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@AshwinGupta I didn't see Shawshank until I was like 21 or 22, and I think that was just fine.
@Rainbolt I think so. You aren't on at the same time I am nearly as much, so it's hard to tell for sure. But I'd say so ;)
@El'endiaStarman fair enough.
@Rainbolt TIL I'm older than Rainbolt
Glad you thought I was older
@Rainbolt I had a kid around that age, so it certainly did for me.
What did I miss
Only R movies I've ever seen is Alien, and Deadpool (don't even ask how I got away with that)
@quartata me
@quartata Tabs won the war.
@Geobits WHAT
That's a lie
@Geobits Tab vs Coke? ;-)
The lies you tell yourself are the best kind, Alex.
Why does it have to be a war? When I press tab in Visual Studio, it just makes 4-5 spaces for me. It's a win-win.
@ChrisJester-Young Eww no. That Tab is just bad :P
@Rainbolt That means you use spaces not tabs
Some people use actual tabs
Crazy people that is
Crazy awesome
Sometimes when I am formatting a string for output I use tabs
@Geobits I'm sure there's someone named "crazyawesome" on the Internet who likes tabs yes
For crazy low level debug output. Nothing I'd ever put on a page.
@AshwinGupta My parents were pretty lenient about R-rated films so long as the extent of the "badness" was limited to violence (they didn't care much about that because obviously it isn't real).
@AshwinGupta Deadpool seems famous for way too many children seeing it.
I watched Highlander with my dad in elementary school :P
I don't even know what Deadpool is
I'm vaguely aware it's a film
It's when you bet on someone to die
@quartata That's about where I'm at
@El'endiaStarman ik alot of my friends saw it which is how I saw it. Honestly, it wasn't too bad if you take out the nudity.
Kids want to see a comic book movie with mature content. News at eleven.
@Rainbolt ok
From what clips I've seen of Deadpool, there's a great deal of gore in it too.
@AlexA. yeah my parents don't care about violence or cursing because they know I'm smarter then to use language like that. They care about the other stuff (if you know what I mean)
I better get out of here before the starboard fills up with completely unimportant jokes for everyone to read in the morning.
@AshwinGupta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Rainbolt Good night, sweet prince
@El'endiaStarman Yeah actually it's disgustingly gruesome
@AlexA. What kind of avocado
@quartata Hass
Actually I lied I've seen 4 R movies. I saw Saving Private Ryan & Blackhawk Down
if I use google openID to log in to SE, can I use SE open ID to log in to another site?
@AlexA. Fuerte or riot
Hass is all they had at my local grocer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Those two were very good also. Blackhawk Down was really sad especially since it's a true story.
I slept through Blackhawk Down .-.
@AlexA. You should move to a place that has avocados like California maybe
Wow Lol
Oh shoot I gtg bye people
haha that took me a sec
@quartata But then I'd live in California
@AlexA. what's wrong with that
There are different kinds of avocado?
@El'endiaStarman Yes
There are many varieties of avocad
@El'endiaStarman Yes
Hass is the one you've probably eaten
All the pictures I've seen of avocados looked basically the same.
The avocado (Persea americana) is a tree native to Mexico and Central America, classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceae along with cinnamon, camphor and bay laurel. Avocado or alligator pear also refers to the fruit, botanically a large berry that contains a single seed. Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. They have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical. Commercially, they ripen after harvesting. Avocado trees are partially self-pollinating and often are propagated through...
Has anyone else noticed how @KennyLau went from 1 to 820 rep in one week? I don't know about you, but that is really impressive to me.
That's because people only photograph Hass avocados for whatever reason
Don't get me wrong I'll eat Hass avocados (indeed I do all the time) but Fuerte are objectively better
Do you all like live in this room? (I know I'm here a lot but not that much :P)
@HelkaHomba Ummmm... now that you mention it... pretty much
@HelkaHomba yes the Nineteenth Byte is my bedroom
@HelkaHomba >_> ........mayyyybe...
That sounded... weird now that think about it
@quartata Googled and they look pretty similar.
