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Not mine. I expel mostly helium.
You must be very annoying to talk to. I mean it would be hilarious at first, but it would get old quickly
@Rainbolt There's a small amount of sulfur hexaflouride in the mix as well. Just enough to keep the density just below that of regular air. So they still float, but the voice change isn't nearly what you'd have without it.
sulfur hexaflouride?
Makes you talk in a deep voice.
@Aaron Thanks, but I've decided to stop updating the answer because it was getting long. Also, I've already got Fibonacci and atoi in there separately.
@Rainbolt >_>
@El'endiaStarman Yea I know. He edited his message :-/
ok, it sure has got long
I was looking at a periodic table and thinking "Sodium Hexafluoride doesn't work out like that"
Anyway, @Geobits, I'm curious as to what you think of this - TED Talk: How to talk to veterans about the war.
@Rainbolt Oh, I didn't even notice that he wrote sodium and not sulfur...
that feelin when u readin the periodic table ur like 'Sodium hexafluoride doesn't work out like that'
I apologize
I was just thinking that if sulfur hexafluoride (which is something I have heard of) is a thing, then in order for sodium to take the place of sulfur, it would have to be in the same column on the periodic table.
That way all the electrons are happy
@El'endiaStarman I skimmed the transcript (don't have time to watch/read the full thing right now), but I'm not sure what you're asking. I get it all the time when people find out I was enlisted, but it comes off as more of a "set phrase" than sincere thanks most of the time, or at least it feels that way to me.
It's kinda like when the guy at the register says "have a nice day". I'm sure some people actually mean it, but the majority just say it because that's what you say.
@MartinBüttner I have a Retina question. How do I prepend n-i spaces to line i of the input for every line in the input, where there are n lines?
@Geobits That's pretty much half of what I was asking about. Wes Moore also mentions a few questions that he wishes people would ask him. It seems to me like he wishes more people would ask questions, and questions other than "Did you shoot anyone?".
The input lines will start and end with non-whitespace characters, but the lines will contain spaces.
@Geobits As a PPCG person, I'm sincerely grateful that you're part of the community. As an American, I'm sincerely grateful that you've donated your rich skillset to protecting the country.
@El'endiaStarman Oh I get that one every now and then, too :P
@Geobits I'm not too surprised. :P He did say, though, that these were the only people curious enough to even ask anything.
I was in the Air Force, so I also get "what kind of plane did you fly?" a lot, because I guess everyone flies planes :/
What kind of air did you force?
Very hot propeller-driven air.
Okay thank you for the information
There's a difference between what people are grateful for and what they are interested in. I'm grateful for your service but I want to know if you shot people.
It's not something I've ever done before, so it interests me
Shot, no. Was shot at, yes, assuming you count mortar fire (I do).
400 non-deleted answers have been posted to the Hello World catalog...
Ducking from mortars is "fun".
@Geobits Did you work at...what do you call it? Air base? Airport?
> This question already has an answer 400 answers, are you sure you want to add another?
Like, didn't fly anything, but maintained airplanes?
It's usually called an air base.
@Geobits ;-; I'm so glad you're safe
@AlexA. There are also 65 deleted answers, so that probably should have been a thing.
And yes, I maintained the onboard electronics. Radios, radar, nav equip, etc.
If you had been mortared, your kid would never know the joy of playing Magic
I haven't met any of you but I care about you all so much ;-;
@AlexA. <3
@Rainbolt One very close call. Was outside and one came down a few feet away. No time to duck or anything. Very luckily, it was a dud (about a quarter used there were; a lot of old soviet stuff).
@Geobits yikes
Yikes for sure. Was on edge a bit the rest of the day ;)
@Geobits That must've been terrifying. And then immensely relieving afterwards.
My grandpa was living in Japan during WWII. He has a scar on his leg from the gel from a dud incendiary bomb that semi-exploded and got gel on him and his brother.
He also saw the mushroom cloud over Nagasaki from his house
@AlexA. Did he know what it was?
I don't know, actually.
Ha, funny story: First off, there's a strict no-alcohol policy while deployed in Iraq. People sneak it in, but let's just say it's a quick way to leave. So one day a mortar comes down through the tent where this guy's sleeping. It's a dud, but they call in the ordinance guys to get rid of it. They go in and he's still passed out drunk right next to the thing.
@AlexA. Wow, that's too close for comfort.
