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and "is ... secure?"
@RоryMcCune I could fully understand if that is the consesus. Maybe a meta is due;)
@kalina <shudder>
I just creeped on the phisher
it's an older lady who got hacked, and someone is using her email. so I just contacted her by phone and let her know
that's quite creepy
Do the creep ahhh
@MarkBuffalo you tracked down a little old lady? and then phoned her? I hope you answered with a slow heavy breath
<woman> Hello?
<digital voice> Hello this is Mark Buffalo from the National Security Agency
<digital voice> Your email has been hacked
@SmokeDispenser well my general instinct it to be helpful, but somehow I'd got it into my head that we weren't meant to answer stuff that was going to get closed/migrated.. In this I appear in correct so looks like we can carry on being helpful...
@kalina Well, it's better to let them know before the damage is done
@RоryMcCune you're not meant to answer stuff that's off topic and is going to be closed
it encourages answers
as it was migrated that's not an issue
@kalina so as long as it's on-topic somewhere, that's ok?
@kalina I'd tell them that I received a weird email, would ask if I could forward it to them and it'd be just a picture of my ween.
@silverpenguin Yeah... wasn't hard. They were using her work email address. So I just googled her workplace, and informed them
if antivirus software recommendations are off topic and you answer every one that comes in it won't matter they're going to be closed because people will keep asking them due to them always getting answered
if you see a question and your thought is OH MY GOSH MY EYES
then don't answer it
@RоryMcCune If it wasn't a good question, I'd be totally on your side
@kalina ah well that's ok though 'cause these are on-topic in software recs :)
Q: Should I answer off-topic questions?

simontShould I post an answer to an off-topic question after flagging it? I seem to find off-topic questions that I can give a good, useful and correct answer to. (The specific question tonight is this one, but it's happened several times this month now). Other users have clearly deemed the question ...

but it was clear to me it'd be migrated
@silverpenguin [inhales deeply, and slowly] The foil is strooooooooong with you.
@MarkBuffalo man it makes me panic
k sleep
@MarkBuffalo BYE
@kalina But that's a perfect chance to answer "Use the one that costs the most. That clearly makes it the best."
@MarkBuffalo Sleep?! It's 2pm!
@silverpenguin, good one with the time left btw.
here, I've found exactly the "tipping point" where Cat guy was proven completely wrong and so he jumped to stringing together buzzwords that could never prove his point. (which was to Rory McCune's dismay, as he had already jumped to an invalid conclusion about me, but that's a whole other point)
Mar 10 at 21:02, by Herringbone Cat
@MickLH MickLH Yes but you are narrowing the scope of your thought about audio quality to losing frequency spectrum/response. The conversion between FLAC and WAV may cause jitter in a high quality system. If you want to address this, you can assign CPU core affinity to those processes vs. the player processes and separate IO.
@Xander that's not acceptable security advice
@Xander no no no it needs a big green padlock! The bigger the better.
@DavidFreitag took the wrong allergy med today. fell asleep etc
@MickLH Oh, we're still talking about this?
The only person who still cares about this is you
@SmokeDispenser why is everyone replying to shit i said ages ago D:
@MarkBuffalo derp
@MickLH why on earth...
@kalina Because I'm so ridiculously right about literally every single detail, how could I not?
19 secs ago, by kalina
The only person who still cares about this is you
@silverpenguin old.
If things can't be correct, I don't want to participate
@MickLH this is the problem. Why not just drop it. No-one else cares.
@MickLH Then leave.
@MickLH boohoo somebody is wrong on the internet
@MickLH then stop participating please
boohoo I pointed it out?
the problem is that while it didn't start out as you it definitely is now.
and yes you were technically correct but in terms of morals you're wrong.
@kalina Oh right, I forgot that I should add "And it should come with its own extra secure version of Chromium, because that's better than regular Chrome and TavisO even security tests them!"
Can someone kick this person please?
@MickLH hey
@DavidFreitag no
@Xander thanks.
@Xander ...
I see no reason why the entire argument should be hashed out again. Mick - if you want to discuss it, make your own chat room, and anyone interested can visit
@DavidFreitag Stop instigating
@MickLH seriously - stop
@RoryAlsop chat room to discuss how right I was, population: @MickLH
I've dropped the topic completely
I dropped it several messages before everyone got weird
@MickLH and now drop the meta discussion
What about what? What are you talking about
@MickLH I know, I did tell him not to kick since now you're just going to whine about being kicked
@kalina I'm guessing that was the intent ...
