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(my graph method)
Actually, @PhiNotPi, and @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ and definitely @ChrisJester-Young deserve it more.
@Solver CJY already is a room owner.
A: Print out all IPv6 addresses

quartataCinnamon Gum, 17 bytes 0000000: 678b 36d0 b54c d44d 8bc5 455b 598d 2415 g.6..L.M..E[Y.$. 0000010: 00 . Non-competing because Cinnamon Gum was made after this challenge. Doesn't seem to work online.

A: Output all strings

quartataCinnamon Gum, 6 bytes 0000000: 6801 301c e74b h.0..K Non-competing because Cinnamon Gum was made after this challenge. Try it online (gets killed after a bit).

@Solver thank you :D
@El'endiaStarman It's CKY.
@El'endiaStarman :P CJY
@quartata wat
@Dennis cinnamon gum c:
@zyabin101 Those are the initials of his unmarried name.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Your welcome :P
I like Cinnamon Gun better :P
@Dennis OK, so this is really cool:
Basically the rest of the string decompresses to a regex, and I create a generator of all possible strings that match the regex
... well played.
@quartata Your i = input() is a problem when STDIN is empty.
@Dennis Ohh. Oops
If I become a room owner, I promise to feed it 3 times a day and give it oil changes every 10,000 miles.
(Joke was kinda delayed there)
I'll give it new tires and ban PHP.
@Dennis Fun.
If I become a room owner, I'll feed it Wotsits and give it tons of...
@quartata Good, now do a "Hello, World!", A+B and prime checker in Cinnamon Gum.
@NathanMerrill Maybe a simulation of a 2D network of springs.
@EasterlyIrk Being a room owner comes with a few potentially harmful privileges. To make someone a room owner of the site's main chat room, I need a better reason than fun. Sorry.
I was just joking FYI
@Dennis Can I have it? My reason would be "fun for all", not just "fun". That's clearly better.
potentially harmful privileges :P
@Geobits We.. kinda already... have that. :/
@Solver You're not helping.
@Geobits "I need a better reason than fun for *all*. Sorry."---Dennis
@Geobits Obviously.
@zyabin101 Don't impersonate mods :P
I take it all mods are in agreement that the above strawpoll is binding? >_>
@Geobits This means, don't impersonate everything, including me, right? I can't.
@zyabin101 I'm not sure how you made the "mods = everything" leap, to be honest.
Maybe do a room owner election?
@Dennis just chilling
@Geobits They haven't said no yet :D
Ah crap. Here comes Doorknob to ruin it.
I'm thinking about capping TIO's output at 100 KB. Thoughts?
For performance reasons, or something else?
@zyabin101 They already exist
Well I haven't posted them as answers but
They're the same as Bubblegum's so
@quartata Show them.
Is Cinnamon Gum : Bubblegum :: Cinnamon Linux : Mint Linux ?
@zyabin101 They're exactly the same as Bubblegum's except with a space at the beginning
-1 not as golfy
@Geobits More than 100 KB is rarely ever useful. The most common occurrence is in programs with infinite output, which has to be cut off at some point anyway. Huge text areas tend to freeze up the browser, so killing it manually can be a problem.
deletion ninja'd
@Dennis Just make it a single line output and marquee it >_>
mystery ninja'd...?
@Geobits @_@
I agree with a limitation for that reason, though. 100KB sounds reasonable.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ O_O
@Geobits great suggestion AAA would marquee again
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Eye Macarena
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ O_@
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That look contagious. You should go get that checked out.
See? It already spread!
@Dennis Fixed the EOF thing
@Dennis oh shoot that's not good
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ There are 125 unanswered questions. Looks we're safe here.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Can't do a whole lot about that.
@zyabin101 heh
@Dennis thanks
Hmm, what other mind blowing things can I add to my favorite flavor of gum
Transliterate is probably a good idea.
@quartata Let Me Guess... Mint?
No, clearly cinnamon
Mint gum is OK too though
@RenderSettings you're back!
wait i no see him
@quartata Iff it's spearmint that is.
> A synthesizer simply produces another recipe. Its
I guess no Urbit news?
@Geobits of course
Oops, I just noticed my IPv6 thing should be one colon not two colons
Indeed i am
Yes, two colons would usually be a problem in several aspects of life.
Well, there has been some urbit news in the form of people calling it literally Hitler :p
There seems to be more Hitlers than usual lately.
Don't worry, we aren't quite at peak Hitler yet
// returns the next hitler on the stack without popping it
@Geobits NoSuchObjectFoundErrorException $# No such object found: hitler. Error.
I refuse to believe that. The internet says Hitler can be found in a lot of places.
@Geobits Uhh... In <c-like-language>, you have to create all objects from scratch.
Well, except built in objects.
Sure, but it's clearly a snippet, not a full program :P
It should probably be named hitlers at the least, though.
The last thing we need is a reincarnation of hitler
Regardless, hopefully I'll start getting back into codegolf. I haven't even touched the site in like a month, so posting some new snippets for a certain fascist programming language is fun I've been missing
Q: Generate a looping array

ZgarbIntroduction A pointer array is an array L of nonzero integers where 0 ≤ L[i]+i < len(L) holds for all indices i (assuming 0-based indexing). We say that the index i points to the index L[i]+i. A pointer array is a loop if the indices form a single cycle of length len(L). Here are some examples:...

I'm hoping to see some new challenges that Cinnamon Gum can do well in.
It's absolutely dominating in all of these old string and kolmogorov complexity challenges
I have an idea for a kc challenge it might be good at
Jesus, that Jelly submission
@quartata Cinnamon gum challenge wait what
How come @Geobits isn't a room owner yet?
The poll says he should be.
@RenderSettings new language
I make a random string and golf xxd's reversible hexdumps so they are still reversible.
^ in this version of the chart, I only looked at whether voters voted for the candidate or not. (The order of the 3 picks didn't matter, just which 3 candidates the voter picked.)
In my opinion, this chart is probably the more useful version.
Fixing the mistake in the output golfed that gum solution down to 16 bytes
@PhiNotPi does that mean that if I voted for Martin, I was more likely to select Alex than Dennis?
Does anyone else think "Cinnamon Gum" sounds like an Android OS version? Or maybe a linux distro?
no, the opposite
@PhiNotPi I actually kinda do.
I'm not sure what the numbers means
Doesn't help that Cinnamon is Linux Mint's DE
Not sure how well Mint and Cinnamon combine tbh.
Nah, Android versions are desserts.
what does the "359" mean for Ma and El
I thought you were talking about the challenge where you put the wrapper from cinnamon gum on your forehead, tbh
@NathanMerrill The number N at (row A, column B) means that N people chose A but not B.
@PhiNotPi Ooooh, yes, this is a better chart.
can you make a similar chart: (A, B) -> % of B's voters that selected A?
no, that wouldn't work
@RenderSettings Donut is not a dessert imo. More of a staple food ;)
I'm trying to get around the overall ranking bias
aka, the numbers are skewed because people simply selected Martin more than Dennis
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ What is it?
Just curious.

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