@El'endiaStarman Fuerte have smoother skin
@quartata ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@AlexA. no pls
Actually I'm not sure if "frequently in room" means "frequently comments" - chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/240/the-nineteenth-byte
@HelkaHomba It does
I just realized how long it's been since Brian Tompsett has been in here D:
Since we have a decently full room, who're the html/css people?
Notice how I am #3 overall in this chat room
@Geobits I know those decently.
Minibits has recently written a couple small minecraft plugins and wants to put them on a site. I did the basics, but I'm having a head-desking issue with floating divs for some reason.
@HelkaHomba I'm chatty
oh man, I just crossed the 10K message threshold
@Geobits Upload them to dev.bukkit.org if they're Bukkit plugins
@Geobits I usually just google and look at Stack Overflow questions. :P
They're bukkit (he's working from a book to start). He just wants to see them "on his own website", so I figured it's a good way to introduce him to that kind of thing too.
But I assume you've already tried that.
@Geobits Oh, OK.
You probably should upload them to both places if only for publicity :P
@El'endiaStarman Yea. They're overlapping horizontally :/ It's almost like they have a negative margin/padding for no good reason.
@Geobits Add a width attribute, maybe?
Hmm, I thought they had one. Let me check.
@Geobits and here I thought I'd be getting ahead of the game by learning to code as a teenager, but the next generation will be writing raytracers in their sleep...
Avocado cake is a cake prepared using avocado as a primary ingredient, together with other typical cake ingredients. The avocados may be mashed, and may be used as an ingredient in cake batter, in cake toppings and alone atop a cake. Cake variations include raw avocado cake, avocado brownies and avocado cheesecake. Raw, uncooked versions of avocado cake can be high in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which are derived from avocado. Avocado-based cake toppings include avocado fool and avocado crazy. == Overview == Avocado is a main ingredient in avocado cake, along with other typical ...
@HelkaHomba Skateboarding, minecraft coding, and MTG... it's been a busy month :D
Skateboarding? Radical, dude.
Yea... he was better on it the second day than I ever was.
@AlexA. Heart shaped cake == subliminal messaging. :P
Hmm. The div width doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. Something is definitely wrong.
This is easily the most unappetizing cake I think I've ever seen.
Wait, this one is worse
^ anything with natto is surely worse.
@AlexA. Yes, that is definitely worse.
@Geobits Natto should be illegal
Nattō (なっとう or 納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. It is served with soy sauce, karashi mustard and welsh onion. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture. In Japan nattō is most popular in the eastern regions, including Kantō, Tōhoku, and Hokkaido. == History == Sources differ about the earliest origin of nattō. The materials and tools needed to produce nattō commonly have been available in Japan since ancient times. There is also the story about...
> fermented
It's what beans look like if you partially digest them and vomit them back up.
Yet another food to avoid. :P
@QPaysTaxes In this case no
> powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture
......okee dokie
@QPaysTaxes Ah shit yeah brah, baklava is gr8 m8
There's no way to not like baklava.
@AlexA. I love baklava
Ok, so width doesn't seem to be doing anything. It's just a simple image thumbnail link inside a div. This is dumb.
I remember I used some trick to make a div shrink to the size of the image within.
It looks exactly the same at 50px and 150px.
@HelkaHomba Well, everything but meme has a vote
@Geobits You could try inspecting the HTML/CSS here: starmaninnovations.com/portfolio
I think the version of SenchaCmd I used to build this thing is so old the new version doesn't know that it's a Sencha application
I have to create a new app and move the source over
@quartata I had to rewrite a lot when phonegap hit 3.0 :/
You had to bridge the gap
It's not a problem with the code it's with the fiddly config things that Sencha's build chain uses
@AlexA. So no one likes the meme?
@HelkaHomba Well, no one only likes avocados because they're a meme
Incredibly, I seem to be the only one who's voted for "eat 'em 24/7"
It worked for Rick Astley (or did it?)