@Geobits I wonder what that guy's reaction was when he was woken up.
Probably a mixture of relief, terror, and shame
I imagine it was something like that, yea.
@Geobits: Did you learn programming before/during/after your deployment?
(IIRC you said that you learned BASIC at a youngish age?)
@MartinBüttner Never mind. Solved it. The last stage of this is what it was for: retina.tryitonline.net/…
I'm sad I don't remember my grandpa's brother. Apparently he had a good sense of humor coupled with poor English. My dad once asked him if he enjoyed spending most of his time with his grandkids and he replied, "They make you stupid."
@El'endiaStarman Oh I started that when I was ten or so. I did it while there when the chance arose, but I also spent a lot of time practicing guitar.
:o Geobits must be part of Metallica!
o_O Why part of Metallica?
^ best book ever
Ahhh niiice.
Interesting. Seems like a lot of young programmers get their start by programming games...
@AlexA. Because they are a heavy metal rock band, and guitars are part of rockbands, and everyone knows that you must be made of steel to be a downvote arrow
@El'endiaStarman Most kids don't want to write business software for some reason.
@MartinBüttner The 2nd to last stage, actually.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I guess Superman must be a downvote arrow too?
@El'endiaStarman No, it doesn't quite work the other way. Though it wouldn't surprise me if superman is Geobits
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This persona is going to have to disappear if you keep going down this road.
@Geobits okay sorry
@Geobits I lost the game
@Rainbolt I lost the game
Oh, cool! I did too!
I won the game! :D
Opinion poll: // or # for single line comments
Either is perfectly fine imo
Depends on the language?
; for single line comments, then //, then #.
# if you want to have // mean integer division.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ;? What
// if you want # to mean something :P
Blitz 2D/3D uses ; for comments, in fact.
// because it requires only one finger
Assembly uses semicolon
this is a function    ; not really
this is a function    # not really
this is a function   // not really
Dyia uses semicolon
But what if you want semicolon to mean something like oh I don't know a line separator
You're asking for Pytek, aren't ya? :P
Then don't use it for comments?
@Geobits Well we're using @ for preprocessor right now. # is currently comments, but I know some people like //.
If the 'py' from pytek relates to python, then go with #.
#, especially in Python. The rest can all be used for something.
@Geobits Not really.
In fact I still think we might want to change the name...
// for floor division and ; for code golfing
I like the name "Pytek" just in and of itself, but I can see why a name change might be desirable.
Unless you choose something really oddball (like f), I don't think people are going to care what the comment identifier is.
It seems like I am the only one here who does not have at least 1000 rep yet.
Well, unless you go HTML-comment on us. Then people would care.
@R.Kap @QPaysTaxes
Or better yet, no comments! Make it really hard on people :P
while(0){ comment }
@R.Kap Heck no. :P
<!--//#; comment ;#\\--!>
Or, to make code golfing really hard, especially with quines, you must use 'comment<>comment' to comment something out. Every, single, time. :P
@Geobits Heck NO.
@R.Kap Make it System.getLogger().comment() instead.
Or new CommentFactoryInstance(CommentDelim[comment])
Or maybe even sys.comment.getLogger().commentin().<>.commentout()
@quartata Hopefully this has been helpful >_>
All permutations of "Pytek" that follow the CVCVC order.
@Geobits aggressively helpful
I really want to see if someone can make a short enough quine that prints out hello everybody! when interpreted backwards, using that type of comment.
Nothing to see here...
Why not use non-ASCII for comments? Make it fun to type.
As in everything (and only) non ASCII is interpreted as a comment.
屟嗥懄晎ኵ把䔎䟙䋰潂柎剈ᴈ䖍愠捒唓嫴樾嘣朠䤒愬渍暄僱喞埸 for a single line comment. there we go.
I just found (for the Catagolue) a c/3 spaceship in the Life-like CA B3/S01367!
x = 7, y = 9, rule = B3/S01367
What should a reduce of an empty array return?
That depends on the operator.
0 for sum, 1 for product, empty list for concatenation...
^ could be the operator's identity. totally ninja'd
Pretzel now supports reduce! :D (will add the operator identities later, that's a lot of hard-coding I'm not in the mood for right now)
@Cyoce Pretzel?...
@R.Kap Pretzel, my in-development Prefix golfing language.
