@DLosc I'm asking because that would be a security issue with my current setup. (Sandboxing is almost ready, but there are still a few issues.) I'll add it later tonight.
@QPaysTaxes wait, I created the gh-pages branch, but it has this weird automatically generated home page. How can I make my html file the page of the website
Btw, sorry for all the really stupid questions, consider me a dummy in these subjects. All my code expirence is self taught through this one java book and the codeacademy.com javascript tutorial so I honestly don't know lol.
My Python 3 function golf(...) should take a list of lists of lists of strings representing a solid cube and return whether there are any places in which two equal strings are directly next to each other on the x, y or z axis (not diagonally).
If there are no adjacent duplicates, True shall be re...
I want to write a function golf(C, A) that takes the height (C = 2*c) and the width (A = 2*a) of an oblate (left image) or prolate (right image) spheroid or a sphere as parameters and returns the volume V and the surface area S of the shape as tuple. The output must be rounded to two decimal plac...
@AlexA. You could fix this by admitting that you're wrong. If Geobits is an evil AI like we always suspected, the paradox should destroy him. — mbomb007Oct 19 '15 at 20:23
@mbomb007 But now you've said that, Geobits can create some form of loop counter to prevent infinite paradox evaluation. — wizzwizz4Oct 23 '15 at 11:50