@quartata Ah. In my case a lot of the plugins changed along with the entire config system.
Do you not know what an avocado is?
Then... why did you pick that one? >_>
Screw it. I give up. If anyone wants to tell me how I'm screwing up something so simple, the page is here: minibits.serveminecraft.net/modlist.html
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
I was suspicious that the subdomain was named minibits so I actually used a tool to check where it went
I'm so happy I did
@Geobits did you seriously but serveminecraft.net just to rickroll people?
Oh, I actually did make that subdomain for him to use.
That page in particular though...
@AlexA.: ~150 delegate difference in Sanders vs Clinton!
@Downgoat And no. It's one of the free options on noip.org.
@El'endiaStarman Really? Wow, getting close
@El'endiaStarman Getting close!!
@El'endiaStarman Holy crap. How much did he win by tonight?
@QPaysTaxes how to play survival............ >.>
I don't ruby..
@Geobits 43% reporting so far, 54.1% of the votes.
@Bernie GJ!
@QPaysTaxes Done.
OS X surely comes with Ruby by default
I got it running.
But how to play the game?
@quartata I do not not think that it does not not come without ruby
@El'endiaStarman Wasn't he over 200 down before? How can he make up that much if the vote wasn't a complete blowout?
@Geobits I dunno. Probably has to do with the rules of getting delegates.
@Downgoat Seriously? Ruby is a UNIX staple nowadays...
Day 88:
You break your ankle, trying to carry so much weight in the sand.
Water:  75
Health: 0
/private/var/folders/qh/cmpr4ts51cl70g2wry8gh1d40000gn/T/untitled text-481602899.552:208:in `<main>': undefined local variable or method `last_injury' for main:Object (NameError)
Also, something happened with a caucus recently where Clinton supporters didn't show up, so all the empty seats were taken by Sanders supporters.
I bet hillary was pissed.
what line?
@quartata wait, I forgot a not...
@Geobits Probably in part because of this: reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/comments/4d3w8t/…
OK, this is bullshit. This new version of SenchaCmd doesn't seem to think that the version of Sencha I extracted is a framework
@QPaysTaxes fixed bug myself, killed 3 worms, died after 218 days.
pls no
and give monies and make random bedouins.
@QPaysTaxes Did you see my suggestions
@El'endiaStarman Hmm, maybe. I'm looking at a couple sites that don't seem to reflect that. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out.
Does anyone have any suggestions for what word operators Cheddar should have (they can be infix, prefix, or postfix)? Currently there is: sqrt, root, sin, cos, tan, atan
@Geobits Yeah. In any case, it's incredible how Sanders has eaten up the lead Clinton had on him.
@Downgoat flip smash scrunch add taco cubify
@El'endiaStarman She doesn't seem to be doing herself any favors lately, that's for sure.
@Geobits Oh yeah, that too.
@QPaysTaxes Replace "days" with 10-minute increments and add a day/night cycle -- at night more worms spawn but water goes down slower. Also decrease oasis spawn rate and make broken ankles deal more damage
@Geobits oh, yes, of course. how could I be so stupid and forget those essential operators
@Downgoat I honestly don't know.
@Downgoat Do import math; dir(math) in Python. :P
@QPaysTaxes i don't email usually
@El'endiaStarman is this a rickroll? ¬_¬
Write it down on a piece of paper? That's what I do
@Downgoat ???
It just shows all the math operators...
I thought you knew Python
@Downgoat Since when have I ever rickrolled anyone?
The rickroll paranoia in here... I just don't get it.
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
@QPaysTaxes 10 minute makes more sense for combat
@Geobits .>.
@Downgoat false
Well I mean if you're fighting a GIANT worm I could understand it taking 10 minutes.
But an hour seems like a lot
@Downgoat dot is not greater than dot
@quartata I hope you're talking about a game
@Geobits in JS it is
Also you should make this a separate repo :P
@Downgoat The sad thing is, I don't know if that's a joke.
@QPaysTaxes For an hour?!?
@QPaysTaxes How big is one tile in real world units? A mile?
