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@TonHospel I wish I could help. It might be quickest to ask on math.se if there is a specific mathematical question which would clear it up?
OEIS makes so many tempting challenges :)
@flawr I need to do two things: make a prime checker in UGL and golf UGL numbers.
Maybe do this in a separate room? =)
Will you help me with making Unipants' Golfing Language?
@zyabin101 I can try (I have no experience in making compilers/interpreters, and I'm generally not that good when it comes to programming.)
But right now I'm having lunch=)
@flawr Anyway, can you help me with making a prime checker and golfing UGL numbers?
Woohoo I made a Seriously answer for the GCD challenge without using the builtin
A: Greatest Common Divisor

MegoSeriously, 23 bytes ,,;'XQ1╟";(%{}"f3δI£ƒkΣ This makes use of the Quine command, which is currently the only sane way to do recursion. Try it online! Explanation: ,,;'XQ1╟";(%{}"f3δI£ƒkΣ ,,; get a and b inputs, duplicate b 'X push "x" Q1╟ ...

@ChrisJester-Young o/
THIS: undefined;
 cannot reference undefined identifier
My code jam Python library is out! (Along with PPCG's solutions)
> PPCG's results
What does it have over my leaderboard‌​?
It doesn't have results, it has everyone's solution code
Anyone have anything I should add to the library?
@MarsUltor A leaderboard like mine, allowing you to scrape out a leaderboard using a list of users you want to compare.
It should have an overall rank, the user's score and penalty time.
@flawr Unipants' Golfing Language was updated with the divmod operator replacing the division operator, allowing me to do a prime checker!
One thing: how to do it?
@MarsUltor can you help me in making Unipants' Golfing Language?
@zyabin101 Okay, when you make a repo
@MarsUltor Why doesn't a gist count?
@zyabin101 Hard to use
and it's not a git repo
so more tedious to keep in sync
@MarsUltor It is a git repo.
@zyabin101 No, it's a Gist
You can just go and import it on GitHub.
Find in the gist's hat a button saying Embed, click it and select Clone via HTTPS, and copy the resulting URL into the GitHub importer.
Q: Volume and surface of spheroids

Byte CommanderI want you to write a function that takes the height (2*c) and the width (2*a) of an oblate (left image) or prolate (right image) spheroid or a sphere as parameters and returns the volume and the surface area of the shape as tuple. The output must be rounded to two decimal places. All input an...

> Optimizing repository and pushing commits to GitHub...
This looks like it takes forever.
C'mon, GitHub Importer, don't fail me now...
This is taking forever. ಠ_ಠ
@zyabin101 I can try, did anything happen in the past hour?=)
@flawr I replaced the division operator with the divmod operator, and now I'm importing the gist to GitHub. This is taking forever.
> Cheers & Octocats, GitHub
GitHub emails always know what to gift to me every time. :)
FINALLY! The import is finished.
So I think the first thing would be making an interpreter, right?
@flawr >.<
The first thing right now would be making a room.
@flawr Do you think you'll like Unipants' Golfing Language to have its own room?
Every single damn language here has it's own room, so why not?
Now I'm officially a room owner, and a productive member of chat! \o/
@flawr Now you're officially a room owner, and a productive member of chat! Like me! pats flawr on back
productive is subject to dispute.
@zyabin101 those numbers in middle are scores ?
@Agawa001 The numbers on the left are rank and overall rank (over all contestants). The numbers on the right are the score and penalty time.
@StackCodeGolf/mods update my profile. It has an even cooler avatar!
@MartinBüttner ^
@zyabin101 What language do you want it in?
I think I made it too detailed
@MarsUltor JavaScript.
@MarsUltor Yup. It should be like:
5 hours ago, by zyabin101
 1st  528 Sp3000           100 10:59:01
 2nd  599 MarsUltor        100 11:54:49
 3rd 1045 DennisMitchell   100 18:05:39
 4th 1148 Jakube           100 19:16:05
 5th 1182 Sherlock9        100 19:41:32
 6th 1275 aditsu           100 20:47:42
 7th 1287 TheNumberOne     100 21:00:44
 8th 1722 mbue              92 20:15:25
 9th 1932 BrainSteel        80 18:49:58
10th 2481 xsot              75 10:20:40
11th 4320 Maltysen          75 26:57:47
12th 4551 NathanMerrill     70 26:05:47
13th 6635 TheOnlyMego       55  8:05:12
But the detailed scores should be available, from a command line flag.
Like --verbose.
It's not an executable
it's a bookmarklet
that logs to consile
@MarsUltor Where is it available?
@MarsUltor Discussion on UGL is here.
Look at my avatar.
It's Electric Unipants - the same Unipants, but reinforced with an electric suit!
cant believe i gotta wait til next year cuz of 6 hours lag
 Place  Rank                 Name  Points  Penalty
   1st   528               Sp3000     100 10:59:01
   2nd   599            MarsUltor     100 11:54:49
   3rd  1045       DennisMitchell     100 18:05:39
   4th  1148               Jakube     100 19:16:05
   5th  1182            Sherlock9     100 19:41:32
   6th  1275               aditsu     100 20:47:42
   7th  1722                 mbue      92 20:15:25
   8th  1932           BrainSteel      80 18:49:58
   9th  2481                 xsot      75 10:20:40
i could have made nice solutions with c
@zyabin101 So you want it as a function that takes code as a string?
@MarsUltor No, an online interpreter. The code and input is input into a form, and the code is run on the input.
How can I create a GitHub commit RSS feed?
@MarsUltor so much python
@aditsu ?
@zyabin101 For a repo?
just looked at the languages they used, it's almost full of python :p
@aditsu Only because this is PPCG
@MarsUltor yup.
C++ is still twice as common and Java is still equally common overall
I was expecting more pyth and jelly and matl and whatnot :p
@aditsu Takes too long
They're golfing languages
not really easy to write
Dennis/Martin are using CJam though because they're more familiar with it than anything else
I struggled a lot more with some of the non-golfing languages I used :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

