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@Geobits Do you find it easier to accumulate reputation on other Stack Exchange sites? If so, which?
I'll make an account there :P
Puzzling, EL&U, and Lifehacks spring to mind.
My average rep/post at Puzzling is about 50% higher than here I think.
I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go to sleep now.
And, they go even crazier than we do on upvotes for "funny" in my experience.
@BrainSteel Good night!
@Geobits But ugh, Puzzling. (Sorry @Doorknob)
Hey, you just asked about rep :P
@El'endiaStarman Are all of you using the same font? I can distinguish crossed out 44 from regular 44 just fine, both on my phone and my desktop.
I'm using best font, has 100% jQuery build in
I can easily distinguish on Android, but with Chrome/Ubuntu's default, it's only barely distinguishable.
@AlexA. Did you see randomra's improvement on my J answer?
Q: Make Seeing Deleted Answers Optional

Calvin's HobbiesWhen Stack Exchange site users reach 10,000 reputation they can view deleted posts. This can be very useful but deleted answers stay in their default ordering so viewing a question with a lot of deleted answers can be cumbersome if you only want to see non-deleted posts. The Sandbox at PPCG is a...

@Dennis Chrome default, they're almost indistinguishable. The struck-through version has a slightly thicker horizontal bar for the 4s.
@Calvin I think they only stay in that order if you're not ordering by votes (where they're all at the end). On most sites, I use by votes for everything.
That's probably why it only really bugs me on the sandbox here.
Yeah, I don't really have an issue with deleted posts on the Sandbox because I just leave the sorting order on votes.
But votes doesn't make sense for the sandbox, you want to see the active ones
> When Stack Exchange site users reach 10,000 reputation they can view deleted posts.
30 more hotness than next best ;D
[shrug] I leave it that way because when I change it there, I have to change it back for the main site.
That's only true of SO
The threshold is much lower here
@AlexA. Well is that the default at least?
I don't want to sort by votes anywhere.
It's 10k on any graduated site, which will be us later in the month.
It's only lower here because we're beta (for now).
@Geobits ಠ_ಠ
What's your sock got to do with it?
30 more rep till I can see votes :o
Can confirm, 10k to see deleted posts on C.SE.
Q: Hide deleted answer content

James HillI'd like to suggest that the content of deleted answers, which is visible to 10k+ users, be hidden from view by default. Often times you'll see a user edit their deleted answer and replace it with something like this: <! -- Replacing answer with comment so Jon Skeet won't see my ignorance --> ...

That one is a dupe of
Q: Hide deleted answers with certain characteristics

Mr.WizardToday I exceeded 10K reputation on Stack Overflow, and I see deleted answers. I am now faced with pages like Convert HTML to PDF in .NET where half the answers are "deleted." Among these are many non-answers deleted by diamond moderators, and a self-deleted answer deleted on Nov 25 '09. I fi...

Which is asking for way more than I am. Not sure what the meta protocol will be.
It's possible they'll throw unicorns or waffles at you.
In my experience, it will be closed as duplicate.
I like unicorn waffles
In my experience, it will be waffles.
@Calvin'sHobbies To be clear, are those 1) Waffles shaped like unicorns, 2) Waffles intended for unicorns, or 3) Waffles made from unicorn meat?
Cannibalistic unicorns?
How else are they so pure?
Sounds legit. +1
Insufficient jQuery in waffles -1
@AlexA. What is the rephold on beta sites then?
@Calvin'sHobbies 2000, I think.
I got my Python server working, check it out at localhost:5000
@phase ...not sure if you're joshing with me...
@El'endiaStarman :3
(Context: I frequently [unintentionally] post localhost:8000 links.)
D-d-d-d-damn. :/
Time to go kill some clickers. Night!
@AlexA. well, I agree :P
@Geobits I don't know what that means and I'm afraid to ask. Goodnight!
A: Implement a Truth Machine

TanMathPython, 46 bytes x=raw_input() print x while x: print x; exit() Basically, it takes in the input, when 1, prints forever (while loop), but if it isn't 1 (when it is zero) it prints and then exits. This is my first answer! Yay!