@Geobits of course not that is is not, not, true!
It's tricky; it depends on whether or not you want to focus on "big" or "small"
"Small" would be like one tile = one meter, kinda like Nethack.
@El'endiaStarman "You try to flail your sword around, but your arms have gone rubbery from exertion. The worm eats you."
But a turn would be a second
In other news I've officially given up on trying to upgrade Sencha
People are just going to have to like Sencha 2.1
@quartata Does that mean you're giving up on this ill-fated project? :P
@El'endiaStarman nope
s/like/deal with/
Just going to use a super old version. no one will notice anyways
I finally got my first octopus... it wasn't where I expected it to be though
@QPaysTaxes This is tricky.
I'm leaning towards tiles being smaller because I imagine you want to add dungeons and stuff
@Doorknob I want a treectopus :(
It all depends on scale
I personally think it makes more sense to make one tile = one meter.
You can scale interior areas differently, like world/dungeon maps in many games.
i.e small scale.
@Doorknob I still can't get that site to load on my computer .-.
The problem with that is overworld navigation is boring then
I think we'll have to do what @Geobits said
Overworld is larger scale dungeons are smaller scale
@AlexA. on http (no s)?
@AlexA. does your console show any errirs?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It just shows "Loading" forever
@QPaysTaxes Wandering around a desert will get boring after a while. You're gonna want some other locales like dungeons and towers
360 no desert
desert dungeon = buried pyramid/tomb
Yeah, sure.
@AlexA. you should check your console for errors
Also, I think you want an end-game of some sort.
Nethack's end-game rulessssss
@quartata s/'.*$/ is garbage/g
I haven't played this yet, but can I attract worms to ride with thumpers?
@AlexA. >:UUU
@Doorknob U:>
@AlexA. »:Ŭ
Did Alex ever notice my answer to the duck challenge
@Doorknob Joining the animals-not-where-you-expect-them club
@Doorknob 4̛͚͍͚͉̱̻̮̅ͣ̔͘/̰̼̤̙͔̩́̈́ͣ̈́̑1͓̱͎͍̲͇̯̭̬̅̑ͬͮͬ̆̚͠͠0̸̠̥͚͎̗̗̇̀̀ ̪̇̏ͪ̐̓͞t̠̪̘̘̉ͪͧ̉͊ͨ̋ͧ͘ȏ̵̠̝̪̣͕̗͎̫͌ͫͬ͂͂ō̧̓͒͗̑̆̍̽͏͙̗̳͓ ̗͈̎̃ͦͧ̍͟m̶͍̮̱͔͎̘͂ͥ̄̐̈́ͅu̻̇͋͂ͣ̓̍̀̕c̴̳̹̺̝̙̫ͫ̄̃́͜ĥ̸̸̳̣͓̬̺̎ͫͫ̈́ ̸̨͎̺͚͈̺̖̻̘͖̑̈́̄͑̑ͮ̚͝u̵͍̦͖̻̙͔ͥ̑n̙͊̋̓̓͗̑͂̚͠i͙̯͙̯̜̹̗̳͋̐ͤ̀ͯ̚ͅc̮͓̝͙̙̜͊̊͂̈͛ͦ͢ö̬̜̮̠̼́ͯ͛‌​̾̈́͜d̖̪͙̗͇̈́͊̚e̬̭̜̭͔̮ͧ́͡
All my stupid animals are in boring places.
@Sp3000 @trichoplax is gloriously sailing over a cactus
@Sp3000 @trichoplax looks... uncomfortable over there
@AlexA. My strategy is that ducks really like gum so I'm gonna fight gum with gum or something like that
um alright
...yeah it's a pretty boring answer but hey
It's got gum
I just verified that it works correctly
But how does it work
The first byte l puts Cinnamon Gum in lookup table mode
It then decompresses the string, splits by ; and & and creates a dictionary
Then it takes input and gets the resulting value
(you should put this explanation in the post ;P)
uh ok
I guess if you don't know what Cinnamon Gum is it isn't obvious

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