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@RolandiXor good cat?
Needs moar cats.
@KazWolfe yesh
@Zacharee1 i need eye bleach
@NathanOsman needs moar wolves
@edwinksl I got that by Googling eye bleach
user image
permission to add !!/eyebleach to WolfBot, and deploy it here?
@Zacharee1 you don't have a blue name. you have no power.
@KazWolfe Yas.
@KazWolfe "Ask Ubuntu is moderated by you"
@NathanOsman you're not a site mod.
Internet is like ancient Egypt - walls and cat worshiping
@Zacharee1 And I say I can.
and I say no
@KazWolfe sssssssshhhhhhh!
not like its a secret
Now it isn't.
So . . . since I'm incapable of finding any interesting questions lately, I'll go back to digging old text-processing questions and making a bootable USB for my friend
@Serg use:
Gosh, it's good to have friends who use Ubuntu . . .even if her kernel is panicking
@Serg "what am I doing?? What's this device? How do I load this driver!?! AAAAH"
I do the will of the user. The question is... which user?
@Zacharee1 I've no idea who that pink beaver and weasel cross-breed is
@RolandiXor you
Nathan Osman? Or myself :>
@Serg It's apparently called Rufus and it's from Kim-Possible
That Rufus isn't Ruffy at all , lol
TNB has a written chattiquette. In AUGR it's almost rude to not be irrelevant and spammy.
That's because we're civil.
(Right? Right?)
das right
TNB doesn't listen to their chatiquette, does it?
What is TNB?
I don't know. I don't hang out there.
Teenage Ninja Beavers
@RolandiXor the next byte.
It's another chat room.
close enough
The Nineteenth Byte
@KazWolfe oh it does
@KazWolfe that's what I meant.
@NathanOsman on AU?
@RolandiXor it's codegolf
No, on SE chat.
@Zacharee1 never heard of it O_o

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
If you're feeling golfy , I feel bad for you son, I got nineteen bytes, but 20th ain't one
Let's take it over! :P
@Serg ............
I'm a mod, but that chattiquette would drive me batty.
@Zacharee1 it's just a warm up, baybeh, fish puns might be coming next
oh dear
What can you make with 8 raspberry pi's ?
oh no local mods!
@Serg that's not a fish
True, I sea your concern
that's not fish either
@Serg 4 cores x 8 pis is 32 cores.
That's a mini-Xeon you got there.
Except ARM.
Frankly, I've still no clue what to do with just one Pi that I have
eat it
Hopefully by the end of 2017 I'll figure out a few projects to tackle
@Zacharee1 I don't think PCBs digest that well in my delicate stomach
i was thinking of a few pi projects, but they're too trivial to go buy a pi
@Serg remote control appliances.
@Serg #DatSiliconBorateTho
@Serg What about that legendary Slavic strength?
@NathanOsman yeah, I was thinking of getting that solid state relay and make a light switch , because I'm too lazy to get up and turn it off myself
@Zacharee1 That slavic strength only translates to Vodka . . .
Also, PSA: drinking half bottle of vodka and going to work full day in restaurant ( like 12 hours) is bad idea. Don't try this at home . . . or elsewhere either
@Serg have you seen the "You see Ivan" memes?
@Serg I don't think I would try working in a restaurant at home anyway
user image
irl pic of @RolandiXor --^
@Serg laziness is the mother of all innovation.
@Zacharee1 nice , never seen it before
@NathanOsman starred because it's true
@NathanOsman no it's the grandmother; mother of necessity
@Serg are you russian?
Also , boredom
@KazWolfe Ukrainian
@Zacharee1 that's taking a while...
@Zacharee1 necessity, schmessity.
@RolandiXor loaded for me
@KazWolfe I'm Ukrainian, but since most folks aren't skilled at geography . . . I'd say it's close enough
Also, lol, one of my Chinese friends, with whom i was friends for years, just yesterday found out I'm Ukrainian and not American
@Serg do ukrainians drink as much vodka as russians? til.
@KazWolfe Ukraine was part of the USSR for a while you know
i do know.