It looks something like this ‡(¡€"/\"ä˙âfâ)â
It should be "Pretxel"
Why? (explain)
Pretxel -> Prefix
Or maybe just Prex
That's cool. Interesting syntax you got there.
@R.Kap Thanks. By the way that's the verbose way to do something I have a builtin for
What does that built in do?
For challenges where they give you a stream of commands and you interpret them.
That would be perfect for this other challenge I am trying to figure out, where that is exactly the case. In Python it is extremely slow.
It finds the index of the current command in the string of commands ("/\") then executes that line of the program (offset by two, the first being the main function, the second being the maintenance loop).
What if there's two or more of the same commands? Is it that as the command gets interpreted, it's discarded from the string?
It iterates through the string char-by-char
(that's what does)
Interesting...Do you think it would work for this challenge?: code.google.com/codejam/contest/5224486/dashboard#s=p5
I mean, that is if it can iterate through it fast enough.
Fast enough? Is there a time limit for this challenge?
I have been trying it in Python, but when it gets to those ) parts, it gets stuck on some of the loops, and can't iterate through them fast enough.
Yeah, sort of. I mean, it should not take forever.
Even golf requires optimisation for speed if you want people to believe it works
Rule 1: don't name your language after a consumable, whether it be Cheddar, Pretzels, Pythons, or Java.
Or the C?
Pythons? A consumable? Oh my...
Are you telling me some people eat this?: worldofballpythons.com/files/morphs/candy/001.jpg
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ As the creator of Jelly and Bubblegum and a frequent CJam user, I disagree strongly.
@Dennis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would CheddarScript be better? :P
But pretzels are tasty...who wouldn't want there mouth watering while programming?
@QPaysTaxes o_o
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ okay I'll name my next language Peanut Butter
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ
@QPaysTaxes o_o
what does Eat and Toss do?
Just abbreviate those commands as P E T.
@QPaysTaxes please provide example prime-checkng progema
then it is not a valid language on PPCG
suuureee.... ¬_¬
uh huh....
Write a BF interpreter in it.
please provide example program to do anything?
@QPaysTaxes Wow, beautiful! Where is that?
@QPaysTaxes The Documentation site is super confusing.
@QPaysTaxes Haven't heard of it. New York?
Is it a national park?
@AlexA. That's...pretty much my first reaction too.
I haven't really done anything yet.
I wish I lived in a place with trees and animals other than my neighbor's dog and the racoons that go dumpster diving at 5 am
@El'endiaStarman I can't figure out how to do anything.
In part because someone has already documented the basics of Python...
I haven't gotten an invite to docs yet; do I have to be active on SO or something?
I got mine quite a while ago actually; I only registered for it today because I had forgotten about the invite.
23 March is when I got it
@quartata No, they're just sending out invitation emails gradually.
I got my invite last week, I think.
Does it show up in your email? If so I've probably already gotten one and don't know because I have a different email account for SE and Github
I should check
That's how I got my invitation: via email
yeah, they just sent out another batch
A: Showcase your language one vote at a time

OldBunny2800LOLCODE 2 characters "" An empty YARN 1 character I cantz do real stuff with my 1 char!! -- Hohmannfan Factoid Is composed almost completely with Internet slang.

I just got one, actually.
Not me :D
how big can pyth integers be
before bad things happen
Same limit as Python, so 2**(2**32) or something like that.
Python has automatic bigint promotion so you'll be fine
A: Generate the minimal remainder sequence

poi830Pyth, 51 Bytes =HYK1J1FdQ=GPhdIqlrG8K=J*J@G1 JI>JQVQ aH%QhN)<tHd.q Try it out! Much higher speed 52 byte version: =HYK1J1FdQ=GPhdIqlrG8K=J*J@G1 JI>JQVhd aH%QhN)<tHd.q Try it out! Note: this answer does not work for 0, 1, and 2.

i have an answer for this one that seems to work for really big numbers
and i wanted to make sure it wasnt lying to me
But it doesn't work for 0, 1 and 2?
Another opinion poll: which method for accessing command line arguments do you prefer? A global constant array ARGS or a function \args() that returns the array with no parameters and a specific element if passed a number
or something else maybe
the first option
don't put it in a module like python though
Yeah we won't do that
@El'endiaStarman Masses have spoken
@poi830 If an answer doesn't work for some edge cases, it's ultimately invalid. You'd have to special-case that somehow.
why is no number uniquely identified by 5 remainders?