My first answer!
@TanMath Shame it's wrong
@phase umm...only you can see it!
We won an award for cfractal at CodeDay! :D (and it totally looks like a llama. the award, that is.)
Congrats! :D
@Geobits Oh, so you're going to go play The Last of Us. :P
@Mego why?
@TanMath You want input rather than raw_input
@TanMath raw_input() returns a string, and strings are only false when they are empty
@TanMath why would you put exit() at the end of the program? O_o
@Doorknob That's awesome, congratulations! Who is "we"? You and NotDoorknob? :P
@TanMath Also drop the space after the :
...why am I not having Seriously implicitly print each element on the stack at EOF?
@AlexA. our group. Mostly this guy, who made the server. We did technically have 3 people, but the third guy didn't know how to program and primarily provided "moral support" (that is, drew stick figures in MS paint) :P
@Doorknob becausei it is supposed to terminate!
@TanMath ... yes, and?
@TanMath When python (or nearly any language) reaches the last line it exits automatically
@Calvin'sHobbies ok...
You don't need semicolon either
BePython - like Python but loops after the last line
print x
while x:print x
what else would it do? Keep running forever?
What if it didn't feel like leaving though? You wouldn't want to chance a snake hiding in your house somewhere.
@Sp3000 but the. it would be python 3! I will edit then
Python 3 input gives strings. I mean Python 2 input, which evaluates the input (in this case, giving the int 0 or 1)
@Calvin'sHobbies Has that same thing not already been posted?
(Something similar has been posted, yes)
The leading Python 2 answer is similar, but uses a division-by-zero error to exit
Not sure if the newlines make this one invalid
@Calvin'sHobbies i figured
Shaved a byte off of 2 of my Seriously answers because of implicit pop-and-print at EOF
You guys are mean!
Shall I delete my answer if you don't like it?
I actually took your hint that I should use the wrap-around feature more...
@TanMath Everyone is just trying to be helpful. I don't anyone is trying to sound mean.
@AlexA. sure, but the downvoting...
Can I make my own language for this truth machine?
@TanMath Apologies if I sounded mean. I was trying to point out why Python 3 wouldn't have helped...
@TanMath Your answer is still invalid, print is not a function in Python 2
@Sp3000 no.. Nobody sounded mean.. But you guys were downvoting.. This is my first golf, and all i get are downvotes...
@Mego oops!
@Mego No, that still works, it's just x in parens
Golfable, but still valid
The downvotes are probably because it's not very different from the leading Python answer
That wasn't obvious to me for some reason
No it's not even a tuple. It's literally just x in parens :P
Tuple would be (x,)
what do you mean I never mentioned tuples I know Python very well shifty eyes
@Mego oh! then I will delete it.. it doesn't contribute, yeah?
@TanMath Yes but there are caveats. You will almost certaintly be downvoted if the language is just for that challenge
@Calvin'sHobbies so I can't do something like the riCkroll example?
@TanMath To be honest, the downvote was probably because your initial answer didn't work, or something to that effect. If so they should really have pointed out the problem instead of just downvoting (although I'm only just guessing here)
I got away with posting in a newer language than the challenge because it's a catalog, Seriously is Turing-complete, and I've been working on it since before the challenge went up :P
On that note though, print "x" wouldn't work, since you're printing the string "x"
print x
while x:print x
@Sp3000 oh.. Come on!!!! banging my head against the wall
That's as golfed as it's going to get without using the div-by-zero trick xnor used
@TanMath Don't worry, just a learning experience :P
@TanMath Well maybe legally you could but it would be very badly recieved
@Calvin'sHobbies ok...
Also you need to explicitly say "Python 2" in your header, since it uses features incompatible with 3 (print statement and input())
@Mego ok...
BTW, can I do:
x=input(); print x;
Sure, but it's not any shorter.
wait, it doesn't hellp, does it?
It wouldn't make a difference
No. Newlines and ; are both one byte
yeah.. so it is the most golfed as it can get...
x=input();print x is the same length as replacing the ; with \n
I wonder how difficult a compiler for Seriously would be
Ok.. I am done.. I hope somebody upvotes...
So, I gotta say, vsz's Simulate the Universe challenge is the most fun I've had in a while.
I'm sure the answer is "obscenely"
Goodbye all! make sure to check my Sandbox question and write your opinion about it!
@MorganThrapp There's a subtle difference with the suggestion you put out, since 169 is 16 9, but 6 is not square itself
@Sp3000 Oh, yeah, then I really didn't get it. :P
But my point remains about it not totally being clear.
Maybe composed of squares? I'm not sure.
Partitioned, probably
Yeah, that could work.
"When the number is squared, the resulting number can be partitioned into squares"?
Something like that sounds good
"The decimal representation of the square of the number can be partitioned into squares"
Specificity = good
A: Implement a Truth Machine

