The Side Channel

Mostly randomly generated noise. –
Nov 16, 2021 20:47
I need to use Serpent but apparently neither CryptoAPI nor CNG offers it on windows, any alternatives?
Sep 25, 2020 22:35
@SEJPM so they are bad because they are slow basically? I thought they being uniform was good since that would me randomness
Sep 25, 2020 07:47
I'm a little confused about TNRGs and CSPRNG, regarding this question… it says that TNRGs are rarely uniform, so why not use them as a CSPRNG rather than a seed for a CSPRNG?
May 12, 2020 03:43
Is good for the keysize to be AT LEAST as large as the blocksize?
May 1, 2020 22:20
In the key schedule of DES are both 28-bit parts rotated each round? My textbook says it's only one but wikipedia says it's both
Apr 27, 2020 01:22
it seems the initial and final permutations of DES don't add any security at all, what's the rationale behind them?
Apr 15, 2020 06:26
given the keystream , the period of a LFSR, a ciphertext and plaintext pair, how do I find the IV?
Apr 12, 2020 08:45
thanks @kelalaka!
Apr 11, 2020 04:13
can someone give me an example of a non-linear LFSR?
Feb 27, 2018 23:08
Feb 27, 2018 21:19
does the the seed used in the KSA of RC4 have to be secret?
Feb 24, 2018 04:47
where can I find the number of attempts a current CPU can do in a second?
Feb 22, 2018 08:01
a salt*
Feb 22, 2018 07:47
@SEJPM what are your thoughts on using a pepper instead of hash?


General discussion for If you have a q...
Jun 11, 2020 02:22
thanks @EliahKagan that worked
Jun 11, 2020 02:07
I have a file with numbers like this: 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 all separated by comma. I want to change the comma by a "\" by for some reason sed won't do it. What's wrong with "sed s/,/\\/g" ? shouldn't this be changing all commas to / ?
May 15, 2018 18:16
can someone please help me? I'm trying to understand relocations in ELF, but I'm having some trouble with the documentation on this which is rather cryptic. The relocation equations for instance, describe 3 parameters, S, A and P. Now I get it that A is just the addend which is some number used to aid the relocation calculation and S is the value of the function being referenced but about P? The manual describes it as "the place of the storage unit being relocated" but what does that even mean?
Mar 11, 2018 00:09
@terdon didn't work
Mar 10, 2018 23:05
how can I type « and » ? I'm using i3/xfce4


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
May 12, 2020 02:25
can some help me with this question…
Apr 17, 2020 08:45
can someone explain me the difference between integer rings and galois fields?
Dec 28, 2019 23:27
don't you have to prove that before?
Dec 28, 2019 23:22
@Thorgott here's what I don't get it. He's trying to proove that $(k+1)^3 < 2^{k+1}$ he expands the polynomial to $k^3 + 3k^2 + 3k + 1$ and on the next line he changed it to $k^3 + 3k^2 + 9k + 10$. So to me, he doesn't seem to be proving the original problem. He's now prooving that $k^3 + 3k^2 + 9k + 10 < 2^{k+1}$ rather than $(k+1)^3 < 2^{k+1}$
Dec 28, 2019 23:08
so if have N and T such that N < T, I can replace N by T?
Dec 28, 2019 23:05
can someone explain me, how did Adriano replace 10 by k in this proof?…
Nov 25, 2018 22:39
can someone explain me how do I transform $x + \frac{1}{2} \int\frac{\frac{1}{2}(u + 1) -1}{u^2+2}du$ into $x + \frac{1}{4} \int\frac{(u -1)}{u^2+2}du$ ?
Nov 15, 2018 21:40
well, I was trying to take the derivative of $\frac{arctan(x)}{1+x^2}$, I applied $u = arctan(x)$, $du = 1+x^2$ but then I ended up with $\frac{u}{du}$ rather than ${u}{du}$ and I got stuck
Nov 15, 2018 21:36
trying to derive with respect to x
Nov 15, 2018 21:36
actually, I meant $\frac{x}{dx}$
Nov 15, 2018 21:32
how do I take the derivative of something like $\frac{u}{du}$ ? cause it's not the same as ${u}{du}$ right?
May 13, 2018 19:21
I hope so
May 13, 2018 19:19
not a big fan of linear algebra either
May 13, 2018 19:16
can an overdetermined system have infinitely many solutions?
Mar 24, 2018 19:40
what's the difference between a plane and a subspace?
Aug 20, 2018 08:25
is there a free/trial version for ida's decompiler plugin?
Aug 4, 2018 23:23
how can I instruct olly to pass the exception to the EH rather than swallowing it?
Jul 29, 2018 06:19
Can I see the segment registers in Olly? if so, how?
Jul 26, 2018 23:34
IDA is showing something like: push dword_A123, but how do I find out the value of that?
Jul 26, 2018 23:33
How can I determine the value of variable using static analysis only?
May 20, 2018 03:21
Accidentally pressed the hotkey 'R' in ida when trying to rename a variable, now i'm seeing "dword ptr [rbp - 4] rather than [rbp+var_4]" how do I fix this?
May 1, 2018 20:55
can someone explain me the purpose of this instruction: nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
Mar 25, 2018 00:31
what happened to openRCE?
Mar 5, 2018 07:27
what does loc_XXXXXX mean in IDA?


A chat room for cracking the PhD entrance exams.
May 15, 2018 05:01
when asking a question
May 15, 2018 05:01
you know
May 15, 2018 04:59
is there a shortcut for drawing the identity matrix?

 Language Overflow

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Mar 25, 2018 12:39
what does it mean to "run in a bit of a snag" ?
Mar 11, 2018 03:56
what's the difference between "on the table" and "onto the table" ?
Feb 24, 2018 05:48
what exactly does "a soft question" mean?

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

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Feb 23, 2018 06:13
what dialects use "dern" rather than "darn" ?