Because LCM(2,3,4,5,6) = LCM(2,3,4,5).
@quartata Is Maltysen like, Multiple Man or something?
since 2,3 | 6
there's no "took"
@El'endiaStarman Well QPay(s)Taxes careted so good enough
@VTCAKAVSMoACE Working on Simplex!
@quartata Haha, alright. I would've said the same too, I think.
Oh, by the way should chains look like func->func2 or \func->\func2?
I vote for the latter.
Yeah, same. I just wonder if it's inconsistent with passing functions: \map(func, ...)
I think functions should be passed with a leading slash.
Like \print(\map).
Oh, OK
That's better anyways since then we could have currying look like \map(\add(2), …)
how do you do strikethrough on the post
*with markdown
On the main site? Not possible.
On main: <s>stuff</s>. In chat: ---stuff---.
oh ok
<s> </s>
Inconsistent flavors of markdown amirite
@quartata Well, all HTML is disallowed in chat, and --- is used for horizontal line breaks in posts on main...
@quartata if it was the same platform, yes, but chat and main sites aren't the same platform
@Quill that was a good song
Figured some of you guys might like some of the songs on there...
@poi830 The 32 byte version doesn't seem to work correctly for any input.
Yeah, irks me every time I pay attention. :P
@Dennis that should be fixed
while i<=n:r=[i%j for j in range(2,m)];b=1-(r in S)&any(r);m+=1-b;S+=b*[r];i+=b
print S[-1]
the stupid approach is pretty short
Let's say I have a piece of code like x += 5; \print(x). What should happen here? One option is to set x to 5, basically treating undefined (which is what you would get if you did \print(x) first) as the identity of the operation (0 in this case). Another is that an error or warning is thrown.
@El'endiaStarman python first parses the full input, then executes
@El'endiaStarman So x is formerly undefined?
if there is a syntax error, nothing gets executed
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ All yet-to-be-defined variables have the value undefined.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ well, if this isn't in a REPL, but in a Python file, x doesn't even exist
because the interpreter hasn't started executing yet
thus there is even no scope in which x could exist
I thought this was Pytek, not Python
in a REPL x is unchanged, since there the parser parses line-by-line (or well, input by input, which happens to be in lines)
I don't mind drawing from other languages, especially Python to explain why some behavior should be the way it is.
What's Pyteks purpose, again? "Ease of programming"?
I thought you were talking about Python
>>> y += 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#44>", line 1, in <module>
    y += 5
NameError: name 'y' is not defined
It's an error, but not a syntax error.
@El'endiaStarman that's not what you wrote
>> y += 5
ReferenceError: y is not defined
>>> x += 5; \print(x)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x += 5; \print(x)
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yes, though debugging should be fairly easy too.
@orlp Well yeah, that's Pytek code.
@El'endiaStarman True.
> v"y"+5V"y"
< null
Alright, here's a trickier question. In Pytek, it will be possible to do this:
x = y
y = 2
\print(x) #outputs 2
I hate that.
What if I wrote this?
yeah why is that allowed
x = y
x += 5
y = 2
\print(x) #output should be...?
Wouldn't you want that to happen when x <: y?
(or whatever)
output should be an error at "x=y"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ x would always have the value of y whenever it's referenced. What I'm talking about is a one-time assignment.
@poi830 I've already decided that this will be possible.
then 7
@El'endiaStarman Yeah. if y = 5; x = y; y =2; \print(x) outputs 2, then doesn't x always have y as its value?
@Dennis the minimal remainder sequence makes for a nice OEIS
x = y
y = 2
y = 4
\print(x) #outputs 2
if you interpret the minimal remainders as a base-M number
in Pytek, Apr 7 at 21:25, by El'endia Starman
I'm thinking that maybe we should do it like this: if a variable's value is not fully defined yet, then it will have whatever value once it becomes fully defined. Otherwise, it behaves as normally expected.
where M is the largest modulo used in the minimal remainder
so x=y links the value of x to the value of y as long as y is undefined?
then unlinks them after?
That's actually kind of nice
this seems like it would be a little confusing also
in Pytek, Apr 7 at 21:08, by El'endia Starman
Hmmm. Part of my motivation for allowing such a piece of code is to greatly reduce dependency issues, like in cases where you need two functions to be able to call the other.
@poi830 True, but so is J. And most langs if there is some caveat.

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