@Rainbolt There's a small amount of sulfur hexaflouride in the mix as well. Just enough to keep the density just below that of regular air. So they still float, but the voice change isn't nearly what you'd have without it.
@Aaron Thanks, but I've decided to stop updating the answer because it was getting long. Also, I've already got Fibonacci and atoi in there separately.
I was just thinking that if sulfur hexafluoride (which is something I have heard of) is a thing, then in order for sodium to take the place of sulfur, it would have to be in the same column on the periodic table.
@El'endiaStarman I skimmed the transcript (don't have time to watch/read the full thing right now), but I'm not sure what you're asking. I get it all the time when people find out I was enlisted, but it comes off as more of a "set phrase" than sincere thanks most of the time, or at least it feels that way to me.
It's kinda like when the guy at the register says "have a nice day". I'm sure some people actually mean it, but the majority just say it because that's what you say.
@Geobits That's pretty much half of what I was asking about. Wes Moore also mentions a few questions that he wishes people would ask him. It seems to me like he wishes more people would ask questions, and questions other than "Did you shoot anyone?".
@Geobits As a PPCG person, I'm sincerely grateful that you're part of the community. As an American, I'm sincerely grateful that you've donated your rich skillset to protecting the country.
There's a difference between what people are grateful for and what they are interested in. I'm grateful for your service but I want to know if you shot people.
It's not something I've ever done before, so it interests me
@Rainbolt One very close call. Was outside and one came down a few feet away. No time to duck or anything. Very luckily, it was a dud (about a quarter used there were; a lot of old soviet stuff).
My grandpa was living in Japan during WWII. He has a scar on his leg from the gel from a dud incendiary bomb that semi-exploded and got gel on him and his brother.
He also saw the mushroom cloud over Nagasaki from his house
Ha, funny story: First off, there's a strict no-alcohol policy while deployed in Iraq. People sneak it in, but let's just say it's a quick way to leave. So one day a mortar comes down through the tent where this guy's sleeping. It's a dud, but they call in the ordinance guys to get rid of it. They go in and he's still passed out drunk right next to the thing.
I'm sad I don't remember my grandpa's brother. Apparently he had a good sense of humor coupled with poor English. My dad once asked him if he enjoyed spending most of his time with his grandkids and he replied, "They make you stupid."
@AlexA. Because they are a heavy metal rock band, and guitars are part of rockbands, and everyone knows that you must be made of steel to be a downvote arrow
It finds the index of the current command in the string of commands ("/\") then executes that line of the program (offset by two, the first being the main function, the second being the maintenance loop).
2 characters
An empty YARN
1 character
I cantz do real stuff with my 1 char!!
-- Hohmannfan
Is composed almost completely with Internet slang.
Pyth, 51 Bytes
=HYK1J1FdQ=GPhdIqlrG8K=J*J@G1 JI>JQVQ aH%QhN)<tHd.q
Try it out!
Much higher speed 52 byte version:
=HYK1J1FdQ=GPhdIqlrG8K=J*J@G1 JI>JQVhd aH%QhN)<tHd.q
Try it out!
Note: this answer does not work for 0, 1, and 2.
i have an answer for this one that seems to work for really big numbers
Another opinion poll: which method for accessing command line arguments do you prefer? A global constant array ARGS or a function \args() that returns the array with no parameters and a specific element if passed a number
Let's say I have a piece of code like x += 5; \print(x). What should happen here? One option is to set x to 5, basically treating undefined (which is what you would get if you did \print(x) first) as the identity of the operation (0 in this case). Another is that an error or warning is thrown.
I'm thinking that maybe we should do it like this: if a variable's value is not fully defined yet, then it will have whatever value once it becomes fully defined. Otherwise, it behaves as normally expected.
Hmmm. Part of my motivation for allowing such a piece of code is to greatly reduce dependency issues, like in cases where you need two functions to be able to call the other.