zyabin101Golf Unipants' Golfing Language numbers tags: code-challenge Sandbox notes are, as always, put in blockquotes. Unipants' Golfing Language is a golfing language I'm working on. One item on this language's TODO list is golfing numbers in this language. In this challenge I hereby provide a ...

@MarsUltor Dennis seems to be all python
@aditsu Yeah, he's gonna use CJam in future rounds
@NewSandboxedPosts inter-room ninja'd
in Unipants' Golfing Language, 13 mins ago, by zyabin101
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

zyabin101Golf Unipants' Golfing Language numbers tags: code-challenge Sandbox notes are, as always, put in blockquotes. Unipants' Golfing Language is a golfing language I'm working on. One item on this language's TODO list is golfing numbers in this language. In this challenge I hereby provide a ...

@MarsUltor Fun fact: the comment in my D submission is the CJam code I used to explore the fractals until I got an answer :P
Excerpts from one of my answers on Puzzling.SE:
> Now, chemicals affecting behavior belonging to ones who write tests increased in potential difference. This added context to the physical and chemical treatment of jazz musicians using phosphates.
> Extemporizing demythologizers demythologized overhomogenized, jackhammering azidothymidines; puzzlingly schizophrenic jazzmen diphthongizing hyperexcitement drizzlingly overemphasized jabberwocky jazziness, hypothesizing philosophizing jazzbos; quizzer psychochemicals hyperpolarized, contextualizing physicochemical jazzman phosphatization; remythologizing chazzanim blackjacking huzzahing quizzes psychologized nephrectomizing, zizzed pzazz.
@LegionMammal978 I've seen that one
The scrabble one, right?
(All of the 34 words in that grammatically correct English sentence have a Scrabble score of 34)
@LegionMammal978 Does that count the fact that you don't have enough Zs for most of those words and blanks count as 0?
@Sp3000 All of the words are valid according to Hasbro's site
And that's the most official resource that I can find
@LegionMammal978 Sp3000 means it's not possible in a real scrabble game
I'm not disputing them as valid scrabble words, I'm saying their score can't be just the sum of the individual letter scores
*not all the words
I think they're all possible, just with blanks
Well, it is for the purpose of the challenge
Ah k - haven't seen the challenge, hence the question
Q: Craft the longest Scrabble sentence

Bailey MThis is another challenge along the same vein as similar challenges that have shown up on this site, requiring the puzzle to craft the longest possible sentence given a specific requirement. What is the longest sentence with n words, where n is the number of Scrabble points that each of its wo...

