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Does that mean I'm stuck in Dr Seuss land for the next month?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Only on main. There's a workaround for chat
ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴄᴛʀʟ-, ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴛʀʟ-c...
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ You can change your name on a different site and apply it to all sites.
@QPaysTaxes sure!
ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴍ9
not for me
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ you can ping a mod and ask for a name revert
ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ sᴀɴᴇ ᴏs :P
@Doorknob I tried that and they seemed to have fixed the loophole. Maybe it works for chat but not for everything
@QPaysTaxes ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴍ10
Nah, it's not that big of a deal.
@aditsu Yes, I think sometimes we can be too quick to close things if they aren't clear-cut, though I think that generalizes to the community as a whole. Though the text "closed" was changed to "on hold" for a reason: things can be reopened as needed.
@QPaysTaxes which means no more globals? :P
> I'm am
@QPaysTaxes ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
Just got back from a camping trip
@LegionMammal978 o/
@QPaysTaxes You must be from texas...
@QPaysTaxes what did you change?
@LegionMammal978 WELCOME BACK!!!
@LegionMammal978 Sounds nice. Where'd you go?
@QPaysTaxes ah haha okay
@AlexA. Down in Florida near the Gulf
@LegionMammal978 Did you have a good time?
I'm glad :)
Perhaps we need a "What makes a good pop-con" meta post
@AlexA. about testing the answers, see these comments for example
Saw the National Naval Aviation Museum
The National Naval Aviation Museum, formerly known as the National Museum of Naval Aviation and the Naval Aviation Museum, is a military and aerospace museum located at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida. The museum was established 14 December 1962 with the initial facility located in a cramped 8,500 square foot building aboard the air station that had been erected during World War II and which was dedicated in June 1963. The Phase I portion of the current facility was dedicated Sunday 13 April 1975, although it had been informally open since November 1974. Construction of the new location began...
@LegionMammal978 See any alligators?
@HelkaHomba No :p
You could have changed your name to LegionReptile978
@aditsu Ah, I see. (Personally I would be fine with banning proprietary languages entirely, but I'm not about to suggest that because I know I'm in the small minority. That's an aside though.)
@HelkaHomba He could only do that if he saw an alligator while in Florida?
Florida law
@HelkaHomba Nah, I live in northern Georgia
@LegionMammal978 Oh, a band I like a lot is from Savannah.
@AlexA. about the UTF-8 thing, I think languages that cram a lot of operators in 256 bytes have an unfair advantage, and this is a way to compensate for it without excluding them; also, I believe that source code is generally meant to be at least a little bit readable by humans
@AlexA. Closer to the Atlanta metro area, don't get to see the Atlantic much
@aditsu How do you feel about APL? That's a "real" (i.e. non-golf) language and is older than either of us. Just curious, not 100% relevant.
@AlexA. I don't like APL very much :p but it's definitely not among the worst; I would still count it in UTF-8
Modern APL does use UTF-8, actually; the APL codepage is considered "legacy" (though it's still entirely supported).
What's a commonly-available text encoding that can print all ASCII characters?
knobby and full of doors
Pound cake or normal cake?
@AlexA. That contains many unprintables
@LegionMammal978 It's a commonly available text encoding that can print all ASCII characters. It also happens to encode unprintable characters as well.
An even more smartass answer: printable ASCII
@LegionMammal978 Are you looking for an encoding that can print unprintable ASCII?
@QPaysTaxes sorry; a bit busy with other things right now
Just look at the raw bytes.
To be clear, ASCII refers to exactly one code page/text encoding.
There are other encodings like CP437 that have all of printable ASCII and replacement characters in place of the unprintables.
As in, an 8-byte encoding that encodes each byte into a character that can be represented as a Unicode codepoint with basic type Graphic
As a child I thought that ASCII was ASC II (the follow up to a previous ASC). Abbreviated function names like ASC() didn't help.
I haven't been a child for a long time, but my mistakes are still of a similar degree
@LegionMammal978 I still don't really get what you're trying for. (Also, I think you mean 8-bit, not 8-byte.)
anyway, this.sleep();
@aditsu Goodnight and thanks for the feedback! It's good to know. :)
@ChrisJester-Young I am kinda curious about the LUYC thing.
@trichoplax Pretty much
Just trying to make Mthmtca displayable
@El'endiaStarman 64 bit text encoding - now that's exhaustive...