@KazWolfe well . . .lets just put it this way: on my last visit to Ukraine , which was for like a month or something, I've spend more than 60 % of the time drinking . . .
that could literally be every waking hour
oh my god. "you see ivan" is literal gold
uh huh
@RolandiXor your tricks don't work on me
I have a dark theme muahahaha
@Zacharee1 I have a better one but I can't find it
fun fact. This is the Fallout 3 tram, open in GECK:
My 2 fav cousins were visiting and another one, so we had a bottle of whiskey between 4 of us, then we also went to get Becherovka, which is like Czech herbal alcohol. Ooooh, that was baaad combo.
can this be SE's new loading GIF?
too colorful.
and complex.
@Zacharee1 it's not orange-white-black though
sounds like your worst nightmare, huh @KazWolfe
@Serg We can recolor
Nothing beats a Russian push-up.
@NathanOsman да
@NathanOsman hax
Error: Could not load. (ERR_USER_FACE_TOO_UGLY)
@KazWolfe looks like your message didn't load
Loading indicates that something is in progress. Let's show them the Gnome desktop.
@NathanOsman ouch!
nathan is definitely on the anti-gnome train
@edwinksl what makes you say that?
@Zacharee1 -1 needs undecahedron
@NathanOsman go edit one in
@Zacharee1 that's your job.
did i stutter?
I got this error where there should've been a message:
> Error: Could not load. (ERR_USER_FACE_TOO_UGLY)
@Zacharee1 oh, that's an easy one. look better, and it'll work
@KazWolfe that's a source sided error
reacting to the client.
Hmmmm, how does one explain to a person that their email might look slightly spammy and go into "spam" folder of the receiver ?
@KazWolfe it's the server trying desperately to spare the internet from its owner
no, that's a 4xx error.
Gotta run fam
See you later
@Serg Your email gets picked up by email spam filters. You should probably take this stuff out:
@RolandiXor where to? we'll follow
@KazWolfe 404 dignity not found?
@RolandiXor kthxbai
@Serg btw before I go, tell them straight up!
"straight up"
@NathanOsman squiggly up?
@RolandiXor "straight up" to a non-technical person, plus a Ukrainian/Russian parent - that doesn't always work out well
I'm so incredibly bored right now.
@NathanOsman eat
OK, scratch the non-technical part . . . my father can rebuild cars, like, from scratch, but when it comes to computers . . . oh,boy
@Zacharee1 did
@Serg to each their own but aren't modern cars basically computers with wheels?
how to tell if a computer belongs to someone in devops: how dirty is the keyboard?
@KazWolfe nope. Check for stickers.
@Zacharee1 on a 5" screen?
food in the keyboard is a much better indicator.
@NathanOsman @KazWolfe nope and nope. Check for presence of an IDE or a terminal, and desktop littered with scripts. Also potential coffee spills
@KazWolfe eating over a keyboard is a big no-no.
Instead, eat in front of the keyboard.
Then your clothes catch all the crumbs.
@NathanOsman wat
@Zacharee1 I'm in a chair with my phone.
Also, if you wear hoodie with hood in front of you, that a nice crumbs collector
@NathanOsman y
@Serg better wear one of those hoodies which you can zip up to the very top and eat inside.
@Zacharee1 hospital.
so... much... cheeto... dust.
@Zacharee1 Too much info, remember HIPPA compliance
@Zacharee1 family member is ill.
@NathanOsman :(
@NathanOsman hack all the opium pumps and make those guys feel good...
(no, of course not :-/ )
@ByteCommander you see, when it's not illegal, we call it morphine
good evening
still the same.
man, think about a knackered person
I'm more
about wat?
surfed like 4:30 hours straight, my body is full of rashes
@ByteCommander drunk
not rly
my back feels like I dragged a car
@ByteCommander tired
i no speak americano
it's british
@IanC fun
Doesn't sound too good, Ian. Put some ointment there
I looked online, never used this word before :p
@Serg rub some bacon on it
@Serg I'm wearing some baby white ointment
@Zacharee1 erm no.
hope it's good by tomorrow
@Zacharee1 steals pig from a farm and starts rubbing against it
@IanC was it a fun time other than that?

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