The OP still hasn't been seen since January :(
@MarsUltor To my own leaderboard, I added Hotkeys, a.arslan, zachgates7, and RikerW
Perhaps there are others. We shall see
@LegionMammal978 :(
Does anyone know how to break out of frames in python?
Sort of like a return until in frame x
or a set_scope(frame)
don't know what a frame is.
like a scope
I want to constantly kill the current scope until it is the one I want
@muddyfish Do you just need to access something from an enclosing scope, or actively destroy the current scope? What's the purpose behind this?
actively destroy the current scope
I'm trying to go to the first AST in the current program and effectively reset the program but starting with the current stack
I can't think of a scope that doesn't destroy itself, unless you're working with generators or generator functions (I might not be the best person to ask - just trying to understand the question)
I want to reset the current running program with a new stack
In the middle of a program
And you want to remove all but the outermost scope's variables from the stack first?
It doesn't have to but I don't know a way of doing it without leaving the extra scopes
If you just identify what you don't want to lose, everything else should die by default
I think I'm confusing you
You certainly are :)
Python's scopes
My language's stack
The only thing I don't want to lose is the current stack
and the outer AST
I have some familiarity with Python, but I don't have any context on what you are trying to do or what the underlying purpose is
I want to add a recurse function to my proram that goes to the start but pre-initialises the stack with the current values
If that is your end goal (rather than exploring how python works internally), you can probably achieve this with functions or generators and make it more readable
Is this a program which returns a value or produces side effects?
OK. So you want the side effects to happen every time, but a value to be returned only at the end of the recursion?
I'm just guessing from the vague description - I'm still not really sure what we're working with...
We were supposed to print either Retina! or Trash!! Not retweet @ertaisnha!! — Optimizer Jul 21 '15 at 20:49
@muddyfish It might help to write a spec :)
Or draw a picture
So I'm inside an AST which may or may not be inside another node in an AST
And I want to get rid of the everytihn but the first one
and set the prog-counter to 0
and the stack to a value
What determines what "the first one" means? Is that the current node or the root node?
an AST knows if it is the first one
I want to go the first ast
Without overflowing Python's internal stack
What is the information that you want to preserve? Is it made up of something from every level on the way up?
Q: integer n compute with brainfuck

Ali Al Akbar KansoGuys can u plzzz help me in this code, i tried to solve it but i could not any help is appreciated. In the brainfuck problem: Your program will be judged against any number between 0 and 999, You may choose a different interpreter if you wish but you must include it in your solution otherwise we ...

I want to preserve a stack (generic object). It's on the current AST. It's inaccessable from anywhere but the current AST (except from hacky stuff)
In case it isn't obvious, you have much more knowledge in this topic than me. Can you just ascend one level at a time, discarding at each step so the stack is shrinking instead of growing?
@NewMainPosts rofl
I could but then I would have to delve in the realms of self-modifying code
I wonder what workaround they used to write that title
And I'd really rather not
I don't have enough knowledge to know whether this is an XY problem, but it smells like one to my untrained nose...
XY problem?
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

Help me do this, but I actually want that.
tl;dr: asking how to do something which isn't necessarily the best approach to your underlying problem
Not a ninja, because I bow to your explanation.
If we know your goal from a broader perspective, then one of us (probably not me...) might be able to point out a much easier solution
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Thanks :)
I want to be able from anywhere in the current running program (in my language) to be able to go to the start of the program but keep the current stack how it is
kind of like GOTO START
Try a global.
And have the program be a function you can call again.
This comment seems apt:
The easiest way to get to the real problem is usually asking Why five times. — Gordon Oct 21 '12 at 17:25
If I do it that way, I eat up the (python) stack
> 4 steps away
It's got a recursion limit
Is a lot of information being stored at each level of recursion?
Quite a bit
It would eat up the memory
Ah OK. You can increase python's recursion depth limit, but if you really are eating up memory then that won't help
Is there any redundancy in the information being passed? How much of it is vital and specific to that level of recursion?
It's not that I would be eating loads of memory, its that I would be doing this lots of times
Once it recurses, only a small amount of information is actually needed for the next step
With recursion I'd expect that once recursion stops, the stack just unwinds back to the beginning with nothing new being added, so I'd expect to hit memory problems during recursion rather than while returning to the initial entry point.
It would during the recursion
I wouldn't need to unwind if I did it that way
So is dropping everything but the stack a workaround because of the memory problem, or the way you want to do this anyway?
If Iwas doing it a recursionny way, I would do it because of memory
Often the unwinding carries out a calculation at each step as the function returns, so cutting out that step might cause you extra work elsewhere anyway
How generic does this need to be? Are you writing the code to handle any recursive function in your new language, or are you writing a recursive function to do something specific?
I'm writing it to do something specific
Not generic at all
I'm glancing at your code but I don't know the background to it
That's my current commit, it doesn't have the recursionny bit at all
So what I'm looking at doesn't work in some cases, which you want to fix with recursion? Or what I'm looking at works but you want to add extra functionality?
What I posted worked all the time. It doesnt have recursion at all
That paste has what I've done so far
That doesn't work because when things (such as my for loop) call an AST, they don't exit once a single loop has happened;
For loops wouldn't break immediately
I still don't know what the underlying motivation for writing the code is. It might help to write a README for your repository. I'm out of context and floundering
It is the Pyke source.
I don't know Pyke. Maybe someone who does can see a solution?
this starboard looks awful.
Hey, i need help with something in mysql
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You want more off topic or more on topic?
Just less big messages.
I'm guessing less lists and less Perl.
They look stupid.
@Dennis definitely.
@drobilc try the 2nd monitor

