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NBHM stands for National Board for Higher Mathematics
Yes I see that M.Sc. students can apply for NBHM
for details
@CaptainBohemian see here - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_delta_function
In the History part
where they have introduced $\delta(x-a)$
in terms of cosine
and finally later in that part $\delta(x-a)$ in terms of exponential
Still you could ask this in main as a question about the derivation giving the wikipedia link?
is there a shortcut for drawing the identity matrix?
Drawing identity matrix?@Trey
you know
when asking a question
I know how and what is an identity matrix
Just create a square matrix of the order you want, then write all diagonals 1 and all remaining elelments 0 and you have your identity matrix
by diagonal I mean the main diagonal the positions (i,i)
$i = 1 $ to $n$
$n$ is the order of the matrix
11 hours later…
@ManeeshNarayanan , cleared South Asian University entrance with 6th rank (published on 14 May) but couldn't clear screening test at IISER Mohali .
@ManeeshNarayanan thanks!
@vidyarthi , check the result .
Congrats brother @PrithiviRaj

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