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Ah, yeah. I see.
5 days for SP to get 126 more upvotes and claim the +500 bounty ;-)
A: The versatile integer printer

Sp300022 languages, 182 bytes, 182/22^3 = 0.01709 #|#?78*,@NSaT eOe45*{\[;n@0ea #K9!@>.#+1@*"12"Leeawwjqqq xi 17 print(4^2)/2 '''' <<s $'main' -4o Sp is here. >Sp, 13 >X Sp s::=~15 ::= ' ''' s #]+++++[->++++++++++<]>..|#(print 18) The code has a single trailing newline, which only affects Retina. ...

I assumed it meant score in the challenge, would be pretty weird to have a pop-con bounty on a code-challenge...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dennis meant "best scoring"
@QPaysTaxes he'd deserve them though :P
Cool. I have never gotten close to the number of up votes on Michael Buttner's answer.
The Versatile Integer Printer.
@R.Kap Martin*?
Yeah, Martin.
Never was good with names.
both of which are pronounced very different from "butter"
also ^
Apparently my most recent question is a duplicate. One that I worked so hard on.
Yeah. To the sandbox for sure next time, with an ever more creative mindset.
I never packed-stringed that, despite saying that I would. brb
31 bytes, 4 languages so far!
This GitHub repo and the issues opened on it are the funniest things I've seen in a while: github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition
How do you pronounce Martin's last name? Is it like Bootner or something?
Close enough anyway
Females in Space:
What is the significance of dead beef?
The significance of what now? o_O
@AlexA. Go to this link: gist.github.com/KWMalik/3734578 These are some of the craziest interview questions I have ever seen! The one I am talking about is under "Software Engineer".
> Explain the significance of “dead beef”.
What the hell...?
I know...
beef is already dead cow, so I am guessing that dead beef would be negation of that, and therefore an... alive cow??
I see it in TF2 bot names: 0xDEADBEEF
Hexspeak, like leetspeak, is a novelty form of variant English spelling using the hexadecimal numbers. Created by programmers as memorable magic numbers, hexspeak words can serve as a clear and unique identifier with which to mark memory or data. Hexadecimal notation represents numbers using the 16 digits 0123456789ABCDEF. Using only the letters ABCDEF it is possible to spell several words. Further words can be made by treating some of the decimal numbers as letters - the digit "0" can represent the letter "O", and "1" can represent the letters "I" or "L". Less commonly, "5" can represent "S",...
> 0xDEADBEEF ("dead beef") is frequently used to indicate a software crash or deadlock in embedded systems. DEADBEEF was originally used to mark newly allocated areas of memory that had not yet been initialized—when scanning a memory dump, it is easy to see the DEADBEEF.
> It is used by IBM RS/6000 systems, Mac OS on 32-bit PowerPC processors and the Commodore Amiga as a magic debug value. On Sun Microsystems' Solaris, it marks freed kernel memory. On OpenVMS running on Alpha processors, DEAD_BEEF can be seen by pressing CTRL-T. The DEC Alpha SRM console has a background process that traps
Apparently 0xDEADBEEF converted to an integer is 3735928559.
0xDEADBEEF is traditionally used for crashes/errrors for lots of things
@AlexA. that's not important
I know, I just thought it was interesting
Okay, how about this one?: If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)
Kind of a dumb interview question if you ask me
Deadbeef that is
@R.Kap these are basic textbook problems.
@quartata Better 0xDEADBEEF than 0xLIVEBEEF
@quartata depends.. if your domain is related to that, you should be aware of it rather than wondering "WTF is that question"
@flawr LIV is not possible
@R.Kap 7.5 deg
How is it 7.5?
each hour is 360/12 = 30 deg
/4 cuz 15 min == .25 hrs
So? The hour and minute hands are right on top of each other.
are you in school?
@R.Kap no, the hour hands move with minutes
its continuous, not discrete
well, it is discrete. it doesnt move with seconds
@Optimizer unless you have a seconds hand
From my perspective, it should be 360º. But I guess that's what would differentiate me from the geniuses.
@Maltysen then milliseconds..
you get the point.
the workings inside a clock are not a continuous motion, afaik
@R.Kap The hour hand moves when the minute hand moves. It doesn't stay at 3
@Optimizer true
Yeah, you're probably right. Although most of us would imagine that the minute and hour hands are right on top of each other, this would actually be the case:
yup, each hour is 30 deg and 15 is a quarter of that
most of "us" would not imagine them to overlap.
Well, not most of you guys, but most average people.
Including me.
As I almost always use a digital clock now.
where is a gol><> interpreter?
sundials are objectively the best
Yup, the answer should be 7.5º. 360/48 (48 minute marks on the clock) is equal to 7.5.
That is one cool watch you got there.
Or, should I say, sundial.
@Maltysen You are now 1 small step closer to working at Google! :D
@quartata There are also digital ones:
@R.Kap lel
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ golfish.herokuapp.com
i hate opening remarks :/
thanking our sponsors……
@flawr That's pretty cool.
Holy crap!
A: Regex Golf: Verify a Sudoku Solution

jimmy23013Ruby regex, 71 bytes ^(?!.*(?=(.))(.{9}+|(.(?!.{9}*$))+|(.(?!.{3}*$)|(.(?!.{27}*$)){9})+)\1) I don't really know Ruby but apparently it doesn't complain about cascaded quantifiers. Try it here. .NET regex, 79 bytes ^(?!.*(?=(.))((.{9})+|(.(?!(.{9})*$))+|(.(?!(.{3})*$)|(.(?!(.{27})*$)){9})+)...

