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In the first case $X$ is a set whose elements are all taken from the family $F$, in the second case $X$ itself is an element of $F$
@BalarkaSen why can't there be $f,t$ s.t $f(t)^2 + g(t)^2 = 1$ ? is that involve your trick?
that is what I was thinking. Thank you Alessandro
@Liad No, that's straightforward.
Think about it
is that involving f,g's roots?
too hard
ah.... they must be constants.
Correct; why?
degree zero
how did i miss this
That's right
Hello, anyone interested in helping me reach the ah-ah moment for a dynamic programming problem? I've been trying to figure out a recurrence for hours without any success.
how one can show Surjection that Preserves Inner Product is Linear in hilbert spaces?
@BalarkaSen the contradiction would be that $(f,g) \subset k$ and the images in $k[x,y]/(x^2+y^2-1)$of f,g would generate everyting, correct?
@Liad $f, g$ are images of $x$ and $y$ in $k[t]$ by the isomorphism $k[x, y]/(x^2 + y^2 - 1) \to k[t]$.
You wrote it backwards
ah. ops ^^
If $f$ and $g$ are constants, then image of this isomorphism is strictly contained in $k$, but that's an oxymoron.
(As it's an isomorphism; it should surject onto $k[t]$).
yea, that is what i wrote just i reversed the spaces
Hey guys!
When you have a product of $n$ terms, how would you write that? For example:
$$a_0\cdot a_1\cdot\cdots\cdot a_n\qquad\text{or}\qquad a_0\cdot a_1\cdots a_n$$
I mean with a \cdot to the left and right of \cdots or not? I prefer the second option, and you?
I would write neither, as they are both products of $n+1$, not $n$, terms ;)
But I prefer just \cdots. No \cdot to the right and left.
$\cdot . \cdot$ ?
@BalarkaSen LOL
@BalarkaSen that's enough for me $\dot\smile$, thanks!
Someone else?
I prefer the other one. It doesn't really matter though I guess
@Astyx the first one?
Don't believe the French on spacings and dots.
We have a history of betrayal concerning that very subject
@Astyx how can we access to that history?
I think it should be an aesthetic debate rather than formal
Just write it as $$\prod_{i=0}^n a_i$$
@Astyx I write rarely this kind of expression, so I do not need an operator that simplifies the expression
What about $a_0a_1a_2\cdots a_n$ ?
@Astyx that's another way
I'm stuck on this sde problem. There's a particle moving right according to a drify p
Drift process u(x,t) so that del_t(u) = L^*u, the adjoint of the generator function
But i want to add a term that if the particle hits a boundary x=a then it sticks with rate lambda. Probability of sticking is v(t)
And if its stuck it's bounced back with rate mu
There aren't any examples in the source text >.<
Hint is that dv/dt and v only occur at x=a, which is obvious but I don't know how to implement that
Or if anyone can recommend a site, book, or video that explains sde's for simple drift processes
1 hour later…
Hmmm, trying to find $a(n)$ where $a(1)=10$, $a(2)=9$, $a(3)=6$, and $a(4)=14$, where $a(n)$ is a function which uses only addition, subtraction, modulo, and multiplication by powers of two.
can someone explain me how do I transform $x + \frac{1}{2} \int\frac{\frac{1}{2}(u + 1) -1}{u^2+2}du$ into $x + \frac{1}{4} \int\frac{(u -1)}{u^2+2}du$ ?
Q: About $ f(w,L) = \int_1^w \int_0^{2 L \pi} \frac{ \ln(\frac{\sin(x) +\ sin(vx)}{2} + \frac{5}{4})}{L(w - 1)} dx dv $

mickConsider $$ f(w,L) = \int_1^w \int_0^{2 L \pi} \frac{ \ln(\frac{sin(x) + sin(vx)}{2} + \frac{5}{4})}{L(w - 1)} dx dv $$ For real $w > 1 $ and integer $ L > 1$ Conjecture : $$ \lim_{L \to \infty} f(w + 1, L) - f(w,L) = 0. $$ How to decide if this is true ? Perhaps differentiation under the...

Any ideas ?
A naive guess would probably assume the Integral is 0 when L = 00 , but i think that is wrong ...
Haha! Got it! $a(n)=14-(2^n-n+3)mod15$
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