@MickLH hi
@silverpenguin Hello
@MickLH how are you?
@silverpenguin Pretty great, hbu?
@MickLH not bad just Playing some LoL ... bored as hell though
hell is probably not boring
@Xander also see pthree.org/2016/03/31/…
^well that's a terrifying use of VR
@kalina unless boring is worse than pain :P ... god i hope hell is kinky cause i know thats where il end up
@silverpenguin I miss real CS, I watched the GO tourney and it made me so sad
@RоryMcCune er... ya
@MickLH never watched it, why did it make u sad
@RоryMcCune some people seem to like it...
but ultimately I have seen nothing from VR that will amount to much more than the Wii experience in the long run
@RоryMcCune I got to play this game several years ago
@RоryMcCune I'd may try that.
@SEJPM being scared or VR? The being scared thing I can't understand, the VR think I like the idea of
@kalina Kinda amusing, considering the same company made Wii and VirtualBoy.
@RоryMcCune both, people also like horror movies AFAICT
@SEJPM ah well I have a vive on pre-order, so I'm hoping VR will be good
@RоryMcCune increasing the available emotions that can be invoked by the medium
proper fear rather than jump scares
I was the only person at the conference who wasn't paralyzed with fear in the VR
although I imagine there will be a lot of the latter too
@kalina yeah I think VR horror games (which I will be avoiding completely) would be horrifying
oh yeah
actually horrifying as well rather than anything you'd get from watching a movie
@kalina and when they start doing extra stuff like this (so having real-world objects, as part of the VR world) that's even worse
:O apparently car-stealing ransomware is a thing now (it wants ransom so you can unlock your key-less car with your phone)
@RоryMcCune sure but that demo isn't scalable
@kalina no but it's fom a story about a VR arcade going into Tokyo vrscout.com/news/bandai-namco-vr-arcade-tokyo so they're presumably planning more stuff like that
"i'm going to save a cat in a game"
@SEJPM Interesting.
spends 30 minutes setting up the environment
spends 2 minutes playing
spends 30 minutes putting away the environment
The real fun part is standing at the edge of the plank leaning as far forward as you can
@kalina ah but if it's in an arcade, they keep env established and multiple people walk-in/out
@RоryMcCune who wants to go play games in an arcade
(yes I had to respell arqade)
broken my vocabulary
@kalina well not me but I could see that kind of stuff having appeal while the early VR kits are very pricey
I think that was self-inflicted
@DavidFreitag it wasn't my fault, I had a Diablo 3 question and it was top on google
@RоryMcCune The cave environments we built for clients like Shell and the Glasgow School of Art had 4-phase visuals and haptic gloves, so two people could be in the environment at the same time. Full sphere graphics - all round, and up and down, with the headsets very accurately positioned in space
thus it's 100% the fault of whoever did the seo
Utterly disorienting
and terrifying
We didn't have a demo like this, and the Quake demo we did have was really set up for very wide screen, not full surround
@RoryAlsop yeah I'm sooo not going to do that kind of stuff, I'll stick to nice VR experiences like Elite and Mount everest
Would I replace my exercise with VRXercise?
@kalina could make that kind of stuff more interesting...
because then I could run through Tamriel or Azeroth or New Vegas
instead of down country lanes
oh no what have I done
I don't want a VR setup
@RoryAlsop That sounds fascinating. Thinking about how you can get dizzy in an IMAX theater, I wonder what would happen in that environment if they suddenly flung you spinning and falling through space?
@Xander I imagine after a while that if the game environment suddenly moved in a way you weren't expecting you'd probably fall over
@Xander the demos were to help us sell things like oil well data visualisations and so on, so I don't think they'd have wanted to do that :-/
obviously it would depend on how immersed you are
@RoryAlsop Probably not. But would be an interesting experiment.
@kalina You could just leave the VR on always and live in a home with the fanciest everything and 20-foot tall roofs, take your morning walk through a beautiful landscape full of nature etc
@kalina they have this for cyclists (sort of, without the headset, already). If you have money to spend you can get a trainer with a video feed hooked up and "climb" a mountain.
@kalina You're probably right. But what would happen after that? Would you be able to stand up? Would it make you ill?