@QPaysTaxes That could explain their logo, one b(i/y)te is enough to determine it is bad.
@QPaysTaxes Depends on the mouth size.
Why would we pin Holy crap?
@Dennis How could I get something on TIO?
Which language?
@QPaysTaxes I don't think we've ever pinned an individual answer, and I don't think it's a good idea...
Is java fast for small tasks?
e.g. transpiling bf
There are no small tasks in Java
:P that's helpful
so what would be a fast language to use?
I have no idea... I only use Matlab
and a little Java
Do I have to download C++ or something?
or is it on the computer
I use windows.
oh but I have a (bash?) console thingy
No, haha.
Cygwin is right.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Esolangs is down for me right now. I'll try again later.
>   Move pointer right
<   Move pointer left
+   "Logical NOT" the current cell
[   Jump past matching ] if cell under pointer is 0
]   Jump back to matching [
,   Set current cell to 1 if next input character is a '1' and to 0 if next input character is '0' or there is no more input
.   Output a '0' if the current cell is 0 and a '1' if it is 1
Esolangs down here too
I have it open before it crashed >:D
o, thanks
Well, I need to find Cygwin first
@QPaysTaxes gcc automatically identifies .cpp files as C++.
hey I have gcc on windows console.
that's kinda sketch
Oh thank God C++ has little boilerplate
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ OK, that's a trivial modification of the Brainfuck interpreter I wrote for TIO.
If you've never worked with C before I wouldn't recommend writing a language in it
@Dennis so you could add it? :D
Well, I'm going to learn C++ now :P
RIP Conor
C++ was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
@QPaysTaxes that's good
I like C better than C++
why do I always take a liking to what people consider trash ._.
@Dennis Nah, that's a compiler! ;D
One of the reason I like Objective-C better than C++ is because at its core it's still C.
It's an interpreter with JIT transpilation. :P
C++ changes things and me no likey
I admittedly don't know Objective-C, but I can't imagine it changes less things than C++
@QPaysTaxes They say it's good, but it never is.
The difference between C and C++ without any additions is fairly small
Classes are basically syntatic sugar for structs.
@RenderSettings C++ is considerably less golfy.
I think I'm compiling wrong
C:\Users\Conor O'Brien\Documents\Programming\PPCG>gcc hello.cpp
C:\Users\CONORO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cciRIv8a.o:hello.cpp:(.text+0x1c): undefine
d reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator
<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&,
 char const*)'
C:\Users\CONORO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cciRIv8a.o:hello.cpp:(.text+0x2f): undefine
d reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator
<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&,
I copied the program from the website. ._.
OK, try g++.
Okay, the program compiled but didn't output anything
@quartata For some definition of "syntatic sugar". gobject is an affront of nature, and is needed to make it work in C. A lot more complicated than a simple macro replacement.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You have to run the generated executable. It's a compiler, not an interpreter.
so how do I compile it?
oh wait
I'm just an idiot
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ do ./a.out to run it
is a the default name?
Nah, that's a fatal error anyways. Failed at linking, did you include <iostream>?
@RenderSettings Yeah I did. It's a perfect program ^_^
Thanks y'all :D
@QPaysTaxes or use make
make is the worst thing ever created
Ah, but what if it starts becoming not so small?
@QPaysTaxes make ain't that complicated if you don't wanna bother with -o it's just make hello
and then ./hello
Also yeah all build tools are horrible horrible pieces of satan
one word: tabs
Is using namespace std; a bad idea?
@QPaysTaxes For now! I know you'll make it into a real esolang one day. I believe in you.
@QPaysTaxes no you don't
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ yes
Q: Why is "using namespace std" in C++ considered bad practice?

akbiggsI've been told by others on numerous occasions that- my teacher's advice of exercising using namespace std in code was wrong. Hence, we should use std::cout and std::cin. Why is using namespace std considered a bad practice? Is it really that much inefficient or risk declaring ambiguous variabl...