Alex A.LOLCODE, 119 bytes GIMMEH n n R SUM OF n AN 0 BOTH SAEM n AN 0, O RLY? YA RLY VISIBLE 0 NO WAI IM IN UR l VISIBLE 1 IM OUTTA UR l OIC Ungolfed: HAI BTW, Read n as a string from STDIN and convert to an integer GIMMEH n n R SUM OF n AN 0 BTW, Test n for equality with 0 BOTH SAEM n AN 0, ...

It could be really interesting if it was recursive. So, 169 would be '16 2 9'.
I did a thing
"Partition" is not a good word, since that has a mathematical meaning.
The mathematical meaning uses the word in a similar way though
@Doorknob Does that mean you've won the Optimizer award?
@Doorknob How does this program work?
> localhost
"If I could explain this turkey sandwich in a noise, it would be uhh"
@phase it is a localhost so it would be different for each computer! everybody has their own localhost!
@TanMath ofc ik it was a joke
> ofc
What is
@AlexA. of course!
@AlexA. learn the language of the internet!
I know LOLCODE, does that count?
@AlexA. no!
@aditsu is soo correct!
Actually, I'm afraid .
@AlexA. Actually I'm afraid
@Calvin'sHobbies Did you put a roof over the sorter?
Sp and others roofed the sporter
229 is close enough to 250, right?
Maybe I should go play...
@El'endiaStarman i would too if minecraft was free...
I got mine as a gift from my awesome fiancée. :D
@AlexA. Huh?
In general
It is, right?
@AlexA. are you a kid?
@El'endiaStarman I also got Minecraft as a gift from my girlfriend. :) (Many years ago.)
@TanMath At heart, sure. But I'm 25.
^^ Describes me fairly well too.
@AlexA. can I say that you don't like it one right now?
@El'endiaStarman how does "aditsu-is-right" describe you? lol
@TanMath You can say that but I don't understand that sentence
@TanMath Two messages up, not one.
Why is it that you guys get Minecraft from your GFs? they certainly know how to please you!
@El'endiaStarman i know, I was joking! :p
My girlfriend is a huge Minecraft fan and she wanted me to play it with her, so she got it for me. :P
@TanMath It's more like we bother them too much and they want us to go away
@AlexA. um... you just proved my point! an adult would understand that sentence but you didn't so you are not an adult -> you are a child!
My amazing logic! My famous proof that @AlexA. is a child!
@Mego ah!
@TanMath She knew I wanted to have it, but I didn't want it quite enough to pay for it myself. So she got it for me as a birthday gift. :D
@Mego Therefore...
@El'endiaStarman Wrongness is a spectrum
Tag war!
@Mego Oh right, forgot about that.
I am never wrong
Wow, i am insulted!
If I appear wrong, the illusion vanishes
You guys consider me wrong!
Any trace of my wrongness disappears before your eyes
For example:
@TanMath I didn't understand it because you said, "you don't like it one," which is grammatically incorrect and the meaning isn't clear from context.
@TanMath The sentence is not grammatical
@Mego No
See? The wrongness is gone
@Calvin'sHobbies Ninja'd
@AlexA. I can live with that
@AlexA. you know what i mean!!
@TanMath I really don't, otherwise I wouldn't have said I didn't understand the sentence.
@El'endiaStarman you should
@PhiNotPi I'm playing now. :P
Can you understand that?
else++col; is valid C code ;-;
Yes I can.
@TanMath Alex is a mod you know. He'll gladly edit all your posts and comments so they involve juicing avocados.
Though I've heard that isn't the easiest thing to do.
Someone I know tried for thirty minutes and was unable to produce any juice.
Anyone in here have experience in Python Flask?
I've heard of it but I'm not sure what it is.
It's a web framework for Python
like DJango but less DJango
when turning debug on crashes the program ;-;
I'm not really familiar with DJango. Rather than making you explain everything to me, I'll just consult Dr. Google. :P
I'm trying to have my index page accept GET and POST requests, but when I tell Flask I want GET and POST requests on this thing, it gives me a 500 error.
also looks up 500 error
Internal Server Error - something crashed on my side
Hey @ಠ_ಠ, what's up?
@phase Use more jQuery?
@Optimizer All the denial has me believeing ಠ_ಠ is not Ale
@Mego I'm already using jQuery to send the POST request, now I have to use it to accept it too?
@Calvin'sHobbies I am not giving up yet
@phase Have you looked at the issues listed for it on GitHub?
@AlexA. Issues for Flask on GitHub?
@Calvin'sHobbies "is not Ale" <-- I want to make a brand of beer called ಠ_ಠ.
@phase For that jQuery plugin
Q: Write a Program that Writes a function BUT in a different language!