@Xander I would expect dizziness on a scale proportionate to how immersed you are
@diagprov yes my gym has these
You catch your actual balance within a split second
ultimately once the illusion is broken you'll just be looking at two close screens
The moment your VR perception diverges from your real world perception, the illusion fade with a rate proportional to how much stress it causes you
just to prevent a repeat of the flac/wav argument, you and I are basically saying the same thing
I am agreeing with you, I'm just sharing what I found when I tried it
I know you're agreeing with me, I just wanted to make sure you knew I knew you knew were agreeing with me
and that you agreed that you knew I knew you knew I knew you knew you were agreeing with me
I'm cursed with human bandwidth mismatches... People sample my mood at a normal reasonable frequency and so most of the actual information I generate is lost to aliasing artifacts
Speaking of buzzwords
nope, that isn't happening here
I just didn't want you to start frothing at the mouth over nothing
you're not about to start doing that, are you?
froths at the mouth
The fact that I never do that is proof that it is happening here :P
I mean you remember that we agree with each other
and that you agree that we agree with each other
and that you agree that you agree that you agree we agree with each other
so there is no disagreement in the fact that you agree that we agree with each other
@kalina aaahhh but do they give you routes in the tour de france? You can buy all sorts for your home training kit these days :) I don't though, no space, I have to go outside.
also that I said it first
and you copied me
I will give you that
but not that!
which we also agree
and you also agree that we agree
and that everybody has seen that you agree that we agree
You're gonna have to write a shorthand notation for n levels of agreement at this rate
@MickLH A1 - An ?
so you agree with everything I say?
and everybody just saw that you agree with everything I say
both right now, in the past, and forever
@kalina Everything except for what I don't agree with
which everybody saw you agree to
So basically everything
But not technically everything
and you agree that even the stuff you don't agree to you still agree to on account of the fact we agree
Someone 'splain to me WTF is going on? Or, maybe don't if it will end up in someone kicked again.
under article 7 dash A you agree to surrender all rights
and as you've already agreed that we agree that you agree that we agree
It's getting a little bit cumbersome to manage the terms and conditions of this contract
Can I get a printed copy?
you agree that you don't need a printed copy and that you agree with the terms of the agreement on account that you agree that we agree
Sure, but it's controversial because I only agree if you're always right
@kalina Are you (ab)using The Force on @MickLH?
here is your dunce hat, you have been assigned to that corner over there
@Iszi well basically he just agreed that he was in the wrong over the previous argument
@kalina Usually people consider it weird to talk about themself in the 3rd person
and as a result has forfeit his free will
@kalina So... y'all are signing some sort of M/s contract in the middle of the DMZ?
@Iszi @kalina and @MickLH are negotiating an agreement to agree except where they disagree, in which case they agree to disagree that they agree about things they do not agree about. Alles klar?
@Iszi M/s?
@SEJPM, RFC yet?
@DavidFreitag marks and spencers
@DavidFreitag Master/slave.
@DavidFreitag it's a retail think from the UK
@Iszi I liked my version better :)
I always wanted a servant
@RоryMcCune it is?;)
pats @MickLH
@kalina grats;)
@SmokeDispenser marks and spencer, totally
@SmokeDispenser established in 1884
@kalina No, that would make it O/p.
@RоryMcCune Ah, I thought M/s as in BDSM.
@kalina I forgot what I'm supposed to do when you do this signal
@Iszi eh?
@MickLH sit and be quiet, mistress didn't give you permission to speak
@DavidFreitag Owner/pet.
@Iszi I don't know that one
1 min ago, by Iszi
@DavidFreitag Master/slave.
@SmokeDispenser I think that was the intention, I was deliberately mis-contruing for comedic effect
@Iszi (oh, maybe I did)
@SmokeDispenser I didn't see them (yet)
@SmokeDispenser That's precisely how it was intended.
I totally overread the M and S post.
@Iszi semantics really
@kalina Eh. Feel free to call it what you want. YKINMK.
@Iszi just basically admitted to being properly into BDSM in the DMZ
@kalina we all knew that ages ago
(For the Google-impaired: That's "Your Kink Is Not My Kink".)
old news
@kalina he would be like the 3rd person to do so this week
well you could have told me
@RоryMcCune who were the other two?
@kalina We covered this awhile ago. I personally don't identify as "into" it. But I am fairly BDSM-aware.