if there's a hello.c hello.cpp in the directory you're fine
@QPaysTaxes Ok, that's what I'm concerned with.
Wtf does the website suggest it then o_o
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ People say it is, but it's not. Using other namespaces is a bad idea, but std won't conflict with anything
@QPaysTaxes if there's a hello.c or hello.cpp in the dir you're fine
it does it automatically
yup, I don't actually know make, I just do that
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ A lot of sites suggest it because they copy from books that have to pay for each page that they use up
@FryAmTheEggman Oh, I see.
I like seeing the ::. It looks fancy.
@QPaysTaxes Not really.
Open poll: Which mainstream language (i.e. non-esolang) has the ugliest syntax in your opinion and what do you dislike about the syntax?
  int a=5;               // initial value: 5
  int b(3);              // initial value: 3
  int c{2};              // initial value: 2
why have different syntaxes?
if it rustles your jimmies that much you can do namespace s = std or something
@AlexA. BATCH. It's verbose and can't do much things.
^^^, but I think alex was asking about syntax
Oh, I see.
@Maltysen Yes, clarified
@QPaysTaxes Can you give an example?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ brainbool.tryitonline.net
Let me know if there are any issues.
I don't know Java well enough to know what boilerplate is required
@Dennis It seems to work fine! On the esolangs article, it says that some interpreters can interpret the byte output as being 8-bit ASCII. Could one pass some argument to it to change its behaviour?
@AlexA. Tricky. I think I'm gonna have to go with Pascal
@quartata What do you dislike about Pascal's syntax?
@QPaysTaxes I don't see how that is different fromC++. Primitives aren't objects there.
@QPaysTaxes Uh... what.
at least Java has auto boxing
@Dennis TIO feature request: Arcyóu
@QPaysTaxes No you're adding an Integer
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
	string mystring;
	mystring = "Conor";
	std::cout << mystring;
This works, but removing the using statement makes the program die
You need std::string
I'm finding a different tutorial.
@QPaysTaxes No, I'm following a tutorial :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Uh, suddenly the modification is not so trivial anymore... There's no such thing as 8-bit ASCII, but I could use raw bytes for I/O.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I suggest finding another language
@Dennis did I say 8-bit ascii? :P I meant ascii
but yeah that works
I don't really know what I mean
@QPaysTaxes you never have to worry about the logistics of auto boxing except when declaring types
Can't call methods on primitives. Constructors would have to check before doing anything to them.
The logistics of auto boxing are so simple I don't see why it is a problem.
If you aren't certain just put the object version as the type. it'll work
@MarsUltor What does this do?
Random Minibits: So we're driving along when all of a sudden the sky dropped buckets of rain. Minibits looks over at me and says, "So is this what you'd call a @Rainbolt?"
@QPaysTaxes isn't that M1*M2/r^2
Anyone here know C# well?
G is optional
@LegionMammal978 in one eye
@Geobits how does the sky drop a bucket of rain
@Downgoat Okay, so say you have IEnumerable<string>s e0 and e1. Got it?
@LegionMammal978 yeah
@Downgoat Visit Florida to experience it first hand.
@Geobits but where does the sky get the metal to drop a bucket
@Downgoat It's hard to explain. Like I said, you need to see it.
Do people get hit on the head with the buckets often?
@Downgoat Now, apply some function string f(string s1, string s2) to each and every pair of strings in e0 and e1, and make that into a new IEnumerable<string>.
The caveat: e0 and e1 are both infinite sequences.
@Downgoat Not too often. Most people get under cover. Except tourists, but meh.
@LegionMammal978 oh ok
So yeah, a basic SelectMany won't work here
@Geobits but if I go to Florida I will be a tourist and get hit D:
@QPaysTaxes ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat I warned you just now. It's your fault if you don't take precautions.
@LegionMammal978 yeah :/
also lol
@Geobits how do I take cover must I carry a metal umbrella?
Do we know the creator?
Yeah, one second lemme dig it up
@Dennis seems to be a ppcg guy
The problem is finding an implement-able ordering of string pairs
@Dennis Yes
He just hasn't been in chat in a long time
@Downgoat Or, ya know, find one of those "building" things I keep hearing about.
@AlexA. The interpreter can only be run from inside the repo folder.
@Geobits what if there is no building nearby?
@Dennis The name shows up incorrectly
I assume it's an encoding issue
Looks good for me.
@Downgoat I believe that any structure that one can get underneath will work
@Geobits ba dum tssss
@Downgoat You'll just have to figure something out. Survival of the fittest and all...
@LegionMammal978 post your programming question in the form of a challenge on PPCG
@Dennis Shows up as Arcyóu
That usually works
@bkul Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your language, Arcyóu, has been added to Dennis' interpreter site, Try It Online! See arcyou.tryitonline.net :)
@quartata I've never doubted for a second he's my kid ;)
@Dennis I don't know what that means
@quartata What browser doesn't recognize UTF-8 when it sees it? o_O
@Dennis Chrome is detecting it as CP-1252
@Downgoat Yeah, would be closed due to being language-specific (and not having a winning criterion)
@AlexA. You need to cd whatever before python3 arc.py.
Switching it to UTF-8 works
@LegionMammal978 make it code-golf offer bounty for c++ answer with explanation
@Dennis Uh, okay. Are you telling me this for informational purposes or is it relevant for people who want to use it on TIO?

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