JarJar? :P
Darth Vader is powerful enough to rule an empire, Han Solo just fires away.
your mom ;_;
@TùxCräftîñg \o/ \o/ \o/
Q: External web page API access with Javascript

Beta DecayCan you use an XMLHttpRequest to access an API such as the police API or the World Bank API? If so, how does the site circumvent Same-Origin Policy?

can you allow like an -e flag so i can do node lib/yourmom.js -e "your mom haahaha so funee"
cough cough
All in favor of changing "large intestine" and "small intestine" to "colon" and "semi-colon" web-wide, say AYE!
@Downgoat oh no argument parsing ;_;
@mbomb007 BAI!
hi all
hi part of all
ninja'd :D
@mbomb007 I don't get what is large intestine and small intestine.
I've been feeling super left out lately, since I can't get Pokémon GO working on my phone. Stuck on the white Niantic screen.
It's not even available here yet
pkmn go dont work on phones
@TùxCräftîñg Yeah, it does. Plenty of people have it on Android or iPhones
still thinking of reposting my question to SO
hold me down :)
@BetaDecay ;_; i spent like 10 minutes writing an answer to this
@Poke So you're arguing that if I give Downgoat a password to access a system that I own, and Downgoat gives that password to you so you can access it, that's legitimate? (not to pick on Downgoat, just choosing a name)
welp, this was my answer anyways:
In this case it appears you're completely restricted to the client-side so you don't have very many options. In the case you do own the server, adding this one header will fix it (but avoid using wildcard for security reasons):

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) exists for security reasons preventing a malicious website from submitting a request to, for example your bank account page, and extracting sensitive data from there. [read more here](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy)
Ugh, users who just PrtScn their entire (3-monitor-wide) desktop and submit that in saying "I got this error message" are frustrating ... I mean, yes, I'm glad you submitted a screenshot, props for that, but maybe try not submitting a 10MB BMP file next time.
> You should consider making this an npm package too.
@Downgoat so i should publish it on npm ?
it'll be easy to install too
you just need to make a CLI
@TimmyD yes
@Downgoat make a CLI?
@El'endiaStarman Lol .. "Is this your phone number? [Yes]/[No]"
anyway brb
@TùxCräftîñg command-line interface. Take a look at commander. it'll simplify it
@TùxCräftîñg bai
Also, that presumes that pi is normal, which hasn't been proven yet (as far as I'm aware).
cheddar> for (a in "asdf") { print a }
\o/ \o/ \o/ I got for in loops to work
@Poke Err, no, it's not. And the court ruling affirmed that. You were not authorized to access my system, Downgoat was.
If you authorize Downgoat and he willingly gives me access, that's not my problem
@HelkaHomba I can neither confirm nor deny. Mostly because I don't know what you're talking about.
rather it shouldn't be
@TimmyD huh wat, i was authorized to access someone's system?
@TimmyD you're correct that the court case affirmed that. I don't agree that it was a good ruling
@Poke Yeah, it is. Existing case law (re: burglary, trespass, etc.) already aligns with the same ruling. This just extended it into the digital realm.
@Downgoat Just choosing your name as an example. I suppose I could have used Alice and Bob, but w/e. :D
oh ok. so i dont have access to anyone's system ;_; :P
1) Can you please cite a source for that assertion? 2) Mapping laws to the digital realm isn't 1 to 1.
No. And if I have my way, you never will. Muahahahaha!
@TimmyD I hope your phone number is (314) 159-2653
@TùxCräftîñg hai
Someone dial that number now
Country: USA
Location: Missouri (Florissant, St. Louis)
I'd rather not get long distance charges
I'd rather not bother a stranger unnecessarily.
@AlexA. Seattle resident that doesn't know the story of D.B. Cooper? For shame.
@HelkaHomba ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just read about it so I guess I do now.
Gah, Calvin's been replaced by... a blue thing
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ should functionized operators allow whitespace between them? Like ( + ) or should it be in the form of (+)? The latter is faster, less prone to error and all.
@Poke Uh, yeah. That's kinda the definition of trespass. From the Law portion of the Free Dictionary -- entering another person's property without permission of the owner or his/her agent and without lawful authority (like that given to a health inspector) and causing any damage, no matter how slight
@HelkaHomba The Far Side called it years ago.
@TimmyD "his/her agent" isn't strictly defined
Funny how this post was just a re-write of this answer, and somehow it got really more attention and upvotes... that's dishonest.
@Poke Out of all the words in that sentence, "agent" is probably the most defined in law.
@mbomb007 That was entertaining.
If I had a smartphone, I would almost certainly be playing.
n. a person who is authorized to act for another (the agent's principal) through employment, by contract or apparent authority
could absolutely refer to me in the example you proposed
i am back
you authorized downgoat who authorized me
Who is in agent and what is his/her authority or often difficult and crucial factual issues.
my point exactly
No, I did not make Downgoat an agent by allowing him access. He can't enter a business deal, make legal decisions, etc., simply because he has a password. Otherwise, everyone and their dog would be agents of Gmail or Facebook, and that's absurd.
I don't have the admin password to gmail or facebook
I have the password to your facebook account
by unwritten contract
Alice could authorize Bob to do X and Y, but not authorize him to authorize Calvin to do the same. I'm not sure how much of the discussion here is due to this detail.
@BetaDecay Yeah, Calvin's Hobbies became Helka Homba.
In our discussion Alice has no concept of Calvin
Alice has authorized Bob who has authorized Calvin
See the latter profile.
there's a clear audit trail
Hey @Gareth, welcome to Programming Puzzles & Legal Debate.
In this scenario if Alice doesn't want Calvin to have access, it's Bob's fault for giving Calvin access or Alice's fault for not having a better method for determining who has access
I don't think Calvin is at fault
By that same logic, I could just start strolling through people's property because they didn't explicitly deny me access.
> vaguely-ish
Fair enough.
@TimmyD No one gave you permission in this example. In our previous example someone is giving access
@TimmyD I'm not saying you can't talk about it in here, I just figured I'd point out that it's dominating the discussion, which IMO is fine because no one else seems to be talking about anything more relevant at the moment.
@Poke OK, that's fair. Hmm.
If Calvin steals Alice's password from Bob then everything I have said is moot
let DATA;