BlakuslWrite the shortest program that takes one input (n) from STDIN (or equivalent) and outputs a simple incrementing function with one argument (x) that returns x + n but the function must be in a different language. Pretty simple! This is code-golf, normal rules apply, shortest program wins. Examp...

@AlexA. Those are awesome
@NewMainPosts That was lightning fast! 30 seconds from posting!
@TanMath sure! :)
Hypothesis: The time taken by @NewMainPosts is proportional to the amount of effort used to write the challenge.
@ThomasKwa Not true, it takes forever to tell us about the obvious dupes and not-code-golf questions
@Mego Hmm, maybe we need a correction factor.
@ThomasKwa It's parabolic
Dupes and off-topics take 10 minutes, simple questions take 30 seconds, and masterpieces take 20 years
That escalated quickly.
Now I'm sad that ShapeScript requires closing quotes. :(
@Dennis change le spec
@ThomasKwa This would make sense seeing how long this bot takes to post my posts.
that's actually a good idea, which I will now add to O
@phase That would disqualify me from le challenge.
@Dennis I mean change it now and use it for challenges later.
I didn't design it as a golfing language. The fact that it works well for this one is just a happy coincidence.
@Dennis it sure looks like one :P
Why does everyone seem to view challenge writing as being so much harder than answer writing? :I
Because it is.
Because no one ever tests answers.
So you can make a lot of mistakes and no one will complain.
@Calvin'sHobbies It's harder for most people. You're the exception. ;)
@Calvin'sHobbies Because life isn't fair.
But a specification will be thoroughly tested by someone who wants to answer it.
@phase ShapeScript is normally this competitive:
A: Check Lyndon word

DennisShapeScript, 57 47 bytes 0?1'@"2"@+"20"$""~"21"$""~@2?2?>1<*'3?_1-*!@#@# I created ShapeScript for this competition. The interpreter on GitHub has a slightly modified syntax. You can try the code in this experimental online interpreter (courtesy of @AlexA.).