@kalina well you obviously and (unless I'm mistaken) @SmokeDispenser
@Iszi is that BDSM-aware like "meh I act like it's something I know but really I have a dungeon"
I could of course be totally incorrect there
@RоryMcCune pls I know nothing
stands up, grumble-sighs, lays back down
you're mistaking the impact a woman has on a single man with BDSM
oh wait, they are kinda similar
this is going to require some thought
@RоryMcCune I can only speak for myself and my slave.
does this reveal some secret underlying desire
@SmokeDispenser see that's the kind of phrasing that leads to these conclusions
@MickLH pats @MickLH
who's a good boy
@kalina Nah. More like "was curious, went to a 101 class, hung out on some forums, really never got motivated to really do anything".
@RоryMcCune I'm not calling the conclusions to be false.
heck though this is the Internet, for all I know this is toasters propositioning Nuclear Power stations
@Iszi you went to BDSM school?
@SmokeDispenser Okay, my sarcasm detector just threw an error.
@kalina there's a BDSM school?
@RoryAlsop apparently there is
@Iszi nice.
@kalina No. Local dungeons sometimes hold educational sessions, and some may call them "BDSM 101".
@RоryMcCune ah, thanks
@kalina e_e
... was that the ping or the bdsm calling our dark-capped visitor into action?;)
@SmokeDispenser pffft
hopefully neither
if we're quiet hopefully it will go away
Wanna play VNC roulette?
@kalina, I'm hoping for that since the entry yesterday. Kinda feels like being watched.
@SmokeDispenser this is a google indexed chat room
you're always being watched
@SEJPM oh, did that for an hour about 6 hours ago
@SEJPM WTH? Not clicking.
@kalina indexing is no shog.
gosh you can't provoke him by name
@Iszi screenshots of open VNC hosts
what are you doing
@Iszi it shows you pictures of random open VNC hosts
@kalina gosh is almost shog backwards...
@RoryAlsop OH
@SEJPM Ok, still not clicking. Far as I know, some idiot has port forwarding turned on and is currently watching kiddie porn.
Seriously, guys... going around looking for "random" stuff on the Internet is literally asking for that kind of trouble.
I'm shocked that you're having this conversation with us like this isn't a channel full of security professionals
@kalina ...such as yourself?
I'm not a security professional but I'm also not an somebody that clicks links posted by randoms
@Iszi I challenge you to find a legal precedent that demonstrates that.
@Xander ask on Law.SE on how to handle it?
@Xander Legal or not, do you want to stumble across some guy's VNC snapshot while he's watching that stuff?
lays down and looks at @kalina with guilty eyes
fine you may noise
Oh my god finally, ok let me get started about how wrong you all are
@kalina I like how you stick to the role. It fits you, too.
oh really
like a natural...
if we're going to have a discussion about wrong then perhaps you should sit down and stop making noise again.
my feet are cold
curls up on @kalina's toes
@MickLH a hot turd would warm up her feet
I was trained not to do that inside
@silverpenguin RED!
such disrespect would result in severe punishment
@Iszi RED?
@silverpenguin I think that's his safe word?
@Iszi Of course not, but the likelihood of that happening is virtually non-existent. There are tons of people and tools that are constantly scraping open VNC connections, (including Shodan) and you can bet that at least one of them is the FBI looking for exactly that sort of thing.
@silverpenguin Universal safe word: You've gone too far. Stop the play. You triggered a "hard limit". Etc.
@Iszi naaaahhhh im sure its fine
@silverpenguin Well, if @kalina is into scat, and that's allowed in this dungeon, okay. It's just not something I'm gonna watch. :-P
@Iszi ew
@Iszi I was actually callin @MickLH a turd not saying we should do it e_e
@silverpenguin name calling is not nice at all
@kalina we call @Simon names all the time
@silverpenguin @Simon is not my slave.
@silverpenguin There's a specific exemption for that in the unwritten by-laws of the room.
@kalina "not yet your slave?"
@kalina e_e dribbles
this is so going to be quoted horrifically out of context at some point in the future
@SEJPM I have standards
@MickLH I am going afk you may noise while I'm gone
but behave
Can I have a slave please? Light housework duties, mostly...
@Matthew spit on me and call me princess and il do what you want e_e
@kalina thank you, please be back forever instantly

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