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
They write non-golfed production code.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ oh, thanks :)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You weren't tempted to give some golfed SQL? :P
I don't sql.
I avoid sql.
I don't have any SQL either
@trichoplax I'm writing Pyke, I'm trying to add a new feature
I see. What will people use the feature for?
majik stuf
and avocad juicng
Simple recursion
When something happend
A simple function for example
Or a while 1 loop
example: forever increment input; hpr
h - increment
I'd expect a while 1 loop to overflow your recursion stack, unless you have a exit term or tail recursion
p - print current value
r - goto start
Or a truth machine: DIr
D - duplicate
I - If true
r - goto start
oh I see
Recursion would work, but it needs to be infinite.
How about a running index that can be reset to 0?
In computer science, a tail call is a subroutine call performed as the final action of a procedure. If a tail call might lead to the same subroutine being called again later in the call chain, the subroutine is said to be tail-recursive, which is a special case of recursion. Tail recursion (or tail-end recursion) is particularly useful, and often easy to handle in implementations. Tail calls can be implemented without adding a new stack frame to the call stack. Most of the frame of the current procedure is not needed any more, and it can be replaced by the frame of the tail call, modified a...
I do this but the counter is different if you're in an If node or a for node for example
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ What is it about avocad? i like orange. and cheese.
they're running a different AST to the main code
@Solver avocad is love, avocad is life
Sep 22 '15 at 3:19, by Alex A.
@PhiNotPi hello i have quetions how does juice an avocado i have try for thirtee minut and no juic
@AlexA. has introdcued us to avocad glory
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

CoolestVetoMeme: how does juice an avocado I have try for thirtee minut and no juic Originator: Alex A. Cultural Height: 22 September 2015 - Present Background: Alex said something dumb about avocados to PhiNotPi in chat. It has since escalated. Exhibit A: Usage example: Literally anything about avoca...

@trichoplax I would too, so I was thinking of making it so it escaped from the stack until it got to the start
It was a genuine question (that was obviously closed as off topic) and has stuck as a running in joke
But alex predated it.
@muddyfish I think I finally understand the reason you want to do this now. I'm trying to think of an alternative way around this.
@trichoplax Thanks!
I may not come up with anything, but it's an interesting problem. Fortunately it seems to have been dealt with by functional languages already so we might not need to come up with anything groundbreaking
but python's object orientated ;)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Wow - I didn't realise the apparently random off topic question was actually inspired by a statement from Alex
@muddyfish Yes but if a solution exists it can inspire one that can be adapted for python. Hopefully... :)
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Er...
> Sophie Germain primes are named after French mathematician Sophie Germain
Thanks Wikipedia
I wouldn't have guessed otherwise!
(apart from the french bit; that was obvious)
I'm so random!
dunno who is calvin but i added one star up
people can i have one minute plz, how to use this thing vi text tool to modify its contents some1 knows ?
@Agawa001 The source of a huge number of our challenges...
@Jakube @TheNumberOne @AlexA. @ZachGates @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ @LockOpeners I added your CodeJam usernames to the spreadsheet. If you don't want to be listed there, just ping me and I'll remove you
The world would be a darker place without Helka's challenges
Why the post decimation?
Edit history.
1 in 26 challenges is a Helka Homba challenge
@lembik: Updated with a version that is much faster for small m using the one modular transform I actually understand
@trichoplax :o
@Doorknob Now I'm going to have to actually try to compete against other people.
I'd be happy with just making it to round 2. :P
Top 3000 should be possible.
22,155 competitors made it to round 1, apparently.
Wait, no, you can't.
I tried.
I still stand by what I said.
You're using the wrong tool for the job. Brainfuck can only do numbers up to 255, usually. — Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ 28 secs ago
It's from a contest. They got not choice.
Also, brainfuck is never the right tool for the job.
Not even for cat? :3
Null bytes.
Oh. Right.
It's the right tool for trolling :P
Q: Brainfuck Language

user52933Write a brainfuck program that reads an integer n and computes 3n^2 - 2n +9 and prints the result. Can anyone help me with this problem ? The number used is going to be between 0 and 999 and I have no idea where to start , and I have other worries like when should I subtract 48 from each digit t...

@NewMainPosts How many seconds until an avocad edit?
@PhiNotPi 3 minutes.
Alex isn't here. Might be more.
@AlexA. ^^^^^^
@MarsUltor you're now an owner of the UGL room!
I give you not just write access to the repo. I give you also owner access to the room.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ THAT'S your reason for not using BF?
@Doorknob Totally. It's all about the number width.
We should invent a new natural language. It will be called Helkish.
Two words: Helka Homba, to create words.
I'll start. Helka homba!

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