Beats JavaScript though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Dennis Lol @ courtesy of me. It barely worked when I showed it to you. :P
@AlexA. I admit that thinking up ideas can be tricky, and writing a thorough spec is time consuming, but still, I'm often surprised there aren't more pure questioners :P
Can anyone test that this x86 answer runs properly?
I want to make sure this format with the bytes in a char array in a C program works for most people.
@feersum Most? Not all?
@AlienG Only a select few are allowed to run this x86 program
Example: it won't work if you don't have an x86-based architecture.
So just screw the ones who can't run it?
What do you mean?
Great, love it already.
It's machine code.
It only works for the machine whose code it uses.
Just ask the user to run a VM XD
Sure, but I doubt anyone will be that eager to test it.
fires up VM
Am I the only one who has ~100 VMs?
@feersum because every here is golfing on a Raspberry Pi
has 5 different JVMs installed
@phase You don't?
@feersum how to compile for 32-bit mode with gcc
@Mego what OS?
@AlienG I use an Arduino obviously
@feersum Ubuntu, but that shouldn't matter with gcc
Unless it's a -march option?
@phase Oh good, I though you were one of those PC/R-PI plebeians.
Your machine is 64-bit?
Or --target
I have a 64-bit machine, but can run a 32-bit VM on it
You don't necessarily need a VM.
It's Intel though, so it's still x86 :P
I also have 64-bit, but ran as an x86 program.
Try -m32
This doesn't actually work on my system. I had to download a whole separate installation to compile 32-bit.
My gcc toolchain is 32-bit, which helps :P
Should've mentioned that at the start I guess
@Mego What does , read input as in Seriously?
I guess you don't need an option then.
@phase Depends on the input
It uses Python 2's input()
@Mego Ah, I saw you use ,$ and it seemed weird that you would get an input and then cast it to a string.
Writing the answer in 32-bit can be annoying because most people have 64-bit systems now, but 64-bit is annoying because there are different calling conventions for Unix-based and Microsoft OSes.
@phase Oh duh I can get rid of that, I was testing it in REPL with an integer instead of the ,
@Mego Yes, thanks.
@feersum No problemo
@phase I also wasn't sure if input was required to be an integer - taking "3" as input might cost 2 additional bytes, depending on scoring
@Mego I think requiring numbers should be fine for that, as they don't say anything about handling any other inputs.
I just added a note that it requires the input to be a string. If the OP has an issue, I'll change it back and add that byte back on :P
My truth machine is a duplicate unfortunately...
@Dennis I love that GS->CJam answer
Off to bed for me... Maybe when I wake up there will be a plethora of new challenges that Seriously is eligible to solve
@El'endiaStarman If Minko has a bottomless stack, can't you drop two bytes for the initial 0 and the final ! for vote simulator?
            d         Duplicate top of stack
             r        Reverse stack
If I don't have an initial 0, then the subsequent comparison doesn't make sense.
And I can't use your rotate trick because Minkolang does a modulo on the rotate argument...
@phase Block concatenation is a pretty neat feature. It's one of GolfScript's few advantages over CJam.
@Doorknob pic or it didn't happen
Just spent an hour trying to figure out why I couldn't access a class, only to find out I didn't import it.
OK, I think I got this.
A: Write a Program that Writes a function BUT in a different language!

DennisGS2 → K, 2 bytes ^G+ This prints a tacit, monadaic function. ^G represents the 0x07 byte. Test run $ cat -A sum-func.gs2; echo ^G+ $ wc -c sum-func.gs2 2 sum-func.gs2 $ printf 42 | python gs2/gs2.py sum-func.gs2 42+ $ kona K Console - Enter \ for help (42+) 69 111 f : 42+ 42+ f 69 111

That gs2.
Good night!
where is the definition of function BUT ?
function butt
1 hour later…
1 BUT later...
hi all
1 hi all later...
1 bolded message later...
1 iteration of recursion later...
I was thinking of posting a multi-language challenge
the task would be to output "This is in X" for as many different languages X as possible.
using one piece of code
the score would be number of languages divided by total length of code
each "This is in X" would have to actually use the compiler/interpreter for that language in some way
oh so a normal polygot only?
err... that wasn't my intention
but it became that
the idea is that you would call an R function from python, for example
using in that case rpy2
or embedded C in python
or whatever you choose
I feel like we had something like that, but it got closed because it was really bad
wouldn't a polyglot only need one compiler?
The spec that is, not necessarily the question idea
Q: How many languages can you use simultaneously in ONE functioning program in under 500 bytes

Albert RenshawIntro In Objective-C (a superset of C and an object-oriented language), I can create an object called a UIWebView. There is a method for this object called loadHTMLString: in which I can load actual HTML into the UIWebView object itself. I can also inject Javascript into it using the method stri...

@Sp3000 thanks! I don't see the rainbow when I click the code snippet
Might be a browser thing (snippets only really work on FF for me)
ah ok
does it work for you there?
I see the words red, orange etc but no colors
I see the words and no colours for the second snippet, and the first is blank for me
ok.. so it's not just me

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