if (commander.idkhowtocallit) {
    DATA = commander.args[0];
} else {
    fs.readFile(commander.args[0], "utf-8", (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log("y u do dis ;_; y u given me a unexistant file \u0CA0_\u0CA0");
        DATA = data;
I think El has it, though (can I abbreviate El'endia to that?). Just because Alice authorized Bob to access the system, doesn't automatically imply that Alice authorized Bob to authorize Calvin.
in the function DATA is treated as a local but idk how to assign it ;_;
Authorization generally isn't transitive like that.
I agree
which is why I think the fault is on Bob (or Alice)
@TimmyD (Sure.)
but I don't think that's federal offense-worthy either
I'm struggling to understand why you think Alice would be at fault. That's victim blaming.
Alice was dumb enough to follow the rabbit.
its her fault.
Alice's authentication architecture should likely guard against what's happening
@Optimizer Thank-you, now I have White Rabbit stuck in my head. :-/
although i suppose Bob could just supply any additional information needed
Sounds uncomfortable.
"White Rabbit" is a song written by Grace Slick, and recorded by the American psychedelic rock band Jefferson Airplane for their 1967 album, Surrealistic Pillow. It was released as a single and became the band's second top ten success, peaking at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100. The song was ranked number 478 on Rolling Stones list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, Number 87 on Rate Your Music's Top Singles of All Time, and appears on The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll. == History == “White Rabbit” was written and performed by Grace Slick while she was...
I stand by my response.
From a technology perspective internal information should only be accessible on an internal network
or via an authorized vpn maybe
are we trying to solve a million dollar lawsuit in TNB chat room?
I don't know about solve... but we're debating some of it
sorry for my question, but how to publish a npm package?
@TùxCräftîñg What's the language here? Do you need some way to reference the "parent" scope for DATA?
@TimmyD javascript, but i solved it
@Optimizer LOL. Since when does TNB "solve" anything? :D
Tux literally just did.
@Gareth ih
@BetaDecay That was ages ago :|
@TùxCräftîñg Hi
@TùxCräftîñg I think like npm publish but idk I've never made a npm package. Conor probably knows
@HelkaHomba to be fair i only realized in the last month or so
@HelkaHomba do you have a pet goat/sheep yet
@Downgoat in one of my mc adventure, i had a sheep named Downgoat. burned in the nether :(
@Downgoat I have a few sheep. Maybe someday I'll nametag one "Downgoat"
I'm making a platformer in Minecraft, with redstone, you control a villager and can only move in 2 directions
@TùxCräftîñg :O really?!?! :D :D :D 10/10 that is awesome
@HelkaHomba :D yes pls :3 :3 :3
if i find a nametag, i'll probably name one of my sheep Downgoat in the PPCG server
@Midnightas Sounds like inhumane treatment of villagers.
@TùxCräftîñg you see my PR?
I'll screenshot it
@Midnightas Do. I'm curious
@Downgoat i haven't seen it, i merge it
@AlexA. lol, villagers deserve it
I could screenshot how the game actually looks like.

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