@PhiNotPi Sure, please ask away! Or, join my Slack and I could explain there too. :-)
@AlexA. Technically anything >127 is undefined in ASCII
@AlexA. thanks for showing interest, I appreciate that
@ChrisJester-Young I'll send an email right now, actually.
@QPaysTaxes I saw your message, but haven't found the right reply yet. Want me to send you a Slack invite too? :-)
Cool beans. :-)
@aditsu Of course! I always want to know to do things better or better serve the community.
@QPaysTaxes @PhiNotPi Invites have been sent out. :-)
Well, this might be awkward. It's asking for my real name. (Not that I didn't totally see it coming or anything, just that I've always tried to avoid sharing it.)
@PhiNotPi I put "Doorknob" down for that one :)
^ Likewise, I put "El'endia Starman". :P
Does the :P mean you are joking and are not really back?
Okay, cool.
@trichoplax That would be "I am back jk"
E. All of the below.
@PhiNotPi I've been assuming that :P signifies a joke but several times recently I've ended a comment with :P and been taken seriously/corrected. I've been wondering what to use instead...
@trichoplax I do use it that way, but I also use it to indicate amusement.
@trichoplax Nobody cares if they think they can correct you.
I use it generally to indicate a lack of seriousness, but I've been being taken seriously recently
> been being taken seriously
Does that work??
Challenge: Try to golf the JS program:
Must be full program, can use ES6 if necessary
I'll take you up on that.
@LegionMammal978 why need semicolon at end?
@QPaysTaxes Nope.
Current (142 bytes):
Also, you can use anything from the window on SO
So any global variables the SO/SE scripts declare are fine
@QPaysTaxes Now why would you think that?!
@QPaysTaxes Found a program (p='stackoverflow-unikong-leader-board';a=JSON.parse(localStorage[p]);a.pop();a‌​.splice(0,0,{initials:'YOU',score:100000});localStorage[p]=JSON.stringify(a);), but too lazy to type it all out
@El'endiaStarman b='stackoverflow-unikong-leader-board'
@LegionMammal978 Psssh, there's no way that refers to the Unikong question. No way whatsoever.
(You guys get now that I was being facetious, right? :P)
You find a sword in slightly better condition than yours.
@QPaysTaxes :D
Still 138
@QPaysTaxes I'm walking on and off this one camp repeatedly and it's saying it over and over haha
The worm attacks you.
The worm attmpts to eat you, but you cut at it with the sword.
The sword has little effect, but makes the worm run.
You find an intact sword.
The worm attacks you.
The worm attmpts to eat you, but you cut at it with the sword.
The sword strikes its venom gland, killing it.
Day 405:
A day in the desert takes a lot of water.
Water:  23
Health: 98
now what? :P
You should replace "days" with 10-minute increments and add a day/night cycle
at night more worms spawn but water depletes slower
What game is this?
also I would decrease oasis spawn rates
and broken ankles should deal more damage
@Rainbolt The little guy finally asked about MTG tonight. So, we played three games and he won once. He might be hooked now, we'll see.
I would do clusters of 2-4 appearing 20% of the time you enter a new part of the screen
Magic: The Gathering
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's Mt Gox without the ox.
@Geobits Teach him how to netdeck and let him loose at your next FNM. Then just sit back and rake in the packs
Hehe, maybe
FNM? netdeck? WTF???
dies of MTG disease
(That's a serious comment: MtGox, IIUC, used to stand for "Magic the Gathering online exchange" before it became a Bitcoin exchange.)
jund them out
@ChrisJester-Young pretty sure that's right
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ FNM = friday night magic netdecking = picking the winning deck from the latest pro tour and ripping it off
@quartata oh I see
The main problem with that is that I'd need to buy new cards. Hard to netdeck with mine, being a decade old or more.
Same here actually
Almost all of my decks are Legacy
He smacked me down good with my goblin swarm, though.
Sounds like he might like death and taxes
Yea, I've got a ton of revised and fifth edition. I think the latest I have is ravnica (and not too many of those iirc).
All of my basic lands are from revised edition which gets me a lot of weird looks
Not from me they wouldn't ;)
maybe they think I'm a time traveller
Has he played any blue yet?
@AlexA. The best thing about that image is that it's apparently on cardiohaters.com.

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